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  1. Admin

    Heritage Long Wait For Restoration Of Pak Gurdwara Finally Over (Yahoo! India News)

    Long wait for restoration of Pak gurdwara finally over (Yahoo! India News) http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/search/sikh/SIG=11h0853mb/*http%3A//in.news.yahoo.com/060601/48/64q45.html Array Thu, 01 Jun 2006 20:25:23 GMT While the main Sikh gurdwaras situated in Pakistan manage to...
  2. H

    Behaviour In The Gurdwara

    I find that the behaviour in the gurdwara is jsut disgusting. If you were to go to a church, or mosque you would never see anything like what you see at the gurdwara. Elderly women are constanly gossiping and talking in the langar hallls and even the divan halls!:}--}: People let their...
  3. Randip Singh

    Fools Who Wrangle Over Flesh

    FOOLS WHO WRANGLE OVER FLESH FOREWARD The authors of this paper (one a vegetarian and one meat eating Sikh) wrangled hard with their own common sense which told them, dont be a fool and start wrangling over an issue which our great Gurus dismissed as not worthy of discussion. We did...
  4. Admin

    Sikh News Top Cop Honoured At Sikh Gurdwara (Wanstead And Woodford Guardian)

    Top cop honoured at Sikh gurdwara (Wanstead and Woodford Guardian) http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/search/sikh/SIG=13bi4489a/*http%3A//www.wansteadandwoodfordguardian.co.uk/display.var.731798.0.top_cop_honoured_at_sikh_gurdwara.php Array Wed, 19 Apr 2006 08:16:10 GMT THE Sikh community...
  5. drkhalsa

    Shabat Katha? Shabad Kirtan? What Is Going On In Gurdwaras Sahib?

    Taken from http://www.punjabnewsline.com Rababi kirtan can only be revived in India: Bhai Lal Manpreet Kaur Wednesday, 15 March 2006 Manpreet Kaur http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:9wkBI6QYbtM_4M:www.tribuneindia.com/2004/20041019/pun2.jpg PATIALA: "At the time of...
  6. H

    Langar And Its Place In Today's Gurdwara

    Being born and raised in Canada and having gone practically one gurdwara regularly in my life I was surprised to find the huge difference in the Langars served at the local gurdwara and the gurdwaras in India. This topic has currently been the topic of a heated discussion at my local gurdwara...
  7. U

    Is This Right To Display Pictures Of Terrorists In A Gurdwara?

    Sat Sri Akal. At the gurdwara I go to, there is a prominent painting as you enter the langar hall. It pictures the burning complex of the Harmandeer Sahib in the background, with the pictures of Jarnail Bhindranwale on the left, and Beant Singh and Satwant Singh on the right (two bodyguards...
  8. V

    Sikh News SHAME ON GURDWARA COMMITTEE, Www.panthic.org

    SHAME ON GURDWARA COMMITTEE Sunday 13th November, 2005 Fauja Singh – Panthic Weekly Staff MP James Plaskitt (File Photo)Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, UK (KP) - Panthic Weekly has received reports from sources yesterday that Gurdwara Sahib Leamington & Warwick Management Committee violated the...
  9. Archived_Member16

    India Shame On Gurdwara - Biased Headline By Panthic News

    SHAME ON GURDWARA Sunday 13th November, 2005 Fauja Singh – Panthic Weekly Staff MP James Plaskitt (File Photo)Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, UK (KP) - Panthic Weekly has received reports from sources yesterday that Gurdwara Sahib Leamington & Warwick Management Committee violated the...
  10. P

    Medford Gurdwara Responds To Allegations

    The following is Gurudwara Guru Nanak Darbar's official perspective on the recent controversy, as submitted by the gurdwara's secretary, Gurinder Singh Saini, in a letter to The Sikh Times. Despite several requests, however, the gurdwara failed to provide The Sikh Times with a copy of...
  11. Admin

    Sikh News Sikh Gurdwara Hit By Katrina, Holy Book Saved (Hindustan Times)

    Sikh gurdwara hit by Katrina, holy book saved (Hindustan Times) http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/search/sikh/SIG=11v5dg71l/*http%3A//www.hindustantimes.com/news/181_1488063,00050001.htm Array Sat, 10 Sep 2005 10:52:21 GMT A New Orleans gurdwara was partially submerged by waters resulting...
  12. Admin

    Sikh News Sikh Gurdwara Hit By Katrina, Holy Book Saved (Hindustan Times)

    Sikh gurdwara hit by Katrina, holy book saved (Hindustan Times) http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/search/sikh/SIG=11v5dg71l/*http%3A//www.hindustantimes.com/news/181_1488063,00050001.htm Array Sat, 10 Sep 2005 10:52:21 GMT A New Orleans gurdwara was partially submerged by waters resulting...
  13. G

    Hindu Aarti In Gurdwara

    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh, Before I begin, I am writing this article from my own knowledge and if I have written anything wrong or misunderstood anything, please do not hesitate to correct me, I am a Sikh, and I shall learn as a Sikh. I would like to ask how many people...
  14. L

    Gurdwara Managment - Its All Wrong

    Gurdwara Managment: It's all wrong! By Khalsa Starr Part I Today i am a little angry, actually really angry... ok, i'll calm down :roll: However i am very dissapointed by our so called leader here in Vernon BC. Why? First of all, when we agreed to meet up at my place to drop a package, he...
  15. S

    Youths Insulted In Front Of Sangat Gurdwara

    Dear members, I really don't know how to begin but let me make this simple. I have been attending xx xx Gurdwara for many years, did some powerpoint projects where youth loved them. Then also did naam simran which i really was not aware of. As with most sikhs, i let myself go and repeated...
  16. S

    Insulted In Front Of Gurdwara Sangat!

    Dear sikhnet memebers, I really dont know how to begin but let me make this simple. I have been attending xxxx Gurdwara for many years, did some powerpoint projects where youth loved them. Then also did naam simran which i really was not aware of. . As with most sikhs, i let myself go and...
  17. Gyani Jarnail Singh

    Gurdwara Attendees: Pick Your Group ! SATIRE

    A good piece of satirical writing i picked up on another Forum to share with readers here. 20 Types of Gurdwara-Goers The following is a list of twenty observable categories of Sikhs who come to Gurdwara. This list is constructed on the basis of personal observation and the categories are by...
  18. N

    Sikh News SGPC Rejects Demand For Haryana Gurdwara Panel (The Tribune)

    Even as the Special House of the SGPC today rejected the demand for forming a separate gurdwara committee for Haryana, the committee members from Haryana announced that come what may, a committee for Haryana would be formed by getting the Sikh Gurdwara Act 1925 amended...
  19. N

    Sikh News One Year Later, Work Continues On New Richmond Hill Gurdwara (Queens Chronicle)

    One year after the Sikh Cultural Society of New York broke ground for their new $15-million temple, members of the society are optimistic the East Coast’s biggest gurdwara will be completed by the end of next year...
  20. N

    Chicago Gurdwara Asked To Clear Its Stand Over Allowing Guru Granth Sahib

    DIRECTIVE: Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti, Jathedar, Akal Takht, asked the management of a Chicago gurdwara to clear its stand over allowing the Guru Granth Sahib to be taken to hotels. The Akal Takht has given a deadline till April 18 to the Gurdwara Management in this regard. The direction was...