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What Does Meditation Mean In Sikhism?

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
I rather take the drug of the lord so I be one with him forever, then being blind my whole life.
The thing you call taking drug, I call that living in the truth.

Bring me that drug and I'll buy it :D

you do not have to buy it, just embrace Buddhism instead of picking and mixing, for the record, the subject in question is zazen meditation

the wikki entry does not sound particularly in line with Sikhi to me.....


Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
If that makes Canada ji feel connected to god all the time by doing Zazen then thats a great thing.
Drug of the lord is always the best :D

I take it your point is that anyone can do anything they feel as long as there is a supposed connection to god, and still consider themselves a Sikh, does that include Rastafarians?

The Gurus counselled against many practices that they felt were worthless, pointless, ritualistic.,

I think addiction to anything is not healthy, even to the lord. What are your thoughts?


Nov 3, 2011
I take it your point is that anyone can do anything they feel as long as there is a connection to god?

The Gurus counselled against many practices that they felt were worthless, pointless, ritualistic.,

I think addiction to anything is not healthy, even to the lord. What are your thoughts?

It depends on the person if something works for him/her then in my eyes it's ok to follow that.

Addiction to lord is the greatest thing there is. addiction comes from realizing the lord. There is nothing in this universe sweeter then the lord name. Check the quotes in the some previous post I posted. The Guru's and Bhagats were willing to give everything away to find there friend. And then there is me who doesn't even try to make an effort :(

In Sikhi the goal is to be one with the lord, you live in the lord, the lord resides in your heart. We just have to recognize him once we do that you won't find anything more sweet then him. I know it's easier said then done but this is our chance and we should take it. Lord gave us an wonderful opportunity.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
My thought are addiction to lord is the greatest thing there is

My thoughts are that addiction to god is how zealots and fanatics are born, the relationship with god should be healthy and balanced, not addictive, this is unhealthy and unbalanced, especially in Sikhism, where we are expected to live real lives in the real world, not get through life in some sort of doped up trance looking for signs from the almighty. I think such a state is very dangerous indeed.

addiction comes from realizing the lord

I say the opposite, freedom comes from realising the lord

There is nothing in this universe sweeter then the lord name.

this does not even make sense, it sounds flowery and cute, but can you explain what you actually mean, in plain Sikh terms?

In Sikhi the goal is to be one with the lord

I already am one with the lord, the lord is already in me, can you explain exactly what you mean to be at one with the lord? are we talking doped up rejection of the real world again? explain this to me so I understand

you live in the lord the lord resides in your heart. We just have to recognize him once we do that you won't find anything more sweet then him.

him? who his him? god, the lord, is not an Abrahamic deity in Sikhism, who is this him? how do we recognise him? will he wear a red rose in his lapel?

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
It depends on the person if something works for him/her then in my eyes it's ok to follow that.

Given the current infiltration in Sikhism of various practices from other religions that are in effect diluting Sikhism, how do you reconcile this when other Sikhs follow this free for all attitude?


Nov 3, 2011
My thoughts are that addiction to god is how zealots and fanatics are born, the relationship with god should be healthy and balanced, not addictive, this is unhealthy and unbalanced, especially in Sikhism, where we are expected to live real lives in the real world, not get through life in some sort of doped up trance looking for signs from the almighty. I think such a state is very dangerous indeed.

I say the opposite, freedom comes from realising the lord

It's not very dangerous it's the most Beautiful state there is that I know of.

The fanatics are not free from the 5 thieves. Some of them even go so far that they kill out the name of god, while there holy book tells them thats forbidden. Usually there is one preacher who preaches few things to them and they see that as the absolute truth.

However meditation can't be compared with his, since it does the opposite.

this does not even make sense, it sounds flowery and cute, but can you explain what you actually mean, in plain Sikh terms?

If you want Sikh term I suggest you to read Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. And you will understand about sweet the guru's were talking about. BTW often there is used the word Amrit, don't take it literally as water. Try to understand what they are saying.

I already am one with the lord, the lord is already in me, can you explain exactly what you mean to be at one with the lord? are we talking doped up rejection of the real world again? explain this to me so I understand

One with the lord is detached from all worldy attachements fully aware of the lords you live in the lord your one with him, we are already living in his hukam but one also must learn to accept the hukam.

him? who his him? god, the lord, is not an Abrahamic deity in Sikhism, who is this him? how do we recognise him? will he wear a red rose in his lapel?

The same way Guru's and Bhagats reconized him again I suggest you to read the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji they explain very well how they reconized him. So many times that I can't even keep up with.


Nov 3, 2011
Given the current infiltration in Sikhism of various practices from other religions that are in effect diluting Sikhism, how do you reconcile this when other Sikhs follow this free for all attitude?

If something works for someone then you are who are you to tell what one should do and what one shouldn't do.

Only the one with who knows the absolute truth can do that, and who is that?

For e.g. some people do Ramadan according to Sikhism there is no need. But what if Ramadan works for someone and his evils go away by that. Then I don't see why he shouldn't do it.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
If you want Sikh term I suggest you to read Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. And you will understand about sweet the guru's were talking about.

