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Sikh News AKJ Vs Kala Afghanist Debate


Apr 3, 2005
kaur-1 ji i am not anyone's side.i am just trying to be neutrel.even if ghagha is
boasting about his victory i would have been against them.majority of sikh sites are operated by panthic singh's or their sympathisers if there is message board operated by kala afgana' side i am sure they also would have been
making similar claims.

as far as akj's are concerned i have read there literature and i want to say that it is not reliable. they always take what suits them while reject that doesn't suits them.so i can't trust them.they always have a very big ego
and never accept themselves as wrong.

anyway i prefer written online debates rather than oral debates.ali sina
has defeated so called islamic scholars by doing this and no islamic scholar has defeated him.

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Veerji, I dont want to get involved with the "meat" issue in the debate. I dont think either side should even argue over this issue.

The meat issue is not at question here..........but rather the behaviour of our Guru's. I don't think they needed to do miracles to impress people.

But I have a question for you. What are your views on for eg:

- Walli Kandhari
"Panja Sahib"

Well that is one story that Guru Nanak stopped a rock........I don't believe that happened .....and the fact I don't doesn't make me less of a Sikh.

- Guru Nanak in Mecca
"Please turn my feet away from the direction of God" - Guru Nanak in Mecca!

Now did Mecca move around?....or was this metaphoric.....did Guru Nanak say this to those people and they then understood the nature of divinity....or did he move Mecca to prove a point. I think Guru Nanak's word's would have been enough, rather than miracles.


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all!

We do not realize God through debates.

Explanation of scriptures (Shaastraarth) used to take place in presence of all great masters and kings. The success of Shaastraarth depends on the personal growth and consciousness of each participant. True Shaastraarths are of different dimensions. It sounds like one singing a line of the hymn and another the next line of it.

I find it pity when two seek one another for such debates on topics that they claim to have understood intellectually.

In the above referred debate one party claimed that there is no such thing as the power of Naam. It is the totally different opinion than the Gurus Truth.
Another party claimed that by doing Waheguru Jaap one can do certain chamatkaars. I could not find Gurus suggesting once doing Simran of the word 'Waheguru'. Simran any way is not to do certain Chamatkaars.

Only true Simran has answers for all, not debating before knowing and experiencing it.

Balbir Singh
Apr 7, 2006
Randip Singh

if the Guru Sahibs wernt god is Bhatt Keerat, whose shabads appear in Guru Granth Sahib Ji wrong?

Awip nrwiexu klw Dwir jg mih prvirXau ]
aap naraaein kalaa dhhaar jag mehi paravariyo ||
The Lord Himself wielded His Power and entered the world.

inrMkwir Awkwru joiq jg mMfil kirXau ]
nira(n)kaar aakaar joth jag ma(n)ddal kariyo ||
The Formless Lord took form, and with His Light He illuminated the realms of the world.

jh kh qh BrpUru sbdu dIpik dIpwXau ]
jeh keh theh bharapoor sabadh dheepak dheepaayo ||
He is All-pervading everywhere; the Lamp of the Shabad, the Word, has been lit.

ijh isKh sMgRihE qqu hir crx imlwXau ]
jih sikheh sa(n)grehiou thath har charan milaayo ||
Whoever gathers in the essence of the teachings shall be absorbed in the Feet of the Lord.

nwnk kuil inMmlu Avqir´au AMgd lhxy sMig huA ]
naanak kul ni(n)mal avathariyo a(n)gadh lehanae sa(n)g hua ||
Lehnaa, who became Guru Angad, and Guru Amar Daas, have been reincarnated into the pure house of Guru Nanak.

gur Amrdws qwrx qrx jnm jnm pw srix quA ]2]16]
gur amaradhaas thaaran tharan janam janam paa saran thua ||2||16||
Guru Amar Daas is our Saving Grace, who carries us across; in lifetime after lifetime, I seek the Sanctuary of Your Feet.

S Singh

Aug 23, 2004
Veer Randip Singh Jee, I dont know which group you are referring to, but I just read a few of your posts on this site, and all I have seen is you condemning anyone who doesn't agree with your views, and even go as far as name calling such as 'Fanatic'. Fanatic this and fanatic that, anyone who doesn't agree with you.

Guru Nanak Dev Jee stopping the rock at Panja Sahib is an event which is believed by probably 99% Sikhs out there. So are now most Sikhs fanatics?

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Veer Randip Singh Jee, I dont know which group you are referring to, but I just read a few of your posts on this site, and all I have seen is you condemning anyone who doesn't agree with your views, and even go as far as name calling such as 'Fanatic'. Fanatic this and fanatic that, anyone who doesn't agree with you.

Guru Nanak Dev Jee stopping the rock at Panja Sahib is an event which is believed by probably 99% Sikhs out there. So are now most Sikhs fanatics?

Please quote all my posts where I have called people "fanatics" thanks, and we we see for ourselves. Maybe you are one of those disgruntled people who has been frefered to as a "fanatic" :)....hence the hypersensitivity? :crazy:

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Randip Singh

if the Guru Sahibs wernt god is Bhatt Keerat, whose shabads appear in Guru Granth Sahib Ji wrong?

Awip nrwiexu klw Dwir jg mih prvirXau ]
aap naraaein kalaa dhhaar jag mehi paravariyo ||
The Lord Himself wielded His Power and entered the world.

inrMkwir Awkwru joiq jg mMfil kirXau ]
nira(n)kaar aakaar joth jag ma(n)ddal kariyo ||
The Formless Lord took form, and with His Light He illuminated the realms of the world.

jh kh qh BrpUru sbdu dIpik dIpwXau ]
jeh keh theh bharapoor sabadh dheepak dheepaayo ||
He is All-pervading everywhere; the Lamp of the Shabad, the Word, has been lit.

ijh isKh sMgRihE qqu hir crx imlwXau ]
jih sikheh sa(n)grehiou thath har charan milaayo ||
Whoever gathers in the essence of the teachings shall be absorbed in the Feet of the Lord.

nwnk kuil inMmlu Avqir´au AMgd lhxy sMig huA ]
naanak kul ni(n)mal avathariyo a(n)gadh lehanae sa(n)g hua ||
Lehnaa, who became Guru Angad, and Guru Amar Daas, have been reincarnated into the pure house of Guru Nanak.

gur Amrdws qwrx qrx jnm jnm pw srix quA ]2]16]
gur amaradhaas thaaran tharan janam janam paa saran thua ||2||16||
Guru Amar Daas is our Saving Grace, who carries us across; in lifetime after lifetime, I seek the Sanctuary of Your Feet.

This does not say the Guru's were God? How are you interpreting that?

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Some questions from a neutral perspective.........

"Some of his views include :
  • That there is no such thing as the power of Naam.
Is that what he has said or is that the "Panthic" weekly's interpretation?:confused:

  • Naam simran that involves reciting of Gurmantar (as instructed in the Panthic Sikh Rahit Maryada) is Pakhand [hypocritical], he refers to is ‘Gorakh Dhandha.’.
....what is his basis and reasoning for saying this? He must have come up with this statement based on something?

  • Guru Nanak Sahib Ji ate Halal meat under pressure, when he visited Mecca.
Whats the big deal....for someone like Guruji this is no big deal. Does it actually say he ate it under pressure? Is this in what this fellow says?

  • Siri Guru Arjun Dev Ji fainted when he was tortured because he could not withstand the pain. In other words, he views all of the ten Guru Sahibs as ordinary humans beings.
Point 1 - The Guru's were human beings....albeit operating at a higher level. In the same way Jesus, Mohammed and Buddha were just human beings operating at higher levels. They were not God's.

Point 2 - Has this fellow actually said this? Has what he said been misinterepreted by "Panthic" weekly?

  • He wrote very harshly against Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji Bhindranwalay and other respected Panthic personalities, often ridiculing them in a offensive manner.
He is entitled to his view. Also I would like to know, where he has said this? Is it in a book or did he say this verbally....or is this more "Panthic" Weekly spin?

  • He is a also a ferocious supporter of meat eating."
The point here is? Is it not true that AKJ, GNNSJ, DT and other Sant Baba groups are ferocious vegetable eating supporters? Does not Sikhism say that to wrngle over such an issue is foolish? Surely both camps are wrong on this? Just as it is stupid to be a ferocious meat eater, it is equally stupid to be a ferocius vegetable flesh eater?

This I think is a fact: "Ghagga has appeared on various radio talk shows and private functions where he has openly challenged anyone to debate him on his twisted philosophy on Gurmat."

I saw his video and to be honest I did not see any difference between him and those AKJ people. Both seemed the same and seemed to argue of the same stupid issues. You could say this fellow is the Yong to the Sant/Jatha Yang.

Again....from a neutral perspective ths whole this seems incredibly stupid........fanatics are trying to rule the roost!!
Jul 30, 2004

too much deabating over scripture is Brahmanical.

ਸਲੋਕੁ ਮਃ
सलोकु मः १ ॥
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

ਪੜਿ ਪੜਿ ਗਡੀ ਲਦੀਅਹਿ ਪੜਿ ਪੜਿ ਭਰੀਅਹਿ ਸਾਥ
पड़ि पड़ि गडी लदीअहि पड़ि पड़ि भरीअहि साथ ॥
parh parh gadee ladee-ah parh parh bharee-ah saath.
You may read and read loads of books; you may read and study vast multitudes of books.

ਪੜਿ ਪੜਿ ਬੇੜੀ ਪਾਈਐ ਪੜਿ ਪੜਿ ਗਡੀਅਹਿ ਖਾਤ
पड़ि पड़ि बेड़ी पाईऐ पड़ि पड़ि गडीअहि खात ॥
parh parh bayrhee paa-ee-ai parh parh gadee-ah khaat.
You may read and read boat-loads of books; you may read and read and fill pits with them.

ਪੜੀਅਹਿ ਜੇਤੇ ਬਰਸ ਬਰਸ ਪੜੀਅਹਿ ਜੇਤੇ ਮਾਸ
पड़ीअहि जेते बरस बरस पड़ीअहि जेते मास ॥
parhee-ah jaytay baras baras parhee-ah jaytay maas.
You may read them year after year; you may read them as many months are there are.

ਪੜੀਐ ਜੇਤੀ ਆਰਜਾ ਪੜੀਅਹਿ ਜੇਤੇ ਸਾਸ
पड़ीऐ जेती आरजा पड़ीअहि जेते सास ॥
parhee-ai jaytee aarjaa parhee-ah jaytay saas.
You may read them all your life; you may read them with every breath.

ਨਾਨਕ ਲੇਖੈ ਇਕ ਗਲ ਹੋਰੁ ਹਉਮੈ ਝਖਣਾ ਝਾਖ ॥੧॥
नानक लेखै इक गल होरु हउमै झखणा झाख ॥१॥
naanak laykhai ik gal hor ha-umai jhakh-naa jhaakh. ||1||
O Nanak, only one thing is of any account: everything else is useless babbling and idle talk in ego. ||1||

ang 467

ਰਾਗੁ ਮਾਰੂ ਬਾਣੀ ਕਬੀਰ ਜੀਉ ਕੀ
रागु मारू बाणी कबीर जीउ की
raag maaroo banee kabeer jee-o kee
Raag Maaroo, The Word Of Kabeer Jee:

ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ
ੴ सतिगुर प्रसादि ॥
ik-oNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

ਪਡੀਆ ਕਵਨ ਕੁਮਤਿ ਤੁਮ ਲਾਗੇ
पडीआ कवन कुमति तुम लागे ॥
padee-aa kavan kumat tum laagay.
O Pandit, O religious scholar, in what foul thoughts are you engaged?

ਬੂਡਹੁਗੇ ਪਰਵਾਰ ਸਕਲ ਸਿਉ ਰਾਮੁ ਜਪਹੁ ਅਭਾਗੇ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ
बूडहुगे परवार सकल सिउ रामु न जपहु अभागे ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
bood-hugay parvaar sakal si-o raam na japahu abhaagay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You shall be drowned, along with your family, if you do not meditate on the Lord, you unfortunate person. ||1||Pause||

ਬੇਦ ਪੁਰਾਨ ਪੜੇ ਕਾ ਕਿਆ ਗੁਨੁ ਖਰ ਚੰਦਨ ਜਸ ਭਾਰਾ
बेद पुरान पड़े का किआ गुनु खर चंदन जस भारा ॥
bayd puraan parhay kaa ki-aa gun khar chandan jas bhaaraa.
What is the use of reading the Vedas and the Puraanas? It is like loading a donkey with sandalwood.

