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Amrit - Is It For Everyone?

Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
Re: Amrit - Is it for everyone

Gyani Jarnail Singh said:
Khandeh Batte DE PAHUL ..is exactly that..PAHUL. An initiation Rite of Passage that a SIKH must undergo to advance towards Khalsa.

Peevoh PAHUL khande dhaar..hoveh janam suhela...

The AMRIT of GURBANI..is essentially NAAM. IN Each and every Panktee in Gurbani where the Word AMRIT occurs it refers to NAAM.

First we turned PAHUL into "AMRIT"..
Then we turned a little water in a batta stirred with khanda by a SINGLE GRANTHI reading Japji sahib (Five paurres) into "AMRIT"...
Then we turned SAROVAR WATERS into "AMRIT"
Then we turned Ordinary mineral/tap water put into bottles and placed near Guru Granth ji..into "AMRIT"..
Next we even poured tap water into a GANGASAGAR and called that AMRIT... ( thousands took that home and matha tek millions in return )
Then we had "Mahapurash" going to Pakistan..and bringing back "AMRIT"..from panja Sahib, nanakanna sahib, The Well in the Pind of Bhai Khaniya Ji.....

I wonder whats NEXT ?? IS AMRIT that easy ?? as easy as jumping into the sarovar...or just putting a mineral water bottle under Guru ji manji sahib ??..or just getting a "Sant" to bless some water and declare it is "AMRIT"....

Any wonder that the YOUTH are getting disilluisioned as seen in manbir 's message above ?? NO WONDER at all.... we are REDUCING the GYAN of GURBANEE into AGYAAN - DARKNESS of RITUALS and EMPTY WORDS..

Jarnail Singh

Giani Jarnail Singh Jee

Waheguru Ji Ka khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh

You have said exactly what needed to be said. Your depiction of the state of affairs is 100% correct.

'The AMRIT of GURBANI..is essentially NAAM. IN Each and every Panktee in Gurbani where the Word AMRIT occurs it refers to NAAM.'

We the elders in the sikh society have gone astray and that is why we cannot have influence on the younger generation which is going the pattit way. If the elders in a family follow the Brahmanical ways it becomes very difficult to convince the young children.

I am living among the sikh population that has forgotten each and every aspect of our Guru's teachings. I have been observing each and every manmat that you mentioned in your message. Every Sant here is involved in such type of activity[/FONT]
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Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
Re: Amrit - Is it for everyone

{ Next we even poured tap water into a GANGASAGAR and called that AMRIT... ( thousands took that home and matha tek millions in return ) }

Giani Jarnail Singh Jee,

I have seen this happening with my own eyes !!!


Jul 15, 2004
Re: Amrit - Is it for everyone

I have always its believed its for those who are ready for it. Amrit, doesnt destroy the wickedness in a person. Its true, Guru ji says,

Become the dust of the feet of all, then you may come to me.


Jul 15, 2004
Re: Amrit - Is it for everyone

manbir said:
{ Next we even poured tap water into a GANGASAGAR and called that AMRIT... ( thousands took that home and matha tek millions in return ) }

Giani Jarnail Singh Jee,

I have seen this happening with my own eyes !!!

where ? this is sad
Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
Re: Amrit - Is it for everyone

naam_jap said:
where ? this is sad

Gangasagar (said to have been blessed by Guru Gobind Singh Jee) was brought from Pakistan by a politicin who is its custodian, and a member of Pakistani Punjab Assembly. Sikhs all over Punjab in India were worshiping it like any thing and the water pouered from it was taken as AMRIT by thousands. They were bowing in fromt of it just as it were our guru and millions were donated. The Pakistani politician was surprised by the amount collected by him and certianly by the idioticity of Sikhs. The Gangasagar was taken all over the punjab in procession and you should have seen the trafiic jams it created. I myself got stuck in such traffic jams for hours.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Amrit - Is it for everyone

Guru nanak ji - Guur Gobind Singh ji WAS NOT sent to this Earth to give us "blessed" gnagasagars and chappals...

Guru nanak JYOT came in 10 Jammas to Bestow on us the Gift of DHUR KI BANEE... GURU GRANTH JI SAHIB...

Yet today 6 out of 10 Sikhs cant even recite the Names of the Gurus in proper sequence...7 out of 10 cant read GURBANI.....8 out of 10 cant UNDERSTAND Gurbani..and 9 DONT FOLLOW GURBANI..

BUT 10 out of 10 will rush to matah tek to the sant ji/baba ji/mahapurash ji/gangasagar ji/chappal ji sahib..etc etc saying it is nishanee of Guru Ji..blessed are we to have darshan of these..

IF Guru Ji wished he could have left us Gnagasagrs by the THOUSANDS... 10 in each and every gurdwara..BUT NO..they sat on the Hot Plate to Give us GURU GRANTH JI, they had their head cut off to Give us Gurbani..they Sacrificed their entire FAMILY to give us Khanda Batte da Pahul...

Dhan are we who matha tek to gangasagars full of holes...and ignore the SOLID GURBANI that NO ONE can blow a single hole through...500 years later GURBANI stand the TEST of TIME and TRUTH...for All time.

jarnail Singh


Feb 19, 2005
Re: Amrit - Is it for everyone

Gyani ji, I agree with you in some ways but sometimes practicing Sikhi can even be 異文化への移行にともなって生じる現象を取り上げた論文のタイトルとしてカルチャー・ショックということばを用いたのはが - but I might be to over-the-top, even as a westerner.

I'm sure you can make out what I'm trying to say. If you can't try harder! It's a very easy language to learn. I kearned it quickly.

And if you still don't understand what I am trying to say...thank picture what it is like for a person like me that wants to learn. Sikhs in the west that live around book stores with multiple volumes on nearly every language in the world. But go to G and you'll find Greek, German, Gaelic, and Gurjarati...but no Gurmukhi. Go to P and you will find Polish, Pashto, Portuguese and even some books that still refer to Persian...but no Panjabi.

So that's OK, there are colleges, right? But colleges don't teach courses in Panjabi.

So that's OK, there is always sangat right? Sure!
But that requires on a long commitment of another sangat member that may or may not be able to communicate the language in the way that you can learn...providing the sangat member doesn't give up, frustrated.......and may or may not be very literate himself/herself.

So we don't learn, but are instead called 不精 or even disrespectful by some of the very same folks that could 違いを生じなさい but instead それをしないことを選びなさい.
Sep 11, 2005
Kabeer has rightly said that

Pothi Padr Padr jag mua pandit bhya na koi ,

Dhai Akhar prem ka pade so pandit hoye .

Love is the real Amrit .

Just taste and feel Love , Experience everything without reading any scripture or book .
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