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Amrit Vela On Moon ? Once A Lunar Month !

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Feb 7, 2008
aad ji

see below as you seem to be very eager to know. Ask Giani ji not to be a hypocrite by copying others material and pasting under that his name.That is what he has included in his article. He will try to wiggle out from this mess by writing long irrelevant post.

see the link below. Click on babiha


I searched for "Amrit Vela" in Guru Granth Sahib, and found only 3 shabads (please correct if I am wrong):
1. Amrit Vela, Sach Naao, Vadeyai Veechar (Pg.2) <PAGE 2 - Punjabi Translation of Siri Guru Granth Sahib (Sri Guru Granth Darpan).> Here it means the time of full blossom, the time of enlightenment
2. Amrit Velae Vatay Har Bhagti, Har Liv Laayi (Pg 734) <PAGE 734 - Punjabi Translation of Siri Guru Granth Sahib (Sri Guru Granth Darpan).> Here, in the meanings, he meant "the ealry time of spiritual life"
3. Babiha Amrit Velae boleya <PAGE 1285 - Punjabi Translation of Siri Guru Granth Sahib (Sri Guru Granth Darpan).> Here Prof Sahib means the dawn, but I know that BrainFever bird or Babiha, shrieks all day and night before monsoon.

More, by Shaikh Fareed ji "PAGE 1383 - Punjabi Translation of Siri Guru Granth Sahib (Sri Guru Granth Darpan)."Fareeda, pichhal raat na jaageyoh, jeevadro muyeoh"
Could this mean the dawn of the life, instead of usual day's dawn??

Since, I am trying to look at every angle and then finding the Truth, so that it cannot be shaken from any angle, let us go in Science now...


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Inder ji -- Go back to the first post and you will find this statement,

"In Gurbani Class , we discussed 6th Pauree of Maajh ki Vaar, in which there was a mention of special techniques, auspicious Dates and times to do special tasks/ prayers etc people do to recite WAHEGURU...RAAM...GOPAL..NARAYAN..etc etc as "NAAM JAPP" ...and no sooner said than..the inevitable uqestion came up like a ??? floater... that the usual conception of "Meditating and sitting before dawn and chanting GOD's physical(?) name" would also be called under the same technique, and doing special task at special time?? "

This is what Gyani ji was discussing in Gurbani class -- this blog entry, the BABIHA BLOG -- when the discussion of amrit vela came up a student in GYANI'S class used the arguments on the BABIHA BLOG -- covering the math, the rotation of the moon, and so forth and so forth and so forth. I read that very clearly to say that the student/s raised this argument in toto. Gyani is sharing the topic from class discussion with the forum. His only mistake was to leave out the reference. But now he has your reprimand. Do not make a mountain out of a molehill.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Inder Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

I asked you a simple question about Amrit Vela in the other thread which you have not responded to yet.

One wonders why this reluctance!

I have no idea why this fear of seeking the truth. A Sikh is fearless that is why a Sikh seeks the Nirbhau- Nirvair Ik Ong Kaar.

Tejwant Singh
Feb 7, 2008
Inder ji -- Go back to the first post and you will find this statement,

"In Gurbani Class , we discussed 6th Pauree of Maajh ki Vaar, in which there was a mention of special techniques, auspicious Dates and times to do special tasks/ prayers etc people do to recite WAHEGURU...RAAM...GOPAL..NARAYAN..etc etc as "NAAM JAPP" ...and no sooner said than..the inevitable uqestion came up like a ??? floater... that the usual conception of "Meditating and sitting before dawn and chanting GOD's physical(?) name" would also be called under the same technique, and doing special task at special time?? "

This is what Gyani ji was discussing in Gurbani class -- this blog entry, the BABIHA BLOG -- when the discussion of amrit vela came up a student in GYANI'S class used the arguments on the BABIHA BLOG -- covering the math, the rotation of the moon, and so forth and so forth and so forth. I read that very clearly to say that the student/s raised this argument in toto. Gyani is sharing the topic from class discussion with the forum. His only mistake was to leave out the reference. But now he has your reprimand. Do not make a mountain out of a molehill.

Aad and gyani are one and same. Aad ji go on deleting my statements as that shows you in a very poor light. Lies never make up for truth.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Inder Ji,

AS your usual style you cannot discuss ISSUES.....and I dont want to enter the Cess POOL .

