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USA US Flags To Fly At Half-staff Till Aug 10 To Honour Gurdwara Shooting Victims

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
US flags to fly at half-staff till Aug 10 to honour Gurdwara shooting victims

To honour victims of the shooting inside a gurdwara in Wisconsin, US President Barack Obama has ordered that the American flags be flown at half-staff at all the US government buildings and its diplomatic missions overseas till August 10.

"As a mark of respect for the victims of the senseless acts of violence in Oak Creek, Wisconsin,... I hereby order that the flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff at the White House and upon all public buildings and grounds, at all military posts and naval stations, and on all naval vessels of the Federal Government in the District of Columbia and throughout the United States and its Territories and possessions until sunset, August 10, 2012," said a proclamation issued by the US President.

"I also direct that the flag shall be flown at half-staff for the same length of time at all United States embassies, legations, consular offices, and other facilities abroad, including all military facilities and naval vessels and stations," the statement said.

On August 5, six persons were killed and three critically injured when a gunman opened fire inside a Gurudwara in Wisconsin as the congregation was making preparations for Sunday morning prayers.



ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
START: 8/6/2012
END: 8/10/2012
US Flags at Half Staff in Honor of Oak Creek, WI Shootings

As a mark of respect for the victims of the senseless acts of violence perpetrated on August 5, 2012, in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, by the authority vested in me as President of the United States by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby order that the flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff at the White House and upon all public buildings and grounds, at all military posts and naval stations, and on all naval vessels of the Federal Government in the District of Columbia and throughout the United States and its Territories and possessions until sunset, August 10, 2012. I also direct that the flag shall be flown at half-staff for the same length of time at all United States embassies, legations, consular offices, and other facilities abroad, including all military facilities and naval vessels and stations.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixth day of August, in the year of our Lord two thousand twelve, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-seventh.


May God bring peace through it all for the loved ones and prevent future sacrifices of the innocent.

Sat Sri Akal.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
I DONT support limiting weapons....its like Banning Cars because people die in road accidents - drunk drivers, mad men at wheels crashing into bus stops school yards etc also included...

IF the idea of Guns being Banned..Controlled..is supported by SIKHS..then what about the 3 ft Naked Swords that some Sikhs waved at the US Embassy in Delhi ?? I have heard plenty of stories of armed men who used swords to kill innocent civilians..do we then ban swords kirpans ??

President Kaleke of the Wisconsin Gurdwara DEFENDED himself and the sangat with his KIRPAN !! What IF the Kirpan had been banned ?? More people could have died ???

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
defenseless unarmed people are easier to kill....in the 1984 Genocide in India...see how the few armed SIKHS were first DISARMED by the Police/Authorities sent in...( WE ARE HERE TO PROTECT YOU )...and then these same police turned away when armed mobs attacked the now defenseless unarmed sikhs...
WHERE EVER the SIKHS REFUSED to surrender their swords and weapons..there the MOBS kept away !! Interesting isnt it ?? The well armed sangats congregated in DEFENDED GURDWARAS were the LEAST ATTACKED....all the killed/massacred were poor lower class sikhs living in slums and without any means of self defense...those were target of mobs.
Nov 23, 2010
I completely disagree. I'm not talking about all guns I'm talking about semi automatic weapons which make it much easier to kill alot of people in a short amount of time. Sure there will always be violent people killing other people but it's not very likely that a man with a sword ,or a non automatic revolver, is going to kill 12 people in 60 seconds.
Countries that have more sensible gun control laws don't see the type and extent of violience that we are seeing in the states now. Much of the problems that we see here in Mexico with gun violence are as a result of the readily availabe arms right across the border. Many laws in the states that limited guns have been since been repealed under pressure from the fanatics of the N.R.A.
In the states guns will never be banned but a more reasonable approach to there availability needs to taken. By the way yes every state can make their own laws but federal law takes presidence over state law.swordfight
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Dec 3, 2011
That is a very good approach that should be taken across the board.

The problem with the states having their own regulations is that in one state it may be illegal to carry a gun in a car, in another it may be OK but illegal if it is concealed!!
In some it's fine to keep it under your bed and shoot an intruder, in others it may be that you have to prove the threat, ie. if intruder had a weapon!!

These differing gun laws also apply in posession and purchase, as we know that the killer in Colorado had purchased everything legally!!

It does take a lot of effort and time to implement new laws into action. But if they just had some more sensible federal laws across US, then perhaps these massacres could be prevented.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Let us be little practical and cautious in our conjectures. For example the following,

1. Knife Example

Chinese teen kills nine in knife attack: reports<cite id="yui_3_5_1_22_1344489544270_383" class="byline vcard"></cite>

<cite id="yui_3_5_1_22_1344489544270_383" class="byline vcard">AFP – <abbr id="yui_3_5_1_22_1344489544270_385" title="2012-08-02T13:12:24Z">Thu, Aug 2, 2012</abbr></cite>

A teenager has been arrested after killing nine people and wounding four others in a knife attack in northeast China, state media reported Thursday.

