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1984 Anti-Sikh Pogrom An Open Letter To The Citizens Of New Dehli


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
An Open Letter to The Citizens of New Delhi, India


My heart bleeds over the brutalities suffered by Jyoti Pandey and her friend, and the suffering that their families are going through.

I also feel the pain of the women in your city and of their families: the terror of having to negotiate the world every time you step out of your home to go to work or school, to step out in your neighbourhood, or to move from one to another to shop or visit or play or merely enjoy the amenities of life in a city.

Your leaders, both political and religious, have already played their cards. They’re not about to let you change anything around you, because if they did, they’d be the first ones to be locked behind bars.

Your media has no interest in helping you change things for the better, because they represent corporate interests first and foremost. And those interests are now commingled with the interests of the political and religious hierarchy. Maintaining the status quo is seen to be best for them, even though it may not be for you.

But, unfortunately, you have an even bigger elephant in the room.

Nineteen Eighty-Four.

Yes, yes, I know. You want us Sikhs to move on and stop harping on 1984.

Well, we have moved on. We are forever in chardi kala -- it’s in our DNA. We have forgiven, though not forgotten. We’ll pursue the culprits as long as they are alive, but we will never be their victims. Don’t forget, for better or worse, your country is being led by a Sardar who has dragged you all, kicking and screaming, into the 20th century. [No, this is not a typo … you have another century to go before you can lay claim to the 21st, I’m afraid.]

As I was saying, we’ve gotten over it.

But you haven’t.

You never will.


You can deny it, ignore it, pretend it never happened, whatever … but it will follow you wherever you go. It will haunt you in your sleep. It will be your nightmare day and night. And it will sit on your head, monkey-like, on the heads of your children, and the children of your children …


Given the thousands of innocent men, women and children killed in your streets and our homes in 1984 -- in your city alone, without even getting into what happened in the villages, towns, cities, even moving trains, of your land -- and the thousands of women who were raped then, it requires no complicated arithmetic to figure out that a hundred thousand and more of your city were involved -- directly! -- in the rape, murder and mayhem.

Remember the mobs, some in hundreds, some in thousands, that roamed the city for three days, unfettered, unchecked?

Well, they are all alive, free still, never charged, never tried, never punished, and they live amongst you. They are your fathers, your brothers, your husbands, your sons, your lovers. A hundred thousand of them.

One of your own religious leaders said the other day that your men need to have sex every 15 to 20 days, no matter where or how they get it. He must know his flock.

That’s why, isn’t it, that a rape occurs every 20 minutes in your land? That’s the official figure! Three every hour, 36 every day, 252 every week, 1080 every month, 12,960 every year … give or take a few. Now, please keep in mind that these figures, being 'official', are but the tip of the iceberg.

The terrible tragedy of December 16, 2012 will not change anything. Simply because those who are now raping you have nowhere else to go.

You are the true inheritors of 1984. And your inheritance is that your children and the children of your children will hound you. And stalk each other.

Because it is the law of nature.

As revealed by Krishna, and by Jesus. By Mohammed, Buddha, Moses, Mahavir. And Nanak.

As you sow, so shall you reap.

That’s the law.

And the law applies to individuals and it applies to communities, societies, and nations.

In case you think I’m making this up, here are a few reminders.

Pakistan was created through murder and mayhem. In the name of religion. Tens of millions of innocents suffered gravely because their leaders had no patience to try peaceful means.

Today: their own mullahs murder them. Every day. The country is a pariah of the world.

Israel. Walked roughshod over the lives of millions of innocent Palestinians, because it was able to buy the military might it needed to do it. To establish a state in the name of religion.

Today: missiles of modern fire and brimstone rain on them at regular intervals with biblical fury. Almost seven decades later, and there’s no peace to be had. Even in sleep.

Britain. And Europe. They raped and plundered the world for five centuries, each pretending to spread the word of God, but in reality pillaging the wealth of others and murdering their true owners.

Today: they are surprised to see that people of all the lands they brutalized have arrived in their homelands. There are no ifs and buts. Britain’s demographics is changing to make way for a new majority. And it won’t be Anglo-Saxon. The rest of Europe is not far behind. The colonies are knocking on the gates.

America. It has rained death on other nations, and has built its wealth on the corpses of countless children wherever they’ve gone to plunder.

Today: they simply don’t know how to prevent their own children from murdering them in their own homes. Every day, new barricades have to be raised … to defend against themselves. A nation … at war with itself.

