The Shabad
It’s Bani of Bhatts that is popularly called as swayyes. The shabad is clear and its translation is also simple. I am giving below the analysis of shabad upto para 1[6].
It is as per my understanding only.I have not given word to word translation as it is already given in OP.
The naam as uttered by Guru is the raft/Boat to carry us across this worldly ocean . Those who have faith in Guru/Naam are blessed with overcoming the worldly attachment and greed [five thieves in general] and they overcome the attachment to the Maya ,sexual desires and anger. Those who have faith in Guru/Naam are blessed with higher status i.e. they reach the fourth state and get the blessed with the vision of the Akaal swaroop Guru Ramdas ji ,Embodiment of God,their cycle of birth and death comes to end and their entire doubts are dispelled .
One should, therefore, serve Guru Ramdas ji whose spiritual state is beyond description/inscrutable and He is the raft for us to carry us across this worldly mess.The glorious greatness of Guru lights the heart of all.
Many people read, listen and sing the glorious greatness of Guru at Amritvella and worship the Guru as per Gurmat and remember him;they themselves are transformed into is swaroop i.e. they get immaculate.
The Guru is embodiment of the God and is manifest in Land and water in myriads of means so one should seek sanctuary of Guru Ramdas ji whose spiritual state is beyond description and He can carry us across this worldly ocean. Those devotees who act according to the instructions of Guru [like Dhruv] are saved and they have no fear of death and they cross over worldly ocean with ease and they consider this world as transient like the moving shadow of the clouds.
Their kumdalini is aroused in sangat and they enjoy the bliss by following /through the Guru’s words. One should serve such a Guru through/with thoughts and by the words and deeds.
The next three Tuks deal with mythological figures like Krishna and Shiva and Brahma and shabad continues :-
You are forever True, the Home of Excellence,and embodiment of the Primal Supreme Being[Waahay Guru, Waahay Guru, Waahay Guru, Waahay Jee-o][1-6]
Possible Metaphor
There can be two major sources of confusion. One that is already stated by spadmin regarding the Kundalini and secondly the eulozisation of Guru Ramdas has gone to the extent that he is stated to be the God, if one takes the literal meaning
In the context it is stated that Kundalni can be aroused by practicing Yogic methods as the followers of Yogi Bhajan do. This is strictly prohibited for Sikhs as Guru sahib believed in worshiping God through the Naam simran and Bani besides acting as per the edicts contained in he Bani. The stress is to be in sat sangat where the kundalini gets opend up. There is no need for carrying out the kundalini arousal through Yogic methods as Kundalini for a sikh is aroused in sadh sangat.
The second point is also clear that Guru sahib were not the Creator , it is only an eulozisation of Guru Ramdas ji.
Personal spiritual exercise.
I do carry out simran for fifteen minutes in the morning. Some days I read bani in early hours and some days I visit the SPN forum after doing this type of Nitnem.