ਰਾਮ ਨਾਮ ਕੀ ਗਤਿ ਨਹੀ ਜਾਨੀ ਕੈਸੇ ਉਤਰਸਿ ਪਾਰਾ ॥੧॥
राम नाम की गति नही जानी कैसे उतरसि पारा ॥१॥
raam naam kee gat nahee jaanee kaisay utras paaraa. ||1||
You do not know the exalted state of the Lord's Name; how will you ever cross over? ||1||
ਜੀਅ ਬਧਹੁ ਸੁ ਧਰਮੁ ਕਰਿ ਥਾਪਹੁ ਅਧਰਮੁ ਕਹਹੁ ਕਤ ਭਾਈ
जीअ बधहु सु धरमु करि थापहु अधरमु कहहु कत भाई ॥
jee-a baDhahu so Dharam kar thaapahu aDhram kahhu kat bhaa-ee.
You kill living beings, and call it a righteous action. Tell me, brother, what would you call an unrighteous action?

ਆਪਸ ਕਉ ਮੁਨਿਵਰ ਕਰਿ ਥਾਪਹੁ ਕਾ ਕਉ ਕਹਹੁ ਕਸਾਈ ॥੨॥
आपस कउ मुनिवर करि थापहु का कउ कहहु कसाई ॥२॥
aapas ka-o munivar kar thaapahu kaa ka-o kahhu kasaa-ee. ||2||
You call yourself the most excellent sage; then who would you call a butcher? ||2||

ਮਨ ਕੇ ਅੰਧੇ ਆਪਿ ਬੂਝਹੁ ਕਾਹਿ ਬੁਝਾਵਹੁ ਭਾਈ
मन के अंधे आपि न बूझहु काहि बुझावहु भाई ॥
man kay anDhay aap na boojhhu kaahi bujhaavahu bhaa-ee.
You are blind in your mind, and do not understand your own self; how can you make others understand, O brother?

ਮਾਇਆ ਕਾਰਨ ਬਿਦਿਆ ਬੇਚਹੁ ਜਨਮੁ ਅਬਿਰਥਾ ਜਾਈ ॥੩॥
माइआ कारन बिदिआ बेचहु जनमु अबिरथा जाई ॥३॥
maa-i-aa kaaran bidi-aa baychahu janam abirathaa jaa-ee. ||3||
For the sake of Maya and money, you sell knowledge; your life is totally worthless. ||3||

ਨਾਰਦ ਬਚਨ ਬਿਆਸੁ ਕਹਤ ਹੈ ਸੁਕ ਕਉ ਪੂਛਹੁ ਜਾਈ
नारद बचन बिआसु कहत है सुक कउ पूछहु जाई ॥
naarad bachan bi-aas kahat hai suk ka-o poochhahu jaa-ee.
Naarad and Vyaasa say these things; go and ask Suk Dayv as well.

ਕਹਿ ਕਬੀਰ ਰਾਮੈ ਰਮਿ ਛੂਟਹੁ ਨਾਹਿ ਬੂਡੇ ਭਾਈ ॥੪॥੧॥
कहि कबीर रामै रमि छूटहु नाहि त बूडे भाई ॥४॥१॥
kahi kabeer raamai ram chhootahu naahi ta booday bhaa-ee. ||4||1||
Says Kabeer, chanting the Lord's Name, you shall be saved; otherwise, you shall drown, brother. ||4||1||

Ang 1102 and 1103.

As per Gyani Sant Singh Ji maskeen perhaps idea taken from here.If {censored} is loaded with scriptures,it does not not becomes Gyani.Without Bhakti and just rembering scripture may not be OK.
Last edited by a moderator:
Jul 30, 2004

too much deabating over scripture is Brahmanical.

ਸਲੋਕੁ ਮਃ
सलोकु मः १ ॥
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

ਪੜਿ ਪੜਿ ਗਡੀ ਲਦੀਅਹਿ ਪੜਿ ਪੜਿ ਭਰੀਅਹਿ ਸਾਥ
पड़ि पड़ि गडी लदीअहि पड़ि पड़ि भरीअहि साथ ॥
parh parh gadee ladee-ah parh parh bharee-ah saath.
You may read and read loads of books; you may read and study vast multitudes of books.

ਪੜਿ ਪੜਿ ਬੇੜੀ ਪਾਈਐ ਪੜਿ ਪੜਿ ਗਡੀਅਹਿ ਖਾਤ
पड़ि पड़ि बेड़ी पाईऐ पड़ि पड़ि गडीअहि खात ॥
parh parh bayrhee paa-ee-ai parh parh gadee-ah khaat.
You may read and read boat-loads of books; you may read and read and fill pits with them.

ਪੜੀਅਹਿ ਜੇਤੇ ਬਰਸ ਬਰਸ ਪੜੀਅਹਿ ਜੇਤੇ ਮਾਸ
पड़ीअहि जेते बरस बरस पड़ीअहि जेते मास ॥
parhee-ah jaytay baras baras parhee-ah jaytay maas.
You may read them year after year; you may read them as many months are there are.

ਪੜੀਐ ਜੇਤੀ ਆਰਜਾ ਪੜੀਅਹਿ ਜੇਤੇ ਸਾਸ
पड़ीऐ जेती आरजा पड़ीअहि जेते सास ॥
parhee-ai jaytee aarjaa parhee-ah jaytay saas.
You may read them all your life; you may read them with every breath.

ਨਾਨਕ ਲੇਖੈ ਇਕ ਗਲ ਹੋਰੁ ਹਉਮੈ ਝਖਣਾ ਝਾਖ ॥੧॥
नानक लेखै इक गल होरु हउमै झखणा झाख ॥१॥
naanak laykhai ik gal hor ha-umai jhakh-naa jhaakh. ||1||
O Nanak, only one thing is of any account: everything else is useless babbling and idle talk in ego. ||1||

ang 467

ਰਾਗੁ ਮਾਰੂ ਬਾਣੀ ਕਬੀਰ ਜੀਉ ਕੀ
रागु मारू बाणी कबीर जीउ की
raag maaroo banee kabeer jee-o kee
Raag Maaroo, The Word Of Kabeer Jee:

ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ
ੴ सतिगुर प्रसादि ॥
ik-oNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

ਪਡੀਆ ਕਵਨ ਕੁਮਤਿ ਤੁਮ ਲਾਗੇ
पडीआ कवन कुमति तुम लागे ॥
padee-aa kavan kumat tum laagay.
O Pandit, O religious scholar, in what foul thoughts are you engaged?

ਬੂਡਹੁਗੇ ਪਰਵਾਰ ਸਕਲ ਸਿਉ ਰਾਮੁ ਜਪਹੁ ਅਭਾਗੇ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ
बूडहुगे परवार सकल सिउ रामु न जपहु अभागे ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
bood-hugay parvaar sakal si-o raam na japahu abhaagay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You shall be drowned, along with your family, if you do not meditate on the Lord, you unfortunate person. ||1||Pause||

ਬੇਦ ਪੁਰਾਨ ਪੜੇ ਕਾ ਕਿਆ ਗੁਨੁ ਖਰ ਚੰਦਨ ਜਸ ਭਾਰਾ
बेद पुरान पड़े का किआ गुनु खर चंदन जस भारा ॥
bayd puraan parhay kaa ki-aa gun khar chandan jas bhaaraa.
What is the use of reading the Vedas and the Puraanas? It is like loading a donkey with sandalwood.

ਰਾਮ ਨਾਮ ਕੀ ਗਤਿ ਨਹੀ ਜਾਨੀ ਕੈਸੇ ਉਤਰਸਿ ਪਾਰਾ ॥੧॥
राम नाम की गति नही जानी कैसे उतरसि पारा ॥१॥
raam naam kee gat nahee jaanee kaisay utras paaraa. ||1||
You do not know the exalted state of the Lord's Name; how will you ever cross over? ||1||
ਜੀਅ ਬਧਹੁ ਸੁ ਧਰਮੁ ਕਰਿ ਥਾਪਹੁ ਅਧਰਮੁ ਕਹਹੁ ਕਤ ਭਾਈ
जीअ बधहु सु धरमु करि थापहु अधरमु कहहु कत भाई ॥
jee-a baDhahu so Dharam kar thaapahu aDhram kahhu kat bhaa-ee.
You kill living beings, and call it a righteous action. Tell me, brother, what would you call an unrighteous action?

ਆਪਸ ਕਉ ਮੁਨਿਵਰ ਕਰਿ ਥਾਪਹੁ ਕਾ ਕਉ ਕਹਹੁ ਕਸਾਈ ॥੨॥
आपस कउ मुनिवर करि थापहु का कउ कहहु कसाई ॥२॥
aapas ka-o munivar kar thaapahu kaa ka-o kahhu kasaa-ee. ||2||
You call yourself the most excellent sage; then who would you call a butcher? ||2||

ਮਨ ਕੇ ਅੰਧੇ ਆਪਿ ਬੂਝਹੁ ਕਾਹਿ ਬੁਝਾਵਹੁ ਭਾਈ
मन के अंधे आपि न बूझहु काहि बुझावहु भाई ॥
man kay anDhay aap na boojhhu kaahi bujhaavahu bhaa-ee.
You are blind in your mind, and do not understand your own self; how can you make others understand, O brother?

ਮਾਇਆ ਕਾਰਨ ਬਿਦਿਆ ਬੇਚਹੁ ਜਨਮੁ ਅਬਿਰਥਾ ਜਾਈ ॥੩॥
माइआ कारन बिदिआ बेचहु जनमु अबिरथा जाई ॥३॥
maa-i-aa kaaran bidi-aa baychahu janam abirathaa jaa-ee. ||3||
For the sake of Maya and money, you sell knowledge; your life is totally worthless. ||3||

ਨਾਰਦ ਬਚਨ ਬਿਆਸੁ ਕਹਤ ਹੈ ਸੁਕ ਕਉ ਪੂਛਹੁ ਜਾਈ
नारद बचन बिआसु कहत है सुक कउ पूछहु जाई ॥
naarad bachan bi-aas kahat hai suk ka-o poochhahu jaa-ee.
Naarad and Vyaasa say these things; go and ask Suk Dayv as well.

ਕਹਿ ਕਬੀਰ ਰਾਮੈ ਰਮਿ ਛੂਟਹੁ ਨਾਹਿ ਬੂਡੇ ਭਾਈ ॥੪॥੧॥
कहि कबीर रामै रमि छूटहु नाहि त बूडे भाई ॥४॥१॥
kahi kabeer raamai ram chhootahu naahi ta booday bhaa-ee. ||4||1||
Says Kabeer, chanting the Lord's Name, you shall be saved; otherwise, you shall drown, brother. ||4||1||

Ang 1102 and 1103.

As per Gyani Sant Singh Ji maskeen perhaps idea taken from here.If {censored} is loaded with scriptures,it does not not becomes Gyani.Without Bhakti and just rembering scripture may not be OK.
Last edited by a moderator:
Jul 10, 2006
Panthic Singhs respond to Jeeonwala/Ghagga Letter (Gurmukhi)
Wednesday 18th of October 2006
Panthic Singhs of Toronto
This letter was written by the Panthic Singhs of Toronto to Gurcharan S. Jeeonwala regarding thier recent debate with Inder S. Ghagga.