I have been on the Internet for the past 18 years...early 1990s...and have written literally THOUSANDS of articles...and they are all over the place....many are archived..and many are not...BUT EACH POST is IRON CLAD GUARANTEED TRUTH based on GURBANI. I NEVER WAVER - from even a low down PERSONAL ATTACK. No way will this move me or shut me up.

You can go to the BABIHA BLOG and ANSWER the Very same ISSUES there.
What Copyright are you talking about...Bhai Kahn Singh Nabhas Mahan Kosh, SGGS, Prof Sahib Singhs Darpan ?? or what ??

The TRUTH that makes people BOIL to Burning temps..SARR GAYEH like Kola...is that there is NO ANSWER....so Beat around the BUSH....and bring up issues of no relevance...
NOT only MY Gurbani Classes..BUT in Classes and Groups of THINKING TEENAGERS, ADULTS, College Students, Uni students EVERYWHERE...AAKLWAAN SIKHS are asking the same questions....the SAME QUERIES..and Coming to the SAME CONCLUSIONS.

YES Babiha Blog asks the SAME QUESTIONS and has the SAME ANSWERS..and the SAME CONCLUSIONS as MINE. I AGREE COMPLETELY with BABIHA....so whats your BEEF ?? That Babiha nd Me are the SAME ?? TRUTH IS UNIVERSAL....no matter who says it FIRST.SECOND..LAST...???

I BASE my Gurbani Class LESSONS on materials from everywhere...and I ADD VALUE..Read Carefully my POST....and I also add my own conclusions, discussion topics, etc UNLIKE SIMPLE CUT AND PASTE !! IF soemone ahs already placed a Valuable LINK..why bother to retype when its the SAME LINK to the SAME SHABAD and the SGGS. Its the CONCLUSION THAT MATTERS..and in that BABIHA and MYSELF CONCUR 110%. so answer the ISSUE.

BARKING UP the Kala Afghana Tree, or Copyright Trees, etc etc is NOT going to make the TRUTH GO AWAY....the TRUTH is HERE and in the OPEN. You are barking up the wrong trees....and its making your ho{censored}....HALKIAH. Spreading Rabies is a crime....similar to spreading FALSEHOOD. TRUTH DOESNT NEED SUPPORT..it stands on its own FOUR FEET. Sorry no Compromises on this.:happy:
Feb 7, 2008
Gyani ji

Since you do not believe in contemplation of gurmantra waheguru hence Amrit vela has no significance for you. You can admit that Amrit vela is not your cup of tea. well and good but do not mislead others about your anti gurmat stance.

We all have many weaknesses but that does not mean that we should doubt the advice given by our Gurus.

No more character assassination. aad0002
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Feb 7, 2008
Giani ji

As Babiha forgot to mention and so you also forgot to take note of following verse from SGGS ji.Read it carefully as it tells us about the importance of Amrit vela. Guru sahib says that time is most conducive
for spiritual progress.

hir Dnu AMimRq vylY vqY kw bIijAw Bgq Kwie Kric rhy inKutY nwhI ] (734-5, sUhI, mÚ 4)
har Dhan amrit vaylai vatai kaa beeji-aa bhagat khaa-ay kharach rahay nikhutai naahee.
The devotees of the Lord plant the seed of the Lord's wealth in the ambrosial hours of the Amrit Vaylaa; they eat it, and spend it, but it is never exhausted

ang 734

Bhai gurdas ji also emphsizes about amrit vela in his var 3

ਨ੍ਹਾਵਣੁ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤ ਵੇਲ ਵਸਣ ਸੁਦੇਸਿਆ ।
nhaavanu anmrit vayl vasan sudaysiaa|
Taking bath in the ambrosial hours he remains enrapt in the region of the Lord.
Line 5 ਗੁਰ ਜਪੁ ਰਿਦੈ ਸੁਹੇਲੁ ਗੁਰ ਪਰਵੇਸਿਆ ।
gur japu ridai suhaylu gur paravaysiaa|
Remembering Guru in his heart he becomes one with Him

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Giani ji

As Babiha forgot to mention and so you also forgot to take note of following verse from SGGS ji.Read it carefully as it tells us about the importance of Amrit vela. Guru sahib says that time is most conducive
for spiritual progress.

