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Islam 10 Questions To Sikhs From Muslims


Nov 15, 2006
your conclusion that Guru nanak refuted the Quran is wrong.

guru nanak refuted the rituals being followed by qazis and brahmin pandas

and i am taking the liberty to state that even he would refute the current concept of sikhi if he came to the world today.

Unfortunately I agree with you on the last part and it is a cold and hard to face fact that the community of sikh's has destroyed the religion by worrying about the little things like whether or not to worship the Dasam Granth, Halal meat, and other trivial matters and are not facing problems on equality and the class system which plague the youth...the Guru's would not be pleased with what we did:8-:)


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
<it is written in quran that every body should embrace islam and accept mohammed as last prophet.>>

can you quote the verses from quran?


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
dear KDS ji

my only contention is that - we donot know quran well...hence doesn't make sense to refute Quran...

btw there are verses in SGGS which refute the rituals...but not Quran..

oh...btw... do u mean to say that by not accepting hinduism or islam or christianity...you prove that they are wrong ?

this is against any deductive logic...


Apr 3, 2005
<it is written in quran that every body should embrace islam and accept mohammed as last prophet.>>

can you quote the verses from quran?

"If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah (God) never will It be accepted of Him" (Soorah Aal'imraan 3:85)


Apr 3, 2005
dear KDS ji

my only contention is that - we donot know quran well...hence doesn't make sense to refute Quran...

amarsanghera ji

i agree with you that we do not know quran well but we do know basic principles of islam,accepting mohammed as last prophet and islam as true religion.

btw there are verses in SGGS which refute the rituals...but not Quran..

oh...btw... do u mean to say that by not accepting hinduism or islam or christianity...you prove that they are wrong ?

this is against any deductive logic.

first of all i do not have full knowledge of other religions neither i am creating
other path to god.i am satisfied by sikhism.our guru's created path of sikhi
it means they were not satisfied by other religions

btw on what basis you are claiming that our guru's did not refuted quran

quran and sggs are quite opposite


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
<our guru's created path of sikhi
it means they were not satisfied by other religions>

this is because... religion has no place in relationship of human and God.

the creator and creation.

religion is another form of Maya jaal

you like it or not...i view it this way..

guru nanak showed us the way...did not start a religion..

he said..i am neither hindu, nor muslim...

he did not say...i am sikh...

people fight and die for religion...while what is neccesary to fight and die for is principles...which have nothing to do with rituals..

religion is nothing but an opium for the masses.... how true..

btw :

the verse you quoted from quran..

let me give some background of the surah..

the quranic surahs are not read line by line...they forma chain and are a part of a book..or a cahpter...Surah al imran is from the third chapter and the verse you quoted in 85th

the background of this chapter ( a chapter is collection of chronological discourses of Muhammed) is,

this chapter was "revealed" as claimed by muhammed and it happened during the time of the war of muslims with jews in badr..

so this whole verse talks about : " muslims falling back into older religions"

tricky i say...but the verse in singularity is twisted by commentators to suit their logic.

that is why dear KDS ji...i recommend we donot listen to quotes and misquotes from other religious books, but reflect on our own and decide.


Apr 3, 2005
<<that is why dear KDS ji...i recommend we donot listen to quotes and misquotes from other religious books, but reflect on our own and decide.>>

i do not listen to quote's and misquote's.i live in reality the truth is that there is no place
for other religions in islamic land.jinnah promised that pakistan will be seculer
country what happened.sheikh mujibur rehman promised india that he will make bangladesh a seculer country what happened.there are over 50 islamic
countries in the world hardly any of them them is seculer
sorry to say to all those who beleive
that islam is just like other religion.they are living in their imaginery world
of course there are good sects of islam like sufis.but there is no islamic country in the world which is ruled by sufis.