The 17-year-old, who was identified only by his surname Li, barged into the home of his girlfriend armed with a knife following an argument and killed two relatives of the girl, the Legal Daily said.

As he left his girlfriend's home in Liaoning province's Xinbin county, he stabbed six more people to death and wounded five, it said.

One of the injured died Thursday in hospital, the paper said.

Li was arrested near the scene of the attack, late on Wednesday night, and was taken into custody, the official Xinhua news agency reported.

Police had nabbed him as he was preparing to jump from a building in an apparent suicide attempt, it added.

No other details were immediately available. Calls made to local authorities and police in Xinbin county went unanswered.

Violent crime has been on the rise in China in recent decades as the nation's economy has boomed and the gap between rich and poor has expanded at an alarming rate.

Experts say the increase in assaults shows that China is paying the price for focusing on more than 30 years of economic growth while ignoring problems linked to rapid social change.

Studies have described a rise in the prevalence of mental disorders in China, some of them linked to stress as the pace of life becomes faster and socialist support systems wither.
However, authorities stress that murder, which carries the death penalty, remains far less common than in most Western countries.


2. BOX Cutters

Hopefully we have not forgotten about 911. Bunch of idiots with Box cutters but with perverse smarts killed more than 3500 people.

Unfortunately just as there is good ingenuity for putting intellect to good deeds, there will always be a flip side.

Separately what you guys think about the Sikh Kirpan being suggested to have a blunt edge! Sometimes we lose perspectives and start living in non-real La-La land and philosophize too much.

One has to adapt the ways to protect and defend with the ways and means of the place you are in. There is no other choice.

Humbly submitted for consideration.

Sat Sri Akal.


Jan 5, 2011
Sorry to use this thread - as I am not familiar with how to create new threads - but If I may, I would like to add the following statement from 'Sikhs Against the EDL'.

Statement from 'Sikhs Aganist the EDL' on the subject of mass killings of innocent Sikhs by a racist, neo-Nazi, in Wisconsin, USA.

Following in the footsteps of Andres Brevik, the Norwegian neo-Nazi mass murderer who killed seventy-seven innocent young people in Norway a little over a year ago, a similar neo-Nazi has gunned down with equal brutality six worshippers at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin in the USA, in what is being called a domestic terrorist attack.

The killer, Wade Michael Page, who the US authorities say had strong ‘white supremacist’ links and was part of a far-right music group, himself was shot and killed by a police officer after failing to surrender.

Following the incident, the Sikh community in the USA is in a state of shock and messages of sympathy and support have poured in from around the world.
After Andres Brevik went on the killing spree, Tommy Robinson - the leader of a far-right English Defence League (EDL) which operates in the United Kingdom, made a series of disturbing statements praiseing his actions by saying: “whether you like it or not, that person was quite shrewd. What he did is despicable, but he managed to make people curious”. Robinson has also remarked that Breivik was rather tough as: “he dared to come forward with his opinions”. More so, anti-fascist groups such as Unite Against Fascism have linked several members of the EDL to existing and current white power groups operating in the UK.
Media reports have linked the senseless killings in Wisconsin to the 9/11 terrorist attacks and have claimed that violent hate crimes against Sikhs have occurred due to mistaken identity with Muslims because of the distinct Sikh appearance of wearing Turbans and unshorn beards. This sort of reporting in the media can send an indirect message that attack on Muslims are legitimate.

We are appalled at this careless reporting and believe mistaken identity cannot be used as a justification for these violent actions against any community. Attempts to isolate the Muslim community by far-right groups such as the EDL in the UK have recently been seen in the multicultural town of Luton, where the EDL attempted to hijack a Sikh community protest and turn it against the Muslim community.

Balwinder Singh Rana from the ‘Sikhs Against the EDL’ campaign said: “We are deeply saddened by the recent events at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin and send our sincere condolences to the families of the victims of this cowardly, murderous act and we mourn for our fallen brothers and sister. The Sikh community in Wisconsin has shown tremendous courage in the face of this calamity and we stand with them in their hour of need.”
He further added: “The racists are trying to blame the minorities for all the problems and when they go looking for scapegoats we are an easily identifiable target. They also try to use their ‘divide & rule’ tactics and would like our communities to turn against each other. But now is the time for all minorities and white anti-racists to unite together and show to these racists that they would not win.”