hir Dnu AMimRq vylY vqY kw bIijAw Bgq Kwie Kric rhy inKutY nwhI ] (734-5, sUhI, mÚ 4)
har Dhan amrit vaylai vatai kaa beeji-aa bhagat khaa-ay kharach rahay nikhutai naahee.
The devotees of the Lord plant the seed of the Lord's wealth in the ambrosial hours of the Amrit Vaylaa; they eat it, and spend it, but it is never exhausted

ang 734

Bhai gurdas ji also emphsizes about amrit vela in his var 3

ਨ੍ਹਾਵਣੁ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤ ਵੇਲ ਵਸਣ ਸੁਦੇਸਿਆ ।
nhaavanu anmrit vayl vasan sudaysiaa|
Taking bath in the ambrosial hours he remains enrapt in the region of the Lord.
Line 5 ਗੁਰ ਜਪੁ ਰਿਦੈ ਸੁਹੇਲੁ ਗੁਰ ਪਰਵੇਸਿਆ ।
gur japu ridai suhaylu gur paravaysiaa|
Remembering Guru in his heart he becomes one with Him

NO JI..neither Babiha or myself "forgot" anything.
YOU tell me the EXACT HOUR that you say is "Amrit Vela"...and ONLY THAT HOUR..none other. Quote the Gurbani shabad.Bhai Gurdass Ji/Bhai nand Lal Ji/Rehitnamahs...that mentions this HOUR.
I am STICKING to the view that "AMRIT VELA" is the "MOMENT" OF CONNECTION WITH WAHEGURU....and this can occur at any time..day or night. The Moment can stretch to days/weeks/months//or it may not occur at all..NO TIME LIMIT is given in any Gurbani/Vaar.
IF one "connects"..he BEEJES..PLANTS the SEEDS...in your quoted tuk above.....and this "connection" cna take place waiting at the TRAFFIC LIGHTS...walking towards the Bathroom...roaming in a super mall...on the way to the MOON !! ANY WHERE>>>ANY TIME>>>ANY SITUATION>>.ANY HOUR>>>the SEEDS CAN BE PLANTED.
The IMPORTANT THING..is planting the seeds..NOT LOOKING AT THE CLOCK>.for the correct HOUR !!

2. NO doubt those who even say such things..as GURU NANAK JI copied the VEDAS....aslo complain about me copying Babiha ????
People who Find that SHYAM indeed did COPY the Markandah Puran ?? ( example only - i am not bothered to even see which Puran/chandi vaar etc is involved..so dont go on that wild goose chase) WORD FOR WORD DEFEND him by saying he is "Guru Gobind Singh writing under Pen name Shyam " etc etc etc...why would GGS hide behind pen names ?? is it due to COPYRIGHT ISSUES ???:advocate:
ha Ha DOUBLE STANDARDS ?? WHY ??:advocate:

For ME..all the time is AMRIT VELA..and I am seeding all the time.....i never wait / nor look at the clock....not a clock watcher !!! So sometimes I am awake at 1.30.AM..other days..3.30AM....other days..I Connect with Guru Ji at ODD TIMES.:advocate: GURBANI is UNIVERSAL..applicable on ALL PLANETS...MOON..MARS..etc..and in SPACE....dont lock it up in 13th century dark ages.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
NO JI..neither Babiha or myself "forgot" anything.
YOU tell me the EXACT HOUR that you say is "Amrit Vela"...and ONLY THAT HOUR..none other. Quote the Gurbani shabad.Bhai Gurdass Ji/Bhai nand Lal Ji/Rehitnamahs...that mentions this HOUR.
I am STICKING to the view that "AMRIT VELA" is the "MOMENT" OF CONNECTION WITH WAHEGURU....and this can occur at any time..day or night. The Moment can stretch to days/weeks/months//or it may not occur at all..NO TIME LIMIT is given in any Gurbani/Vaar.
IF one "connects"..he BEEJES..PLANTS the SEEDS...in your quoted tuk above.....and this "connection" cna take place waiting at the TRAFFIC LIGHTS...walking towards the Bathroom...roaming in a super mall...on the way to the MOON !! ANY WHERE>>>ANY TIME>>>ANY SITUATION>>.ANY HOUR>>>the SEEDS CAN BE PLANTED.
The IMPORTANT THING..is planting the seeds..NOT LOOKING AT THE CLOCK>.for the correct HOUR !!

