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A Wolf's View Of Sikhism


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Sinner Singh ji thanks for your encouragement. I hope I am not going overboard with the quotes to muse below as these teach us,


Isn't it wonderful how dogs can win friends and influence people without ever reading a book.

E.C. McKenzie


If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man.

Mark Twain, Pudd'nhead Wilson


When the dog was created, it licked the hand of God and God stroked its head, saying, "What do you want, dog?" It replied, "My Lord, I want to stay with you, in heaven, on a mat in front of the gate."

Marie Noel


I know that I have had friends who would never have vexed or betrayed me, if they had walked on all fours.

Horace Walpole


The little furry {censored}s are just deep, deep wells you throw all your emotions into.

Bruce Schimmel


Children and dogs are as necessary to the welfare of the country as Wall Street and the railroads.

Harry S. Truman


Our German forefathers had a very kind religion. They believed that, after death, they would meet again all the good dogs that had been their companions in life. I wish I could believe that too.

Otto von Bismarck


Work can wait another 30 minutes. There are more important things to do. Like throwing sticks.

Unknown Author


This soldier, I realized, must have had friends at home and in his regiment; yet he lay there deserted by all except his dog. I looked on, unmoved, at battles which decided the future of nations. Tearless, I had given orders which brought death to thousands. Yet here I was stirred, profoundly stirred, stirred to tears. And by what? By the grief of one dog.

-- Napoleon Bonaparte, on finding a dog beside the body of his dead master, licking his face and howling, on a moonlit field after a battle. Napoleon was haunted by this scene until his own death.


Spaniels by Nature are very loving, surpassing all other Creatures, for in Heat and Cold, Wet and Dry, Day and Night, they will not forsake their Master.

Richard Blome


Here, Gentlemen, a dog teaches us a lesson in humanity.

--- Napoleon Bonaparte, after being saved by a Newfoundland after slipping on his ship and falling overboard. He did not know how to swim, and was kept above water by the dog until he could be rescued.


Oh, what is the matter with poor Puggy-Wug?
Pet him and kiss him and give him a hug.
Run and fetch him a suitable drug.
Wrap him up tenderly all in a rug.
That is the way to cure Puggy-Wug.

Winston Churchill


Man himself cannot express love and humility by external signs, so plainly as does a dog, when with drooping ears, hanging lips, flexuous body, and wagging tail, he meets his beloved master.

Charles Darwin


The friendship of a dog is precious. It becomes even more so when one is so far removed from home.... I have a Scottie. In him I find consolation and diversion... he is the "one person" to whom I can talk without the conversation coming back to war.

Dwight D. Eisenhower


Properly trained, a man can be dog's best friend.

Corey Ford


There never yet has been a dog
Who learned to double cross,
Nor catered to you when you won
Then dropped you when you lost.

Mary Hale


He is my other eyes that can see above the clouds; my other ears that hear above the winds. He is the part of me that can reach out into the sea. He has told me a thousand times over that I am his reason for being; by the way he rests against my leg; by the way he thumps his tail at my smallest smile; by the way he shows his hurt when I leave without taking him. (I think it makes him sick with worry when he is not along to care for me.)

When I am wrong, he is delighted to forgive. When I am angry, he clowns to make me smile. When I am happy, he is joy unbounded. When I am a fool, he ignores it. When I succeed, he brags. Without him, I am only another man. With him, I am all-powerful. He is loyalty itself.

He has taught me the meaning of devotion. With him, I know a secret comfort and a private peace. He has brought me understanding where before I was ignorant.

His head on my knee can heal my human hurts. His presence by my side is protection against my fears of dark and unknown things. He has promised to wait for me... whenever... wherever — in case I need him. And I expect I will — as I always have. He is just my dog.

Gene Hill


To his dog, every man is Napoleon; hence the constant popularity of dogs.

Aldous Huxley


My dog is usually pleased with what I do, because she is not infected with the concept of what I "should" be doing.

Lonzo Idolswine


Man is a dog's ideal of what God should be.

Holbrook Jackson


Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring — it was peace.

Milan Kundera


When I got him out he was near froze solid and shivering. He was shaking so hard that I wasted half a glass of whiskey trying to aim it for his mouth. Must have got enough of it into him, though, since it did seem to bring him back to life.

Abraham Lincoln, on what it took to save his dog after pulling him from a river where he went through thin ice.


