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Amritdharis And Non Amritdharis


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Jasleen ji

Found this little paragraph doing research on something else. Some though perhaps not all of the "other" rehits you referred to mentioned here.

The earliest of the extant rahit-namas is the Nasihat-Nama (1718–19; “Manual of Instruction”), which was erroneously attributed to Nand Lal and wrongly titled the Tanakhah-Nama (“Manual of Penances”). A much longer work dating from the middle of the 18th century and bearing witness to its Brahmanic origins is the Chaupa Singh Rahit-Nama (“The Rahit Manual of Chaupa Singh”). Another lengthy rahit-nama from later in the same century is the Prem Sumarag (“The Path of Love”). The series of rahit-namas finally ended with the publication in 1950 by the Tat Khalsa of Sikh RahitMarayada (“Sikh Custom Concerning the Rahit”), which was, unfortunately, little more than a pamphlet and poorly produced, though it remains an influential work in contemporary Sikhism.
Sikhism :: Devotional and other works --* Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Oct 14, 2007
It is a beautiful write up on Amrit. It would be useful for all those who plan to be Amritdharo in the near future. Hope you would like it.I am sorry if this has been posted in some other threads.

Regards. to all.

Amrit Defined
Amrit is very important in the Sikh faith, and it needs a little more elaboration. It is literally a drink bestowing eternal life: immortality -
AMimRqu hir pIvqy sdw iQru QIvqy ibKY bnu PIkw jwinAw ]Amãqu hir pIvqy sdw iQ{ QIvqy ibKY bnu PIkw jwinAw ]Amr;it.u Har-e peevat.ae sad.aa thiru theevat.ae bikhaae banupheekaa jaaneaaThey become immortal by drinking the Amrit of the Lord and vices lure them no more.5-81-1(In fact, here Amrit means Naam-Jaap - reciting God's name)
Amrit has spiritual as well as, physical aspects. Spiritually speaking, Amrit is the Name of God and its recitation. Physically, it is a special drink, but it is meant for the spiritual growth. The aim of recitation of the name of God and of drinking “Amrit,” is the same. Amrit is meant to put a fellow to the Naam-Jaap - recitation of His name.
“Amrit” is the cherished desire common both to the Guru and his Sikhs. The Guru desires the disciple to take it, and one who is fully oriented to the faith, becomes keen to do so. Taking Amrit is the Sikh Way of getting inducted into this Faith. Drinking Amrit is a vow to live an elevated life and to do the Naam-Jaap.
Amrit - Preparation
It is prepared by Five Faithful (Panj Piarae - Five-Beloved of the Guru - Amritdhari Sikhs). Women can take part. After Ardas (Invocation), sugar cakes (Patasae, patashae pqwsy) are put in an iron bowl and are dissolved in the water taken preferably from a river or a well. The hand pumps, or taps used to have leather washers and the leather was from the hide of animals like cows or buffaloes. Now, mostly the plastic is used. All five persons focus on the Amrit and place their hands on the Bata (Bowl). With full concentration, these five Sikhs in turn recite the specific five (5) Gurbanis - Scriptures. The other four give their company in the recitation.
Banis - Scriptures
The following 5 Scriptures are recited when preparing Amrit -
Jappu -Jappu ji Sahib, Bani Of Guru Nanak Dev.
Jaap - Jaap Sahib, Bani of Guru Gobind Singh.
T.av-Parsaad - Bani of Guru Gobind Singh -Saraavag sud:h smooh sid:haan kae sRwvg su`D smUh sRwvgsu`D smUhAndSwa-ee-aa Paan`hae gahae jab t.a.e t.umrae pWie ghyjb qy…” “pWie ghy jb qy…” By Guru Gobind Singh, AndD.ohraSagal d.uaar kou chhaad kaae sgl duAwr kauCwfkY…” “sgl duAwr kau CwfkY ...” By Guru Gobind Singh.
Chaupai - Bani of Guru Gobind Singh -
“Kabeo Baach Baent.ee Chaupai Pat.shaahee D.asween` “ -Hamri karo haath d.e rachhaa” hmrI kro hwQ dY r`Cw]hmrI kro hwQ dY r`Cw ]
Anand Sahib - Bani of Guru Amar Das. Complete, 40 Paurees (Steps).
They continuously work Khanda (Double edged sword) to and fro in the bowl, while reciting Gurbanis. Amrit is given to drink to the person or persons gathered to get inducted into the Sikh-Faith. They pledge to live a high ethical life according to the Reht (Edicts - dictates) of Amrit i.e. its discipline.
Amrit - Edicts
Things that should be taken care of -
Jaap and Bani -Naam-Jaap - recitation of the word `Wahegutu;' Mool-Mantar Jaap; Nit-Nem - routine recitation of the prescribed Scriptures; Recitation of Guru Granth Sahih. He or she has to read or recite Scriptures and remember God.
High Class Living -Ethical living, honest earning, sharing with the needy, Sewa (Selfless service), universal selfless love, helping others, compassion, indiscrimination etc.
Kakkaars -To observe the Five Kakkaars (5 Ks) - On accepting Amrit, it is the promise of the Sikh to keep these 5 things on body and never to discard these: Kaes, Kangha, Karra, Kachh, Kirpan -