(NOTE: This article is in Gurbani Lipi font, if unreadable view UNICODE version of article)

[FONT=WebAkharThick,AmarLipi,gurbanilipi]sR: gurcrn isMG jI (ijaux vwly),
quhwfI ilKI hoeI pRym-pwqI Aj svyry hI swnUM pRwpq hoeI Aqy quhwfy vloN auTwey Awl-pwqwl svwl pVky koeI hYrwnI nhIN hoeI ikauNik hPqy ku qoN quhwfy Aqy s: ieMdr isMG G`gw nwl ivcwrW dw Awdwn-pRdwn krn qoN bwAd swnUM quhwfy pwsoN AijhI qhrIr dI hI Aws sI[ bhuq APsos dI g`l hY ik is`K imSnrI kwlj nwl sMbMDq vIrW vloN gurmiq dy buinAwdI AsUlW au~pr zordwr hmlw kIqw igAw hY[ nwm jpxw isK Drm dw iek buinAwdI AsUl hY ijs nUM isvwey kuJ AKwauqI ivdvwnW dy Aqy kwly APgwny dy cyilAW dy swrw isK pMQ svIkwrdw hY Aqy iesy krky hI SRomxI kmytI vloN pRkwSq Aqy isK imSnrI kwlj vloN vMfI jwx vwlI isK rihq mirAwdw ivc aucycy qOr qy “vwihgurU nwm” dw ismrn, iek mn ho ky krn dI qwkId kIqI geI hY[
lyK nUM Agy qorn qoN pihlW AsIN spSt kr dyxw cwhuMdy hW ik swfw Awp jI nwl jW G`gw jI nwl koeI zwqI ivroD nhIN Aqy isrP ivcwrW dw mqByd hY[ aus idn jdoN qusIN gurduAwrw qpobn swihb Awey sE qW audoN vI Awp jI nUM XkIn idvwieAw igAw sI ik AsIN Awhmo-swhmxy bYTky, gurmiq Anuswr ivcwr krky mqByd dUr krn dy h`k iv~c hW Aqy gurisKW nwl ivcwrW dy ieKqlwP kwrn ihMsw dy iblkul mud`eI nhIN hW[ iesy krky hI Awp jI nwl Aqy s: G~gw jI nwl bhuq hI muh~zb mwhOl iv~c gurmiq bwry ivcwrW hoeIAW sn Aqy ies g`l qoN qusIN ienkwrI vI nhIN ho skdy[

kulbIr isMG Kud quhwfy nwl glbwq qoN pihlW jPI pw ky imilAw sI Aqy bVy siqkwr nwl qhwnUM sB nUM jI-AwieAW ikhw sI[ ies dy bwvjUd Awp jI vloN “do Pu`ty gMfwsy”, Aqy “iqMn Pu~tI ikrpwn” dy myhxy mwrny TIk nhI hn Aqy inMdw dy qul hY[ iek AisK Aqy pMQ-doKI hI isMGW nUM gurU swihb dy bKSy hoey SsqRDwrI bwxy iv~c dyK ky jr nhIN skdw[
ibnw ssqR kysM nrM Byf jwno]
ghy kwn qw kNO ikqY lY isDwno]
rhI g`l igAwn KVg dI, swfy vloN ivcwrW dy dOrwn, isrP “igAwn KVg” dI vrqoN hI kIqI geI sI Aqy A`gy nUM vI Awp jI nUM s`dw idMdy hW ik AwpW gurmiq Anuswr sPW ivCw ky, “igAwn KVg” dI vrqoN krky kUV kuPr nUM Kqm krIey[ qusIN jdoN cwho, AwpW quhwfy nwl Awhmo-swhmxy bYT ky gurmiq nwl sMbMDq ivSy ivcwrn nUM iqAwr hW[
qusIN iliKAw hY:
quhfy kol ieMdr isMG G`gw nUM mnwaux vwsqy igAwn dI Gwt hY ijhVI quhwfy do Pu`ty gMfwsy, iqMn Pu`tI nMgI qlvwr nwl pUrI nhI kIqI jw skdI qy do do iklo dy kVy pw ky frw ky Dmkw ky vI pUrI nhI kIqI jw skdI[ kwS jy quhwfy kol do do iklo dy kiVAW qy qlvwrW dI bjwie ikqy siqgur dw igAwn KVg huMdw?
Awp jI ikrpw krky ieh dsx dI Kycl kro ik kdoN s: G`gw jI nUM swfy nwl do mIitMgW dorwn frwieAw jW DmkwieAw igAw sI jW kdoN auhnW nUM g`l krn qoN roikAw igAw sI[ kulbIr isMG vloN AwpxI zwqI grMtI idqI geI sI ik G`gw jI aupr koeI AWc nhIN AwvygI[ pihlI mIitMg dI qW irkwrifMg Awpxy kol mOjUd nhIN pr dUjI mIitMg dIAW qW pMj irkwrifMgW hn Aqy auhnW nMU dyK ky qusIN jW pwTk jn sihjy hI pqw lw skdy hn ik ieh mIitMgW SWqI Bry mwhOl iv~c hoeIAW sn[ iksy nUM nw frwieAw igAw sI Aqy nw hI DmkwieAw igAw sI[ vYsy vI isMG jo Drm dy rsqy dw pWDI huMdw hY, kdy iksy vloN BY jW DmkI nUM kbUl nhIN krdw[ gurU swihb dw pwvn Purmwn hY:
BY kwhU kau dyq nih, nih BY mwnq Awn ]
khu nwnk suin ry mnw igAwnI qwih bKwin ]16]
ies mhwvwk dI rOSnI iv~c ikhVw sicAwr is~K iksy nUM BY dy skdw hY jW iksy dw BY lY skdw hY? hW jykr koeI nwdwn jn, isMGW dy KVgDwrI, SsqRDwrI bwxy dI qwb nw Jl sky Aqy isMGW dy ies bwxy nUM “BY dyxw” smJy qW ies iv~c isMGW dw qW koeI ksUr nhIN[
qusIN iliKAw hY:
‘gurduAwrw qpo bn’ ivc mIitMg vwly id`n mYN nwl sI qy quhwfI ieh rt, ik nwm ismrx nwl iksy vI mnu`K kol skqIAW Aw skdIAW hn, dyhDwrI gurqw nUM ijauNdw r`Kx dI skIm hY jo gurU isDWq dy iblkul ault hY
ieh qW bhuq hI hYrwnI-kun dlIl pyS kIqI hY ik nwm ismrn nwl Awaux vwlI SkqI dI g`l krn nwl dyhDwrI gurU nUM ijaUNdw rKx dI skIm hY[ gurbwxI iv~c Axigxq QWvW qy izkr hY ik nwm jpn nwl byAMq SkqIAW Aw jWdIAW hn Aqy ies dw sbUq sRI suKmnI swihb dIAW pihlIAW do AStpdIAW hn[ hyTW pRoPYsr swihb isMG jI dy ArQW smyq pyS hn sRI suKmnI swihb ivcoN kuJ ku gurbwxI dIAW pMkqIAW:
pRB kau ismrih sy DnvMqy ] pRB kau ismrih sy piqvMqy ] pRB kau ismrih sy jn prvwn ] pRB kau ismrih sy purK pRDwn ] pRB kau ismrih is bymuhqwjy ] pRB kau ismrih is srb ky rwjy ] pRB kau ismrih sy suKvwsI ] pRB kau ismrih sdw AibnwsI ] ismrn qy lwgy ijn Awip dieAwlw ] nwnk jn kI mMgY rvwlw ]5] {pMnw 263}

pd ArQ :—ismrih—(jo) ismrdy hn [ sy—auh mnu`K [ DnvMqy—Dn vwly, DnwF [ piqvMqy—ie`zq vwly [ prvwn—kbUl, mMny pRmMny [ purK—mnu`K [ pRDwn—syRSt, cMgy [ is—sy, auh mnu`K [ bymuhqwjy—by-muQwj, by-prvwh [ AibnwsI—nws-rihq, jnm mrn qoN rihq [ ismrin—ismrn ivc [ qy—auh mnu`K [ ijn—ijnHW auqy [ Awip—pRBU Awp [ jn—syvk [ rvwlw—crnW dI DUV [

ArQ :—jo mnu`K pRBU ƒ ismrdy hn, auh DnwF hn, qy, auh ie`zq vwly hn [jo mnu`K pRBU ƒ ismrdy hn, auh mMny-pRmMny hoey hn, qy auh (sB mnu`KW qoN) cMgy hn [jo mnu`K pRBU ƒ ismrdy hn auh iksy dy muQwj nhIN hn, auh (qW sgoN) sB dy bwdSwh hn [jo mnu`K pRBU ƒ ismrdy hn auh suKI v`sdy hn Aqy sdw leI jnm mrn qoN rihq ho jWdy hn [(pr) pRB-ismrn ivc auhI mnu`K l`gdy hn ijnHW auqy pRBU Awip myhrbwn (huMdw hY); hy nwnk ! (koeI vf-BwgI) iehnW gurmuKW dI crn-DUV mMgdw hY [5[

hor dyKo, hyTly Sbd ivc gurU swihb nwm dI SkqI dw kYsw izkr krdy hn:
AstpdI ] jh mwq ipqw suq mIq n BweI ] mn aUhw nwmu qyrY sMig shweI ] jh mhw BieAwn dUq jm dlY ] qh kyvl nwmu sMig qyrY clY ] jh muskl hovY Aiq BwrI ] hir ko nwmu iKn mwih auDwrI ] Aink punhcrn krq nhI qrY ] hir ko nwmu koit pwp prhrY ] gurmuiK nwmu jphu mn myry ] nwnk pwvhu sUK Gnyry ]1] {pMnw 264}

pd ArQ :—jh—ijQy (Bwv, izMdgI dy ies s&r ivc) [ squ—pu`q® [ mn—hy mn ! aUhw—EQy [ mhw—v`fw [ BieAwn—iBAwnk, frwauxw [ dUq jm—jmdUq [ dUq jm dlY—jmdUqW dw dl [ qh—EQy [ kyvl—isr& [ iKn mwih—iKn ivc, A`K dy Por ivc [ auDwrI—bcwauNdw hY [ Aink—Anyk, bhuq [ punh crn {skt. pun: Awcrx [ Awcrn—Dwrimk rsm}—muV muV koeI Dwrimk rsmW (krnIAW) [ ko—kw, dw [ koit—kroV [ prhrY—dUr kr dyNdw hY [ gurmuiK—gurU dy snmuK ho ky [1[

ArQ :—ijQy mW, ipau, pu`qr, im`q®, Brw koeI (swQI) nhIN (bxdw), EQy hy mn ! (pRBU) dw nwm qyry nwl shYqw krn vwlw (hY) [ ijQy v`fy frwauxy jmdUqW dw dl hY, EQy qyry nwl isr& pRBU dw nwm hI jWdw hY [ ijQy bVI BwrI muSkl huMdI hY, (EQy) pRBU dw nwm A`K dy Por ivc bcw lYNdw hY [ AnykW Dwrimk rsmW kr ky BI (mnu`K pwpW qoN) nhIN bcdw, (pr) pRBU dw nwm kroVW pwpW dw nws kr dyNdw hY [ (qW qy) hy myry mn ! gurU dI srx pY ky (pRBU dw) nwm jp; hy nwnk ! (nwm dI brkiq nwl) bVy suK pwvihégw [1[

hor dyKo gurU swihb swP kih rhy hn ik nwm jpx nwl jW Akwl purK nUM ihrdy ivc vswaux (iDAwaux) nwl byAMq SkqIAW mnuK kol Aw jWdIAW hn:
sloku mÚ 3 ] bRhmu ibMdY iqs dw bRhmqu rhY, eyk sbid ilv lwie ] nv inDI ATwrh isDI ipCY lgIAw iPrih, jo hir ihrdY sdw vswie ] {pMnw 649}

pd ArQ :—ibMdY—jwxdw hY [ bRhmu—prmwqmw [ bRhmqu—bRwhmx vwlw l`Cx [ eyk sbid—kyvl Sbd ivc [
ArQ :—jo mnu`K kyvl gur-Sbd ivc ibRqI joV ky bRhm ƒ pCwxy, aus dw bRhmx-puxw bixAw rihMdw hY; jo mnu`K hrI ƒ ihrdy ivc vswey, nO inDIAW qy ATwrh is`DIAW aus dy mgr l`gIAW iPrdIAW hn [
ies auprly gurvwk dy ArQ vI pRoPYsr swihb isMG vloN hI kIqy gey hn[

qusIN iliKAw hY:
qy ijqnw icr gurU nwnk swihb dw swfy kol ieh Purmwx hY: “ kotI hU pIr vrij rhwey jw mIru suixAw DwieAw ] Qwn mukwm jly ibj mMdr muiC muiC kuier rulwieAw ] koeI muglu n hoAw AMDw iknY n prcw lwieAw ]4] pMnw 418]”
nwm ismrx nwl pRwp`q hox vwlIAW skqIAW bwry XkIn nhI kIqw jw skdw[
dyKo iks qrW nwsmJI dy kwrn qusIN nwm dI qulnw Awm jMqRW mMqRW Aqy tUixAW nwl kr rhy ho[ ies auprly gurvwk iv~c gurU swihb kih rhy hn ik pKMfIAW dy jMqR mMqR Aqy tUxy-totky Dry Drwey rih gey sn Aqy auhnW koloN koeI mugl AMnw nw kr hoieAw[ dyK lE ienW tUxy-twixAW dI qulnw gurmiq nwm krky qusIN AwpxI nwdwnI Aqy gurbwxI vloN nw-vwkPI dw sbUq Kud dy hI rhy ho[ieiqhws Aqy gurbwxI gvwh hY ik sUlhI Kwn jdoN gurU swihb qy cVky AwieAw sI qW gurU swihb nUM pihlW swlwh idqI geI ik auh Awpxw p~K pyS krn leI sUlhI Kwn pws iek ic~TI Byjx[ gurU swihb cup kr rhy[ kuJ hornW ny swlwh idqI ik ic~TI Byjx dI bjwey do numWiedy Byjy jwx[ gurU swihb iPr vI cup rhy[ AKIr swlwhkwrW ny ikhw ik cup krky nhIN srnw Aqy kuJ qW krnw hI pYxw hY[ siqgurW ny sB kuC Cf ky iek prmwqmw dI tyk leI Aqy nwm jipAw[ ies Gtnw nUM hyTly SbdW ivc AMikq kIqw igAw hY Aqy pyS hY Sbd, pRoPYsr swihb isMG dI ivAwiKAw smyq:
Awsw mhlw 5 ] pRQmy mqw ij pqRI clwvau ] duqIey mqw duie mwnuK phucwvau ] iqRqIey mqw ikCu krau aupwieAw ] mY sBu ikCu Coif pRB quhI iDAwieAw ]1] mhw Anµd AicMq shjwieAw ] dusmn dUq muey suKu pwieAw ]1] rhwau ] siqguir mo kau dIAw aupdysu ] jIau ipMfu sBu hir kw dysu ] jo ikCu krI su qyrw qwxu ] qUM myrI Et qUM hY dIbwxu ]2] quD no Coif jweIAY pRB kYN Dir ] Awn n bIAw qyrI smsir ] qyry syvk kau iks kI kwix ] swkqu BUlw iPrY bybwix ]3] qyrI vifAweI khI n jwie ] jh kh rwiK lYih gil lwie ] nwnk dws qyrI srxweI ] pRiB rwKI pYj vjI vwDweI ]4]5] {pMnw 371}