I would look at a dog and when our eyes met, I realized that the dog and all creatures are my family. They're like you and me.

Ziggy Marley


Dogs, bless them, operate on the premise that human beings are fragile and require incessant applications of affection and reassurance. The random lick of a hand and the furry chin draped over the instep are calculated to let the shaky owner know that a friend is nearby.

Mary McGrory


Sat Sri Akal

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
What a wonderful dog Ambersariaji, you can see the personality in his eyes, beautiful.

I loved your post regarding wolves and evolution, and as my wife reminded me yesterday, it has been 2 weeks since I mentioned wolves. So for 2 weeks I have just been me!

I did try very hard yesterday as I had to take the boys out for a walk. I suppose if I am honest, I am jealous of the dogs slightly, they do love me, but they worship my wife. I talked to them, played with them, I noticed Alfie's smile as he runs, and his dejected face everytime Dan stole his tennis ball. I also noticed Dan allowing hemself to be chased by the much older Alfie, and slowing down to let him catch up. The sun was shining, it was a glorious day, and for once, I enjoyed the time with the dogs without thinking about the normal objects of my desires, namely food and my wife. This I mused must be the difference between lust and desire. I could walk the dogs and then drive home to fulfill my desires, but if that desire grew to a point where I could not focus on the present, and enjoy the dogs, it became lust. So I watched Dan instead, and followed his padding through the grass. Alfie had decided to snooze in the sun. I watched as Dan saw a group of rabbits and ran after them. He finally cornered one and for a moment, dog looked at rabbit, rabbit just looked terrified. I was a bit nervous, I had no desire to see Dan attack another animal, that was not the way he had been brought up. Dan turned round to look at me, and in his eyes I saw something wonderful, 'dad, what do i do now', his eyes connected with me, and then he turned round, trotted to the rabbit, and started to lick it and kiss it. The rabbit stayed still , probably in shock, before bounding off. Dan trotted slowly back to me, he seemed unsure as to whether he had done the right thing or not. I hugged him, kissed him, the one thing Dan has always been to do with me, is if i ask him to 'give dad a kiss'. he always jumps up and kisses me.

I mentioned to my wife when I got home the situation about alcohol and functions. I explained about the meaning of the word langar, and how people were trying to use the phrase 'guru ka langar' to encapsulate alcohol. I have mentioned the different characters that I have come across on this forum, so her experience of sikhs are limited to my parents and the people I interact with here. She could not believe that people behave in this manner, and what followed were not 30 mins of intimacy but a discussion about the social and traditional aspects of sikhism, although , as the discussion continued, it became evident that there is a lot of punjabi tradition tied up in sikhism, and it possibly needs to be not as entwined as it is.

thank you for reading

Scarlet Pimpernel

We seek him here,we sikh
May 31, 2011
In the Self
Harry Ji

My turban used to make me feel like I belonged,when I cut my hair I felt I had let the side down ,I did not tell my wife the day I did it ,as she married me keshdari and her family are mostly amritdhari.She screamed and cried for ages!
I have come to terms with it now and have got used to the smaller portions of prasad at the Gurdwara!

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

I do not miss how smug I felt when I saw a mona, even though my heart was black, and I do not miss the shame I felt when other people looked at me as an ambassador of sikhi. To be honest, although I am a mona, I never shave, or cut my hair, unless I need to look reasonably smart, so my normal look is more friar tuck then bollywood film star. I am actually very lucky not to have any social circle, and my wife's only family is her son ( I married late)

When I was young, I went into the kitchen as there was strange smell coming from a pan on the boil. I took the cover off to reveal a pan full of boiling butter. Ever since then I have found it hard to touch greasy/buttery things. In fact the first time I saw my grandfather coat his beard liberally with his hands after parshad, I thought I was going to faint!

My dad got round this, when it came time for parshad, he would sit next to me, and loudly proclaim, 'eh noo badda pasand eh' much to my protesting, and after a few weeks of this, I was cured, somewhat.

My turban never made me feel I belonged, it just made me feel a massive hypocrite

Scarlet Pimpernel

We seek him here,we sikh
May 31, 2011
In the Self
Harry Ji

I do not like to "spill my guts on the internet" as humdog said in the nineties.
None the less reciprocity means that if you are honest about your personal life, then I should be.
I know what you mean about the hypocrisy ,for me "those beauties seeing whom one would get no sleep" distracted me with the turban on or off.
"Mann noo yogi karna " is very hard ,it is easy to make the body yogi!

