Re: Akj
AKJ as rightly pointed out by people have some great things about them. Their Samagans and ragi's are very good.
I have found they do tend to have a very intolerant streak and do used media manipulation (especially the internet) to push their view of Sikhi as the ONLY way for a Sikh.
Some I have noticed have an intolerant streak and try to take Gurudwara Commitee's over by force. They have an intolerant attitude towards Mona Sikh's.
They have their own Rehat Maryada and have some different ideas from mainstream Sikhi and mainstream Rehat Maryada; on the 5 k's (Keski); diet (meat - they are very anti);the way paaath's and rituals should be conducted;tieing of turban etc etc.
Saying that they are no different in these respects from other sects like GNSSJ, Namdhari, Raraonwalle, DDT etc.