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The Soul, Reincarnation, And Karma


Nov 2, 2007
Pottsville, PA
Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh,

I am new to Sikhism and am trying to learn how to be a Sikh and what Sikhs believe.

The three concepts for which I would appreciate an explanation are Soul, Reincarnation, and Karma.

I have read contradictory statements concerning Sikhism and these tenants. One Sikh scholar wrote that since Guru Nanak rejected the caste system he obviously reject the foundation upon which the caste system was built. This is not obvious to me.

Thank you in advance for your contributions to my understanding. I am so new to Sikhism that I don't even have a name.

here is the link to the above statement
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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Damo_Singh ji

I read the essay that you linked to above. It was fascinating reading. What it demonstrates more than anything else is how modern the Sikh faith is and has always been. Rather than take a position on karma and reincarnation myself, it is more important to acknowledge that Sikhism is not a fountain of orthodoxy-- and there are many points of view on a range of topics like karma. And they all deserve to be heard. The article accentuates the fact that there is room for debate. But at the same time, even the author Baldev Singh stays anchored to Sri Guru Granth Sahib -- which is the foundation of Sikh belief. Always go back to that and all will be OK.

For even more points of view - Here is a link to an online book. The book consists of a number of essays --clear and comprehensive-- that are based on Gurmat. It does not over simplify, and it does not turn an issue into a tangle of threads. One of the best resources for fundamental understanding. Your questions can be answered from links on this main page. Hope you find this helpful.
Sikhism: The Universal Faith

Also comprehensive discussions of fundamental principles, such as karma, can be found at this site.
All About Sikhs

This link is specifically about karma
Gateway to Sikhism : Sikhism FAQs:What is Karma?

And the conclusion of the above article - When an individual learns to submit to His will, he ceases to make new Karma. He offers all his actions to Him; he acts as the instrument of His Will. According to Sikhism, all past Karma may then be erased through the association with saints, and meditation on "The Name".


Apr 3, 2005
Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh,

I am new to Sikhism and am trying to learn how to be a Sikh and what Sikhs believe.

The three concepts for which I would appreciate an explanation are Soul, Reincarnation, and Karma.

I have read contradictory statements concerning Sikhism and these tenants. One Sikh scholar wrote that since Guru Nanak rejected the caste system he obviously reject the foundation upon which the caste system was built. This is not obvious to me.

Thank you in advance for your contributions to my understanding. I am so new to Sikhism that I don't even have a name.

here is the link to the above statement

Dear damo singh ji

The argument of that scholar is not so much valid.Everything in this world is misused by
greedy people from science to sprituality.Look at islam they beleived that 1 allah is true god and other gods which are worshipped by people are false so they went on rampage attacking,killing people and destroying their temples.Now should we also start saying that
concept of 1 god is wrong.


Nov 2, 2007
Pottsville, PA
Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh, aad0002 abd Jds1980 thank you both for your insights.

aad0002, I see you are from PA; I too am living in Eastern PA. As I progress in Sikhi, I may ask your guidance on where things are located if that is alright?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Demo-Singh ji

How nice of you! Of course -- A 2 year newbie myself, can I really be of help? Send me a private message and I will give you my SkypeIn phone number. Have the addresses for all the gurdwaras in PA, and part of New Jersey. You can call me a no cost. And if I don't answer, you can leave a message. It would be a great thing to be able to talk about Sikhi with a neighbor. Almost a neighbor anyway.



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