The same way Guru's and Bhagats reconized him again I suggest you to read the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji they explain very well how they reconized him.

but I am asking you, are you unable to provide an answer to the questions?

one with the lord is detached from all worldy attachements

how does one do this? do you mean one should not get married, or get a job?


Nov 3, 2011
but I am asking you, are you unable to provide an answer to the questions?

Because I'm not gonna bother, sorry brother that I'm saying that but it's good to open Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and read it. Because Guru's are talking over and over and over about the same thing. If you really want me to look it up for you I can do it in the morning it's 01:30 am.

how does one do this? do you mean one should not get married, or get a job?

This is a very good question, the thing is that you should realize that this world is materialistic and it will end one that. Only the lord will remain?

Does that mean you don't have to do anything thats related wordly?

No i don't believe that. As a human we have to follow our Dharma(religion) which also helps us to perfect our Karma thats what is so great about having a Dharma for some it also can help also improve self discipline.


Nov 3, 2011
Well the one who knows the absolute truth is the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, and I am afraid it clearly does tell you what one should do and shouldn't do

Very well said :D
Everyone should try to follow there Dharma whatever someone is a muslim, hundu, christian or something else.

If your a muslim be a good muslim, if your a hindu be a good hindu.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Because I'm not gonna bother

no problem

If you really want me to look it up for you I can do it in the morning it's 01:30 am.

Yes, its late, your addiction must be wearing off lol

If your a muslim be a good muslim, if your a hindu be a good hindu.

and if your a Sikh, take practices from all the other religions and go round in circles?


Nov 3, 2011
no problem

Yes, its late, your addiction must be wearing off lol

and if your a Sikh, take practices from all the other religions and go round in circles?

I wish that I was addictive I forget the lord alot :p
If I'm being honest I'm using lord as toy, I'm a very bad person.

I've feel really bad when I think about what the Guru's were willing to do to find god, and then there is me who always think that I know the best.

Also Harry Haller ji, I don't want to be an *** by not giving what you say. I will give you tommarrow the quotes from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji :D

Good Night ji.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Gurmatt is what we are supposed to follow..so there is NO PROVISION for..what works for ???? what doesnt work for ??? etc etc..there is ONLY GURMATT. Period. Gurmatt is in the SGGS because its GURU. Period.

Lets not be fooled by "ROOP" either..see this..such a huge mismatch between ROOP and Language..whewwwwwwwwwwwwwww. The Picture is REAL, the profile is REAL and the language used is REAL.


  • language example.jpg
    language example.jpg
    11.6 KB · Reads: 213
Nov 14, 2008
It's not very dangerous it's the most Beautiful state there is that I know of.

The fanatics are not free from the 5 thieves. Some of them even go so far that they kill out the name of god, while there holy book tells them thats forbidden. Usually there is one preacher who preaches few things to them and they see that as the absolute truth.

However meditation can't be compared with his, since it does the opposite.

If you want Sikh term I suggest you to read Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. And you will understand about sweet the guru's were talking about. BTW often there is used the word Amrit, don't take it literally as water. Try to understand what they are saying.

One with the lord is detached from all worldy attachements fully aware of the lords you live in the lord your one with him, we are already living in his hukam but one also must learn to accept the hukam.

The same way Guru's and Bhagats reconized him again I suggest you to read the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji they explain very well how they reconized him. So many times that I can't even keep up with.

that's a lovely post from a teen ! Meditation/Dhyaan/Simran/Remembrance is central to Sikhi.

i jus wanna suggest you from my experience that never argue with someone spiritually dead , its highly probable that you too might feel that dryness/emptiness .

a sweet shabad related to this ,i know you will enjoy ..


Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
that's a lovely post from a teen ! Meditation/Dhyaan/Simran/Remembrance is central to Sikhi.

i jus wanna suggest you from my experience that never argue with someone spiritually dead , its highly probable that you too might feel that dryness/emptiness .

a sweet shabad related to this ,i know you will enjoy ..


the subject is meditation in Sikhism, the post relates to debate regarding Zazen meditation, my point is that such is not part of Sikhsim,

During zazen, breathe through your nose and keep your mouth closed. (If you have a cold, or some kind of a nasal blockage, its okay to breathe through your mouth.) The tongue is pressed lightly against the upper palate—swallow once, to create a seal and reduce the need to salivate and swallow. The eyes are kept lowered, with your gaze resting on the ground about two or three feet in front of you. Your eyes will be mostly covered by your eyelids, which eliminates the necessity to blink repeatedly. The chin is slightly tucked in. Although zazen looks very disciplined, the muscles should be soft. There should be no tension in the body. It doesn’t take strength to keep the body straight. The nose is centered in line with the navel, the upper torso leaning neither forward nor back.

The hands are folded in the cosmic mudra. The dominant hand is held palm up holding the other hand, also palm up, so that the knuckles of both hands overlap. If you’re right-handed, your right hand is holding the left hand; if you’re left-handed, your left hand is holding the right hand. The thumbs are lightly touching, thus the hands form an oval, which can rest on the upturned soles of your feet if you’re sitting full lotus. If you’re sitting Burmese, the mudra can rest on your thighs. The cosmic mudra tends to turn your attention inward.


I do not think I am spiritually dead, perhaps Luckyji or Chazji could comment on the above, do you regard Zazan as compatible within Sikhism?



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