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guru nanak

  1. K

    Japji Sahib

    gurfateh, japji sahib's sateek by bhai sahib bhai veer singh ji is a life changing sateek,guru has given a good (vichaar) understanding of everything in that satik thru bhai sahib veer singhji. guru kirpa and i would luv to say gurfateh to all members here...
  2. K

    Gurbani Kirtan #13 - Kal Taaran Guru Nanak Aayaa

    Gurbani Kirtan Mp3 Player - Shabad #13 - Kal Taaran Guru Nanak Aayaa Vaar 1 Pauri 23 of Vaaran Bhai Gurdas Vaar 1 Pauri 23 Coming of the Guru suxI pukwr dwqwr pRB gur nwnk jg mwihM pTwXw] sunee pukaar dhaathaar prabh gur naanak jag maahin pathaayaa|| The benefactor Lord listened to the...
  3. B

    Jayanti/Birthday Of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji

    Dear Members, Sat Sri Akal. I am a practicing Hindu in the traditional way, who has a lot of respect for Sikh faith and its Gurus. I especially find very encouraging and spiritually inspiring the life and words of the first Guru Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji and tenth Sri Guru Govind Singh Ji...
  4. A

    General Guru Nanak Devji Guru Purub

    WJKK, WJKF As we approach Guru Nanak Devji's Gurupurub which falls on 05 Nov, I feel inclined to do something for the community this year. Something different, something more than just contributing maya for the langar or sewa in cooking. Something more meaningful. Any ideas anyone ?
  5. Admin

    Gurus Guru Nanak Dev Ji

    Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born into the turbulence of the middle ages at Talwandi today called Nankana Sahib, now in Pakistan. Bhai Gurdas Ji an eminent Sikh poet and historian writes: ‘The rulers had become ruthless, carrying butchers knives under their sleeve for slaying the poor.. The light of...
  6. K

    English Teeka Of Japji Sahib

    there is english teeka of japji sahib available on the following site.i advise all the people who cannot read punjabi should read this teeka it will give them much better understanding of gurbani. http://www.heavenlygardens.org/japjie/index.htm
  7. K

    Grubani Kirtan #5 - Guru Nanak Meri Paij

    Gurbani Kirtan Mp3 Player - Shabad #5 - Guru Nanak Meri paij SGGSJ Ang 806 Bilaaval Guru Arjan Dev iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] bilaaval mehalaa 5 || Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: sWiq pweI guir siqguir pUry ] saanth paaee gur sathigur poorae || The Guru, the Perfect True Guru, has blessed me with peace and...
  8. B

    Have We Failed Guru Nanak Dev Ji?

    In other word have we failed Guru Nanak. We have lost the essence of sikhism . In the name of maryada we have introduced rituals and practices. The riturals have become more important than the values and essence of sikhism. While sikh politicians are mostly responsible for the state of...
  9. Archived_Member16

    In Kaljug, Guru Nanak Is The Saviour !

    This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Soohee on Pannaa 749 sUhI mhlw 5 ] ijs ky isr aUpir qUM suAwmI so duKu kYsw pwvY ] boil n jwxY mwieAw mid mwqw mrxw cIiq n AwvY ]1] myry rwm rwie qUM sMqw kw sMq qyry ] qyry syvk kau Bau ikCu nwhI jmu nhI AwvY nyry ]1] rhwau ] jo qyrY rMig rwqy...
  10. J

    Gurus Guru Nanak Dev Ji & Sons

    WGJKK WGJKF Can anyone point me to some information about the lessons and/or dialogue recorded between Guru Nanak Dev Ji and his sons. Jaswinder Singh
  11. K

    Power Of Pauri's In Japji Sahib Query

    For eg from the link below: http://www.sikhnet.com/sikhnet/sikhism.nsf/d9c75ce4db27be328725639a0063aecc/0b0fda39d893f20d872565b7007b33cc!OpenDocument "FIRST Pauri ("Sochai soch na hova-ee") The total knowledge of God and esctasy is contained in this Pauri. The rest of Japji Sahib is an...
  12. A

    Gurus Was Guru Nanak God?

    i just got home from the local Gurdwara, and there there was a sikh from England who claimed that Guru Nanak was God himself.... i thought he was ridiculous and went home to research and found these verses. Page 136, Line 10 ਹਰਿ ਗੁਰੁ ਪੂਰਾ ਆਰਾਧਿਆ ਦਰਗਹ ਸਚਿ ਖਰੇ ॥ हरि गुरु पूरा आराधिआ दरगह सचि खरे...
  13. C

    Guru Nanak?

    Hi ALL!!! my names Ruby..first time poster..rock on me!!! :wah: haha anyways simple question..I'm not an overly religious person, as in I'm not a bapatized sikh or what not..but I do most definately believe in GOD and try to go to the gurdwara whenever possible..my mom is quite religious...
  14. Arvind

    Gurus Travels Of Guru Nanak

    Dhan dhan Guru Nanak Dev ji travelled distant places to initiate inter-faith dialogue, and to preach values for humanity and worthy life
  15. khalsaforce

    Gurus Guru Nanak Dev Jee In Baghdad

    The following account of Guru Nanak's visit to Baghdad was taken from The Divine Master, Lahore 1930 by Sewaram Singh, published in Punjab: Past and Present and Guru Nanak's Visit to Baghdad, by Manjeet Singh, The Sikh Review, Oct-Nov. 1969 -- Editor Map of Baghdad in 1931 shows the location of...
  16. H

    Sikhs Failed To Follow And Spread Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Message

    Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Message to alll Humanity was for Freedom of worship of the Only One (By what ever name we know him in our heart) is the key to attain spiritual bliss while living normal life without ritualistic superstitions or religious dogmas. More than believing in truth Sri Guru...
  17. H

    Bhagats Bhagat Preym Araditang Sanskrit Shabad Guru Nanak Kathaa: Qualities Of A True Devotee

    gUjrI mhlw 1 Gru 4 (505) Goojaree, First Mehl, Fourth House: ang 505 Bibi Har Simirat Kaur Khalsa Guru Granth Parchar Mission of USA 510-432-5827 harsimiritkaur@khalsa.com siqgur pRswid ] One Universal Creator God. By The...
  18. Archived_Member16

    Sikh News Guru Nanak's Birthday Celebrated

    http://planetguru.com/Articles/ArticleDetail.aspx?ChannelId=News&ArticleId=22037# Guru Nanak's b’day celebrated New Delhi, Nov 15 (IANS) Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Tuesday led Sikhs around the world in remembering Guru Nanak, the founder of the faith, on his 536th birth...
  19. K

    Happy Gurpurab-guru Nanak Dev Ji,s Birthday

    A Very Happy Gurpurab To All .gurpurab Di Lakh Lakh Vadhai Hove
  20. drkhalsa

    Japji Sahib - The Song Of The Soul

    Nishaan Magazine did a nice review of the beautiful Japji translation that my friend Ek Ong Kaar Kaur did. I thought you all might enjoy reading the review and some of the translation. for bigger picture click here http://web3.sikhnet.com/InniPoem.pdf