2. NO doubt those who even say such things..as GURU NANAK JI copied the VEDAS....aslo complain about me copying Babiha ????
People who Find that SHYAM indeed did COPY the Markandah Puran ?? ( example only - i am not bothered to even see which Puran/chandi vaar etc is involved..so dont go on that wild goose chase) WORD FOR WORD DEFEND him by saying he is "Guru Gobind Singh writing under Pen name Shyam " etc etc etc...why would GGS hide behind pen names ?? is it due to COPYRIGHT ISSUES ???:advocate:
ha Ha DOUBLE STANDARDS ?? WHY ??:advocate:

For ME..all the time is AMRIT VELA..and I am seeding all the time.....i never wait / nor look at the clock....not a clock watcher !!! So sometimes I am awake at 1.30.AM..other days..3.30AM....other days..I Connect with Guru Ji at ODD TIMES.:advocate: GURBANI is UNIVERSAL..applicable on ALL PLANETS...MOON..MARS..etc..and in SPACE....dont lock it up in 13th century dark ages.

Gyani ji,

Guru Fateh.

I totally agree with you. People who have trained themselves to do nothing but parrot Gurbani make copy and paste their speciality and feel very proud with this quality they have attained by pressing ctrl + c and ctrl+v. When asked to explain the Shabads in their own words, they keep mum, perhaps the ones who are behind them encouraging them not to talk about SGGS have no idea either of what Gurbani is all about.

They are trying to Talibanise Sikhi and when all fails, they bring their BFF( best friend forever) KA into the picture. It shows how shallow and disinterested in the teachings of SGGS our ONLY GURU they are. They want to peddle their agenda to Hindunise Sikhi but they will never be successful.

The basic questions they can not respond to are:

1. What is AMRIT according to SGGS, our ONLY GURU?
2. What Vela- time is not Vela- time for AMRIT?


Tejwant Singh

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
And these people are only parrotting...otherwise they would be spending more time posting LINKS TO SGGS...and Running WEB SITES dedicated to SGGS..instead of those other books being passed off as Guru Kirt. NONE of those sites have any materials on SGGS...no research..no ORIGINAL DIGITISED Handwritten copies of SGGS...NO PHOTOS of SGGS...NOTHING about the REAL and ONLY GURU of SIKHS.
They stress only on IMPOSTERS....FRAUDSTERS...PRETENDERS...and do research on their digitised original handwritten books...which they peddle all over and invite persons of repute to come and waste their precious time...fat hope. IMHO no wonder then that DR. Jasbir Singh mann declined..I would TOO.:down:
Feb 7, 2008
NO JI..neither Babiha or myself "forgot" anything.
YOU tell me the EXACT HOUR that you say is "Amrit Vela"...and ONLY THAT HOUR..none other. Quote the Gurbani shabad.Bhai Gurdass Ji/Bhai nand Lal Ji/Rehitnamahs...that mentions this HOUR.
I am STICKING to the view that "AMRIT VELA" is the "MOMENT" OF CONNECTION WITH WAHEGURU....and this can occur at any time..day or night. The Moment can stretch to days/weeks/months//or it may not occur at all..NO TIME LIMIT is given in any Gurbani/Vaar.
IF one "connects"..he BEEJES..PLANTS the SEEDS...in your quoted tuk above.....and this "connection" cna take place waiting at the TRAFFIC LIGHTS...walking towards the Bathroom...roaming in a super mall...on the way to the MOON !! ANY WHERE>>>ANY TIME>>>ANY SITUATION>>.ANY HOUR>>>the SEEDS CAN BE PLANTED.
The IMPORTANT THING..is planting the seeds..NOT LOOKING AT THE CLOCK>.for the correct HOUR !!

2. NO doubt those who even say such things..as GURU NANAK JI copied the VEDAS....aslo complain about me copying Babiha ????
People who Find that SHYAM indeed did COPY the Markandah Puran ?? ( example only - i am not bothered to even see which Puran/chandi vaar etc is involved..so dont go on that wild goose chase) WORD FOR WORD DEFEND him by saying he is "Guru Gobind Singh writing under Pen name Shyam " etc etc etc...why would GGS hide behind pen names ?? is it due to COPYRIGHT ISSUES ???:advocate:
ha Ha DOUBLE STANDARDS ?? WHY ??:advocate:

For ME..all the time is AMRIT VELA..and I am seeding all the time.....i never wait / nor look at the clock....not a clock watcher !!! So sometimes I am awake at 1.30.AM..other days..3.30AM....other days..I Connect with Guru Ji at ODD TIMES.:advocate: GURBANI is UNIVERSAL..applicable on ALL PLANETS...MOON..MARS..etc..and in SPACE....dont lock it up in 13th century dark ages.