not :—is`K-ieiqhws d`sdw hY ik doKI sulhI ^w vwlI blw tlx qy siqgurU jI ny ieh Sbd aucwirAw sI [
pd ArQ :—mqw—slwh [ ij—ik [ pq®I—ic`TI [ clwvau—mYN ByjW, clwvaUN [ duie—do [ phucwvau—phucwvauN, mYN ApVwvW [ krau—mYN krW [ aupwieAw—aupwau [ pRB—hy pRBU ! quhI—qYƒ hI [1[ AicMq—insicMqqw [ shjwieAw—shj, Awqmk Afolqw [ dUq—vYrI [1[rhwau[ siqguir—gurU ny [ mo kau—mYƒ [ kau—ƒ [ jIau—ijMd [ ipMfu—srIr [ krI—krIN, mYN krdw hW [ qwxu—bl [ dIbwxu—Awsrw [2[ no—ƒ [ kYN Dir—kyhVy pwsy ? Awn—hor [ bIAw—dUjw [ smsir—brwbr [ kwix—muQwjI [ swkqu—r`b nwloN tu`tw hoieAw [ bybwix—jMgl ivc [3[
jh kh—ijQy ikQy, hr QW [ gil—gl nwl [ lwie—lw ky [ pRiB—pRBU ny [ pYj—ie`zq [ vwDweI—vDI hoeI AvsQw, cVHdI klw, Awqmk qwkq [ vjI—v`j peI, zor ivc Aw geI [4[

ArQ :—(prmwqmw dw Awsrw ilAW) bVw Awqmk AwnMd imldw hY, insicMqqw ho jWdI hY, Awqmk Afolqw pYdw ho jWdI hY, swry vYrI duSmn mu`k jWdy hn (koeI duSmn nhIN jwpdw, koeI vYrI nhIN jwpdw), (ies qrHW) AMqr Awqmy suK imldw hY [1[rhwau[ pihlW mYƒ slwh id`qI geI ik (vYrI bx ky Aw rhy ƒ) ic`TI ilK ByjW, iPr slwh imlI ik mYN (aus pws) do mnu`K ApVwvW, qIjI slwh imlI ik mYN koeI n koeI aupwau zrUr krW, pr hy pRBU ! hor swry jqn C`f ky mYN isr& qYƒ hI ismirAw [1[ siqgurU ny mYƒ is`iKAw id`qI ik ieh ijMd qy ieh srIr sB kuJ prmwqmw dy rihx leI QW hY [ (ies vwsqy) mYN jo kuJ BI krdw hW qyrw shwrw lY ky krdw hW, qUM hI myrI Et hYN qUM hI Awsrw hYN [2[ hy pRBU ! qYƒ C`f ky hor jweIey BI ikhVy pwsy ? (ikauNik) qyry brwbr dw dUjw koeI hY hI nhIN (ijs ƒ inScw hovy aus) qyry syvk ƒ hor iks dI muQwjI ho skdI hY ? (pr hy pRBU !) qYQoN tu`tw hoieAw mnu`K kurwhy pY ky (mwno) aujwV ivc Btkdw iPrdw hY [3[ hy pRBU ! qUM kyfw v`fw hYN ieh g`l mYQoN ibAwn nhIN kIqI jw skdI, qUM hr QW (mYƒ Awpxy) gl nwl lw ky bcw lYNdw hYN [ hy dws nwnk ! (AwK—hy pRBU !) mYN qyrI srn hI ipAw rihMdw hW [ (hy BweI !) pRBU ny myrI ie`zq r`K leI hY (musIbqW dy vyly BI aus dI myhr nwl) myry AMdr cVHdI klw pRbl rihMdI hY [4[5[
iek hor Sbd sUlhI Kwn bwry hI Kws aucwirAw igAw sI[pyS hY Sbd, pRoPYsr swihb isMG dI ivAwiKAw smyq:
iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] sulhI qy nwrwiex rwKu ] sulhI kw hwQu khI n phucY sulhI hoie mUAw nwpwku ]1] rhwau ] kwiF kuTwru Ksim isru kwitAw iKn mih hoie gieAw hY Kwku ] mMdw icqvq icqvq picAw ijin ricAw iqin dInw Dwku ]1] puqR mIq Dnu ikCU n rihE su Coif gieAw sB BweI swku ] khu nwnk iqsu pRB bilhwrI ijin jn kw kIno pUrn vwku ]2]18]104] {pMnw 825}

pd ArQ :—qy—qoN [ nwrwiex—hy pRBU ! rwKu—bcw lY [ khI—ikqy BI [ nwpwku—Apiv`qr, mlIn-bu`iD [1[rhwau[ kwiF—k`F ky [ kuTwru—(mOq-rUp) kuhwVw [ Ksim—mwlk (-pRBU) ny [ Kwku—im`tI, suAwh [ picAw—sV muieAw hY [ ijin—ijs (pRBU) ny [ iqin—aus (pRBU) ny [ Dwku—D`kw [1[ n rihEsu—aus (sulhI) dw nhIN irhw [ Coif—C`f ky [ khu—AwK [ bilhwrI—kurbwn [ ijin—ijs (pRBU) ny [ jn kw vwku—syvk dI Ardws [2[

ArQ :—(hy pRBU ! myrI syvk dI qW qyry pws hI ArzoeI sI ik) hy pRBU ! (swƒ) sulhI (KW) qoN bcw lY, Aqy sulhI dw (zulm-BirAw) h`Q (swfy au~qy) ikqy BI nwh A`pV sky [ (hy BweI ! pRBU ny Awp hI myhr kIqI hY) sulhI (KW) mlIn-bu`iD ho ky mirAw hY [1[rhwau[ hy BweI ! Ksm pRBU ny (mOq-rUp) kuhwVw k`F ky (sulhI dw) isr v`F id`qw hY, (ijs kr ky auh) iek iKn ivc hI suAwh dI FyrI ho igAw hY [ hornW dw nukswn krnw socdw socdw (sulhI) sV mirAw hY [ ijs pRBU ny aus ƒ pYdw kIqw sI, aus ny (hI aus ƒ prlok vl dw) D`kw dy id`qw hY [1[ hy BweI ! swrw swk (kutMb) C`f ky (sulhI ies dunIAw qoN) qur igAw hY [ aus dy Bw dy nwh koeI pu`qr rih gey, nwh koeI im`qr rih gey, nwh Dn rih igAw, aus dy Bw dw kuJ BI nhIN rih igAw [ hy nwnk ! AwK—mYN aus pRBU qoN kurbwn jWdw hW, ijs ny Awpxy syvk dI Ardws suxI hY (qy, syvk ƒ sulhI qoN bcwieAw hY) [2[18[104[

Bwv :—koeI BI ibpqw AwauNdI id`sy, prmwqmw dy dr qy hI ArzoeI kIqI PbdI hY [
kI iehnW auprly SbdW qoN ieh isD nhIN huMdw Aqy quhwfI qs`lI nhIN huMdI ik nwm jpx nwl qmwm muSklW dw h`l kIqw jw skdw hY? Aijhy Sbd gurbwxI iv~c AnykW hI hn jo nwm dI skqI nUM swbq krdy hn[
iehnW aupr idqy SbdW bwry koeI do rwvW nhIN ho skdIAW ikauNik PrIdkotI tIky qoN lYky pRoPYsr swihb isMG dy tIky qk sB ny iehnW SbdW dy ieho hI ArQ kIqy hn Aqy ivAwkrx muqwbk hor ArQ ho hI nhIN skdy[ iehnW SbdW dy jvwb iv~c SMkwvwdIAW vloN bhuq hI bybuinAwd Aqy ASrDk dlIlW pyS kIqIAW jWdIAW hn ijvyN ik, gurU swihb jdoN ShId hoey sn qW audoN auhnW ny nwm dI SkqI ikauN nw vrqI Aqy hornW QWvW qy jdoN musIbqW AweIAW qW gurU swihbwn ny nwm dI SkqI dw pRdrSn ikauN nw kIqw[ ies bwry hyT ilKy ivcwr hn jI:
1) AwpW ieh nw socIey ik gurU swihb ny ieh ikauN nhIN kIqw qy auh ikauN nhIN kIqw blik pihlW jo kuC gurU swihb ny kIqw hY aus iv~c AwpxI SrDw lYky AweIey[ aus idn (idn AYqvwr, AkqUbr 1, 2006) mubwihsy dy dOrwn, sUlhI Kwn vwlI Gtnw dy sMdrB iv~c, G`gw jI ny ikhw sI ik gurU swihb ny ies krky nwm dI SkqI vrqI sI ikauNik audoN auhnW koly POjW nhIN sn pr svwl ieh pYdw huMdw hY ik nwm dI SkqI vrqI qW sI nw[ G`gw jI Kud mMny hn Aqy ies g`l dI irkwrifMg mOjUd hY ik gurU swihb ny POjW nw hox dI sUrq ivc hI nwm dI SkqI vrqI sI[ kI ies qoN isD nhIN huMdw ik nwm ismrn dI SkqI nwl AijhI qwkq Aw jWdI hY ik koeI vI v`fI qoN v`fI muSikl h`l kIqI jw skdI hY?

2) G~gw jI ny iliKAw hY ik gurU swihb ny ShId hox vyly AwpxI SkqI ikauN nw vrqI[ ies bwry jvwb hY ik, gurU swihb dy ShId hox iv`c vI nwm dI SkqI hI isD huMdI hY[ kOx hY jo nwm ismrn dI tyk qoN ibnW q~qI qvI qy bYTky, auproN q~qI ryq isr iv~c puAw skdw hY? pihlI g~l qW ieh hY ik koeI Afol q~qI qvI aupr bYT hI nhIN skdw Aqy jykr bYT vI jwvy qW cIkW mwry bgYr rih nhIN skdw pr DMn hn pMcmyS ipqw sRI gurU Arjun dyv jI mhwrwj jo Afol rih ky q~qI qvI qy bYTy Aqy nwm dy ielwhI rMgW iv`c ilvlIn (smwey) rhy Aqy AwpxI nwm ivc lIn surqI nwl “qyrw kIAw mITw lwgY] hirnwmu pdwrQu nwnku mwgY]” dI DunI aucwrdy rhy[ ies AlOikk nzwry nUM q~k ky mIAW mIr vrgy kwml pIr vI hYrwn ho gey sn[ ieh nwm dI SkqI Aqy krwmwq nhIN qW hor kI hY? pr “mYN nw mwnUM” dI rt lOx vwilAW nUM kOx mnw skdw hY[