Kaes (Kaesh) - Unshorn hair to keep the appearance distinct and dignified. The head (Hair) must always be kept covered by everyone, with any sort of cloth, in any style. Mostly, the males tie turbans, and women use a length of cloth. Caps and hats are not allowed. Kaeski or Dastar is short length cloth wrapped around the head.Kangha - Comb, to keep the hair tidy.
Karra - Bangle.A heavy, iron-bangle worn on the right wrist. It is to remind the pledge to the Guru at the time of partaking Amrit - to live a high ethical life. It is a blunt weapon, too.
Kachhaa -A knee-length underwear of standard specifications that tight fits just above the knees (Should not go below them). It is a cloth fit in war and peace. This reminds of the self-control, as well.
Kirpan -Dagger like semi-curved sharp weapon. Its small version is always kept on the body, for self-defense. It is symbolic of courage and of holding the faith in very high esteem. Its supreme value in this atomic age and ever after, is that of a Symbol.
The names of these five items start with letter Kakkaa k k of the Gurmukhi script, equivalent to the Roman K and so, these are called Five (5) Kakkaars, known in the oversea countries as 5 Ks. Once accepted (promised) these are never to be discarded.
An Amritdhari Sikh shall not do the following -
Serious Transgressions - Bajjar-Kurehtaan. An Amritdhari is to carefully protect him or her from these four serious violations -
Hair -Cutting or removal of hair from any part of body by any means, is not permitted.
Tobacco -Tobacco in any form is strictly prohibited.Sex - Out of marriage sex was prohibited to the Sikhs. They were to respect every woman. They were to honor even the enemy's women, and send them to their homes with respect.
Meat -In view of the self-respect and to maintain individuality, the Sikhs were to consume meat prepared by Jhatkaa, in which neck of the animal is severed with a single stroke of a sharp weapon. They were not to eat any other meat including Halal.
Some modulations (Sub-transgressions) of the serious offences are also, tagged to these four main violations.
Giving of Amrit was established on the Baisakhi day of 1699, by the Tenth Master Guru Gobind Singh, to give his final seal to the Perfect Man: the Khalsa. It was to be a force to protect the faith, its edicts, and the needy. Its edicts are essential for the balanced evolution of the spiritual and social obligations of the high order.
Amritdhari, those who have taken Amrit, have to daily recite or read the five prescribed Banis (Prayers - Jappu ji, Jaap, Sva-ee-ae, Rehras, Sohla or Kirtan Sohela), practice the Naam-Jaap, and read a portion of Guru Granth Sahib (the Holy Book). They should have an honest avocation, take out Dasvandh (Tithe - 1/10th of their income) for charity, and for the projects of the faith and humanity. They should not take intoxicants, and should restrict sex to their marriage. They have also to abide by other teachings of the faith to live an honest, God-oriented, and high-class life.
Importance of Amrit in the Naam-Jaap is that at the time of accepting it, the recipient is ordained to do the Jaap of Gur-Mantar “Waheguru,” and of “Mool-Mantar,” given at the start of Jappu ji.
Accepting Amrit is a promise of the high order with the Guru, and it should be taken seriously. It should not be given to a child just out of fun. One should take it only when one is mentally fully prepared to live its edicts. If you have not taken Amrit, born in a Sikh family or not, observe its Reht i.e. 5Ks. etc. or not, abide by the Sikh-Philosophy - faith in One God, the Sikh Gurus, Guru Granth Sahib and their teachings.
Patit Sikh - A defiled Sikh.
No Sikh can be Patit, because he or she can get his fault redressed by repentance at Akal Takht, or before 5 Amritdhari Sikhs, by re-taking Amrit, and serving the (token) punishment. A serious fault should not include an unintentional omission or commission. Ordinary faults are dealt with Parshad, Ardas, and may be a little Sewa (service) or fine by Akal Takht or Panj Piarae.
Baptism - Taking Amrit is not Baptism. Baptism is a Christian ceremony. We may say, “Amrit, a Baptism-like ceremony.” We should try to introduce right words to the people.
There is a legend that Guru Gobind Singh waits for his Sikh to take Amrit and visit the Guru's last resort, Sachkhand Nander - Sri Hazoor Sahib (In Hydrabad Deccan, India), up to his or her age of 60 years.
Sikhism. A special note -
The word `Sikhism' is the misnomer, because the Sikh faith is not merely a theoretical `ism,' but is a practical way of life. It is to live the faith. Right and better word to replace `Sikhism' is `Sikhi.' It is not a difficult word, and there should not be any problem in using it.
Name - The first name of a Sikh ends with `Singh' for men and `Kaur' for women. `Singh' and `Kaur' are `identities' of the Sikhs, and are gifts from the Guru. Calling children with their half names, short names, and nicknames, is another thing. Using such names for adults is in no way something great. Cutting off `Singh' or `Kaur' from the Sikh Names, or distorting these is sad. The Gurus and devoted Sikhs sacrificed their precious lives for their names. They were tortured to death because they were Singhs and Kaurs. A Sikh should value his or her heritage.

