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Islam A Question To My Muslim Friends Here

Jan 15, 2008
Kansas & Haiti
Yes the planets are muslims. Muslims means someone who has surrendered to Allah, or God or the creator. We can clearly see these planets following their set of rules, code of conduct, law and order or fulfilling their function. therefore your heart is a muslim, you lungs, you kidneys, they are all following Allahs laws, they are fulfilling their purpose.

are you as a human fulfilling your purpose in life?

So then all animals would be Muslims as well, since they are totally surrendered to God's laws and are fulfilling their purpose as the horse, worm, fish, pig, or goat that Allah created them to be?


Feb 25, 2008
Mr/Mrs/Miss Kay

You were given a wonderful free advice by one of our intelligent Sikhs, never ever compare religious scripture with science. That is the fundamental mistake you have made. You have started it and now you are beating around the bush because your scripture cannot help you to get out of this mess you created by quoting Holy Quran. If your religion is superior, it is just your own opinion, nothing more than that. Keep it to yourself because we have been, and are happy without it.


Nov 8, 2007
There is only one truth for you and that is islam if someone accept it then he is intelligent
if someone not then he is ignorant fool.as far as your responses is concerned I found nothing special in it.If you understand urdu then it is called "apne mooh miyan mithu banana"

My friend you are only wasting your time here as we too are ignorant fools for you.just go to some another site then may be you will find people who are ready to accept your version of truth.

People are spreading fairy tales about islam here in this forum, maybe you need to tell them to stop, as I have prooved they are all lies, this will stop people like me from replying.


Nov 8, 2007
Mr/Mrs/Miss Kay

You were given a wonderful free advice by one of our intelligent Sikhs, never ever compare religious scripture with science. That is the fundamental mistake you have made. You have started it and now you are beating around the bush because your scripture cannot help you to get out of this mess you created by quoting Holy Quran. If your religion is superior, it is just your own opinion, nothing more than that. Keep it to yourself because we have been, and are happy without it.

what mess, another imagination?


Nov 8, 2007
what do you mean "generally spin". Electrons do not spin around the nucleus!
they spin around their axis. each orbit has 2 paired electrons or can have 1. one is donoted -1/2 the other +1/2. the spin is around their axis not around the nucleus.

look, the respected members of the intellectual community that study medicine are not physcists nor physical chemists..so what do they know of quantum mechanics?

even a medical professional who has graduated recently will in all likelhood know what this is;

the question is, do you?:

do these look like circular orbits to you?
explain to me antibonding orbitals?

It is more or less useless talking to someone who has no background in physical chemistry. I might as well debate with a cardboard box.

Yes it does, read it again. It tells beginners in chemistry that the bohr model (planetary model) of the atom is wrong. And that was the model you used to try and justify islam as some sort of truth...albeit unsuccessfully.

:rofl!!:define "center of the world"? how does one find the 'center' on the surfce of a sphere? i think this 'center' that your looking for might be egocentricity.

nor do i wish to argue with the irrational.

the only nonsense i see in my immediate perceptual range, resides in your posts. Even you can agree with that?

My point is rather simple..but you seem to have missed it. I am trying to point out the chronic epidemic disease that has plagued humanity... i call it stupidity .

creating a human stampede like a bunch of wild bores is just not tasteful. if you ask me, and i'll use your own words, its 'nonsense'.


just type in atom and see the orbits your self, its similar to planets. But why not look at the facts which you know are true, why use assumptions, why dont you base your judgement on facts?


Nov 8, 2007
Mr/Mrs/Miss Kay

You were given a wonderful free advice by one of our intelligent Sikhs, never ever compare religious scripture with science. That is the fundamental mistake you have made. You have started it and now you are beating around the bush because your scripture cannot help you to get out of this mess you created by quoting Holy Quran. If your religion is superior, it is just your own opinion, nothing more than that. Keep it to yourself because we have been, and are happy without it.