3) gurU swihbwn prmwqmw dI rzw iv~c KuS rihMdy sn Aqy prmwqmw dI rzw ieho hI pRqIq huMdI hY ik gurU swihb nwm iv~c Afol rih ky Drm hyq ShIdI pw jwx[ ieh bckwnw dlIl hY ik ikauNik gurU swihb ny sUlhI Kwn vwlw swkw nwm rwhIN twilAw sI, so auhnW nUM ShIdI swkw vI twlxw cwhIdw sI[ ieh qW auh g`l hoeI ik sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI mhwrwj nUM sRI gurU nwnk dyv jI mhwrwj vWg hI ibnw ikrpwn qoN duStW dy idl ijqxy cwhIdy sn Aqy ijs qrW sRI gurU nwnk dyv jI mhwrwj ny s`jx T`g vrigAW dy idl kIrqn nwl hI bdl id~qy sn ausy qrW hI sRI gurU dsmyS jI nUM vI AOrMgzyb dw idl kIrqn nwl ijqxw cwhIdw sI[ jykr, gurU swihb sjx T~g dw idl ij~q skdy sn, qW kI auh AOrMgzyb dw idl nhIN sI ij~q skdy? jykr gurU swihb AOrMgzyb dy jnrYl sYd byg dw idl ij~q skdy sn qW kI AOrMgzyb jW phwVI rwijAW dw idl nhIN sI ij~q skdy, inrol nwm dI SkqI nwl? mukdI g`l ieh hY ik gurU swihb ny jo kIqw auh pRmwqmw dy Bwxy (hukm) Anuswr kIqw[ jykr r~b ny cwihAw ik inrol nwm rwhIN hI kwrj isD krny hn qW siqgurW ny auvyN hI kIqw Aqy jykr pRmwqmw nUM BwieAw ik ikrpwn rwhIN nwm dw qyj zwhr krnw hY qW gurU swihb vloN ausy qrW hI cmkOr dI gVHI ivc kIqw igAw[ jykr qusI AwpxI cSm dI bInweI nUM siqgurW dy gurmiq rUpI AMjn nwl rMg ky dyKo qW qusIN swP dyK skogy ik kwml purKW, siqgurW vloN hr hwlq ivc hI nwm dI SkqI dw pRdrSn kIqw igAw sI[

4) ieh koeI dlIl nhIN ik cUMik siqgurW ny hor mOky qy inrol nwm nwl kwrj isD nhIN kIqy ies krky ijQy inrol nwm nwl kwrj isD kIqy hn, auh sB JUT hY[ ieho jyhIAW QoQIAW dlIlW qW byAklI dIAW hI inSwnIAW hn ijhVIAW ik hMFy hoey Aqy suGV ivdvwnW nUM SoBdIAW nhIN ikauNik ieh auhnW dI qMg idlI Aqy AigAwnqw Bry hyTly drjy dy ivdvwnpuxy dw pRgtwvw hI krdIAW hn[

5) gurU swihb vloN nwm dI SkqI vwly Sbd aupr drj kIqy gey hn Aqy ieh sbUq iksy vI qrIky nwl kitAw nhIN jw skdw ikauNik gurbwxI qRYkwl siq hY[
qusIN iliKAw hY:
hux ieh svwl pYdw huMdw hY ik paux, pwxI, hvw, DrqI, cMd, sUrj Aqy Akws pRmwqmw dw ismrx ikvyN krdy hn? ikauNik aunHW dy ikhVw jIBW l`gIAW hoeIAW hn? iesdw mqlb ieh hoieAw ky ismrx dw mqlb mUMh nwl rtx krxw nhI sgoN iksy inXm dy ADIn c`lx dw nwm hI ismrx hY[
A`g, pwxI Aqy hvw Awidk ismrdy hI nhI blik BgqI vI krdy hn:

pauVI ] ieik AwpxI isPqI lwieAnu dy siqgur mqI ] ieknw no nwau bKisEnu AsiQru hir sqI ] pauxu pwxI bYsMqro hukim krih BgqI ] eynw no Bau Aglw pUrI bxq bxqI ] sBu ieko hukmu vrqdw mMinAY suKu pweI ]3] {pMnw 948}
ies bwry idn AYqvwr AkqUbr 1, 2006 nUM G~gw jI nUM disAw igAw sI ik ieh swrI kwienwq hI nwm dy Awsry KVI hY Aqy nwm dI vweIbRySn hr QW mOjUd hY, XQw gurvwk:
nwm ky Dwry sgly jMq ] nwm ky Dwry KMf bRhmMf ] nwm ky Dwry isimRiq byd purwn ] nwm ky Dwry sunn igAwn iDAwn ] nwm ky Dwry Awgws pwqwl ] nwm ky Dwry sgl Awkwr ] nwm ky Dwry purIAw sB Bvn ] nwm kY sMig auDry suin sRvn ] kir ikrpw ijsu AwpnY nwim lwey ] nwnk cauQy pd mih so jnu giq pwey ]5] {AMg 284}
dyKo ies Sbd ivc swP iliKAw hoieAw hY ik nwm dy Awsry hI swrI isRStI KVI hY[ AKIr iv~c gurU swihb spSt krdy hn ik auh nwm jo sB kuC dw Awsrw hY aus nwm nUM kMnW nwl sux ky hI auDr skIdw hY pr ies nwm ivc pRmwqmw ausy nUM hI lwauNdw hY ijs nUM auh Awp ikrpw krdw hY[ gurbwxI dI Koj kIiqAW sihjy hI pqw lg jWdw hY ik gurbwxI ivc gurmMqR, nwm, Aqy Sbd sm-ArQI lPz hn[ “ismrY DrqI Ar AwkwSw]” vwly Sbd dw Bwv ieho hI hY ik DrqI Ar AwkwS sB pRmwqmw dI nwm SkqI dy Awsry hn Aqy auhnW iv~c nwm dw hI krMt mOjUd hY[ jo gurisK lgwqwr nwm jpdy hn auhnW nUM DrqI, AwkwS Aqy swrI kwienwq iv~coN, rmy-nwm dI vweIbRySn mhsUs huMdI hY Aqy iesy krky hI auh pukwr auTdy hn ik DrqI Ar AwkwS sB nwm jp rhy hn[ ieho AnuBv quhwfy vloN pyS kIqy SbdW iv`c gurU swihb ny drswieAw hY[
qusIN iliKAw hY:
sR. kulbIr isMG jI qusIN nwm AiBAwsI vI ho qy ismrx nwl pRwp`q hox vwlIAW SkqIAW dy mudeI vI[
hryk gurU nwnk nwm lyvw gurisK smyq kulbIr isMG dy ismrn vwlIAW SkqIAW dw ies krky mudeI hY ikauNik gurU pwqSwh ny iehnW SkqIAW dw izkr gurbwxI iv~c kIqw hY[ bwkI jo qusIN zwqI g`l kulbIr isMG bwry ilKI hY, ies dw c`l rhI ivcwr nwl koeI sMbMD nhIN[ kulbIr isMG dy AiBAwsI hox jW nw hox nwl gurmiq dy isDWq nUM koeI Prk nhIN pYx l~gw[ nwm AiBAws krnw swirAW gurisKW leI gurU swihb dw hukm hY[ XQw gurvwk:
mÚ 4 ]
gur siqgur kw jo isKu AKwey su Blky auiT hir nwmu iDAwvY ]
audmu kry Blky prBwqI iesnwnu kry AMimRq sir nwvY ]
aupdyis gurU hir hir jpu jwpY siB iklivK pwp doK lih jwvY ]
iPir cVY idvsu gurbwxI gwvY bhidAw auTidAw hir nwmu iDAwvY ]
jo swis igrwis iDAwey myrw hir hir so gurisKu gurU min BwvY ]
ijs no dieAwlu hovY myrw suAwmI iqsu gurisK gurU aupdysu suxwvY ]
jnu nwnku DUiV mMgY iqsu gurisK kI jo Awip jpY Avrh nwmu jpwvY ]2]
ikrpw krky aupr drj kIqy Sbd nUM gurmiq dy ielwhI nUr ivc ivcwrn dI ikrpw kirE[
qusIN iliKAw hY:
so ies krky mYN quhwnUM vMgwrdw hW:

1. nwm ismrx dI SkqI nwm smUh jnqw ivcoN grIbI Kqm krky idKwE jI?

2. nwm ismrx dI SkqI nwl pMjbI is`KW dI bVy icrW qoN c`lI AwauNdI ‘Kwilsqwn’ dI mMg nUM pUrw krky idKwE jI?

3. A`j pMjwb ivc pwxI dw ql bhuq nIvW ho cuikAw hY ijs krky pMjwb dy is`K hor grIb huMdy jw rhy hn[ ies krky qusIN hr swl pMjwb ivc r`jvW mINh puAwE jI?

4. nwm ismrx dI SkqI nwl sYNtr srkwr dI socxI bdl idE jI qWik auh pMjwb dw pwxI pMjwb ivc hI rihx dyvy?
aupr kIqy gey svwlW dy jvwb ivc pyS hY iek lGU kQw[
iek vwrI iek swieMsdwn bhuq pV ilK ky Awpxy ipMf igAw Aqy auQy iek AnpV mUrK dy puCx qy sWies dI qr~kI bwry dsx l`gw[ jdoN aus ny AYtm bMb dw izkr kIqw qW ies mUrK ny ikhw:
mUrK: ieh ikvyN ho skdw hY ik iek Cotw ijhw bMb swry Sihr nUM qbwh kr dyvy[
swieMsdwn: BweIAw (vfI aumr dw hox krky), ieh iblkul sc hY ik iek Cotw ijhw bMb iPSn jW iPaUSn dI qknIk nwl, swry Sihr nUM qbwh kr skdw hY[
mUrK: auey qUM swnUUM mUrK smiJAw hoieAw hY jo qyrI g`l mMn lvWgy? jy iedW dw koeI bMb huMdw qW hux nUM pwiksqwn ny kdoN dw clw dyxw sI[ qyry koly kI sbUq hY ik AYsw koeI bMb huMdw hY?
swieMsdwn: BweIAw, mYN iehdy bwry sWeIs dIAW ikqwbW iv`c piVAw hY Aqy jy qUM khyN qW mY qYnUM ikqwbW idKw idMdw hW[
mUrK: auey, mYN nhIN qyrIAW ikqwbW nUM mMndw[ jy AYsw koeI bMb hY qW iPr swnUM clw ky idKw[
ieh sux ky swieMsdwn Bm~qr igAw Aqy keI koiSSW dy bwvjUd vI AnpV mUrK nUM swbq nw kr sikAw ik AYsw bMb huMdw hY[ quhwfy vloN aupr kIqy gey svwl iesy qrW hn ijs qrW ik aupr drj khwxI ivc mUrK vloN swieMsdwn nUM ikhw igAw sI ik jykr bMb hY qW swnUM idKw[ iesy qrW hI qusIN Aqy G`gw jI ieh rt rhy ho ik jykr nwm dI SkqI hY qW ies dw pRdrSn kro[ nwm dI SkqI dI hoNd ikqy ies g`l qy qW nhIN KVI ik kulbIr isMG nwm dI SkqI nwl dunIAw dI grIbI nUM Kqm kr idKwvy jW nwm dI SkqI nwl Kwilsqwn lY dyvy[ ieh quhwfy svwl Aqy vMgwr iblkul pweydwr nhIN hn Aqy iblkul hI inrmUL hn ik nwm dI SkqI dI hoNd qW mNMnI jw skdI hY jykr kulbIr isMG aus nUM Kwilsqwn kwiem krky swbq kry[ ikrpw krky AYsIAW bckwnw dlIlW nwl ivcwr dy imAwr nUM hyTW nw su~to[ AwpxI g`l isDWq dI hY nwik kulbIr isMG, ieMdr isMG G`gw jW ijauxvwilAW dI[ nw hI nwm dI SkqI dI hoNd ies g`l qy mun~sr (inrBr) hY ik ies SkqI dw koeI pRdrSn kry[ nwm dI SkqI dI hoNd vwsqy gurbwxI dw kihxw hI gurisKW vwsqy kwPI hY[ gurbwxI dy Purmwn qoN aupr kI sbUq cwhIdw hY?