The Tenth Master established “Order of the Khalsa.” Khalsa means the Guru’s own i.e. his special, loved one: the pure one. This order was to uplift the masses to fight for their rights, to struggle for freedom including that of their faith, to stand up against oppression, discrimination, cruelty, and to lead the people for selfless service combined with universal love, help to the needy and protection to the weak. The people properly initiated into the Sikh faith were also called Khalsa. The Khalsa keep their hair unshorn, head covered, and observe other dictates of the order. The men tie turbans and usually a long cloth is worn by the women to cover their heads. The use of caps, hats etc. is not permitted in the Sikh world.
The people are initiated into the Sikh faith by a special ceremony of drinking “Amrit” - the Holy Drink. The Khalsa’s (properly initiated Sikh’s) name should end in “Singh” for males, and “Kaur” for females, as it is usual for the Sikhs in general. Singh means a lion, and Kaur is a princess. The regular salutation of the Sikhs is “Satsri Akal”- Hail the Lord! However, more formal one is, “Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh” - the Khalsa belongs to God, Glory to Him.
Sikh Prayer
The Sikhs recite their set prayers in the morning, evening and at bedtime. They bow to the Holy Book and recite it with reverence. They believe that the Hymns composed by the Gurus, and given in Guru Granth Sahib were revealed to them by God.
Besides, the individual i.e. personal meditation on God, they perform “Kirtan” - sing His praise, and meditate on Him in the congregation. They hold their gatherings usually on weekends in the presence of the Holy Book in their place of worship called “Gurdwara”- residence of the Guru. Sometimes, they get-together to pray at their homes, too. Their every ceremony is performed in the presence of their Holy Book. Their gatherings mostly end in “Langar” - common (community) food - sitting together and eating. It may be prepared singly, jointly, at home or at the Gurdwara. This is a free service.
The Sikhs call God “Waheguru”- Wondrous One i.e. the Wonderful God. ‘Wahe’ means an appreciation in wonder. ‘Guru’ means the eliminator of ignorance. The central theme of their teaching is known as “Mool-Mantar.- the Basic i.e. Root-Formula.” This is - “There is only One God, He is all pervading, the supreme Truth, the only Creator, all powerful and without discrimination, above the time and space, not bound by the birth and death, self-created. And this realization comes through His own Grace.”
Every “Ardas” - Invocation or supplication by the Sikhs, is mainly a very brief repetition of their history, and begs for His mercy. It ends with “O Lord, be merciful to all, and bless everyone with a high morale!”
1the act of calling on God, a god, a saint, the Muses, etc. for blessing, help, inspiration, support, or the like
2a) a formal prayer used in invoking, as at the beginning of a church service b) a formal plea for aid from a Muse, god, etc., at the beginning of an epic or similar poem
Apr 4, 2007
this is a good quick reference guide.