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

I admire your honesty and although I think people should be honest, I have nothing to lose my friend. I think a central core of my own personal philosophy is that I do not care what people think of me. But then I am lucky, it is not I have huge personal convictions that allow me to behave like this, it is simply that over the course of time, I have been left more and more alone by people. I realised I hated small talk, and hated going to peoples houses and pretending that I had any interest in their holiday photos, or worse, being given a guided tour of their house and/or their factory. I am not a great fan of society, in one of your posts, you had written that you only have a drink when you dance. I was a bit jealous of that statement, it sounds like you have fun! But its a bit like going to see a show, we went to see a show some time back, but once we were there, I was bored and so was my wife, so its easier to be honest about yourself if you are trying to move away from society and have no care for what anyone thinks of you.

I am a very very lucky man, the first words I said to my wife to be, were 'ive been looking for you in certain movies all my life', and i had!, but then I do not believe lust is a battle, to be won, you have to make your peace with it. I am fortunate that I have rolled up all my lusts, and there were an awful lot, into a little ball, that now merely encapsulates food, drink, my wife.
The list 20 years ago would have been casinos, drink, drugs, money, pride, ego, women, more women and shamefully, the corruption of others.

Of course I still find other women attractive but I honestly do not think there is a woman on earth that is as beautiful as my wife,and that has helped me enormously with the whole lust thing

Scarlet Pimpernel

We seek him here,we sikh
May 31, 2011
In the Self
Harry Ji

I prayed for a dutiful wife and like you I'm very proud of my beautiful wife ,and I'm also pretty antisocial.I dance at weddings mostly, because I went to a wedding once and watched someone in a wheel chair, sitting watching the dancing all afternoon.I used to sit out weddings ,but not since that day ,now I know these feet were made for dancing !:grinningsingh:


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Harry Haller ji and Sinner Singh ji (my brother in crime, who is not a sinner!), I do want to clarify the following,

  • Once one is married there is no place for,
    • Kam, Karodh, Lobh, Moh and Hankar (so called five thieves or vices)
  • Everything is done out of or embellished with "Love" winkingmunda
  • Don't nobody feel guilty if they feel "Kam" or "Moh" for their wives and vice versa
  • This is living in consonance with creation
  • Harry Haller ji when a dog (say your Alfie) comes and kisses you, is he doing it out of "Kam" or "Moh", please talk to him and let us know peacesign
    • May be he just likes men :giggle:
Sat Sri Akal.
Last edited:

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Harry Haller ji and Sinner Singh ji (my brother in crime, who is not a sinner!), I do want to clarify the following,

  • Once one is married there is no place for,
    • Kam, Karodh, Lobh, Moh and Hankar (so called five thieves or vices)
  • Everything is done out of or tainted with "Love" winkingmunda
  • Don't nobody feel guilty if they feel "Kam" or "Moh" for their wives and vice versa
  • This is living in consonance with creation
  • Harry Haller ji when a dog (say your Alfie) comes and kisses you, is he doing it out of "Kam" or "Moh", please talk to him and let us know peacesign
    • May be he just likes men :giggle:
Sat Sri Akal.


I think you underestimate my lust monster! When Alfie kisses me, he is doing it out of love, I know that, but Dan is a different type. Dan is a terrible flirt, and will expose his belly to anyone who he feels he can get it rubbed by. When Dan kisses me, its normally because he wants something.

I have to say I really tried to bond with the boys the other day when my wife was at work, but they just sat on the bed looking at the door. In fact Alfie spends most of his time downstairs by the front door. I took a video once of what happens when its time for my wife to come home. It shows both dogs getting more and more restless, until they hear the car pull up, then the tails go, and the whining, the door opens, and they both go crazy, at this point the cat normally joins in, and it takes my wife about ten minutes to say hello to everyone. I go home, and I get a few nods from the animals if I am lucky.

"Everything is done out of or tainted with "Love"" quote

For me every part of my "Love" is tainted with something, I wish my love was as pure as Alfie's, or my wife

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011


Alfie is the older dog, ex guide dog, he has the same eyes as my grandfather, Dan is the younger one with mischief in his eyes, both sent here to assist me in the search for the truth


Apr 24, 2006
In their eyes, I see two beings living in the Order of God. None of them are quarreling with their nature. Alfie doesn't complain that he is loving or restless. Dan does not complain that he is mischievous or flirty. They just are. It's very sweet.