qusIN iliKAw hY:
5. ‘rMgly s`jx’ ikqwb ivc BweI rxDIr isMG jI AYsIAW SkqIAW dw vrnx krdy ieh ilKdy hn ik mYN nwm AiBAws dI SkqI nwl C`q nwl jw l`gw[ ieh SkqI ikqny swl nwm AiBAws krn nwl pRwp`q ho skdI hY? jy qusIN auqny swl nwm dI kmweI kr cuky ho qW jrUr C`q nwl l`gx ivc kwmXwb ho jwvogy[ pr AwpW ies SkqI nwl lokW dw Blw ies qrHW kr skdy hw ik kYnyfw Awaux vwsqy lokW nUM 50-55 hjwr dI itkt vI nw lYxI pvy qy nwhI iksy nUM kYnyfw dy vIjy vwsqy drKwsq BrnI pvy[ ikRpw krky lokW nUM ies SkqI bwry d`so qy hr iek nwm AiBAwsI bgYr hvweI jhwj qy cVHn qoN hI kYnyfw Aw jwvy[ kI qusIN ieh krky idKwaux leI iqAwr ho? nhI qW ieh smJ ilAw jwvygw ik qusIN PokIAW g`lW hI krdy ho[
jo qusIN kulbIr isMG nUM kih rhy ho, ieh ieiqhws ivc gurU swihbwn nUM Aqy bwAd ivc byAMq isMGW nUM ikhw igAw sI ik jW krwmwq idKwE jW mrn leI iqAwr ho jwvo[ Aj qusIN kulbIr isMG krwmwq idKwaux leI vMgwr rhy ho[ kI quhwfI ieh vMgwr gurmiq Anuswr TIk hY? qusIN BlI-BWq jwxdy ho ik ieho ijhy “nwtk-cytk” krn qoN “pRB-logn” nUM sdw hI l~jw AwauNdI hY[ mdwrIAW vWg Awqmk SkqI dw pRdrSn krnw gurmiq ivc prvwn nhIN hY[ iek pwsy krwmwqW nUM KMfn krdy ho Aqy dUjy pwsy hornW isKW nUM krwmwqW krn dw s`dw idMdy ho[
bwkI jo qusIN iliKAw hY ik BweI swihb ny ‘rMgly s~jx’ ivc iliKAw hY ik auh nwm AiBAws dI SkqI nwl C~q nwl jw l`gy sn, ieh qusIN suxI-suxweI g`l dy ADwr qy hI iliKAw hY[ jy qusIN bzwqy-Kud ieh ‘rMgly s`jx’ nwmy ikqwb pVI huMdI qW ies qrW dI glqI nw krdy[ Asl ivc BweI swihb ny iliKAw hY ik BweI hIrw isMG dwaUdpurI iek vwr nwm jpdy, Cq nUM jw l`gy sI[ quhwfI igAwq leI d`s idMdy hW ik BweI swihb ny Awpxy C`q nwl lgx dI g`l ‘jyl icTIAW’ ivc kIqI hY nw ik ‘rMgly s`jx’ ivc[
hux irhw svwl ik ikqny swl dI kmweI nwl ieh AvsQw hwsl ho skdI hY, ies bwry qW pRmwqmw hI jwxdw hY[ kulbIr isMG quhwnUM kI d~s skdw hY? hW ieMnI soJI gurU swihb ny zrUr bKSI hY ik jy pUrn pRym ivc pRymw BgqI kIqI jwvy qW “Awju imlwvw syK PrId” vwlI g`l hY[ jykr kulbIr isMG quhwfy koly iehnW SkqIAW dw pRdrSn nhIN krdw qW ies dw ieh ArQ nhIN hY ik ieh SkqIAW dI koeI hoNd nhIN hY[ byAMq gurisKW vloN Aijhy qzrby mwxy gey hn pr ies guJy nwm-ismrn rUpI hIry rqn dI swr isrP s`cw jigAwsU rUpI jOhrI hI jwx skdw hY, hor koeI nhIN[
6. Ax-ifTI dunIAW ivc BweI rxDIr isMG jI AKMf pwT krky iksy pRyq dw auDwr krn dI g`l krdy hn[ pihlI vwr pwTI dw, supn-doS hox kwrx, kiChrw iglw ho igAw qy pRyq dw auDwr nhI hoieAw pr dUjI vwr pUrn inXmb`D qrIky nwl pwT kIqw igAw qy pRyq dw auDwr hoieAw[ qusIN ieh d`s pwEgy ik:

a. kI pRyq pMjwbI sI?

A. jy nhI qW kI pRyq ArbI sI?

e. ikauNik BuqW pRyqW nUM dys dw bwrfr rok nhI skdw ies krky BUq iksy vI mulk dw ho skdw hY[ jy ieh g`l hY qW BweI rxDIr isMG jI ny pRyq nwl ikhVI jbwn ivc g`l bwq kIqI sI?

s. BUqW pRyqW nUM mMnx vwly lok ieh AwKdy hn ik ienHW dI CW nhI huMdI hY ies krky ieh cIjW idsdIAW nhI[ g`l-bwq krn qy kVwh pRSwd Kwx vwsqy qW mUMh cwhIdw hY[ ijs pRyq dw auDwr BweI rxDIr isMG jI ny kIqw aus ny kVwh pRSwd iks AMg nwl CikAw?
quhwfy svwl ik pRyq pMjwbI sI jW ArbI sI, ies nwl koeI Prk nhIN pYNdw[ BweI swihb dI ilKq Anuswr aus pRyq ny BweI swihb nwl glbwq pMjwbI iv`c kIqI sI[ ies qrHW pRqIq huMdw hY ik qsIN pRyqW jW BUqW dI hoNd ivc XkIn nhIN rKdy[ quhwfy iKAwl quhwnUM mubwrk hn Aqy nwl hI AsIN ieh d`s dyxw cwhuMdy hW ik BUqW pRyqW nwl BweI swihb dw vI koeI vwsqw nhIN sI nw hI hor koeI gurmiq qy clx vwlw isMG BUqW pRyqW dy Klj`gx ivc pYNdw hY pr ies dw ieh mqlb nhIN hY ik jo cIz AwpW nhIN dyKI jW ijs nwl Awpxw vwsqw nw hovy, aus dI hoNd qoN hI munkr ho jweIey[ pRmwqmw dI isRStI ivc byAMq rcnw GVI hoeI hY Aqy sRI suKmnI swihb ivc vMngI mwqR ies idsdI Aqy AxidsdI rcnw dw vrnx kIqw igAw hY Aqy hyTW pyS hY iesy AStpdI ivcoN do pMkqIAW, pRoPYsr swihb isMG dy tIky smyq:

keI koit jK´ ikMnr ipswc ] keI koit BUq pRyq sUkr imRgwc ]
kroVW hI j`K ikMnr qy ipSwc hn Aqy kroVW hI BUq pRyq sUr qy Syr hn
jo Gtnw BweI swihb ny drj kIqI hY aus ivc gurmiq dy ault koeI gl nhIN hY Aqy jy hY qW Awp jI nUM bynqI hY ik dso kI glq hY ies Gtnw ivc[ ies Gtnw nwl bwxI dI SkqI hI pRgt huMdI hY hor kuJ nhIN[
ieQy ieh kihxw zrUrI hY ik jo BUqW pRyqW dw kMm Aj pMjwbIAW ivc c`l ipAw hY auh iblkul gurmiq dy ault hY[ inq Aw rhIAW qWqirkW dIAW mnGVq AYfW Aqy hor AYsw BUqW pRyqW dw pKMf iblkul hI gurmiq dy ivruD hY Aqy koeI vI sicAwr isK iehnW glW ivc mu`livz (Kcq)nhIN huMdw[ sihjy hI, gurmiq Anuswr jIvn bqIq krn vwilAW nUM AijhIAW mwVIAW cIzW nhIN poh skdIAW Aqy iesy krky hI gurisK ies Klj`gx ivc nhIN pYNdy[

qusIN iliKAw hY:
5. ‘AKMf kIrqnIey j`Qy’ kol BweI rxDIr isMG jI dy d`sy hoey nusKyy muqwbk sDwrx qoN swDwrx DWq nUM sony ivc bdilAw jw skdw hY[ iPr gurU dy is`K hI ikauN bwkI dI Awm jnqw ikauN nw r`j ky rotI Kwvy[ ikauNik is`KW ny qW lokW dw Blw hI krnw hY ies krky AwE styj qy prKIey ik kI qusIN s`c boldy ho jW JUT?
BweI swihb nUM ieh sonw bnwaux vwlw nusKw jyl ivc iek kYdI ny idqw sI Aqy BweI swihb muqwbk bwAd ivc BweI swihb ny ies nusKy nUM A`g lw ky swV idqw sI ikauNik ies nwl auhnW dI nwm ivc pRwiex ibrqI nUM Prk pYNdw sI[ smJ nhIN AwauNdI ik ies nusKy vwlI g`l nwl gurmiq dy ikhVy AsUl dI aulMGxw huMdI hY[ ies Gtnw dw qW nwm ismrn dI SkqI nwl, ijs qoN ik quhwnUM Aqy G`gw jI nUM bhuq icV hY, koeI sMbMD vI nhIN hY[ jo quhwfw ieh cYlyNj hY ik AsIN ies Gtnw nUM swbq krIey, ieh vI ies g`l dw sbUq hY ik qusIN Awp ieh ikqwb nhIN pVI lgdI, vrnw quhwnUM pqw huMdw ik ieh nusKw hux mOjUd nhIN ikauNik BweI swihb ny ies nUM swV idqw sI[

qusIN iliKAw hY:
6. ‘gurbwxI pwT drpn’ pMnw 87, CpweI swl 1969 qy ieh iliKAw hY ik is`K ny AMimRq ies krky C`kxw hY ik jy ikqy iksy Av`igAw kwrx is`K nrkW ivc jWdw hY qW gurU goibMd isMG jI aus is`K nUM kysW qoN pkV ky nrk ivc pYx qoN bcw lYxgy[ qusIN ieh d`sx dI ikRpwlqw krnI jI ik AYsw nrk ikQy hY ijsdy drvwjy qy gurU goibMd isMG jI is`KW nUM nrk ivc pYx qoN bcwaux leI pihrydwr dw kMm kr rhy hn?
ijQoN qk quhwfw ieh svwl hY ik nrk ikQy hY, ies dw jvwb qW AwpW nUM Agy jw ky hI imlygw pr ieMnI g`l zrUr sc hY ik nrk hY zrUr Aqy iek nhIN AnykW hI nrk hn[ gurbwxI ivc AwsQw jW ivSvws rKx vwlw koeI vI s~cw isK nrk dI jW svrg dI hoNd qoN munkr nhIN ho skdw[ hyTW drj hn kuJ ku gurbwxI dIAW pMkqIAW, pRoPYsr swihb isMG dy ArQW smyq:
swsq isMimRiq byd cwir muKwgr ibcry ] qpy qpIsr jogIAw qIriQ gvnu kry ] Ktu krmw qy duguxy pUjw krqw nwie ] rMgu n lgI pwrbRhm qw srpr nrky jwie ]5]
ArQ :—jy koeI mn`uK cwry vyd swry SwsqR qy swrIAW isimRqIAW ƒ mUMh-zbwnI (aucwr ky) ivcwr skdw hovy, jy auh v`fy v`fy qpIAW qy jogIAW vWg (hryk) qIrQ auqy jWdw hovy, jy auh (qIrQW auqy) ieSnwn kr ky (dyvI dyviqAW dI) pUjw krdw hovy qy (mMny-prmMny) Cy (Dwrimk) kMmW nwloN dUxy (Dwrimk krm in`q) krdw hovy; pr jy prmwqmw (dy crnW) dw ipAwr (aus dy AMdr) nhIN hY, qW auh zrUr nrk ivc hI jWdw hY [5[
auprly Sbd ivc nrk dI hoNd dI g`l kIqI hY Aqy nwl ieh vI ikhw hY ik ijs nUM rb dw ipAwr nhIN pYNdw auh zrUr nrk jWdw hY[
hor lvo:

mnmuiK AwvY mnmuiK jwvY ] mnmuiK iPir iPir cotw KwvY ] ijqny nrk sy mnmuiK BogY gurmuiK lypu n mwsw hy ]12]
mnmuiK—Awpxy mn dy ip`Cy qurn vwlw mnu`K [ AwvY—jMmdw hY [ jwvY—mrdw hY [ KwvY—KWdw rihMdw hY [ sy—auh {bhu-vcn} [ gurmuiK—gurU dy snmuK rihx vwlw mnu`K [ lypu—lbyV, Asr [ mwsw—rqw BI [12[
hy BweI ! Awpxy mn dy ip`Cy qurn vwlw mnu`K jMmdw hY mrdw hY, muV muV jnm mrn dy ies gyV dIAW cotW KWdw rihMdw hY [ mn dw murId swry hI nrkW dy du`K Bogdw hY [ pr gurU dy snmuK rihx vwly mnu`K au~qy iehnW dw rqw BI Asr nhIN pYNdw [12[

auprly Sbd ivc vI gurU swihb swP kih rhy hn ik mnmuK nw isrP Awvwgaux dy c`kr ivc PisAw rihMdw hY blik swirAW nrkW dy duK Bogdw hY[ ies Sbd nwl nw isrP nrk dI hoNd hI isD huMdI hY blik Awvwgaux dw gurmiq isDWq vI swbq huMdw hY[