Varinder Singh speaking on behalf of the Turban Campaign commented: "We are shocked at the acts of terrorism that have unfolded at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin over the past day. Our sincere condolences go out to all those affected by this senseless shooting. We are also alarmed at information received via the police authorities that the gunman was affiliated to far-right white supremacy and neo-Nazi groups. This once again highlights the need for proactive measures to be taken against far-right fascist extremism and to tackle Islamophobia."

*** ENDS ***

Additional Notes

There have been a number of racist murders following the murder of Stephen Lawrence in 1993 and prior to 9/11.

According to a report issued by the Institute of Race Relations, there have been 96 racist murders of which 5 of those murdered were Sikhs including Surjit Singh Chhokar in 1998 and Santhokh ‘Peter’ Singh Sandhu in 2000.

Due to the deep and continuing worldwide economic crisis the racist and fascist parties such as the British Freedom Party and (Greek) Golden Dawn are on the increase in many countries and the racist attacks upon the minorities are also up in many countries.

“The threat of far-right extremism warrants more than lip service” home affairs select committee report as reported in the Guardian.

Sources of further information
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ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Let us be little practical and cautious in our conjectures.

So the best plan of action is one of inaction?

The gun control debate has been completely and I might say effectively hijacked by the N.R.A. through the use of fear.
I think it's time the issue was seriously addressed.
Here's a link on the topic.
Linzer veer ji I never suggested inaction. From a community perspective rather than polarize a segment of America with so called "Sikhs against Guns" perhaps we need to reflect and ensure that we address safety and security with the cards dealt to the Sikhs, say in America. I am no proponent of Guns but we also need to note that perhaps the divide in Sikhs in terms of Guns versus no Guns is no different than how it is for America overall. Do we not come from a land where the proliferation of firearms is out of control both legal and otherwise? So what leg we have to stand on to be preaching anything. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji does not suggest that you not protect yourself with means available to you which may include guns depending upon where you are.

Sat Sri Akal.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
animatedkhandaSatwant Singh Kaleka was related to me,so it is a personal loss to me.
But in a way I am also proud that he showed how a true Sikh of Guru Gobind Singh ji should act.

He was a real Sikh Hero. I also know another Kaleke..Ranjit Singh Kaleke, President of the Tatt Khalsa Diwan Kuala Lumpur who was the Prime Mover behind the Ultra Modern 6 storey Wisma Tatt Khalsa Building, car Park and Biggets Largest Guru nanak Darbar Gurdwara Tatt Khalsa In Kuala Lumpur. He passed away about 10 years ago...Because of hisi efforts the Tatt Khalsa Now has a very big INCOME form the Commercial 6 storey building/wedding hall/rooms for rent, car park rental etc. He was avery clsoe friend for nearly 10 years..a HERO too...in a different way !!! He was so sure of himself that he pledged his own luxurious Bungalow worth a few MILLION Malaysian Ringgit to the bank to secure a LOAN to construct the Guru nanak darbar Gurdwara costing 50 million MYR. The Commitee only managed to get the bungalow released back to his fmaily a few years AFTER he had passed away...thats true Personal SACRIFICE !! HEROISM of a different kind.:redturban::redturban::redturban::redturban::redturban: I MISS HIM too..a true Sikh.
Nov 23, 2010
"Sikhs against Guns” ????
This is the kind of monosyllabic, catch phrase silliness that is dumbing down the politcs in States. There seems to be no room for reasonable dialog anymore.
Did you read the link I included?
<FONT size=3>Did you even read what I wrote?<?"urn:
P><P><FONT size=3><FONT face=Calibri>Automatic weapons

The United States is now almost to the point of being a failed state. Last year because of these same fanatical obstructionist idiots, they couldn’t even pass a budget and the government was at the point of closing down. The U.S. is cutting basic services like education, police, and firefighters and meanwhile they spend more on the military than all other countries in the world combined.
Gun Control is just one issue but there are so many more. I think it’s high time reasonable people started to action and take back the once great country that has been stolen by fanatics
There that’s preaching.
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ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Brother Linzer you make sense and did so before. I see lot of good in your thoughts. I believe my only thought was that NRA is a big group of believers and of course a very strong Lobby. There is a very very large percentage of Americans who believe in less Government and freedom of all types.

The only issue is that we should be careful and not mis-direct ourselves and the community as a collective to pick sides and then be a minority that a segment of Americans hates or considers as non-American. To bear arms is a right and judicious execution of such a right needs to be given proper direction and eductaion.

I am not defending and I will never suggest that we do not participate actively. I believe you have directed specifically towards restriction on semi-automatics. I also see little value in such weapons.

Perhaps we need a separate thread on "weaponary" and its place in society. I will be happy if you want to lead such and I will contribute what I can too as appropriate.

Sat Sri Akal.
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