<<but why guru nanak showed us path of sikhi why he did not said to follow islam or hinduism>>
have you thought of the possibility that Guru Nanak also thought that "RELIGION" is an opium for the masses?
Religion doesnot mean spiritualism....and what Guru Nanak promoted was transcendence and Spiritualism... his verses speak for themselves....
religion is defined as below :
Religion is a system of social coherence based on a common group of
beliefs or attitudes concerning an object, person, unseen being, or system of thought considered to be
divine or
highest truth, and the
moral codes, practices, values, institutions, traditions, and rituals associated with such belief or system of thought."
Source : Wikipedia
RELIGION as SIKHISM is the rehatnamas, the tankhanamas, the jathedars, the SGPC...this all is religion...
so i agree islam is a religion...so is Sikhism....but Sikhi and Sikhism are totally different concept...
Sikhi doesnot need jathedars, granthis, gurudwaras...rehats...dos and don'ts....... Sikhism will not survive without those.... this my dear friend is the difference....
<<sorry to say to all those who beleive
that islam is just like other religion.they are living in their imaginery world>>
so you may read my observations and replace SIKHISM for islam..and oh...this would sound so true....
Kaur princess ji
<<Guru Nanak wanted to creat unity.. not tell people to follow one religion over another and cause more disputes.>>
so true... but alas..people want to be lead.... be told what is right and what is wrong... be told to do this do this don't do that...and voila!!!...you have become good in books of God....
so be it..
each one to himself in the end...