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Anti Sikh Site


Dec 13, 2005
Re: Anti Sikh site.

God does not wrong people in any way; rather it is people who wrong themselves. Quran 10:44

dont post quotes from the koran here it is irrelevant to our discussion.

not just the Sikh community but the whole of mankind, invitation to the Truth is the duty of every Muslm.

we will tell you how to behave and live in accordance to gods submission, if you could have guided humanity then god would not have sent 11 motr masters to guide humanity have some shame and stop fooling yourself.

[36:5] This revelation is from the Almighty, Most Merciful.

all scriptures say this

[36:6] To warn people whose parents were never warned, and therefore, they are unaware.

all scriptures say this

[36:7] It has been predetermined that most of them do not believe.
[36:8] For we place around their necks shackles, up to their chins. Consequently, they become locked in their disbelief.
[36:9] And we place a barrier in front of them, and a barrier behind them, and thus, we veil them; they cannot see.
[36:10] It is the same whether you warn them or not, they cannot believe.

does not have anything to do with your question you are a pick and choose scholar who uses lines from koran which bear no relation to my the passage they came from und then you use these to support an argument this is a poor evidence.

You didn't answer ONE of my questions in my last post so how can i learn if you dont teach?

you never read the whole thread on the slamic board you need to read it carefully it answers all your questions and plenty more

The Sikh religion is regarded by many scholars as a syncretic religious system which borrows heavily from Hinduism and Sufi mysticism. Other scholars treat it as a branch of Hinduism's bhakti mystical devotion, as an attempt to reform Hinduism or as an attempt to harmonize Hinduism and Islam which ended up becoming its own religious tradition. http://atheism.about.com/library/FAQs/

is this your evidence please dont insult our intelligence, if i call your mother a slag is that valid proof that your mother is a slag?, if people spread rumours they will suffer this is gods law, if you personally think that sikhism is as the defintion you have provided then you arrived at this defintion yourself you must challenge yourself and provide evidence from where you found this defintion, these defintions are oblivious to sikhs our religion is a sovereing independant faith any attempt to assimilate it it by other faiths highlights the self-respect deficit in those relligious traditions.

You stated that the sggs tells Muslims how they strayed from the straight path and how they should be Muslims, can you back this claim up?

so you were lying when you said i did not back up the evidence on the islamic board i have answered this question umpteen times and i will provide zero references you will go to that site and with humility read every single page and then if you still thirst for the gyan of sggs then come back and ask more questions i refuse to be taken down this road again. i directed you to the islamicboard website in attempt to help you understand but you have shown yourself to be lazy aswell as ignorant if thats offensive to you then tough!!!!!! i am sick to death of rewirting the same thing because your brains are consumed with denial.

What is the definition of truth in
Sikhism? What happens after death? Why are we here?

this must have been answered about 10 times too, in sikhism sat is truth sat is also spirit, their is no obkective truth, only a sense of righteousness, we believe the word or gurbani to be god therefore that is sat, your soul is sat and naam is sat, now you will come back with alot of arguments about reducing and limiting god to waords but i have revoked all the arguments that will spring forth again i advise you to read the whole thread.

what is the concept of God in Sikhism?

mul mantar.

If you're moved by the words of the Quran then take it as a sign.[/QUOTE]

the sign if anything is a poor translation of koran and a poor use of supporting evidence, to be fair the only time i have read koran is when people like you flaunt its passages on our websites its just grim, your allah is a very dismal god, thats why it is an angelic revelation it is not godly.</B>

Islam is different because, Muahmmad (p.b.u.h) was the Final Messenger of God sent as a warner to mankind and the Quran was and is the final revelation from God. God Himself will protect the content of the Quran (which is ARABIC - any other language is not the Quran but a translation or interpretation.) The Quran has remained unchanged for over fourteen centuries, surely this is a sign of its authenticity for those of understanding.

wow so much for evidence this is called opion do a dictionary check to find out the difference.

what do you reject exactly?
does Sikhism believe all religions are true?
judaic mythology and moral law.

How did Sikhism “appear”? Were there revelations from The Almighty guiding mankind to live as Sikhs? The same God that sent revelations to mankind before Sikhism?

god never gave a direct revelation before only angels sent down their opions of what was right this is why isalm is wrong and far from the truth, gurus words came from directly as ther souls were always living in gods charan this is a remarkable difference, your prophet was not even a messenger he wrote nothing down, hearts and minds are not enuff.