There’s a reason why there’s no hope for peace on earth. Because we’ve all committed atrocities, we’ve outdone each other.

What you sow is what you reap.

So, remember 1984, as you lock yourselves up in your homes in New Delhi and get accustomed to moving around in human convoys.

I was at a party the other day. My hosts were Indian. And so were all the other guests.

I was the only Sikh-Canadian.

At one point, emboldened by liquor and the fact that he saw I was alone in a sea of desis, one of them cleared his throat and, in a raised voice, confronted me:

“So, Sher Singh ji,” he said, in feigned politeness, ”where are all the Sikhs and their kirpans now when we need them again to protect our daughters in India? Where were the saviour Sardars when the girl was being raped on a bus in Delhi the other day?”

He stood across the room, glowering at me, waiting for my response. The room turned quiet suddenly. They were all waiting for my answer.

I stood there, facing him. Seconds ticked by.

He stared at me. Others stared at me.

I stared at him.

Finally, I said: “Where do you think the Sikhs of Delhi have gone, and why do you think they are unable to save your women?”

I continued looking at him.

Gradually, ever so gradually, his eyelids fell. He looked at the floor. His shoulders slumped. His head sank, as if he was checking the polish on his shoes.

Quietly, ever so quietly, he shrugged his shoulders. Didn’t peep a word. Then slowly, ever so slowly, he turned around and staggered towards the bar.

In a room of almost 40 people, I swear I have never heard a louder silence than I did that night.

January 10, 2013

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Brother Onam

Jul 11, 2012
Sher Singh Ji,
Sikhism is the religion of Truth; not a culture of niceties and forced inclusion and feel-good. Sacred Truth is often harsh; often politically incorrect. It is Truth.
I thank you for testifying to the Truth, even stepping on toes, when post-9/11 it is often expedient to pander, coddle or mince words.
Har Har bless and guide you.


Apr 3, 2005
At one point, emboldened by liquor and the fact that he saw I was alone in a sea of desis, one of them cleared his throat and, in a raised voice, confronted me:

“So, Sher Singh ji,” he said, in feigned politeness, ”where are all the Sikhs and their kirpans now when we need them again to protect our daughters in India? Where were the saviour Sardars when the girl was being raped on a bus in Delhi the other day?”

He stood across the room, glowering at me, waiting for my response. The room turned quiet suddenly. They were all waiting for my answer.

I stood there, facing him. Seconds ticked by.

He stared at me. Others stared at me.

I stared at him.

Finally, I said: “Where do you think the Sikhs of Delhi have gone, and why do you think they are unable to save your women?”

I continued looking at him.

Gradually, ever so gradually, his eyelids fell. He looked at the floor. His shoulders slumped. His head sank, as if he was checking the polish on his shoes.

Quietly, ever so quietly, he shrugged his shoulders. Didn’t peep a word. Then slowly, ever so slowly, he turned around and staggered towards the bar.

In a room of almost 40 people, I swear I have never heard a louder silence than I did that night.

People like T sher singh forgot that in Punjab a sikh girl who is rape victim has too committed suicide ,another girl who is a sikh too lost her father when he was opposing eve teasing.All the culprits in those incidents were sikhs too and police who refuse to write complaint is also of Sikhs.Why he is bringing religion into it I have no idea.


Apr 3, 2005
Now what T sher singh will say about following incident

Woman gang-raped in Gurdaspur, five arrested

GURDASPUR (PUNJAB): In a case similar to the gang-rape of a paramedic student in New Delhi, a 29-year-old woman was allegedly gang-raped by seven persons here.

The victim, a resident of a Ghukla village under Kahnuwan police station, was on way to her village in a bus when the driver and conductor kidnapped her and took her an undisclosed location where they and their five accomplices gang-raped her on Friday night, SSP Gurdaspur Raj Jeet Singh told reporters.

The SSP said five of the seven accused had been arrested while two unidentified persons were still absconding.

He said that based on the interrogation of the five accused, efforts were on to arrest the remaining accused.

The victim in her complaint said that she was coming from her parent's village Jagatpur district Pathankot in a bus but the driver Daler Singh did not stop the vehicle at the bus stand in the village.

Her request to conductor Ravi to ask the driver to stop the bus went unnoticed.

They took her to some place near Gurdaspur, where five of their friends joined them and gang-raped the woman in a house, the police official said.