one thing i would add is alcohol and tobacco are generally both considered bujjar kurehet. originally it was just tobacco, but as alcohol and opium gained popularity among indians (thanks to the british) tobacco was changed to "intoxicants".
Apr 4, 2007
Thanks for sharing.
But ,out here I think majority of sikhs drink. May be wine or Beer only[not considered as hard Liquor]

the fact that the majority does something does not make it right.

SRM clearly states that an amritdhari must abstain from alcohol, tobacco, hemp, opium, etc. we've had this discussion in another thread already.

it's sad that the "majority of sikhs" break rehet so easily.
Oct 14, 2007
What is the situation in US amongst American Sikhs.?

the fact that the majority does something does not make it right.

SRM clearly states that an amritdhari must abstain from alcohol, tobacco, hemp, opium, etc. we've had this discussion in another thread already.

it's sad that the "majority of sikhs" break rehet so easily.
Sikhs do not smoke but Oflate, addiction has become one of the biggest problems in Punjab.
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Apr 4, 2007
What is the situation in US amongst American Sikhs.?

the situation? meaning are they all alcoholics? i don't know, i hope not. :)

i don't know most of the sikhs in the US. i do know that among white sikhs, probably 99% DO NOT touch alcohol or tobacco. converts tend to be more strict than those born into a faith (in my experience)

i know that among amritdhari sikhs, none drink, because if they do, they are no longer amritdhari (simple logic there).

among clean shaven (born in sikh families), probably most of them drink, just as most americans drink from time to time, but i don't know this for sure, because i don't pretend to know everyone.

among sikhs i personally know and spend time with, NONE of them drink.

but we don't have these statistics based on religion in the US, so it's really difficult to answer your question with any kind of authority.
Oct 14, 2007
the situation? meaning are they all alcoholics? i don't know, i hope not. :)

but we don't have these statistics based on religion in the US, so it's really difficult to answer your question with any kind of authority.

Yes, I am also making statements based on News report on social decline of Punjab. All of them may not be Alcoholics but the other drugs are becoming popular.
Apr 4, 2007
Yes, I am also making statements based on News report on social decline of Punjab. All of them may not be Alcoholics but the other drugs are becoming popular.

yes, i have read that punjabis consume more alcohol than any other state in india. and since punjab has a sikh majority, it's easy to assume sikhs are doing the drinking.

here in the US, there is no sikh majority area, in fact, we're such a small minority in the country that any stats regarding the country or states in general probably don't have much to do with sikhs. :)

makes it harder to guess what people are doing!
Oct 14, 2007
yes, i have read that punjabis consume more alcohol than any other state in india. and since punjab has a sikh majority, it's easy to assume sikhs are doing the drinking.

here in the US, there is no sikh majority area, in fact, we're such a small minority in the country that any stats regarding the country or states in general probably don't have much to do with sikhs. :)

makes it harder to guess what people are doing!

I think the next thing is the AIDs in Punjab. not sure about the stats.
Apr 4, 2007
I think the next thing is the AIDs in Punjab. not sure about the stats.

that would be a shame, since sikhi also has provisions to prevent HIV/AIDS... sikhs are only to have intercourse with their spouse. if we all follow this, and we're not doing IV drugs (no intoxicants), then i'd say we're pretty safe.

AIDS and drug/alcohol abuse in Punjab are yet more evidence that punjabi culture and sikhi are NOT the same thing.

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