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Heritage 319 Year Old Hand-written Guru Granth Sahib


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Tarn Taran: 319-year-old handwritten Guru Granth Sahib Tarn Taran sacred nature retains a gursikh family. Family members of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, the sacred nature every morning - when the eveninglight. The pages of sacred texts are still quite strong. Satpal Singh, a resident of Mohalla Khalsapur the sacred nature of the 1040 pages. He wrote Das Likhari saint. Beads from the melody to the text of Jpuji Sahib, while Bani guru is also recorded. Sri Guru Granth Sahib, the sacred nature of light 1 was born on Chaitra 1749 era. The Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Bhai Bala ji and he man has made pictures of living. Satpal Singh said his uncle Sekhupur (Pakistan) lived. After sharing the sacred nature of Avtar Kaur Satpal Singh's sister. Avtar Kaur continued to handle the service. Avtar Kaur died in 1979.



  • 319-year-old_handwritten_Guru_Granth_Sahib.jpg
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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
That age would put it around 1708....such treasures should be digitised and preserved pronto..before the Kar-sewa Babas come to burn it as a sign of RESPECT..as they have already doen to countless old ancient handwritten sroops and birs gutkas manuscripts etc...Karam Singh Historian...one and only true "historian": we have had came to know of so much valuable books literature, diaries of maharaja Ranjit Singh etc etc - all going as RADDEE (JUNK) to junk-yards/recyclers....BUT Not a single sikh wanted to spend even a few rupees to BUy and preserve that...he himslef was just a studnet who couldnt afford even the few rupees demanded by the recycle shop owners for their materials..thats how much SIKHS have always valued their history...no ownder then that our history has all goen to the dogs.....as the sayimg goes...the HUNTER will always be glorified until the LION begins to write history...unfortunatley the Sikh LIONS dont want to write anything..much less history...


Dec 17, 2007
ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ
ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਿਹ ॥

Gyani Ji - Punjab Digital Library is a NGO and doing digitizing seva of rare manuscripts like this. Preserving our history. Rare treasures like this should be digitized without delay.

The reason i say this is because of our personal bad experience -

Back in the 80's - one of our relatives had an old saroop of Guru Granth Sahib and that didn't have Raag Mala at the end. The area people knew about it and some unknown person complained to the so called Militants that they have teared pages from the end. The militant Sikh's came to investigate the incident. They were allowed to do darshan of the Guru Granth Sahib and then decide for themselves what wrong's the family have done ? After nothing wrong was found, the family was ordered to take the old saroop to Gurduara Gobindvaal Sahib for cremation.
Our relatives under pressure were forced to take that decision with no other choice.......

Punjab Digital Library is doing a great seva and I have personally met there organizers based from here in US. Please advise if SPN or any other sevadaar has contact # of this family or can direct them to Punjab Digital Library.

ਹਰਜੋਤ ਸਿੰਘ


Apr 24, 2006
Good info on ukpha.org

Awesome lectures here:

Gyani Ji's comment about the tradition of cremating old beerhs of Guru Granth Sahib reminded me off this. There is a lecturer that talks about that. He also talks about how villages used to gates where the villagers would come and paint things. These were also being demolished.

Good stuff.

Maybe this belongs in Sikh websites thread.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ
ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਿਹ ॥

Gyani Ji - Punjab Digital Library is a NGO and doing digitizing seva of rare manuscripts like this. Preserving our history. Rare treasures like this should be digitized without delay.

The reason i say this is because of our personal bad experience -

Back in the 80's - one of our relatives had an old saroop of Guru Granth Sahib and that didn't have Raag Mala at the end. The area people knew about it and some unknown person complained to the so called Militants that they have teared pages from the end. The militant Sikh's came to investigate the incident. They were allowed to do darshan of the Guru Granth Sahib and then decide for themselves what wrong's the family have done ? After nothing wrong was found, the family was ordered to take the old saroop to Gurduara Gobindvaal Sahib for cremation.
Our relatives under pressure were forced to take that decision with no other choice.......

Punjab Digital Library is doing a great seva and I have personally met there organizers based from here in US. Please advise if SPN or any other sevadaar has contact # of this family or can direct them to Punjab Digital Library.