I read your statements and once again they lack any real evidence, you hardly ever back up your statements with religous sources.

you have not read it, this is amazing you are a great sinner and a dirty liar

Why dont you bring those questions one by one to me?

what questions i asked no questions question were asked of me so again you are dirty liar who has read nothing from that site.

purity of Islam.

you represent no purity

why? My first post wasn't intended for you but you felt the necessity to answer for someone else. What are you protecting if you yourself dont know the answers? Faith shouldn't be blind.

all your question and then some were answerd on the islamicboard webi=site go there and relive yourself accordingly, aapnaa paaar haalkaa kaarke moorkeh aaaja tenuu sooot kaaarde -

dont hate me its just this is the 100th deja vu

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May 28, 2006
Re: Anti Sikh site.

Man, that site is so rife with bias that any semi-human with a brain cell would reailse that it's one of those websites you just ignore should you have the misfortune of clicking on it.

People say a lot of crap. But that doesn't mean you always have to sit and listen to it.

By the way, that poster is right.

Sikkhism is not a religion. Sikkhism despises religion.

But it respects belief in religion, ideologies and principles.

"There is no Hindu. There is no Musalmaan."

Guru Nanak

Guru Nänak was a sociaist's and post-modernist's dream theologan. He said that there was one, panthestic God and that everyone was subsequently "made of the same five elements", and thus common humanity was the only logical ideology to practice, regardless of other religious trivialities one may choose to believe in.

So why did the subsequent Gurus turn it into a religion?

Well, they did it out of socio-political necessity to hold of fascist aggressors to humanity.

Our new poster insists that Sikkhism is "not a religion of God", but I say that "no religions are 'religions of God', but are merely human constructions". By the same token, God's Will is as undefiable as it is inconceiveable, and thus - no matter what we do - God's Will shall always be done.

I don't know about any other ideologies, but I know that Guru Nänak certainly agrees with me on this point.


And so, don't be in a rush to call Sikkhism a 'religion' like it's some incredibly prestigious title, or something.

It's not.

This poster insists that Islam is a 'True Religion'? Then let him have it. Religion is synonymous with politics and with war, and is being increasinly hated by people over the world.

And yet, in a time when people were craving for a dharm to follow, Guru Nänak told everyone that there was none.

Bloody revolutionary, if you ask me. And brutally honest, too.

God has no religion.

And that why all religions can be considered 'true'; because under God, there can be no falsifications. What exists is the ultimate reality, and no amount of arguing or discussion is ever going to change that.

Even 'Sikkhism' is only a man-made label that - when you get down to it - actually has no meaning or use when truly understanding God or the ethical and moral values of living a virtuous and happy life.
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Jun 30, 2006
Re: Anti Sikh site.

dont post quotes from the koran here it is irrelevant to our discussion.

You don’t want to read quotes from The Holy Quran because you feel they are “irrelevant to the discussion?” so words like “glorified slavery”, “dismembered remains,” etc etc are relevant? Quit the double standards please. Also why don’t you ever use quotes from your holy books? You’re more than welcome to.

we will tell you how to behave and live in accordance to gods submission,

Once again I urge you to use your intellect. Look around you at nature. Can’t you see that it is in submission to God? Look at how animals are in their habitat, all submitting to The Almighty in their own ways, the birds sing, migrate etc, cats perform ablution etc, even the trees glorify Him they are all performing their religion, meaning their way of life that fits into the delicate balance of all things.

Seest thou not that to Allah bow down in worship all things that are in the heavens and on earth,- the sun, the moon, the stars; the hills, the trees, the animals; and a great number among mankind? Qur’an 22.018

Mankind is also a part of this nature but the unique characteristic of man is his free will, the freedom of choice which allows him to choose his way of life. Allah taught nature its religion

"And your Lord taught the honey bee to build its cells in hills, on trees, and in (men's) habitations; Then to eat of all the produce (of the earth), and find with skill the spacious paths of its Lord: there issues from within their bodies a drink of varying colours, wherein is healing for men: verily in this is a Sign for those who give thought. (Surat an-Nahl (The Bee), 68-69)

and now He is teaching us, the way we learn is through books, the first commandment from Allah in the Quran is “iqra” which is “read”. The Quran is in a sense mans instruction guide for the heart, mind, body and soul. For the Creator is the only one who knows His creation.

