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guru nanak

  1. Ambarsaria

    Guru Nanak Dev Ji: Who Are You And What Is Your Name, Path And Purpose? 1

    In the early part of Sidh Gohst, Guru Nanak Dave ji are asked these questions. This is almost in a format of a respectful Question/Answer or Interview style of composition. We learn of Gur Nanak Dev ji’s succinct thoughts on many a common philosophically and worldly questions. Let us...
  2. Ambarsaria

    Guru Nanak Dev Ji: A Positive Example Of Respectful Dialog! Preamble

    At the beginning of Sidh Gohst, Guru Nanak Dave ji spell out the approach and decorum of discourse in Sidh Gohst. Let us review the following, Some aspects described in the above, A respectful gathering with, Enthusiastic participation Recognition of the supreme creator Respect...
  3. S

    Controversial A Preacher Telling Guru Nanaks Guru Was Kabir And Other Misinterpretations

    Hello folks, now i never want to start inter religion controversy but this one is surely of the next level for example he says kabir is guru of guru nanak!!!! and he says god is not nirakar but sakar example he gives is this मलार महला १ ॥ (Page 1257, श्री गुरु ग्रंथ साहिब जी) - गुरु...
  4. V

    Guru Nanak Talks To Siddhas Of Himalayas - 2

    The Yogis ask Guru Nanak: कवन तुमे किआ नाउ तुमारा कउनु मारगु कउनु सुआओ ॥ साचु कहउ अरदासि हमारी हउ संत जना बलि जाओ ॥ कह बैसहु कह रहीऐ बाले कह आवहु कह जाहो ॥ नानकु बोलै सुणि बैरागी किआ तुमारा राहो ॥२॥ सुआओ - उद्देश्य; मनोरथ (Objective, Aim); कह बैसहु - कहाँ रहते हो (Where do you live) |...
  5. V

    Islam Guru Nanak Talks To Shaikh Ibrahim

    It is said that this sloka was uttered by the holy tongue of Guru Sahib on a very special occasion. During one of his Udasi, he met Sufi Saint Shaikh Ibrahim (descendant in the lineage of Baba Shaikh Farid). During the conversation between them, Shaikh Ibrahim requested Guru Nanak to reveal him...
  6. V

    Are You Gurumukh Or Manmukh ?

    Guru Nanak in Guruvani has classified human being in two categories: Manmukh (Governed by their mind), Gurumukh (Governed by their spiritual guru). He beautifully explains the miseries faced by manmukh in a shabad (Adi Granth, Page 1028-30): असुर सघारण रामु हमारा || घटि घटि रमईआ रामु...
  7. V

    Guru Nanak Talks To Siddha In Himalaya - 1

    Snuggled in the Guru Granth Sahib on pages 938-946 are seventy-three exquisite stanzas that encapsulate the philosophy of Guru Nanak. Written in a musical measure is a discourse between Guru Nanak and the Nath yogis. The latter were ascetics (siddhs) who had renounced the world and made their...
  8. Kamala

    Any Japji Sahib Videos With Translation (aarth) In Punjabi?

    Yes, I usually come uppon videos with the translation in english and the meaning in english, but does anyone know a video where there is the meaning in punjabi?
  9. Gyani Jarnail Singh

    What Type Of Sucham Guru Nanak Ji Taught Us Sikhs To Keep?

    http://rozanaspokesman.com/fullpage.aspx?view=main&mview=Jan&dview=15&pview=6 This is the type of Sucham Guur Nank Ji taught us Sikhs to keep...the Sucham of HONEST LABOUR..not to even TOUCH something not earned honestly....BUT Sikhs ran after the Pandits and the Bippar Brahmins..and adopted...
  10. Kamala

    What Was Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Last Name?

    It would help if you answer this please. Note to admin: Why did you delete my prev thread? You could have messaged me and explained.
  11. Admin

    Gurus Authenticity Of Portrait Of Guru Nanak?

    There seems to be a image circulating internet these days claiming to be a portrait of Guru Nanak. Does anybody has any concrete information about its origin? Gurfateh
  12. TigerStyleZ

    Was (Guru) Guru Nanak Dev Ji A Sikh?

    Hi dears, after i thought about our (Guru) Guru Nanak Dev ji, a question poped up in me... Was our beloved Guru really a Sikh? I know that he said : Na koi Hindu, Na koi Musalman - There is no Hindu, and there is no Muslim. He only said that he is a slave of god, but i never heard that he, by...
  13. Admin

    We Are One: LGBT Rights And Guru Nanak's Legacy Of Inclusion

    This week, I join my fellow Sikhs around the world in celebrating the birth of Guru Nanak, a mystic poet, saint and revolutionary who was born in Punjab in 1469 and went on to found our faith. Our history tells us that when he was about 30 years old, Guru Nanak disappeared for three days while...
  14. Ambarsaria

    Draw Inspiration From Guru Nanak's Message: Obama

    Sending best wishes to the Sikh community on the birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev, US President Barack Obama today said that people can draw inspiration from his message of equality, honesty and helping those in need. "As Sikhs across America and around the world celebrate the...
  15. D

    UK Comic Book On Guru Nanak To Be Released In December 2011

    April 15, 1469, three hours before dawn, the village of Talwandi, about forty miles south-west of Lahore witnessed the birth of one of the greatest spiritual leaders of all times. When the child was born, a flash of light filled the home of Mehta Kalu Bedi and wife Tripta. And when he took his...
  16. Archived_Member16

    Gurus GREETINGS: Birth Anniversary Of Guru Nanak Dev Ji

    GREETINGS: Birth Anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Ji We celebrate Guru Nanak Dev Ji's 543rd birth anniversary on November 10, 2011. Let's celebrate Guru Ji's birthday by pledging to follow the path he laid down for us through ten human lives culminating in the 'jyot' of Guru Nanak...
  17. spnadmin

    Ik Onkar Parvaar Guru Granth Academy November 6 Guru Nanak Gurpurab Celebration

    GURPURB of GURU NANAK DEV JI TO BE CELEBRATED AT GURU GRANTH SAHIB ACADEMY A special kirtan diwan will be held at the academy on Sunday November 6th, 2011 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Singh Sahib Prof. Darshan Singh ji will be doing kirtan as well as the youth kirtani jathas' of GGSA and...
  18. Archived_Member16

    India Guru Nanak Dev University To Have Satguru Ram Singh Chair

    Guru Nanak Dev University to have Satguru Ram Singh Chair Tribune News Service Chandigarh, October 25 Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal gave approval for budgetary allocation of funds to the already existing chair in the name of Satguru Ram Singh at Guru Nanak Dev University in...
  19. bscheema

    Nishan Sahib Placed In Gurudwara Guru Nanak Dev University , Amritsar

    Last month Nishan sahib placed in university Gurudwara (GuruGuru Nanak dev university,Amritsar ) after 25 yeas of establishment of Gurudwara in university ,it was cherishing day for all student organizer.the sewa shambal of Gurudwara is all done by students , some old student told that they had...
  20. R

    Coinage Rarest Coin Of 1804 With Pic Of Shree Guru Nanak Dev Ji

    http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=185984268135344&set=a.163440420389729.41189.100001713166407&type=1&ref=nf Rajneesh Madhok