The next morning, the driver dumped the woman in a near her village, he said adding, first she went to her house and them came to the police station to make her complaint.

A case under section 376 of IPC (punishment for rape) was registered against the seven accused, Singh said.

The five arrested were identified as Daler Singh, Ravi, Jaswinder Singh, Jagpreet Singh and Satwant Singh, he said.

The two absconders will be soon arrested and teams have been formed to nab them, he said.

Police said that the FIR was registered this evening. The woman would be sent for medical examination, they said adding in the preliminary interrogation, the accused confessed to their crime.



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
kds ji

When I read this article I had a very similar reaction to yours. I wondered why senseless rapes had been, or so it seemed, turned into a return to 1984. Was this rape, and all other rapes that had been brushed under the carpet by authorities, not serious enough? Could it not be grieved without diluting emotions, concerns, and hopes for change in the legal and social climate of India? Were these words more disrespect?

But thinking about it, T Sher Singh did not set the stage to divert attention back to 1984. It was another person in that conversation whose words are really the words of a scoundrel.

I was at a party the other day. My hosts were Indian. And so were all the other guests.

I was the only Sikh-Canadian.

At one point, emboldened by liquor and the fact that he saw I was alone in a sea of desis, one of them cleared his throat and, in a raised voice, confronted me:

“So, Sher Singh ji,” he said, in feigned politeness, ”where are all the Sikhs and their kirpans now when we need them again to protect our daughters in India? Where were the saviour Sardars when the girl was being raped on a bus in Delhi the other day?”
This man changed the playing field. Of course T Sher Singh should take off the gloves, as he did.

Yes, the victim, rapists and ignorant Delhi police bear the name of "Singh." Yes, where are the sardars? A lot of them in 1984 never lived to see the next day, nor did they live to raise future generations of men of honor who would continue the tradition of honoring women. When, why and how did that happen?

The answer is 1984. No use in running away from that.

No more really needs to be said. Except, what remained after 1984 and the years to follow are two generations of political cynics, and a handful of honorable Singhs and Kaurs, left trying to restore the honor of Sikhi in lesser numbers, with a pathetic lack of political support, and too much political opposition. 1984 was a politically effective slaughter, planned genocide of the soul. Which takes us back to T Sher Singh.
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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
1. Sikhs are protectors of the abused the world over, not just those that happen to be Hindu.

2. The surname Singh, the presence of a Kirpan, a turban, none of these mean anything if your heart is not Sikh.


Apr 3, 2005
kds ji

When I read this article I had a very similar reaction to yours. I wondered why senseless rapes had been, or so it seemed, turned into a return to 1984. Was this rape, and all other rapes that had been brushed under the carpet by authorities, not serious enough? Could it not be grieved without diluting emotions, concerns, and hopes for change in the legal and social climate of India? Were these words more disrespect?

But thinking about it, T Sher Singh did not set the stage to divert attention back to 1984. It was another person in that conversation whose words are really the words of a scoundrel.

This man changed the playing field. Of course T Sher Singh should take off the gloves, as he did.

Yes, the victim, rapists and ignorant Delhi police bear the name of "Singh." Yes, where are the sardars? A lot of them in 1984 never lived to see the next day, nor did they live to raise future generations of men of honor who would continue the tradition of honoring women. When, why and how did that happen?

The answer is 1984. No use in running away from that.

No more really needs to be said. Except, what remained after 1984 and the years to follow are two generations of political cynics, and a handful of honorable Singhs and Kaurs, left trying to restore the honor of Sikhi in lesser numbers, with a pathetic lack of political support, and too much political opposition. 1984 was a politically effective slaughter, planned genocide of the soul. Which takes us back to T Sher Singh.

Spnadmin ji

Delhi still has 5 lakh population of sikhs .A lot of sikhs from various parts of India have moved in Delhi because it has witnessed biggest economic boom in last 2 decades.But unfortunately none of their image is like they can protect women.Most of them are fat and many are obese .Hardly any of them has any martial instinct .

On another forum I was reading a same logic that how delhi had respectful culture as long muslims were their and how people who migrated to Delhi changed it to abusive language culture.

1984 was horrible but bringing it again and again with every issue just end the seriousness of it


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
kds ji

Nothing in what T Sher Singh had to say remarked on how well behaved everyone was when Muslims were there. Whoever did say that should crack a history book and read a newspaper. Muslims were there under the Khans. Muslims are still there. Muslims did their fair share.

