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Islam Answers To Muslim Questions


Oct 10, 2006
helloooooo mr bijlaaa ji,

guru nanak dev ji, unless i am mistaken, preached that there is no hindu or muslim, meaning not that their religons do not exist, because while people call themselves a hindu sikh or muslim, they most certainly do, but that they are in fact one and the same in that they both involve the worship of the same god...not to mention the morals and values.

In a perfect world seperate religions would not exist because people would recognise this, put all else aside and remain united.

There would be no religious wars or arguments as there have been constantly in the history of mankind up to today. There is no need to actively convert people or preach that one religion is better than the other because the main principle is the same, it is just the fine details that people have created that differ.

Guru nanak dev ji preached it was the rituals (idol worship etc) and many of these fine details that were the root of the problem and sikhism was simply an outline of the truth that was realyed to him by GOD himself to unite mankind, hence our hindu/muslim dna. he did not come into this world to create a new religion but to unite mankind in worshipping the same divine father that created all and to wipe out these divisions of religions that caused so much havoc in that era.

By asking others to 'convert' or "come over" (i.e. "concede that your opinion is correct"), you are not doing seva, but are actually just attempting to feed your own ego and your own pride. Two of the Five Thieves, if I'm not entirely mistaken.

-so true.

attempts to access the divinity of God that they do not realise has resided within them since birth.

so true. lol.


Oct 10, 2006

"I totally disagree with your comment. "Sikh Answers" stated a FACT!..

Seems like even you dont 100% believe in the divine message in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji and thus SIKHI!.

Truth is hard to digest isnt it.!!" dude you are sooo far from the truth...u dont even know.

first lesson that was learnt by guru nanak dev ji was -that there is no hindu no muslim. he did not mean that there is noooo hindu or nooo muslim, he meant that there is NO DIVISION as we all believe in the SAME GOD.

therefore there is also no SIKH.... only the truth that the gurus recieved from god and thankfully shared with us in order to better and UNITE humanity which was at war with each other at the time and was about to be FORCIBLY CONVERTED to islam (SEE WHAT EVILS CONVERSION CAN BRING it starts small scale n peaceful but turns tyrannical).

our gurus preached against rituals and idol worship as at the time people were placing more importance on these than the actual worship and meditation on GOD which was supposed to be the main focus of their religions but was distorted over the years. guru nanak dev ji simply pointed this out, stating the obvious which was not so obvious at the time..and people realised that the little details did nt matter and it was the worship, contemplation and meditation of god that mattered. sikhism is the obvious, worship god, behave morally. thats it, the main point being the worship of god as with that, the rest comes into place with his grace.
Jan 30, 2005
guru nanak dev ji, unless i am mistaken, preached that there is no hindu or muslim, meaning not that their religons do not exist, because while people call themselves a hindu sikh or muslim, they most certainly do, but that they are in fact one and the same in that they both involve the worship of the same god...not to mention the morals and values.

There is no reference to when, and where Guru Sahib said “there is no hindu or muslim”. We all come from the same light but this does not mean that muslims and hindus do not exist. In fact, definition of a “Muslim” according to gurmat is clearly defined in Gurbani in the Shabad “Panj Nimajan Vakhat Panj”. Morals and values differ from religion to religion. For one idol worship is the way and for another it is a sin.

There would be no religious wars or arguments as there have been constantly in the history of mankind up to today. There is no need to actively convert people or preach that one religion is better than the other because the main principle is the same, it is just the fine details that people have created that differ.

Sikhi is the best way of life in the world. It is a fact. Only those who obtain Naam from Guru Sahib can become one with Waheguru. Path of Guru Nanak Sahib is the best of best.

Guru nanak dev ji preached it was the rituals (idol worship etc) and many of these fine details that were the root of the problem and sikhism was simply an outline of the truth that was realyed to him by GOD himself to unite mankind, hence our hindu/muslim dna. he did not come into this world to create a new religion but to unite mankind in worshipping the same divine father that created all and to wipe out these divisions of religions that caused so much havoc in that era.

Guru Sahib showed the true path to Waheguru. Sikhi is all about uniting the humanity which can only come true if everyone adopts the same way of life as taught by Guru Sahib.

By asking others to 'convert' or "come over" (i.e. "concede that your opinion is correct"), you are not doing seva, but are actually just attempting to feed your own ego and your own pride. Two of the Five Thieves, if I'm not entirely mistaken.

