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To Know God Is To Love Him, Why This Is Not Possible

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

I would like to put forward the proposition that it is impossible to love God.One cannot love that which one cannot see, which one cannot hear, or touch. How can one have a relationship with that which has no form?

It says in the SGGS, that one can never know God, that one should give up trying, as such is a pointless path.

There may be some, those that embrace chanting and meditation that say I am wrong, that it is possible to love God, to know God, to experience God through deep meditation, to those I would say you are only kidding yourselves. As pleasant an experience as meditation is, it is no more taking you closer to God than smoking a big fat joint. This is the path of Buddha, of the Vedas, to experience the living death, to close off all the external stimulus, to go deep inside, away from Maya, from attachment, from relationships, from Creation itself.

I say God is Creation itself, and that is the only way that we can interact with God, and if we are to love God, than the only way we can do this is by loving Creation, not in a hippy dippy love everything without boundaries love, but in the same way you love someone you really care about. When we love, we are taking an interest, we are looking beyond immediate needs, or immediate satisfaction, such is called spoilt love, and is not love at all.When we love purely and deeply, we are not saying we will do anything or go through anything, we are saying we care so much, that we will do whatever it takes to help that person grow, mature, evolve, we will assist in getting that person to where that person should be, this takes logic, thinking, discretion, not just blind love.

We have all heard the great destructive stories of love, of how people can be blinded by love, what people will do for love, it makes you wonder whether something as magnificent as Creator would wish to be even mentioned in the same breathe as such a destructive emotion.

Love does require consideration, to truly love means loving in the way of the eternal truth, true love, true love is not destructive, it is not spoilt, it stands as a beacon all on its own, now, in the past, and forever in the future, devoid of time, We love today and put on pedestals those whom we hated yesterday and hung from the neck, that is the love that we know, the love we would bestow on Creator, until we learn to love in the way of the eternal truth we insult Creator, ourselves, and all those we love.

In my view the SGGS is a living teacher whose sole instruction is how to love Creation, and ultimately Creator, until we have understood it, we have no right playing with a force so powerful, so wonderful, so amazing, it can bring Kings to their knees, destroy countries, wipe out cultures,

Our love should not be a curse, it must be tempered by knowledge of the eternal truth, and only then let loose on Creation, it is this, and only this that in my humble view will unite us with Creation.
Oct 21, 2009
It says in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, that one can never know God, that one should give up trying, as such is a pointless path.

Dear Harry ji,

You have your views about knowing God/meeting him.
Following is a very forceful statement by Guru Gobind Singh ji and that needs no explanation.

Agya bhae Akaal ki, Tabhi Chalayo Panth,
Sabh Sikhan ko Hukum hey Guru Manyo Granth,
Guru Granth ji Manyo Prgaat Guruan ke deh,
Jo Prabh ko Milbo chahe
Khoj Shabad mein le.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

I read this again with my wife yesterday, and commented that I was not quite sure I agreed with it as wholeheartedly as when I had written it. Good, she replied, its good to know I am not the only one that has to put up with the effects of the multiple Harry's that beat in your heart.

Yes, you are quite correct, knowing and loving God are mentioned many many times in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. The above was written very quickly and with much passion, it needs to be rewritten so that the core point can be made without offence or inaccuracy.

Thank you to all those that know me well enough to have understood the point. peacesignkaur
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ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
In my view the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is a living teacher whose sole instruction is how to love Creation, and ultimately Creator, until we have understood it, we have no right playing with a force so powerful, so wonderful, so amazing, it can bring Kings to their knees, destroy countries, wipe out cultures

Harry Ji,

Bhagat Farid's bani is full of such quotes like ...."those rulers whose heads were protected with canopies, have been buried like poor orphans....".



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