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  1. H

    Does Everyone Understand The Prayers At The Gurdwara

    Ok many people go to the gurudawara and i am sure most do understand what they prayers that are being said mean. Those people who really dont understand what the prayers mean what should they do about it? Not go any more? Shuold Gurudawars start teaching more about what jaap ji saib means or...
  2. spnadmin

    Controversial Akal Takht Seeks Clarification From Gurdwara Rochester Management USA

    By Gurpreet Singh Mehak FATEHGARH SAHIB: World Sikh Council-America Region (WSC-AR), a representative body of Sikh institutions of America has hailed the directions of Akal Takht on Gurdwara of Rochester(GOR), New York. Dr Taranjit Singh, secretary general of WSC-AR informed this...
  3. spnadmin

    India Green "Hola Mohalla" Festival Planned At Punjab Gurdwara

    Chandigarh, March 12 (IANS) The Takht Keshgarh Sahib gurdwara at Anandpur Sahib and the Ropar district administration of Punjab have banned the use of plastic material and other pollutants during the Hola Mohalla celebrations at the shrine next week, an environment group official said...
  4. spnadmin

    USA Austin Gurdwara Asks Texas Supreme Court To Stop Its Destruction

    By Anju Kaur, SikhNN staff writer, Washington Bureau Posted: Wednesday, March 02, 2011 | 08:11 pm Religious intolerance was allegedly the motivation behind a Texas couple’s court battle to stop the construction of a gurdwaaraa in their neighborhood, which ultimately resulted in an appellate...
  5. S

    United Sikhs United Sikhs Intervenes To Protect Austin Gurdwara Sahib From Being Demolished

    • Austin Gurdwara Sahib (AGS) faces the possibility of removal (destruction) based on the Texas Appellate Court's judgment. • UNITED SIKHS has intervened and filed an AMICUS BRIEF with the Texas Supreme Court to ensure our voice is heard and that Sikh religious freedoms are not so easily...
  6. findingmyway

    Heritage Saving Gurdwaras In Pakistan

    Written by an anonymous author. Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh. I wish to share a concern that has evolved with the developments that are taking place in Pakistan in the last few years and their effects on Sikh historical sites. Since the partition of India and the creation of...
  7. spnadmin

    USA Plymouth Gurdwara Sahib Opens Its Doors To The Community

    Although only about 15 people attended Sunday’s open house at Gurdwara Sahib of Plymouth, those that did said they learned a lot about the Sikh faith. “It was wonderful," said Mary Heid of Plymouth. “The more I learn about different religions, the more I believe they are similar.” Heid belongs...
  8. spnadmin

    Heritage Help Tell The Story Of Sikhs In Kenya ! (Image From Dar Es Salaam 1929)

    Dar-es-salaam Gurdwara committee from 80 years ago. 1929 Respected forum members. We have obtained this wonderful image, from forum member Gyani Jarnail Singh ji. But it needs some narrative. So much can be learned about the Kenya Sikhs. If anyone was a member of the sangat in Kenya and...
  9. spnadmin

    USA Court Lifts Ban On Carrying Kirpan At Rochester Gurdwara In USA

    Court lifts ban on carrying kirpan at US gurdwara Tribune News Service Amritsar, January 18 A local court in Rochester (USA) has lifted the ban on carrying a kirpan into the Gurdwara Sahib Rochester almost six months after it was imposed in view of some a bid by some persons to take...
  10. C

    General Amusing Occurrences

    Hi all, I'm definitely not one to give too much thought to superstition (and I know that doing so is decidedly un-Sikh). I am however researching Sikhism with all my heart and giving it the full benefit of doubt in all areas, and the events of yesterday and today, well.. amused me. Last night...
  11. spnadmin

    Gurdwara Sahib Titiwangsa Sets Programmes, Calendar Per Nanakshahi 2011 (Purewal)

    Dear Satsangat, Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh. A list of programmes for the months of January and February 2011 are attached for your reference. Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay in preparing and sending out the programmes. As you might be aware, Sikhs...
  12. spnadmin

    Singapore Sikhs - Gurdwara Programs And Celebrations

    Celebration of Parkash Diwas of Sri Guru Gobind Singh
  13. spnadmin

    Sikhs In The City: Manhattan Gurdwara Hosts Kirtan And Langar

    “Sikhs in the City” The NY Punjabi and Sikhs Meetup Group Please join us for kirtan at our Gurdwara in Murray Hill. This once a month event organized by the volunteers of the Manhattan Sikh Association welcomes everyone to participate in this small, personal gathering to listen to kirtan...
  14. spnadmin

    Legal SGPC V Bagga Singh & Others (What Is A Gurdwara?)

  15. spnadmin

    United Sikhs Arbitration Needed For Gurdwara Disputes (World Sikh Council-American Region)

    A group of American gurdwaras initiated a plan this month to create a venue for settling disputes that would reduce the large number of court cases that funnel out gurdwara resources. The World Sikh Council – America Region, at its recent convention, discussed forming a ‘connectional church’...
  16. M

    Gurdwara Contacts In West Yorkshire?

    Hi, Waheguru Jee Ka Khalsa Waheguru Jee Kee Fateh Have been on the path of exploring Sikhi for a number of years now and have been lucky enough to have some wonderful dialogue with many Sikhs from all over the world. I now live in the West Yorkshire area (UK) after many years living...
  17. Archived_Member16

    Controversial UK Sangat Prevents Beadbi At Grays Gurdwara

    UK SANGAT PREVENTS BEADBI AT GRAYS GURDWARA UK SEWADARS | Published on October 17, 2010 GRAYS, ESSEX - On Saturday 16 October, at least 250 Gursikhs, which included men, women, children, young and old from across the UK, travelled to Grays Gurdwara to prevent the Beadbi of meat and...
  18. spnadmin

    Heritage First Sikh Multimedia Museum Opened At Dixie Gurdwara

    By A Staff Reporter Mississauga: A central interactive console and painted images glorying Sikh history form the first Sikh Multimedia Museum which opened its doors at the Dixie Gurdwara last Sunday. This first of-its-kind museum outside India was declared open by Mississauga Mayor Hazel...
  19. Chaan Pardesi

    India Fireworks Display To Stay At Sikh Gurdwara Sri Harmandir Sahib

    Fireworks display to stay at Sikh Gurdwara Sri Harmandir Sahib Written by GlobalSikhNews on 14. Oct, 2010 in Having contemplated replacing traditional fireworks display with a laser show at Harmandar Sahib for the past couple of years, the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC)...
  20. spnadmin

    Gurdwara Live Video Broadcasts From Sikhnet (Consult Schedule)

    Every Sunday Gurdwara is broadcast live from the local Gurdwara in Espanola, New Mexico (USA). The broadcast starts at around: 10:00 AM and ends around 1PM (Mountain Standard Time), sometimes a little before or after. The broadcast is going all the time, but you will only hear Kirtan or audio...