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  1. Admin

    Opinion Who The Hell Are Sikhs? And Why Do They Wear The Turban?

    By Preet KS Bedi Guru Nanak was born to a Hindu family in 1469. Had there been application forms to fill chances are he would have referred to himself as Hindu. His successors and followers would probably have called themselves Nanakpanthis. There is general agreement that Sikhism remained a...
  2. Admin

    Sikhism More Than Just Another Religion

    Everything you need to know about this progressive Indian religion. From living in the south all my life, I’ve become pretty versed in Christian practices and teachings. Being introduced to a new religion isn’t something that happens every day, but when my grandparents, who came to America from...
  3. Harry Haller

    Homeopathy And Sikhism

    Are they compatible? What exactly is Homeopathy?
  4. Admin

    How Did Sikh Heritage Become Hostage To Hostilities Between India And Pakistan?

    The grievances that gave birth to the Khalistan movement are alive. They find a platform in gurdwaras across the border. Just outside the main complex of the shrine where the samadhi and the grave of Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, are believed to be located is the sacred well from where...
  5. Admin

    Sikhism Sikhism Thrives In The City Of Middleton

    Every Sunday morning, a stream of local Sikhs flows into the gurudwara on Century Avenue. Out of the damp spring air they enter a tall, spacious building filled with the warm aromas of sweet and savory foods and spiced tea. The melodic songs that are a central part of their worship greet their...
  6. Admin

    How Sikhs Made Me Who I Am: Part 1

    This post is part one of a 2-part series of my reflection on Sikhism in the wake of the August 5th, 2012 shooting in Wisconsin. I intended to only write one article (on the topic of part 2), but as I wrote, this is what came. After the tragic shooting at a gurudwara in Wisconsin on August 5th...
  7. Admin

    Religion and Economic Growth: Elements from Sikhism 2016-04-19

    WORKING PAPER NO: 509 Religion and Economic Growth: Elements from Sikhism Charan Singh RBI Chair Professor Economics & Social Science Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore – 5600 76 Ph: 080-26993818 charansingh@iimb.ernet.in Abstract: The Sikh...
  8. Tejwant Singh

    Interfaith Regarding Terrorism: From A Muslim, Jew, Christian And Sikh

    As we review events going back to September 11, 2001, and before, we observe with horror an increase in the incidence of terrorism on our planet. We observe much of that emanating from the Middle East, the home of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. We observe a tradition from India, Sikhism, that...
  9. Ishna

    Life Before Sikhi?

    Some religions have a clause built into them for their followers; don't concern yourself with the deep and meaningful stuff of your religion until you're older. Two examples come to mind: Jews don't get into their mystical tradition (Kabbalah) until they turn 40 years old, and similar for some...
  10. IJSingh

    Hard Talk When Our Quirks Define Us (A Parable Revisited)

    What face do we show the world? How do we define ourselves? These are questions that are vital and fundamental to our sense of self. They are at the root of what we call our personality. They make us what we are – whether overly modest to the point of becoming the face of humility or...
  11. Harry Haller

    Sikh Why Are You A Sikh?

    I had a car accident yesterday, I was stopped and turning right, when I heard a loud bang, and the whole car shuddered forward. I got out, to be met by a young man in a Mini, unfortunately his entire front end was mangled, although my rear bumper seemed to have done a fairly good job and was...
  12. B

    I Give Up

    I have spent a great deal of my lifetime attempting to be the person that those around me have thought I should be. I have played the game and have performed the dance for far too long. Not everything is woe and for want. I have two beautiful children who are making their own way in society and...
  13. Inderjeet Kaur

    Legal Sikhism Is Recognized As A Religion In Chile

    The Sikh religion gets legal recognition in Chile, granting protection and security to the Sikh community. Chile has approximately 200 spiritual paths legally recognized by its government. The Sikh religion, however, was not included. For Sikhs, the pain is no more. The Chilean Government has...
  14. Admin

    Sikhi About The Average Sikh

    They say that the average American does not know the difference between a Sikh and a Muslim. They tell me the average American associates a turban and a beard with ISIS, Taliban or Bin Laden. That's okay because the average Sikh does not have "fear" in their vocabulary. We are not the...
  15. J

    Sikhism And Apostasy

    Alright, I am just wondering whats Sikhism reaction to Apostasy, because I heard that for Islam that they kill those who leave their faith? I know that Sikhism doesn't do that, but what do they do when someone leaves their faith? Also, I am not leaving Sikhism I am just wondering.
  16. Admin

    Introducion To Sikhism

    Admin Singh submitted a new resource: Introducion To Sikhism - A brief presentation on Sikhism in Powerpoint Read more about this resource...
  17. Admin

    Introducion To Sikhism 2016-02-11

    A brief presentation on Sikhism in Powerpoint
  18. Admin

    Hard Talk Legacy Of Siropa In Sikhism?

    Giving out Siropas Nilly Willy by Manvir singh What is a Siropa? A Siropa is placed around the neck, but is intended to be worn on the head as a Dastaar (turban). From the name “Siropa”, the word “Sir” means “head”, illustrating that the Siropa is meant to be worn as a Dastaar however is...
  19. Admin

    Hard Talk You’re Killing Sikhism In America: An Open Letter To Gurdwara Committees

    Dear Gurdwara Committees, To put it bluntly, you’re killing Sikhism in America. On Sunday, January 10th, a video capturing a dramatic fight at the Turlock Sikh Temple in California went viral. The images of men and women shouting, punching and even hitting each other with weapons, present a...
  20. Admin

    Hard Talk Idols Of Sikh Gurus Being Sold In Market

    The markets are flooded with idols costing between Rs 50 and Rs 1,500. Made of marble powder, metal or stone and gold plated, they are being sold in leading gift shops. A random survey reveales that a majority of these idols are imported from China, besides being sourced from Mumbai...