qusIN iliKAw hY:
s`B qoN Aihm nukqw ieh hY ik gurbwxI ivAwkrx nUM hor koeI mMny jW nw mMny pr imSnrI jrUr AwE hux lPj lihr v`l Jwq mwrIey[ mhwn koS pMnw 1054, lhr[ 2. lihr qrMgW vwlw, vwlI[ ijs dw mn kwiem nhI, Anyk qrMg mn ivc auTdy hn mwrU mhlw 1 ] mnmuKu lhir Gru qij ivgUcY Avrw ky Gr hyrY ] pMnw 1013] iesdy bwvjUd vI au~s smyN dI bolI ivc; is`K lihr, kOminst lihr, ividAk lihr, isDWqk lihr, jwqI dI lihr qy hor AnykW QwvW qy ieh sbd vriqAw jWdw hY[ ipR. swihb isMG ieh vI mMndy hn ik sMpUrn rUp ivc ivAwkrx dy inXm lwgU nhI huMdy ies krky k`uJ hor Koj dI loV hY[ CpweI Aqy auqwry dIAW glqIAW dI sMBwvnw nUM r`d nhI kIqw jw skdw[ies krky qusIN iksy krmwq dy nwl ies lPz nUM nhI joV skdy qy nw hI kbIr swihb dI jMjIr pwxI dI lihr nwl tu`t skdI hY[
“gMgw kI lhir myrI tutI jMjIr]” pMkqI dy hux qk dy swry tIkwkwrW ny ieh mwAny kIqy hn ik gMgw dI lihr ny kbIr jI dIAW zjIrW qoV idqIAW sn[ hyTW drj hY tIkwkwr Aqy isK imSnrI kwlj dy ipqwmw pRoPYsr swihb isMG jI dy kIqy hoey ArQ:
gMg guswiein gihr gMBIr ] jMjIr bWiD kir Kry kbIr ]1] mnu n ifgY, qnu kwhy kau frwie ] crn kml icqu rihE smwie ] rhwau ] gMgw kI lhir myrI tutI jMjIr ] imRgCwlw pr bYTy kbIr ]2] kih kMbIr koaU sMg n swQ ] jl Ql rwKn hY rGunwQ ]3]10]18] {pMnw 1162}

not :—kbIr jI swrI aumr Dwrimk zwhrdwrI, ByK, krm-kWf Awidk ƒ ivArQ AwKdy rhy [ ihMdU kOm dy gVH bnwrs ivc rihMdy hoey BI iehnW lokW qoN nhIN fry [ ieh kudrqI g`l sI ik au~cI jwq dy lok iehnW dy ivroDI bx jwx [ auhnW vloN Awey iksy kSt dw ies Sbd ivc izkr hY, qy &urmWdy hn ik jo mnu`K pRBU-crnW ivc juiVAw rhy auh iksy musIbq ivc foldw nhIN [

pd ArQ :—guswiein—jgq dI mwqw [ gosweI—jgq dw mwlk [ {not :—l&z ‘gosweI’ qoN ‘guswien’ iesq®I-ilMg hY} [ gihr—fUMGI [ Kry—lY gey [ ifgY—foldw [rhwau[imRgCwlw—hrn dI K`l [2[ rGunwQ—prmwqmw [3[
ArQ :—(hy BweI !) ijs mnu`K dw mn pRBU dy suhxy crnW ivc lIn rhy, aus dw mn (iksy kSt vyly) foldw nhIN, aus dy srIr ƒ (kSt dy dy ky) frwaux qoN koeI lwB nhIN ho skdw [rhwau[ (ieh ivroDI lok) mYƒ kbIr ƒ zMjIrW nwl bMnH ky fUMGI gMBIr gMgw mwqw ivc (fobx leI) lY gey (Bwv, aus gMgw ivc lY gey ijs ƒ ieh ‘mwqw’ AwKdy hn qy aus mwqw koloN jwnoN mrvwx dw AprwD krwx l`gy) [1[ (pr fu`bx dy QW) gMgw dIAW lihrW nwl myrI zMjIr tu`t geI, mYN kbIr (aus jl au~qy ieauN qrn l`g ipAw ijvyN) imRgCwlw au~qy bYTw hoieAw hW [2[ kbIr AwKdw hY—(hy BweI ! quhwfy imQy hoey krm-kWf jW qIrQ-ieSnwn) koeI BI sMgI nhIN bx skdy, koeI BI swQI nhIN ho skdy [ pwxI qy DrqI hr QW iek prmwqmw hI r`Kx-jog hY [3[10[18[
1. pRoPYsr swihb isMG jI vloN ‘lhir’ dw jo ArQ kIqw igAw hY auh bhu-vcn, iesqRI ilMg, krx kwrk rUp ivc hY[ hux qk sB tIkwkwrW ny iesdw ArQ ieho hI kIqw hY[ G`gw jI nwl ivcwr krn qoN bwAd kuJ iek isMGW nwl ivcwr qoN pqw ligAw ik ‘lhir’ dw ArQ iek vcn, iesqRI ilMg nWv, AiDkrx kwrk rUp ivc vI ho skdw hY Bwv ik kbIr jI dI, pwxI dI lihr ivc, (pRmwqmw dI ikrpw nwl) zMjIr tu`t geI[
2. dUsrw Aihm nukqw ieh hY ik Ggw jI dy ArQ ik kbIr jI ny bRhmxvwd dIAW zMjIrW nUM qoV idqw, ieh ArQ ieiqhws dy iblkul ault hn[ kbIr jI kdy bRhmxvwd dy DwrnI hI nhIN sn ikauNik auh muslmwn julwhy dy Gr pYdw hoey sn Aqy auhnW dy jIvn dOrwn muslmwnW dw hI rwj sI[ jd kbIr jI bRhmxvwd dI zjIrW dy jkVy hoey hI nhIN sn qW iPr auhnW nUM iehnW zjIrW nUM qoVn dI kI loV pY geI? jykr kbIr jI aupr bRhmxvwd dw Asr huMdw qW auh pMifqW nUM ieh ikvyN kih skdy sn ik jy qUM bRhmxI dy pyt qoN jMimAw hYN qW hor rsqy ikauN nhIN AwieAw?
3. lhir dw jo G`gw jI mwAnw krdy hn auh iksy qrW vI ivAwkrx dy AnukUl nhIN[ auh ies dw mwAnw krm kwrk ivc krdy hn pr ieh nhIN dsdy ik ies krm dw krqw kbIr iksqrW bx igAw[ G`gw jI kihMdy hn ik kbIr jI ny bRhmxvwd rUpI zMjIrW qoV idqIAW pr ieh ArQ qW bx skdy sn jykr ies Sbd ivc “tutI” dI QW qy “qoVI” Sbd huMdw[ iesy hI pMkqI ivc “tutI” Aqy “myrI” lPzW dy iek`Ty hox kwrn G~gw jI vwly ArQ iksy vI qrW nhIN ho skdy[ sinmr bynqI hY ik ibnw gurmiq ivAwkrx dI soJI qoN gurbwxI dy ArQ krny gYr-izmyvwrwnw hrkq hY jo ik Aj dy Xug ivc jdoN ik gurbwxI ivAwkrx dw sUrj audy ho cuikAw hY, imSnrI vIrW nUM kqeI vI SoBdI nhIN[
Awp jI nUM sinmr bynqI hY ik gurbwxI dy sMdrB ivc ies Sbd nUM Aqy hor nwm dI mihmw vwly Sbd ivcwro jI[ AsIN gurbwxI nUM Awpxy inScy swbq krn leI nhIN vrqxw sgoN gurbwxI dI rOSnI ivc purwxy XkIn, ivSvws Aqy inScy iqAwg ky gurbwxI nUM gRihx krnw hY[
qusIN iliKAw hY:
A`j qk ienHW krmwqW nwl smucI lokweI dw koeI Blw nhI hoieAw[ kI hux swnUM quhwfy ivSvwS muqwbk krwmwqW dI aufIk krnI cwhIdI hY Aqy koeI kMm nhI krnw cwhIdw Aqy BuKy mrn leI iqAwr ho jwxw cwhIdw hY? jW iPr A`j swnUM is`KW Aqy bwkI dIAW kOmW dw Blw krn leI gurbwxI dy ArQ ies pRkwr krny cwhIdy hn qW ik swrI lokweI AigAwnqw dy Kwry swgr dI dl-dl ivcoN inkl sky Aqy AwpxI rotI kmwaux leI XqnSIl ho jwvy[
AsIN kdoN pRcwr krdy hW ik AwpW nUM krwmwqW dI aufIk krnI cwhIdI hY pr AsIN ieh g`l fMky dI cot qy kihMdy hW ik AwpW nUM kwmXwbI qW hI imlygI jykr AwpW gurmiq Anuswr nwm jpWgy, bwxI dw pwT krWgy Aqy gurbwxI idAW swirAW hukmW nUM mMNnx nUM qqpr hovWgy[
AwE AwpW gurU swihb dy nwm jpx dy hukm nUM mMnIey Aqy nw mMnx krky Awpxy isr qoN mUrK hox dw gurU swihb vloN id~qw Pqvw lwhIey[
AKIr ivc swfw Awp jI nUM Aqy G`gw jI nUM Kulw s`dw hY ik AwpW gurmiq Anuswr gurmiq dy buinAwdI AsUlW Aqy inSicAW bwry Awhmo-swhmxy bYT ky, eyk ilv lw ky, ivcwr krIey[ icTI ilKidAW jykr koeI gurmiq dy ault g`l ho geI hovy qW AsIN iKmw dy jwck hW[
AwE, ivcwr dI smwpqI siqgurW dy pwvno-muk`ds Purmwn (pRoPYsr swihb isMG dy ArQW smyq) nwl krIey:
mUrKu isAwxw eyku hY eyk joiq duie nwau ] mUrKw isir mUrKu hY ij mMny nwhI nwau ]2]
mUrKw isir mUrKu—sB qoN v`fw mUrK [ ij—ijhVw [2[
cwhy koeI mUrK hY cwhy koeI isAwxw hY (hryk ivc) ieko prmwqmw hI v`sdw hY [ mUrK qy isAwxw do vK vK nwm hn joiq dohW ivc ieko hI hY [ jyhVw AwdmI prmwqmw dw nwm ismrnw nhIN kbUldw, auh mhw mUrK hY [2[
Jul 30, 2004

too much deabating over scripture is Brahmanical.

ਸਲੋਕੁ ਮਃ ੧ ॥
सलोकु मः १ ॥
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

ਪੜਿ ਪੜਿ ਗਡੀ ਲਦੀਅਹਿ ਪੜਿ ਪੜਿ ਭਰੀਅਹਿ ਸਾਥ ॥
पड़ि पड़ि गडी लदीअहि पड़ि पड़ि भरीअहि साथ ॥
parh parh gadee ladee-ah parh parh bharee-ah saath.
You may read and read loads of books; you may read and study vast multitudes of books.

ਪੜਿ ਪੜਿ ਬੇੜੀ ਪਾਈਐ ਪੜਿ ਪੜਿ ਗਡੀਅਹਿ ਖਾਤ ॥
पड़ि पड़ि बेड़ी पाईऐ पड़ि पड़ि गडीअहि खात ॥
parh parh bayrhee paa-ee-ai parh parh gadee-ah khaat.
You may read and read boat-loads of books; you may read and read and fill pits with them.

ਪੜੀਅਹਿ ਜੇਤੇ ਬਰਸ ਬਰਸ ਪੜੀਅਹਿ ਜੇਤੇ ਮਾਸ ॥
पड़ीअहि जेते बरस बरस पड़ीअहि जेते मास ॥
parhee-ah jaytay baras baras parhee-ah jaytay maas.
You may read them year after year; you may read them as many months are there are.

ਪੜੀਐ ਜੇਤੀ ਆਰਜਾ ਪੜੀਅਹਿ ਜੇਤੇ ਸਾਸ ॥
पड़ीऐ जेती आरजा पड़ीअहि जेते सास ॥
parhee-ai jaytee aarjaa parhee-ah jaytay saas.
You may read them all your life; you may read them with every breath.

ਨਾਨਕ ਲੇਖੈ ਇਕ ਗਲ ਹੋਰੁ ਹਉਮੈ ਝਖਣਾ ਝਾਖ ॥੧॥
नानक लेखै इक गल होरु हउमै झखणा झाख ॥१॥
naanak laykhai ik gal hor ha-umai jhakh-naa jhaakh. ||1||
O Nanak, only one thing is of any account: everything else is useless babbling and idle talk in ego. ||1||

ang 467

ਰਾਗੁ ਮਾਰੂ ਬਾਣੀ ਕਬੀਰ ਜੀਉ ਕੀ
रागु मारू बाणी कबीर जीउ की
raag maaroo banee kabeer jee-o kee
Raag Maaroo, The Word Of Kabeer Jee:

ੴ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥
ੴ सतिगुर प्रसादि ॥
ik-oNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

ਪਡੀਆ ਕਵਨ ਕੁਮਤਿ ਤੁਮ ਲਾਗੇ ॥
पडीआ कवन कुमति तुम लागे ॥
padee-aa kavan kumat tum laagay.
O Pandit, O religious scholar, in what foul thoughts are you engaged?