You are happy without it, but not every body else. In your forum I come across false allegations against Islam, people are so afraid about this religion that they result to lies. I know many of your and other authorities are so afraid that people will realise the truth and I will expose it, especially when i am invited to it, tell people to stop spreading lies, and maybe I leave this forum. Otherwise I will continue to spread the truth, you cannot stop me.


Nov 8, 2007
Does animals have to take Mohamad as last prophet? How do you deal with apostate animals?
What about dogs and pigs? Human muslims don't even touch these dirty animals and as per you these are muslim animals.

like you said animals are fulfilling their function or purpose, they dont need a messenger to tell them how to live their lives. but you and me do. we can make our own decisions. animals cannot apostate to another animal, a shep cannot become a tiger, it does what it is created to do, eat grass, not other animals.

Get it?


Nov 8, 2007
Mr/Mrs/Miss Kay

You were given a wonderful free advice by one of our intelligent Sikhs, never ever compare religious scripture with science. That is the fundamental mistake you have made. You have started it and now you are beating around the bush because your scripture cannot help you to get out of this mess you created by quoting Holy Quran. If your religion is superior, it is just your own opinion, nothing more than that. Keep it to yourself because we have been, and are happy without it.

what mess i am in? friend you are talking a lot of sense again. LOL!
Nov 16, 2007
like you said animals are fulfilling their function or purpose, they dont need a messenger to tell them how to live their lives. but you and me do. we can make our own decisions. animals cannot apostate to another animal, a shep cannot become a tiger, it does what it is created to do, eat grass, not other animals.

Get it?

You skipped dog and pig part. Are dogs and pigs muslims? Are apes muslims? Are smart apes muslims?
What about female animal muslims? Do male muslims get more rights than female muslims?
So on eid, why do you slaughter fellow muslim animal goats?

As per you, you and me need advice from this arabic schizophreniac desert bandit to know how to live our life, but animals don't. So being animal is lucky and confirmed booking for a train to paradise.
just type in atom and see the orbits your self, its similar to planets. But why not look at the facts which you know are true, why use assumptions, why dont you base your judgement on facts?

Trust me I have seen my fair share of orbitals.
lets just say...im in the field :wink: (without tooting more bravado)

electrons do not "spin" around the nucleus...the bohr model (planetary model) is incorrect...
do you know who Neils Bohr was? or whence he lived? or how much science has changed since the last 70 years?

you talk about the high school model of the atom...which is taught as a base model (classical model) so that more complex and accurate models can be introduced later on.

Atom history

go ahead look up the history of the atom...

heres a quote directly from the site;
"Bohr's model is the last model obedient to classical physics, that is to say physics which explains movements and phenomena in terms of our human scale. These models of atoms are therefore easy to understand and to represent. What an intellectual pleasure (and what laziness!) to represent atoms in the form of little ball turning one around another...
This model is, moreover, still the one which the general public has in their heads. In fact this model is false because at the atomic scale, new laws apply! These laws are part of a physics, very far from our current concepts: quantum physics."

the orbits referred to are energy levels....not actual paths of motion..these are denoted by n=1, 2, 3, 4....

have fun! :{;o: who knows ...you might just learn something


Feb 25, 2008
You are happy without it, but not every body else.

How do you know? Are Muslims becoming astrologists?

In your forum I come across false allegations against Islam, people are so afraid about this religion that they result to lies.

They are trying to support their views from Holy Quran, you can justify otherwise. People are afraid of Isama as per your own comment? That is not good sign friend!
I know many of your and other authorities are so afraid that people will realise the truth and I will expose it, especially when i am invited to it, tell people to stop spreading lies, and maybe I leave this forum.

You are trying but are not successful. Thank Sikhs they listen more patiently.

Otherwise I will continue to spread the truth, you cannot stop me.

How you can spread the truth which is only yours?
Jan 15, 2008
Kansas & Haiti
Trust me I have seen my fair share of orbitals.
lets just say...im in the field :wink: (without tooting more bravado)
That's the problem with trying to prove something with science when you don't know anything about it -- you never know when there might be a real scientist in the crowd!


