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  1. N

    Islam Islam Seeking To Make Inroads Into American Education System

    Have you noticed what has happened in European countries as Muslims have steadily increased in population and influence? The violence? Anti-Semitism? Assasinations? If not, you should read up on it, and then consider what Islam authority Daniel Pipes has to say on the subject. It is not...
  2. N

    Foil Conspiracy Against Islam, Says Nizami

    City News -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Foil conspiracy against Islam, says Nizami By Staff Reporter Nov 25, 2004, 11:21 Email this article Printer friendly page Access News Photos Ameer of Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh and...
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    Islam Talk On Women's Rights In Islam

    Bandar Seri Begawan - A `Women Today' seminar was organised yesterday for female civil servants from various government ministries. Topics presented at the two-day seminar, which will conclude today, were `A Wife's Role in Strengthening Islamic Family Institutions', `Civil and Islamic Laws...
  4. N

    Islam Islam Provides Complete Code For Moderation Of Human Society

    KARACHI, Nov 25 : A United States-based Muslim scholar of Egyptian origin has said that Islam provides most comprehensive code and guidance for moderation of the human society, as it leaves no room for rigidity or intolerance. Dr Fathi Osmani was delivering a lecture on "The role of...
  5. N

    Islam Iraq's Sunni Accuse Shia Of Selling Out Islam

    In west Baghdad's Omar al-Khattab mosque, a Sunni preacher assails his Shia compatriots for failing to come to the aid of the besieged city of Falluja. “Those of the black turbans” Iraq's Shia clergy “are but traitors and agents of America. It is they who have provoked the Amer-icans to...
  6. N

    Islam Under The Cover Of Islam

    Toronto -- As a young Canadian Muslim who has called for reform in Islam, I've been traveling throughout North America and Europe over the past year. Last week, I toured France and Spain. God help me. I didn't expect a warm reception from fellow Muslims. But now, I'm also not sure that liberal...
  7. N

    Islam Dealing With Insults To Islam

    would like to answer to the article of M. Ali, from Manchester U.K. published in the Jakarta Post on Nov. 9, titled Right way to deal with insults to Islam. As a Frenchman, it is obvious that my country neither follows President Bush's policy on Palestine or Iraq, nor agrees with the...
  8. N

    Islam Woman As Gudiya: Her Ordeal Amounts To Negation Of Islam

    Woman as Gudiya: Her Ordeal Amounts to Negation of Islam SYEDA HAMEED [ MONDAY, OCTOBER 04, 2004 12:00:00 AM ] The Gudiya episode gives us an opportunity to examine the Qur'an and its spirit vis-a-vis women. During the Prophet's time, women freely questioned him on their status in the holy...
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    Islam Islam And The Challenge Of Democracy

    SikhSpectrum.com Quarterly Issue No.17, August 2004 Islam and the Challenge of Democracy Yoginder Sikand The relationship between Islam and democracy is a much discussed and hotly debated issue. Given the diverse...
  10. N

    Islam Conversion To Islam

    Read this on Sikhnet.... I personally agree to what is happening.... what is your opinion...
  11. N

    Islam Music Is Haram In Islam?

    Please discuss...
  12. R

    Christianity Why Do I Believe In Jesus? An Ex-sikhs Journey In Faith

    Why do I believe in Jesus? (An ex-Sikh’s Journey in Faith) What makes Christianity different from all other religions in the world? Why is Jesus different from the likes of, Mohammed, Buddha, Guru Nanak, Krishna and Rama? Let me begin by emphasizing that I am not going to get into the details...
  13. T

    Islam Islam And Science

    1 - The 3 Postulates of the Principle of Eternity: The Principle of Eternity is based on three eternal Laws that are stated as Postulates: Next: How Divine Realities are reflected in Science Table Of Contents Guestbook 1st Postulate Allah is the only Eternal...
  14. Admin

    Islam Interesting Topic On Islam

    On the topic of Islam - Review: Fr . Jacques Emily The events that occurred in the US on Monday, September 11th shocked the world both by their sheer violence as well as by the cool and calculated determination with which the emblems of "invincible American power" had been hit. It is not...
  15. T

    Islam Women Scholars Of Islam

    Women Scholars of Islam: They Must Bloom Again Dr. Mohammad Omar Farooq Courtesy: Monthly Message International [August-September 2003] Ever since becoming conscious about Islam on one hand and the contemporary social reality on the other, I have often been disturbed by realizing...
  16. R

    Islam Sikhism And Islam

    I have heard it claimed somewhere that there is an uneasy understanding of peace between Sikhs and Muslims. I am curious - is there any truth to this perception, and what is the basis for it? Is it a political decision, ie, set alliance against larger ideological oppressors or foes? Or is...
  17. N

    Islam Gurmat And Islam : A Study By Dr. Kanwar Ranvir Singh

    Both faiths recognise the Oneness of God and regard it as human duty to follow what they describe as the hukm, the Divine Will. However, they differ on the content of this hukm. For Muslims, it can be derived from the Holy Koran, the hadith of the Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him), the...
  18. P

    Many People Think That Sikhism Is A Sect Of Islam Or Hinduism

    Q: Many people think that Sikhism is a sect of Islam or Hinduism and many others think that Sikhism is a combination of Islam and Hinduism. What do Sikhs say about this topic? A: Sikhism is an individual religion formed by God through Sikh Guru. God sent Guru Nanak Dev Ji to the this...