Giani ji

We are learning quite a few new beliefs from you.

So far per you

1) There is no gurmantra in sikhism inspite of the fact that a batized sikh is given Gurmantra by panj piaras

2) Nam japna is not contemplation on Gurmantra even though sikh rehat maryada stipulates that.

3) There is no time called Amrit vela even though sikh rehat maryada stipulates that.

It will be good to know your views on the following.

1) Do you belive in Atma or soul

2) Do you believe in Karma

3) Do you believe in reincarnation.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I would like readers to consider the following. The Sikh Rehat Maryada is a Code of Conduct and Conventions. It was never nor is it today intended to be a theological document in which Sikh "doctrines" related to beliefs regarding the soul, karma or reincarnation. In fact the Reaht is a minimalist document -- deliberately identifies the minimum practices expected for individual and collecive Sikh life.

So almost any criticism of any answer given by any forum member to a quesiton about religious belief, based on how well it fits or does not fit with the reahat maryada, is simply irrelevant and beside the point.

The rehat tells one how to live, not what to believe. Which brings me to my second point. If someone appears to contradict a stipulation of the Sikh Rehat Maryada, does that person become an apostate. The answer by logic and common sense is NO. Think about it.

From the article

Professor Devinder Singh begins with this proposition,

The main reason of decreasing population of believers in religion is that teaching of religion is too stodgy and stern for modern man swiftly changing knowledge of science. A similar situation is appearing in the case of Sikhism throughout the world that the younger generation of Science Age (Space Age/Computer Age) is not interested in visiting Gurdwaras as they do not get the real perspective of Sikhism, nevertheless, they are proud to be Sikhs.

Later he explains,

The dictionary meaning of "apostasy" is: renunciation of a religious faith. If apostasy is renunciation of religious faith ..., then it would be a negligible number of Sikhs in the whole world who had renounced Sikhism. On the other hand, if one looks from the point of view of practising of the Rehit Maryada (code of conduct), then there may be many Sikhs who have violated one or more codes of the Rehit Maryada. According to my analysis, it is not an apostasy of Sikhism , it is rather a degree of acceptance and practising of the Rehit Maryada.


So even if someone who is a Sikh defines or redefines amrit vela in terms of his/her vichaar of Sri Guru Granth Sahib, instead of according to common definitions of Sikh practice, that individual is not an apostate and has not abandoned adherence to Sikhism. A convention has been questioned. That is all it is. :)

Feb 7, 2008
I would like readers to consider the following. The Sikh Rehat Maryada is a Code of Conduct and Conventions. It was never nor is it today intended to be a theological document in which Sikh "doctrines" related to beliefs regarding the soul, karma or reincarnation. In fact the Reaht is a minimalist document -- deliberately identifies the minimum practices expected for individual and collecive Sikh life.

So almost any criticism of any answer given by any forum member to a quesiton about religious belief, based on how well it fits or does not fit with the reahat maryada, is simply irrelevant and beside the point.

The rehat tells one how to live, not what to believe. Which brings me to my second point. If someone appears to contradict a stipulation of the Sikh Rehat Maryada, does that person become an apostate. The answer by logic and common sense is NO. Think about it.

From the article

Professor Devinder Singh begins with this proposition,

The main reason of decreasing population of believers in religion is that teaching of religion is too stodgy and stern for modern man swiftly changing knowledge of science. A similar situation is appearing in the case of Sikhism throughout the world that the younger generation of Science Age (Space Age/Computer Age) is not interested in visiting Gurdwaras as they do not get the real perspective of Sikhism, nevertheless, they are proud to be Sikhs.