Apr 3, 2005
<<religion is nothing but an opium for the masses.... how true..>>

even if religion is the opium of masses it is good for the people.take a look at
countries where people are rejecting religion.they are madly running after
material things.no family values left.so they have just changed their opium from religion to material things.as a result many european countries like russia,germany are facing problem of negative birth rate.in other 100-200 years their society and culture will become extinct


Apr 3, 2005
<<guru nanak showed us the way...did not start a religion.>>

but why guru nanak showed us path of sikhi why he did not said to follow islam or hinduism
Nov 19, 2006
<<guru nanak showed us the way...did not start a religion.>>

but why guru nanak showed us path of sikhi why he did not said to follow islam or hinduism

althought i'm writing this in response to your question kds i think other people will read it and will have a problem with what i'm saying and perhaps they will want me to "cite my findings" like one has to for a research paper but to be honest.. I FEEL.. People:.. i said I FEEL not trying to be wrong... maybe i am.. but then again i can feel wrong things.. but anyways.. going back to what i was saying... i feel that Guru Nanak was living in an era where there were two main religions in india.. and he was seeing the differences between them.. he WAS trying to unite all people.. but maybe he was trying to accomplish that by uniting religions???? Does no one see the similarities b/w sikhism, hinduism and islam??? There are many things that sikhs do that are so similar to muslims. I've said this in someother responses but will repeat here.. sikhs wear turbins.. so do/did muslims and even hindus. the dome shape of gurdwaras.. similar to masjids. sikh women cover themselves.. like muslim women.. but just not to that extent. not sure but we should be vegetarian.. similar to hindu beliefs. and i'm sure there are many other similarities but i'm just trying to get a point across... :unsure: Guru Nanak wanted to creat unity.. not tell people to follow one religion over another and cause more disputes.


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
<<as a result many european countries like russia,germany are facing problem of negative birth rate.>>

by this logic.. bihar and UP are the most religious states


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
<<but why guru nanak showed us path of sikhi why he did not said to follow islam or hinduism>>

have you thought of the possibility that Guru Nanak also thought that "RELIGION" is an opium for the masses?

Religion doesnot mean spiritualism....and what Guru Nanak promoted was transcendence and Spiritualism... his verses speak for themselves....

religion is defined as below :

"Religion is a system of social coherence based on a common group of beliefs or attitudes concerning an object, person, unseen being, or system of thought considered to be supernatural, sacred, divine or highest truth, and the moral codes, practices, values, institutions, traditions, and rituals associated with such belief or system of thought."
Source : Wikipedia

RELIGION as SIKHISM is the rehatnamas, the tankhanamas, the jathedars, the SGPC...this all is religion...

so i agree islam is a religion...so is Sikhism....but Sikhi and Sikhism are totally different concept...

Sikhi doesnot need jathedars, granthis, gurudwaras...rehats...dos and don'ts....... Sikhism will not survive without those.... this my dear friend is the difference....

<<sorry to say to all those who beleive
that islam is just like other religion.they are living in their imaginery world>>

so you may read my observations and replace SIKHISM for islam..and oh...this would sound so true....

Kaur princess ji

<<Guru Nanak wanted to creat unity.. not tell people to follow one religion over another and cause more disputes.>>

so true... but alas..people want to be lead.... be told what is right and what is wrong... be told to do this do this don't do that...and voila!!!...you have become good in books of God....

so be it..

each one to himself in the end...


Apr 3, 2005
althought i'm writing this in response to your question kds i think other people will read it and will have a problem with what i'm saying and perhaps they will want me to "cite my findings" like one has to for a research paper but to be honest.. I FEEL.. People:.. i said I FEEL not trying to be wrong... maybe i am.. but then again i can feel wrong things.. but anyways.. going back to what i was saying... i feel that Guru Nanak was living in an era where there were two main religions in india.. and he was seeing the differences between them.. he WAS trying to unite all people.. but maybe he was trying to accomplish that by uniting religions???? Does no one see the similarities b/w sikhism, hinduism and islam??? There are many things that sikhs do that are so similar to muslims. I've said this in someother responses but will repeat here.. sikhs wear turbins.. so do/did muslims and even hindus. the dome shape of gurdwaras.. similar to masjids. sikh women cover themselves.. like muslim women.. but just not to that extent. not sure but we should be vegetarian.. similar to hindu beliefs. and i'm sure there are many other similarities but i'm just trying to get a point across... :unsure: Guru Nanak wanted to creat unity.. not tell people to follow one religion over another and cause more disputes.