Guru Sahib traveled in all directions. Why? To preach the truth and to show the people the best path to Waheguru. I am not feeding my ego because anyone’s faith will not benefit or harm me. Sikhi is the true way of life and I, as a Sikh, have the responsibility to tell others how beautiful Sikhi is. Guru Sahib send Sikh preachers to different parts of the country (Bhai Gurdas Ji was sent to U.P.) to preach Sikhi. I am merely following the same path. You need to reflect on the reality a little bit before you start making ignorant comments.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Jul 30, 2004
Bhai Bilja Singh Ji,

Das is not even equal to fraction of great intellect Akal has bestowed unto you.

But das would like to say something over 'there is no Hindu,There is no Muslim thing '.

If we read Japu Sahib,we have attribute of Akal as Adharam.That may also means that Akal is not following any faith.As Akal is in all and in all faiths so fighting over I have differnt faith you have differnt faith could have ben discouraged.It is possiblity as it is posibilty that guru went to Akal via River vein.

In JapuJi Sahib,Nanak Gaya Jape Jaye may mean,it may appear gone thing gone(apperanlty) Oh Nanak!.Then saying Guru Nanakdev went in some realm.It is matter of research so kindly forgive das.It was only an input.yuorself are great in intellect then das.


Oct 10, 2006
mr bijla singh

It is a known fact and well recording in sikh history (which is too recent for major facts to be altered), that the first lesson that guru nanak dev ji ever preached to man was that there is NO HINDU and NO MUSLIM. i used to sing shabads about it when i was 4 year old and have been around sangat and the gurdwarra ever since so i know about it. I stick with my point that this was not said to undermine any other religion, only to show that hindus and muslims are one and the same in that they have been created by THE SAME GOD and worship him. my best friend is a gurjati hindu who studied it at A levels and he realised that his faith believes in only 1 god who created the many demi gods. hindus at the time
altered their religion to worship idols who they believed were actual gods and forgot about the one True God and guru nanak dev ji simply pointed this out and reminded them the true way. they begged to become his disciples and so began to live like guru nanak dev ji and believe and act upon the words that were relayed to him. there was no talk of converting people to "sikhism", it was simply the way of life and beliefs that guruji had. later on these people needed to unite to fight agianst the evils that the moguls were comitting and so became actual SIKHS, a warrior race who needed a religion to be seen as a massive unstoppable fighting unit. u read the texts but u need to know the context aswell, in this day and age it is more imperative than ever to preach sikhi as a way of life and not an actual "religion" as religions have been the most evil units of all in the history of mankind. to call sikhi a religion is to draw a box around it and not see the full picture, that we are all worshipping the same god. if we described sikhi as a way of life wouldnt people just begin to act upon it rather than having to go through the repelling notion of "conversion" which has such a horrifying past?


Oct 10, 2006
stop calling sikhism a religion, take away all the barriers, show that the way of life is different and pure without being serperated from other religions and people will recognise it for the amazing and moral ideals it contains and come in their millions to try it just like they did buddism and yoga-( and you know the sikh way is better than yoga). you want people to convert, let them BE. mark my words.
Jul 10, 2006

There is no reference to when, and where Guru Sahib said “there is no hindu or muslim”. We all come from the same light but this does not mean that muslims and hindus do not exist. In fact, definition of a “Muslim” according to gurmat is clearly defined in Gurbani in the Shabad “Panj Nimajan Vakhat Panj”. Morals and values differ from religion to religion. For one idol worship is the way and for another it is a sin.

Sikhi is the best way of life in the world. It is a fact. Only those who obtain Naam from Guru Sahib can become one with Waheguru. Path of Guru Nanak Sahib is the best of best.

Guru Sahib showed the true path to Waheguru. Sikhi is all about uniting the humanity which can only come true if everyone adopts the same way of life as taught by Guru Sahib.

Guru Sahib traveled in all directions. Why? To preach the truth and to show the people the best path to Waheguru. I am not feeding my ego because anyone’s faith will not benefit or harm me. Sikhi is the true way of life and I, as a Sikh, have the responsibility to tell others how beautiful Sikhi is. Guru Sahib send Sikh preachers to different parts of the country (Bhai Gurdas Ji was sent to U.P.) to preach Sikhi. I am merely following the same path. You need to reflect on the reality a little bit before you start making ignorant comments.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Dear Bilja Singh ji, Thank you for posting.
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