Later he explains,

The dictionary meaning of "apostasy" is: renunciation of a religious faith. If apostasy is renunciation of religious faith ..., then it would be a negligible number of Sikhs in the whole world who had renounced Sikhism. On the other hand, if one looks from the point of view of practising of the Rehit Maryada (code of conduct), then there may be many Sikhs who have violated one or more codes of the Rehit Maryada. According to my analysis, it is not an apostasy of Sikhism , it is rather a degree of acceptance and practising of the Rehit Maryada.


So even if someone who is a Sikh defines or redefines amrit vela in terms of his/her vichaar of Sri Guru Granth Sahib, instead of according to common definitions of Sikh practice, that individual is not an apostate and has not abandoned adherence to Sikhism. A convention has been questioned. That is all it is. :)

I did not write that sikh rehat maryada supports concept of soul, karma and reincarnation. Did i . It is clearly supported in gurbani. If i wrote please show me.

Now you are quoting Devinder singh. Devinder says so many things. one of that is Bhagat bani should not be in SGGS ji. It contradicts sikh philosophy. Sikhs are not going to accept this nonsense.

My question is addressed to Giani ji. Let him reply to that.
Feb 7, 2008
Gyani ji,

Guru Fateh.

I totally agree with you. People who have trained themselves to do nothing but parrot Gurbani make copy and paste their speciality and feel very proud with this quality they have attained by pressing ctrl + c and ctrl+v. When asked to explain the Shabads in their own words, they keep mum, perhaps the ones who are behind them encouraging them not to talk about SGGS have no idea either of what Gurbani is all about.

They are trying to Talibanise Sikhi and when all fails, they bring their BFF( best friend forever) KA into the picture. It shows how shallow and disinterested in the teachings of SGGS our ONLY GURU they are. They want to peddle their agenda to Hindunise Sikhi but they will never be successful.

The basic questions they can not respond to are:

1. What is AMRIT according to SGGS, our ONLY GURU?
2. What Vela- time is not Vela- time for AMRIT?


Tejwant Singh

Deletion - Please use a civil tongue. Thank you, aad0002
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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I did not write that sikh rehat maryada supports concept of soul, karma and reincarnation. Did i . It is clearly supported in gurbani. If i wrote please show me.

Neither did I. What are you talking about? Interesting how you select the part of my entire post that you want to use, and then use it to make it look like I said something i did not say. But then this is part of your debating profile, isn't it? No matter.

Now you are quoting Devinder singh. Devinder says so many things. one of that is Bhagat bani should not be in SGGS ji. It contradicts sikh philosophy. Sikhs are not going to accept this nonsense. The only Sikhs who will have trouble with my comments are religionists who cannot pass the day without wrapping their brains in cheesecloth and placing them in the refrigerator lest they spoil. No matter. These are found in every religion. Any Sikh who understands that religion is a not a recipe and scripture is not a cookbook and that it is a good thing to be churned will be fine with the post.

Of course if we do not agree with the message we can always shoot or in this case accuse the messenger of having bad intentions. Another feature of your debating profile. No matter.

My question is addressed to Giani ji. Let him reply to that.

My remarks were not addressed to you. No matter.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Giani ji

We are learning quite a few new beliefs from you.

So far per you

1) There is no gurmantra in sikhism inspite of the fact that a batized sikh is given Gurmantra by panj piaras

2) Nam japna is not contemplation on Gurmantra even though sikh rehat maryada stipulates that.

3) There is no time called Amrit vela even though sikh rehat maryada stipulates that.

It will be good to know your views on the following.

1) Do you belive in Atma or soul

2) Do you believe in Karma

3) Do you believe in reincarnation.

Inder ji,

You have lost your privilege to ask..since you have not answered.
Please do go back and ANSWER the questions asked of you.
SPN is a genuine TWO WAY Forum.

2. Secondly what gives you the right to put words in my mouth ?? Arent you jumping to concluisons made by you...as Hari Singh Randhawa said..in NY !! about him and Gurcahran singh Jeonwaala...I dont swish swords in air....I DONT have to follow you and swishing at windmills .
I only FOLLOW MY GURU..THE SGGS...who is COOL even on a HOT PLATE.
have a good day...the fish are not biting today..or tomorrow...


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Good that this thread is closed. Page 3 and 4 are just full of arguments.

Abraham Lincoln: When I'm getting ready to reason with a man,
I spend one-third of my time thinking about myself and what I am going
to say -- and two-thirds thinking about him and what he is going to say.
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