If mankind wasn’t given any guidance from The Almighty we all would have been in extreme turmoil and grave error. Man can become very distant from nature and can cause a lot of corruption and discontentment. Islam connects you back to nature where we all belong, where we all strayed from. It is not a burden but in fact a completion of God’s favour on mankind, the final piece of man as God’s creature.

'This day I have completed your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you and have selected for your Way of Life, Al-Islam."
[Holy Quran, 5:3]

This is why Islam and Muslims have existed since the beginning of time; they were and are the people in submission to the One God and His chosen way of life.

If you could have guided humanity then god would not have sent 11 motr masters to guide humanity have some shame and stop fooling yourself.

I haven’t seen any guidance from you, your style of expressing Sikhism doesn’t do it any favours. But I won’t judge a whole people due to the actions of one person.

Does not have anything to do with your question you are a pick and choose scholar

I’m not a scholar. But yes I do pick and choose from the Quran the True knowledge Allah has granted all Muslims. Why don’t you ever quote your Holy books? I’d like to compare.

who uses lines from koran which bear no relation to my the passage they came from und then you use these to support an argument this is a poor evidence.

Why don’t you try discussing some points like a proper discussion rather than complaining all the time? This is not what i was expecting from a "champion debater."

you never read the whole thread on the slamic board you need to read it carefully it answers all your questions and plenty more

“winning” a discussion proves nothing. I’m here to talk to you Dillon. Nevertheless I will reply. Although this is the last of my posts to you on this discussion, God willing I will send you another separate one with answers for ALL your points on the discussion you “won.”

is this your evidence please don’t insult our intelligence,

I don’t have to, you do it yourself. READ
This is what I initially wrote in the last post

Look below (its in blue)
Do you agree with:
Look above
Can you see it? It says DO YOU AGREE WITH:

(from last post –these words are not) The Sikh religion is regarded by many scholars as a syncretic religious system which borrows heavily from Hinduism and Sufi mysticism. Other scholars treat it as a branch of Hinduism's bhakti mystical devotion, as an attempt to reform Hinduism or as an attempt to harmonize Hinduism and Islam which ended up becoming its own religious tradition. http://atheism.about.com/library/FAQs/

The link is to show where I got it from (its called referencing) and to genuinely see if you agreed or disagreed. A genuine question, to which, I got this “intelligent” reply.

if i call your mother a slag is that valid proof that your mother is a slag?, if people spread rumours they will suffer this is gods law, if you personally think that sikhism is as the defintion you have provided then you arrived at this defintion yourself you must challenge yourself and provide evidence from where you found this defintion, these defintions are oblivious to sikhs our religion is a sovereing independant faith any attempt to assimilate it it by other faiths highlights the self-respect deficit in those relligious traditions.

For this reason this discussion stops here. I heard that you were a “Champion Debater” Mr Dillon and had initially hoped for a deep discussion, but instead I find myself talking to a person who is governed by his emotions and lower self. I don’t think you should be representing your religion on these posts as you’re obviously doing more harm than good. Your language is despicable.

your allah is a very dismal god,

Wretched ignorant man. How dare you speak of such? It’s clear to me now that you’re not a true Sikh or a man of religion…hypocrite. This is my last post, you’re damaging the respect of Sikh people, as well as the Image of Sikhism itself, you have no right to speak for your religion.

god never gave a direct revelation before only angels sent down their opions of what was right this is why isalm is wrong and far from the truth,

Aren’t you contradicting yourself there? Sikhism doesn’t believe in angels or does it? This is the last post to you for I no longer want to hear any brainless insulting remarks towards any religion.

gurus words came from directly as ther souls were always living in gods charan this is a remarkable difference, your prophet was not even a messenger he wrote nothing down, hearts and minds are not enuff.

You speak out of shear ignorance. Muhammad was the most influential man in history.

READ the words of a non-Muslim.


Well thank you for you replies Mr Dillon; it’s been a time wasting experience talking to you. You need to learn to read replies without your paranoid anti-Islamic vision in order to pose questions and answers with some substance rather than emotional fanaticism. Your post on “Allah being a dismal god” was completely unacceptable, this is the type of statement I would expect from an atheist, or an enemy of God. Not a Sikh.

Reply with what you want, i'm done.
peace be to you.