ਹਰਜੋਤ ਸਿੰਘ

Harjot Singh Jio,

The incident you mention is NOT an ISOLATED incident. Its part of a HUGE CONSPIRACY that has been in operation for nearly a DECADE already. The Main factor behind this is to SEEK and DESTROY each and every SGGS SROOP that has NO RAAGMAALA becasue that proves the point that Raagmala is a later and ILLEGAL addition to SGGS.
The PRO_Raagmala RSS Contoleed faction pushing the dsm granht and related Bhagwa Agendas used the SANT BABAS under Kar sewa babas/ with the active support of the Badal Bjp Combine to go out and seekout such sroops of SGGS so that this part of our history cna be obliterated and ONLY sroops having the Raagmala be left so that FUTURE GENERATIONS of Sikhs cna be easily manipualted towards beliving raagmala is Bani and legitimate.
Snat bab AGENTS are also busy seeking such sroops OVERSEAS and taking abck these to Goindwaal and destroying them.
Several people - Gyani kewal Singh ex jathedar Takhat damdama sahib is on record as having wittnessed such DELIBERATE DESTRUCTION of our GURU JI under the "respect" fraud. Jathedar Vednati of Takhat Akal takhat was also in a fact finding mission on this subject and he was wittness to many ancient handwritten sroops MINUS Raagmala..and the Takhat Jathedar of PATNA SAHIB who is clealry RSS stooge and a BIGAMIST to boot threatened action against Vednati as well..That book about Handwritten Birs of SGGS is a valuable documentary evidence.
SIKHS have been SLEEPING all this while...our history and our GURU is being desecrated right before our eyes...and we continue deep sleep as if in stupor.
Sep 28, 2012
Waheguru ji ka khalsa. Waheguru ji ki fateh.
We are in despirate confusion as regarding "ek onkar satgur parsad" sirlekh is quite different in various softwares and new gutka sahibs prevailing these days in the 21st century. it is matter of deep regret that we are not taking care of the way gurbani was writen by Guru sahib themselves.

For example: we took a shabad - "Sidh sabha kar aasan beithey sant sabha jaikaro."

In a Gutka sahib, it was started as "Ek onkar satgur parsad. Raag ramkali mehla 1. Sidh Gosht. Sidh sabha kar aasan beithey sant sabha jaikaro." (link given here: Panj granthi | Flickr - Photo Sharing! )

In Sikhi to the Max software, it was started as "raamkali mehla 1 Sidh Gosht. Ek onkar satgur parsad. Sidh sabha kar aasan beithey sant sabha jaikaro."

In iGranth software, it was started as " Raag ramkali mehla 1. Sidh sabha kar aasan beithey sant sabha jaikaro."

We took another example : "Neino neer bahey tan kheena bhaye kes dudhwani."

In a Gutka sahib, it was started as "Ek onkar satgur parsad. sorath bani bhagat bhikhan ki. Neino neer bahey tan kheena bhaye kes dudhwani." (link given here: puratan gutka sahib ( bani bhagat bheekan kee) | Flickr - Photo Sharing! )

In Sikhi to the Max software, it was started as " Raag sorath bani bhagat bhikhan ki. Ek onkar satgur parsad. Neino neer bahey tan kheena bhaye kes dudhwani."

In iGranth software, it was started as "Raag sorath bhagat bhikhan ji. Neino neer bahey tan kheena bhaye kes dudhwani."

you can also visit the page of translation done by Prof. Sahib singh from this link : http://www.gurugranthdarpan.com/darpan2/0659.html

"Akhar likhe seyi Gava, avar na jana bani" jis tara maharaj ne bani likhi hai, us tara hi har sikh padna chahnda hai. so tuade agge request hai, hath jod ke benti hai jo tusi hune dasya ki 319 saal puraatan saroop milya hai, kirpa karke je ho ske ta darshan karke, ya jo puraatan saroop bhai mani singh ji ne likhe ne, darshan karke sangat nu dasso ki actual vich sirlekh ki hai. ya fer sanu daso asi kithe darshan kar sakde ha maharaj de saroop de.


May 31, 2017
Harjot Singh Jio,

The incident you mention is NOT an ISOLATED incident. Its part of a HUGE CONSPIRACY that has been in operation for nearly a DECADE already. The Main factor behind this is to SEEK and DESTROY each and every SGGS SROOP that has NO RAAGMAALA becasue that proves the point that Raagmala is a later and ILLEGAL addition to SGGS.
The PRO_Raagmala RSS Contoleed faction pushing the dsm granht and related Bhagwa Agendas used the SANT BABAS under Kar sewa babas/ with the active support of the Badal Bjp Combine to go out and seekout such sroops of SGGS so that this part of our history cna be obliterated and ONLY sroops having the Raagmala be left so that FUTURE GENERATIONS of Sikhs cna be easily manipualted towards beliving raagmala is Bani and legitimate.
Snat bab AGENTS are also busy seeking such sroops OVERSEAS and taking abck these to Goindwaal and destroying them.
Several people - Gyani kewal Singh ex jathedar Takhat damdama sahib is on record as having wittnessed such DELIBERATE DESTRUCTION of our GURU JI under the "respect" fraud. Jathedar Vednati of Takhat Akal takhat was also in a fact finding mission on this subject and he was wittness to many ancient handwritten sroops MINUS Raagmala..and the Takhat Jathedar of PATNA SAHIB who is clealry RSS stooge and a BIGAMIST to boot threatened action against Vednati as well..That book about Handwritten Birs of SGGS is a valuable documentary evidence.
SIKHS have been SLEEPING all this while...our history and our GURU is being desecrated right before our eyes...and we continue deep sleep as if in stupor.

I totally agree with you, as an antique collector, i also collect books & rare manuscripts, and luckily i got my hands on a few handwritten sikh granths, they are being disposed off in Pakistan, and being quite in minority the sikhs in Pakistan have no chance at saving and protecting these cultural memorabilia.
Maybe some initiative should be taken to get these rare heritage treasures to safer places.
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