Both very beautiful. I could learn a thing or two from them or from my lovebird. She is like Dan flirty and a bit restless like Alfie.

Thank you for sharing


  • Waheguru.jpg
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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

I have to confess to being highly amused by your last post. I have mentioned you to my wife many times in our conversations at 4am when I cannot sleep. I find your postings extremely spiritual, and what with your name, and icon, I know if if I see your name, then it is worth reading. It is funny how our perceptions fill in the blanks on the unknown, I expected you to have an alsation or Himalayan mountain dog, and as the photo came into view, what I thought was a budgie!. You can tell that my perceptions are still working on normal levels and not sikhi levels. Your lovebird is extremely cute and the fact that you keep one, I find hugely impressive, it confirms your dual nature, birds are probably the pets for people with the smallest ego, as there is not as much interaction as you get with a dog.There is certainly more love given to a bird than received,

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Yesterday was not a good day for me, I slept badly the night before, sometimes life makes me feel empty and I start viewing everything as sewa, even my relationship with my wife. It does not happen very often, maybe 2 days a month, but I get very quiet and my face loses its normal cheeky stupid look. I feel like I want the answers now, and the only way to get them is to die, that is not to say I am suicidal, but if everything is maya, and clinging on to maya is wrong, then the love for my wife becomes sewa, as emotionally I start shutting down. During these times I speak to no one, other than my wife, who is very patient with me and gives me the time to come out of it.

Yesterday I realised that these feelings are born out of a desire to find the truth, and the fear I may not find it and end up just 'living'.Reading some translations helped , poring over the articles here helped, and sooner than normal, I had my cheeky grin back. I rang my wife and apologised for my quietness, she was gracious as ever, and when I finally got home, we talked about sikhi for a while, I mentioned how I had thought of what she might look like in a white turban, Ishnabhenji's image of a turbaned clad woman has stayed in my mind, and although I have a very healthy interest in my wife's physical form, I have never ever thought of a woman in a turban before as attractive or pretty, I have always thought why????. I found a picture of a woman in battle on a horse, turban on, sword in hand, and the image looked very powerful, very spiritually strong, the caption said Mai Bhago, of course, I explained to my wife about Mai Bhago, and she was taken by the story and the photo, I also mentioned how beautiful she looked in my minds eye in a plain white turban with a khanda on the front. This is the first time I have ever thought of my wife in anything other than the normal lustful thoughts I normally have. Its balance, my wife said, your balance in yourself is balancing the way that you look at things around you, its not a man, or a wolf within you, everything is you, and you must see everything in all its finery and beauty, the thought of my wife looking serene and spiritual IN a turban is not an image I would have ever thought I would have, but it balances my normal thoughts wonderfully

I awoke again this morning at 4am, again, maybe my insomnia is waking me at amritvela for a reason!, Dan was asleep, he sleeps on his back, with all 4 legs in the air, it is funny to look at, Alfie was on the floor, Virgil, the cat, decided it was a good time to come home and I heard him downstairs, slowly he came in the bedroom, and wife awoke, Virgil climbed on the bed, and dan kissed him, virgil then made the big mistake of turning round, so his bottom was facing dans face, dan unable to restrain himself barked and chased virgil back into the garden.

We try to be the best we can, we kiss and hold those who should be our enemies, but we should always be vigilant of our core nature, and what brings out that core nature in others, and be able to understand the effects and consequences

thank you for reading


Apr 24, 2006
Thank you Harry ji,
Lovebirds are a handful. They are very hyper, adventurous and especially cheeky. They need lots of attention. I learned the hard way that the smaller the animal the more patience is required to handle them.

Your description of the image sounds like it is this painting: http://artofpunjab.com/mai-bhago.html
If so I urge you to purchase a print from him. A little goes a long way.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
There is something most beautiful about sikh art, the last time I was in Amritsar, I visited the museum at Harminder Sahib, and was lost in the paintings and depictions. They prints seem to be of a very high quality and the scenes are very moving, thank you Bhagatsinghji

Scarlet Pimpernel

We seek him here,we sikh
May 31, 2011
In the Self
Ambarsaria Ji ,

Dear 'brothers in crime' Consonance a great word (I had to look it up) and the other article was great just had no time to reply.