kaur? the mughal king akbar was a seculer muslim.he saw hindu's and muslims
fighting with each other.so to unite them he created a religion called "deene-e-ilahi" today nobody know about that religion.so sikhism is just created
to unite hindu's and muslim's is wrong.guru nanak created a spiritual path
and those who were following that were called sikhs.

mwirAw is`kw jgq ivc nwnk inrml pMQ clwXw]
maariaa skiaa jagath vich naanak niramal panthh chalaayaa||
In the world, he established the authority (of his doctrines) and started a religion, devoid of any impurity (niramal panth).
Line 4

as far as turbans are concerned.turban is a much more indian tradition than a muslim one.it is a symbol of prestige.hindu's in villages still proudly wear turbans . on the occasion of marriages north indian hindu's still still proudly wears turban.so don't think that it is copied muslim tradition.

vegetarianism in sikhism is just 20th century phenomina intruduced by some
sikh preachers.


Apr 3, 2005
<<as a result many european countries like russia,germany are facing problem of negative birth rate.>>

by this logic.. bihar and UP are the most religious states

did i said that religion is the sole criteria that determine birth rate.
UP and bihar are backward that's why there birth is high.people don't know about birth control methods.economic level and education level also determine birth rate.


Apr 3, 2005
amarsanghera ji i respect your defination of sikhi.but our debate started
with that whether guru nanak refuted quran or not.you haven't given me single point which proves that guru nanak did not refuted quran.unlike hinduism islam is the religion of book and many of there rituals directly come's from quran.so when guru nanak refuted those rituals guru nanak refuted quran.


Apr 3, 2005
kds1980... i never used the word "just." and whatever i wrote was not written as, "Yes, this is the truth!" It was just a view.

kaur? in many of your posts you said that sikhism is created to unite hindu's and muslims that's why i used word "just"

btw on what basis you have made your view that sikhism is created to unite hindu's and muslims?
Nov 19, 2006
on what basis you have made your view that sikhism is created to unite hindu's and muslims?

My views are not just that sikhi was created for this purpose.. but this could've been a reason... the fact that there were vast differences b/w hindus and muslims... and those differences were something Guru Nanak was trying to omit. I know a lot of people will never agree with me.. some people are just so against muslims and perhaps even hindus and all other religions that they'll have an argument against any kind of unity between them. The time period in which sikhism was formed is the main basis of my view... when there are other religions what's the need for one more... maybe because none of the previous reilgions taught unity.. something sikhism does teach. I do not mean to offend anyone.. but what is the basis of all your views? People have many questions.. and sometimes there are no answers... and we create them, making views. Those views/answers, correct/incorrect.. you begin to feel they are the truth.. since nothing else seems compelling enough to you to be the truth. I will never say anyone is wrong.... but I will not forget to say I am right. Not when it comes to my personal views.


Nov 15, 2006
My views are not just that sikhi was created for this purpose.. but this could've been a reason... the fact that there were vast differences b/w hindus and muslims... and those differences were something Guru Nanak was trying to omit. I know a lot of people will never agree with me.. some people are just so against muslims and perhaps even hindus and all other religions that they'll have an argument against any kind of unity between them. The time period in which sikhism was formed is the main basis of my view... when there are other religions what's the need for one more... maybe because none of the previous reilgions taught unity.. something sikhism does teach. I do not mean to offend anyone.. but what is the basis of all your views? People have many questions.. and sometimes there are no answers... and we create them, making views. Those views/answers, correct/incorrect.. you begin to feel they are the truth.. since nothing else seems compelling enough to you to be the truth. I will never say anyone is wrong.... but I will not forget to say I am right. Not when it comes to my personal views.

Sikhi was not made to unite religions but unite the people. Show the people, the entire world, the path to God. I fail to understand why people will say, why do we need more religions? It may be to purge corruption and mininterpretation. Islam and Hinduism especially are so old that they have been interpreted and perhaps modified in so many ways that their are more differences than similarities to the original concept.I will try to add more to this later, but currently i just need to think about it.
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