ਬੂਡਹੁਗੇ ਪਰਵਾਰ ਸਕਲ ਸਿਉ ਰਾਮੁ ਨ ਜਪਹੁ ਅਭਾਗੇ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
बूडहुगे परवार सकल सिउ रामु न जपहु अभागे ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
bood-hugay parvaar sakal si-o raam na japahu abhaagay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You shall be drowned, along with your family, if you do not meditate on the Lord, you unfortunate person. ||1||Pause||

ਬੇਦ ਪੁਰਾਨ ਪੜੇ ਕਾ ਕਿਆ ਗੁਨੁ ਖਰ ਚੰਦਨ ਜਸ ਭਾਰਾ ॥
बेद पुरान पड़े का किआ गुनु खर चंदन जस भारा ॥
bayd puraan parhay kaa ki-aa gun khar chandan jas bhaaraa.
What is the use of reading the Vedas and the Puraanas? It is like loading a donkey with sandalwood.

ਰਾਮ ਨਾਮ ਕੀ ਗਤਿ ਨਹੀ ਜਾਨੀ ਕੈਸੇ ਉਤਰਸਿ ਪਾਰਾ ॥੧॥
राम नाम की गति नही जानी कैसे उतरसि पारा ॥१॥
raam naam kee gat nahee jaanee kaisay utras paaraa. ||1||
You do not know the exalted state of the Lord's Name; how will you ever cross over? ||1||
ਜੀਅ ਬਧਹੁ ਸੁ ਧਰਮੁ ਕਰਿ ਥਾਪਹੁ ਅਧਰਮੁ ਕਹਹੁ ਕਤ ਭਾਈ ॥
जीअ बधहु सु धरमु करि थापहु अधरमु कहहु कत भाई ॥
jee-a baDhahu so Dharam kar thaapahu aDhram kahhu kat bhaa-ee.
You kill living beings, and call it a righteous action. Tell me, brother, what would you call an unrighteous action?

ਆਪਸ ਕਉ ਮੁਨਿਵਰ ਕਰਿ ਥਾਪਹੁ ਕਾ ਕਉ ਕਹਹੁ ਕਸਾਈ ॥੨॥
आपस कउ मुनिवर करि थापहु का कउ कहहु कसाई ॥२॥
aapas ka-o munivar kar thaapahu kaa ka-o kahhu kasaa-ee. ||2||
You call yourself the most excellent sage; then who would you call a butcher? ||2||

ਮਨ ਕੇ ਅੰਧੇ ਆਪਿ ਨ ਬੂਝਹੁ ਕਾਹਿ ਬੁਝਾਵਹੁ ਭਾਈ ॥
मन के अंधे आपि न बूझहु काहि बुझावहु भाई ॥
man kay anDhay aap na boojhhu kaahi bujhaavahu bhaa-ee.
You are blind in your mind, and do not understand your own self; how can you make others understand, O brother?

ਮਾਇਆ ਕਾਰਨ ਬਿਦਿਆ ਬੇਚਹੁ ਜਨਮੁ ਅਬਿਰਥਾ ਜਾਈ ॥੩॥
माइआ कारन बिदिआ बेचहु जनमु अबिरथा जाई ॥३॥
maa-i-aa kaaran bidi-aa baychahu janam abirathaa jaa-ee. ||3||
For the sake of Maya and money, you sell knowledge; your life is totally worthless. ||3||

ਨਾਰਦ ਬਚਨ ਬਿਆਸੁ ਕਹਤ ਹੈ ਸੁਕ ਕਉ ਪੂਛਹੁ ਜਾਈ ॥
नारद बचन बिआसु कहत है सुक कउ पूछहु जाई ॥
naarad bachan bi-aas kahat hai suk ka-o poochhahu jaa-ee.
Naarad and Vyaasa say these things; go and ask Suk Dayv as well.

ਕਹਿ ਕਬੀਰ ਰਾਮੈ ਰਮਿ ਛੂਟਹੁ ਨਾਹਿ ਤ ਬੂਡੇ ਭਾਈ ॥੪॥੧॥
कहि कबीर रामै रमि छूटहु नाहि त बूडे भाई ॥४॥१॥
kahi kabeer raamai ram chhootahu naahi ta booday bhaa-ee. ||4||1||
Says Kabeer, chanting the Lord's Name, you shall be saved; otherwise, you shall drown, brother. ||4||1||

Ang 1102 and 1103.

As per Gyani Sant Singh Ji maskeen perhaps idea taken from here.If {censored} is loaded with scriptures,it does not not becomes Gyani.Without Bhakti and just rembering scripture may not be OK.
Oct 15, 2006
Khalsa ji,

Sat Shri Akaal,

I would like to mentions a few points on Inder Singh Ghagga and the related issues. I have seen a lot of people commenting on Inder Singh in a bad way on various forums and blogs, I request everyone please do not do so without first reading all his work. You,me and others do not stand a chance to judge Inder Singh Ghagga as we are not so much educated to do so.

Let me start by mentioning that I do not agree to the following points made by Inder Singh Ghagga, but I agree to most of the 100s and 100s of points that he has brought forward to the notice of the Sikh Panth.

1. Halal Meat
I totally disagree with the point made that Guru Nanak Dev ji might have eaten halal meat during their visit to Mecca. Seems like Inder Singh Ghagga got a little far in his thinking here. Thankfully, he agree to edit his words to change this.

2. Guru Arjan Dev ji getting unconscious
Again, I do not agree. In meditation, there is a stage when one loses the sense of time. Then comes the stage when one loses the sense of pain. When one loses the sense of pain, one simply cannot get unconscious by pain. I strongly believe our gurus had achieved higher states of self control.

3. Naam Simran
Again do not agree. But here it seems to be more of a confusion and communication gap. Inder Singh Ghagga seems to make a point that just naam simran and no act of gaining knowledge will not help Sikhism and I agree with his point. But I also agree to Bhai Kulbir Singh that naam simran helps to start gaining knowledge and its like a stepping stone. Also I do believe that getting up early in the morning and doing path helps. The reason is related to neuro-biology and how our body is made: will discuss in detail if any body is interested.

Having said that and having disagreed on the above points with Inder Singh Ghagga, I do have a lot of respect for this person. Please do not call him names just because some so called giani Joginder Singh Vedanti thinks he is not a Sikh. Vedanti is not God, he cannot restrict the freedom of speech of any Sikh. Do you know that Joginder Singh Vedanti has done? He co-edited a text which says the following: -

1. portrays Guru Hargobind as the twenty-fourth reincarnation [avatar] of [the Hindu god] Vishnu

2. asserts that the Darbar Sahib's four entrances represent not egalitarianism but 'the four arms of Chatarbhuji (a Hindu god).

..... do you agree with this nonsense?? I think Joginder Singh Vedanti should be excommunicated and not others.

Do you know why Joginder Singh Vedanti excommunicated Gurbaksh Singh Kala Afghana? Simple, to take revenge. Gurbaksh Singh Kala Afghana objected to the above written text and co-edited by Joginder Singh Vedanti and called Vedanti "paapi" so Vedanti simply excommunicated him. Do you think this is right? I have lived in Punjab and I am totally worried about what is happening there. These guys (Badal, Vedanti et all) have been in power from ages,
then why is Punjabi lacking in education?
Why is Punjab lacking in technological development?
Why the females count is less as compared to male?
Why there are dowry related deaths everyday?
Why Punjab transportation is so bad?
Why there is no IIT in Punjab?
Where are the millions of dollars of public money gone that Badal sab was to spend on Anandpur?
....................................etc etc etc...
Have you all asked these questions to yourself and ever tried to find answers? ....please please do it. These people have eaten away the roots of Punjab and Sikhism and people like Inder Singh Ghagga and Gurbaksh Singh Kala Afghana are worried about it and they are risking their lives to save the legacy of Guru Nanak Dev ji. If you do not agree first read all the articles by Inder Singh Ghagga at www.sikhmarg.org
All articles are excellent, but yours truly highly recommends to start by reading: -

1. Gurbani Wich Vigyanik Sach (Scientific Truths in Gurbani)

2. Kallar Khet lai kood Jamaya (part-1)

3. Kallar Khet lia Kood Jamaya (part-2)

4. Tuhanu Gurpurab Mubarak

5. Kee Sikha ne 1857 wich gaddari keeti?
....these all articles are in Punjabi.
(I think if anyone does not understand punjabi, first he/she should learn it and then comment on Inder Singh Ghagga. Because if we do not know to read/write Punjabi who are we to comment on Inder Singh Ghagga? If still anybody is lazy to learn Punjabi, I don’t think you should devoid your brain from these great articles, ping me and I shall translate to English the selective ones you want... but this might take some time as I have a hectic schedule, every one of us have)

You can also listen to his book "Sada Beda Ayun Garkia" at:-

Listen what people have written that Inder Singh Ghagga is worried about, and he (Inder Singh Ghagga) wants us to know. For example, one of the Taksal leader is writing: -
1.We got kachchera ( Sikh undergarment) from Hanuman (...oh god! none of the sikhs is agains this writing??)
2. We have long hair and beards so that we can be pulled out from "nark" by holding our long hair ( what an insult to sikh identity!)
3. Sikhs priest should not eat garlic and onion (what?? these are brahamwad superstitions)
4. A pati-wrata (husband worshipping) women can hold the sun from rising and can travel from Kabul to Goindwal every day, thats not all...she can move her child's cradle in Kabul by just moving her hand while she is in Goindwal.
5. Sant Singh Maskeen calls himself "Brahm Gyani" and our sikhs are listening to his followers blindly.Gurbani clearly mentions who is "Brahm Gyani" how can Sant Singh Maskeen be Brahm Gyani ??
....there are countless other disasterous teaching and writing that people are putting into the head of Sikhs and Prof. Inder Singh Ghagga ji have brought them to our notice rightly. I am so much obliged to Inder Singh Ghagga ji. I encourage all true sikhs to read and understand all his points, I am 100% sure not true Sikh can disagree with Inder Singh Ghagga ji( other then a couple of places)

I think Inder Singh Ghagga has done great work in these articles and I agree to all parts of these articles. We cannot punish him so hard just because he wrote a couple of points which seem to be wrong, what about 100s and 100s of other points on which he is very right. I feel ashamed of the kind of treatment Sikh youth is giving him. Please read his work before commenting on him. You should use your own concious and thinking to make decision no Joginder Singh Vedanti should direct you to do something. You as Sikh (Learner) for life, so learn my friend and learn to respect people who are visionaries. Please post your comments after you read atleast the atricles that I have recommended above. We all should back Inder Singh Gaggha (...also make him know that though we are with him we do not agree to some points he made). He certainly does not deserve the disrespect that is being shown against him.

Yours truly liked the personality of Bhai Kulbir Singh as well. He talked respectfully with Prof. Inder Singh and mentioned that he (Kulbir Singh) has read many of his articles and he likes most of them. In fact, he went onto saying, "(Some article) tusi bahut wadiya likhya hai, main padya tusi bahut wadiya kamm keeta". He had objection to a few points only. But I did not like the way panthic weekly site (Kulbir Singh's group) has handled the matter after that. In the meeting Bhai Kulbir Singh mentioned, "We are here to discuss, nobody is winner or loser. We are not here to win" but the next day, the site maintained by Kulbir Singh's group posted the article with heading "Inder Ghagga loses debate to young panthic Sikh". Why this dual policy?? If they were there not to win then why this title??. Also, notice that they did not put "Singh" in professor Inder Singh's name. Moreover, there was agreement between both the debating parties that only 5 people from each side will be allowed on the debate place, this should not be a place of intimidation or threat. This rule was defied clearly as there were around 100 people outside Gurudwara from Kulbir Singh's side. Additionally, to intimidate the writer there were weapons hung on the walls of the the debate room.

I hope all my fellow Sikhs will raise their conscious to the level that a true Sikh should have. I encourage you to read and increase your knowledge and be a true Khalsa. Moreover, please help stop posting unreasonable stuff like "Inder Ghagga loses debate to young Sikh"... this is not right, did you hear the debate carefully? Kulbir Singh started by saying, " we are here to discuss, there is no winner or loser". The pathic site made a mistake by using "Inder Ghagga loses debate to young Sikh" title on their posting, they went against what Bhai Kubir Singh said in the debate. How can they have dual policies – at one time saying we are not here to win or loose and then post an article with title "Inder Ghagga loses debate to young Sikh" ?? What does it mean, do they think the readers are illiterate or do they think nobody else can understand these topics??

Sat Shri Akaal!

"Ve Sikha, tu ki Sikha?"
(Oh my learner! what have you learned?)

Your truly,
Akashdeep Singh Aulakh
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