Harry Ji , as of the last few months, I seem to wake up in the night ,sometimes you can think too much,our wives never have that trouble.lol
You can't think your way to the Universe maker ,speak frankly to the personal being aspect of our overlord,the creator of wise souls like Bhagat Singh and Ambarsaria.
Sleep well friend in the knowledge that he seeks you as much as you seek him.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
So friends, yesterday, Ishnabhenji kindly sent me some shabads which were pertinent to the way I felt about the father. I have still not listened to them., I will copy them on to cd later today and play them in the car, which tends to be the only place I get any peace.

Sinnerji, I have been insomniac since my early twenties, but at least I have now got to the point where my wife wakes up every morning at 4am too!

Yesterday I spent the day with my stepson, who works with me sometimes, he is a great fellow, and I often tell him that if I could have planned what my 20 year son would be like, he is 92% of what I would have wanted. I have been in his life since he was 14, and after being a confirmed atheist for as long as he has known me, he is slightly disappointed that I have decided to find god. However we have many fine discussions on god, (he is an atheist), and he watched the Guru Nanak story that my father had sent me on youtube. After that I showed him images of some sikh warriors, and told him stories of our heroes. He also took the belief o matic test, and all in all we had a good day. Being a stepfather is hard, but extremely rewarding, I find it interesting that things you put your own parents through come back through your own kids/stepkids, but just not as bad, in comparison to my stepson, my conduct with my father was 20 times worse. My stepson is what I would call a classic kind of guy, long hair, beard, huge interest in all things 70's, and although he does not realise it much, but very spritual.

Today is the day that I will for the first time start listening to shabads with a view to taking away some of the bloodlust that still remains in me, although that bloodlust is pointing squarely at the thought of a good steak, a beer, or other things, its still lust rather than desire, so I am hoping to find some peace and satisfaction that I cannot find in a good steak.

Finding god, integrated with living, is very much like climbing a large mountain. At the top of the mountain is the almighty, the creator, open and ready to envelope you with love, wisdom, understanding, at the bottom is death, nothing, blackness. As we progress up the mountain, getting closer to the creator, we have to be careful, that we keep an eye on the rock face, as well as the top of the mountain, each rope that we can tie to the side, that secures us, and anchors us, reflects how comfortable we are in that journey, some prefer to travel light, and with the minimum of ropes, they dart up, as quickly and without the comforts that the rest of us need,. But even they can get stricken with life's problems, and find themselves in need of a rest, or a more secure rope. The rest of us have families, money problems, health issues, we need as many ropes and security in this journey, it is essential that these problems can be overcome, or dealt with to allow us a steady pace up this mountain. every now and then, we find a ledge, and make ourselves comfortable, put up a tent, boil a kettle, some of us will stay on that ledge for years, some will give up the idea of every completing the climb, and grow old and die on that ledge, others will keep climbing and find themselves arrogant and full of pride at just how far up they are, pride comes before a fall, ropes snap, things happen, some will sit on ledges and confuse others that this ledge is actually the peak, and people, happy that this path is easier than the top of the mountain, will believe them.

Each rope, each foothold, represents security, health, family, the more secure you are, the less you fear, and the higher you go, the easier it becomes.

I genuinely envy those that have 'awakenings', that see a brilliant light shining and walk towards it, and in seconds, have merged with the creator, 'and ever since then, I have been at one with god' they say, well, I am bit skeptical, knowing the truth, and merging with the creator is hard work! lessons have to be learnt, faith established, knowledge, information, trust, so many things to find the eternal one, and yet, some can do it in the flash of a light, I think such people lose their faith as quickly as they find it, for the rest of us, it is a long, but worthwhile journey

thank you for reading

Scarlet Pimpernel

We seek him here,we sikh
May 31, 2011
In the Self
Harry Ji

He is the mountain ,the rope and the ledge. Once there is light there is no darkness, it can be easy ,for the simple minded & pure of heart, he is easy to find,like Bhagat Dhanna Jatt ,the more cleverness you employ , the longer it will take, be disinterested in your own minds strategy ,think deeply on the Guru's Word ,that is the way. I'm just a few miles behind you, if you see him first, introduce me too brother.
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