Anyway, I really think you missed the entire point of the article, and my remarks. The article is not a case of bringing up 1984 again and again. Had it been that, I would be keeping my own counsel on that point. That is not what occurred. T Sher Singh would not have even mentioned 1984, except that an unnamed "desi" mentioned it first. Then he felt the need to point out that we are short on sardars these days, and the sardars that remain are pressed hard.
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Apr 3, 2005
kds ji

Nothing in what T Sher Singh had to say remarked on how well behaved everyone was when Muslims were there. Whoever did say that should crack a history book and read a newspaper. Muslims were there under the Khans. Muslims are still there. Muslims did their fair share.

Anyway, I really think you missed the entire point of the article, and my remarks. The article is not a case of bring up 1984 again and again. Had it been that I would be keeping my own counsel on that point. That is not what occurred. T Sher Singh would not have even mentioned 1984, except that an unnamed "desi" mentioned it first. Then he felt the need to point out that we are short on sardars these days, and the sardars that remain are pressed hard.

It was not T sher singh who said that muslims had very good behaviour ,it was some another person probably a muslim who said that.I was just referring to similarity

And yes we are short of Sardars,but lavish Hi fi Punjabi culture is mainly responsible for it.Good looking girls, big cars, high paying jobs ,big money is on everbody's mind.The one that are not into it are considered as some kind of losers


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
It was not T sher singh who said that muslims had very good behaviour ,it was some another person probably a muslim who said that.I was just referring to similarity

And yes we are short of Sardars,but lavish Hi fi Punjabi culture is mainly responsible for it.Good looking girls, big cars, high paying jobs ,big money is on everbody's mind.The one that are not into it are considered as some kind of losers

See again you have missed my point. I am well aware that T Sher Singh did not say "Muslims had very good behavior." You did not read my words. I in fact said it.

And once again you are introducing a favorite theme, the "HiFi Punjabi culture." You bring it up frequently, in one form or another, along with the idea of "some kind of losers." This is a dodge. You are sliding around my other point... that T Sher Singh was responding to an open insult. Good looking girls, big cars, high paying jobs, big money may indeed be on "every bpdy's mind." If you are saying that those are the reasons why there are no honorable Sikhs, then say it outright. Do not hide behind the argument that the article is just one more example of being stuck on 1984, as you said "1984 was horrible but bringing it again and again with every issue just end the seriousness of it" T Sher himself might have agreed, until the unnamed "desi" played dirty in that conversation Pushed to the facts of who really said what, you always resort to the same tactics, dodge and slide, slide and dodge. Why do it?
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Apr 3, 2005
See again you have missed my point. I am well aware that T Sher Singh did not say "Muslims had very good behavior." You did not read my words. I in fact said it.

And once again you are introducing a favorite theme, the "HiFi Punjabi culture." You bring it up frequently, in one form or another, along with the idea of "some kind of losers." This is a dodge. You are sliding around my other point... that T Sher Singh was responding to an open insult. Good looking girls, big cars, high paying jobs, big money may indeed be on "every bpdy's mind." If you are saying that those are the reasons why there are no honorable Sikhs, then say it outright. Do not hide behind the argument that the article is just one more example of being stuck on 1984, as you said "1984 was horrible but bringing it again and again with every issue just end the seriousness of it" T Sher himself might have agreed, until the unnamed "desi" played dirty in that conversation Pushed to the facts of who really said what, you always resort to the same tactics, dodge and slide, slide and dodge. Why do it?

When was the last time I used Punjabi culture in my post?

And yes T sher singh could had been responding to open insult but still his other part of article and words like

The terrible tragedy of December 16, 2012 will not change anything. Simply because those who are now raping you have nowhere else to go.

You are the true inheritors of 1984. And your inheritance is that your children and the children of your children will hound you. And stalk each other.

clearly points toward 1984 and 16 december 2012 when both of them have no connection.

I see article in different way than you .why to get angry and personal?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
kds ji

Not angry, but perhaps frustrated. When you disagree with someone, disagree with their actual words. Make your argument based on what is there before your eyes. Since the beginnings of Internet forums it has been a habit for some people openly misquote another and then argue against what that other person never said. You did this both to my words and to T Sher Singh's words. Because you did this again, I have to conclude it is deliberate and more than a simple case of misunderstanding. Now that I have made, or tried to make my point, about 4 times there is no point in repeating it. I am not someone who has to have the last word. Good luck on your journey.
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