It doesn't matter though. I've been to so many forums and it seems like every last one of them has a muslim or three in there trying to prove Islam is the only truth by using "science." I can tell you right now, you could come in here with the whole space science team from NASA and the apologist would just keep on cutting and pasting the same arguments no matter how many times they were proven to be blatantly, embarassingly, unmistakably erroneous.

It's sort of mind boggling to me, actually. It's like some people think if they just keep repeating the same fallacious argument over and over again it will eventually become true. Maybe its because that's how truth has always been presented to them.



Nov 8, 2007
That's the problem with trying to prove something with science when you don't know anything about it -- you never know when there might be a real scientist in the crowd!


It doesn't matter though. I've been to so many forums and it seems like every last one of them has a muslim or three in there trying to prove Islam is the only truth by using "science." I can tell you right now, you could come in here with the whole space science team from NASA and the apologist would just keep on cutting and pasting the same arguments no matter how many times they were proven to be blatantly, embarassingly, unmistakably erroneous.

It's sort of mind boggling to me, actually. It's like some people think if they just keep repeating the same fallacious argument over and over again it will eventually become true. Maybe its because that's how truth has always been presented to them.


can you give just 1 example of an apologetic error? bring your proof if you are truthful.


Nov 8, 2007
what if the Quran is truly from God, and you guys are denying it, what will you say on the day of judgement? what do you expect from God?
Jan 15, 2008
Kansas & Haiti
can you give just 1 example of an apologetic error? bring your proof if you are truthful.

See? Mind boggling, isn't it?

Do you even realize that you have done just EXACTLY what I said you would do?

But, just in case you are really interested in reading how your arguments have already been undeniably smashed, you can scroll back and read posts 36, 41, 45, 58, 73.

Now, I predict that you will gloss over these arguments and come right back with another copy and paste saying the same things over again as though you hadn't read a thing.

Ignoring the fact that your arguments have been proven false does not mean they haven't been. And saying something erroneous over and over again does not make it true even if you repeating it off into infinity.

That's the whole point I'm making. You will not, no matter how much fact we present you with, have the confidence to come back in here and say, "Oh yeah, I see that fact and I guess I was wrong about that." That's what tells me you don't really believe your own religion. If you did, admitting a fallacious argument wouldn't threaten your faith one bit. Try it and see.
Jan 15, 2008
Kansas & Haiti
You know what? I shouldn't have been so glib in that last post. I do apologize.

Seriously though, this is a very important key point in this discussion. I don't think Muslims, or Christians for that matter, can really understand that Sikhs don't practice their faith to get an eternal reward. Sikhs don't practice their faith for any reward. They practice it out of love for God.

I head a wonderful Sikh scholar speaking about Sikhi and he explained a conversation he'd had with a Christian in which the Christian told him that all Muslims, Hindus, and Sikhs would go to Hell when they died. The Sikh scholar replied that, if Hell was where God wanted to send him then he would go, because all a Sikh wants from God is to love him.

That is one of the most beautiful things about Sikhi for me and is what drew me to it. I wanted to be able to rise above the limited perceptions of God I had seen all my life and to find a faith that loved God purely because God merited it above all others. I grew cold in religions that seemed to always be looking for a reward for every good action. They all seemed to be saying, "If you praise God he will bless you. If you pay tithes, he will make you rich. If you follow all these rules God will let you go to Heaven." I wanted a path that did those things just because they longed to do them.

My father used to tell me the key to happiness was doing the right thing because that's what you wanted to do. And that's the difference between Sikhi and so many other paths for me. I am no longer out for what I can get out of God. Nor am I adoring him and following the True Guru to save myself from a firey hell. I am doing it because I want to and I want to because I love God and that's all.

Very important philosophical difference you've pointed out Kay. Thank you for that. Truly.
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