Dec 13, 2005
Re: Anti Sikh site.

“glorified slavery”, “dismembered remains,” etc etc are relevant?

you were asking questions about morality of women wearing clothes and that those who cover up are champions of modesty this is glorified slavery?, the truth is a man or a women can be judged only if they infringe on others skimpy clothes dont infringe on me do they infringe on your allah?

seceondly the dismembered remains were a poem which was added by another participant i had intially added it but not in relation to your post but i agree wholeheartedly with the poem for i am its author.

all the stuff about submission is far from mans purpose god tells us that man must discover the divine within revelations from time to time or a social awakening it has nothing to do with nature and order, there is nothing that creation can give me why do you not discover the source within instread of looking outside this is why you have strayed.

I haven’t seen any guidance from you, your style of expressing Sikhism doesn’t do it any favours. But I won’t judge a whole people due to the actions of one person.

fine then read up about sikhism first this threead was about ignorant people like you have not researched into sikhism just looked for fallacies anf then garnished their stupid essays on the website.

Why don’t you ever quote your Holy books? I’d like to compare.

we dont {censored} our religious passages when you love something so much you dont let it fall on deaf ears, read to surah kafiran and be on your way we are not interested in your guidance.

“winning” a discussion proves nothing.

well it proves a point that i am right, i did not get a trophy for it.

ALL your points on the discussion you “won.”

i would like to see you try i challenge you !!!!!!

don’t have to, you do it yourself. READ
This is what I initially wrote in the last post

no the point has been addressed countless times denial is the conclusion it does not matter if the evidence is in black and blue it will mean nothing to those who live by a totalitarian creed.

The link is to show where I got it from (its called referencing) and to genuinely see if you agreed or disagreed. A genuine question, to which, I got this “intelligent” reply.

Wretched ignorant man.

i love you too:shy:

Aren’t you contradicting yourself there? Sikhism doesn’t believe in angels or does it? This is the last post to you for I no longer want to hear any brainless insulting remarks towards any religion.

sikhism believes in farishtas which brought down words but whether they fit with the defintion of angels i couldnt care less about, i dont see the contradiction here but i know that muslims are fond of this word called contradiction perhaps because it is the only word they know which has more than 2 syllables.

You speak out of shear ignorance. Muhammad was the most influential man in history.

i never take your prophets name because i understand their are certain words which are to be used in expressing reverence for him, well i cannot so i dont take his name, i will say that he was influential but for negative reasons, like the yorkshire ripper or micheal jackson.

Reply with what you want, i'm done.
peace be to you.

ameen lol:}{}{}: :{;o: :u): :D



May 28, 2006
Re: Anti Sikh site.


Saying "the Granth is true!", "no, the Korän is true!" is called 'argument by assertion'.

It is the single dumbest and most futile form of argument.

Can we try and base this discussion on actual, treatable points as opposed to empty insistence?


Harman Singh

Jun 12, 2006
Re: Anti Sikh site.

humans quest to learn, it is in their nature. buddha said it best... don't believe a holy book to be true jsut because it is said to be, u must believe it to be true for urself by urself. (or something along those lines). islam and christianity are one in the same... if anything chrisianity holds more ground because they do not deem islam to be true unlike islam does in regards to jesus being a prophet.... end of the day, the mainstream religions have drifted far away from the truth, and science makes a mockery of them on a daily basis... it is the religions based on life, and our reality being an illusion and the energy that is constant from here to the cosmos binding all things living that hold strength through science and ridicule... adn there are only 3 that do so.


Feb 12, 2006
Re: Anti Sikh site.

could we please raise the level into a highlevel debate? this looks more like the one of those in kinder garden.

Allah/Waheguru sent Muhammad, and hereafter sent Guru Nanak..
The Quran is considered Divine in sikhi, so people stop bashing Islam and its beautifull teaching.

Dear Qasim Jee, if you have any questions i would be happy to answar them as i have a great knowledge of Islam as i only hang out with muslims, and always have.. the muslims are my sangat, so to say...

sorry. i meant to say that i have great knowledge of Islam so i can compare it with sikhi all the way, because sikhi and Islam has more in common than u think, as both ways are send by the One God..
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Jul 30, 2004
Re: Anti Sikh site.

Das just want ot make one out of topic question to Brother Qasim.Does he belvie that Ahul Bait is shirk or not Shirk,das finds it more of shirk.Das wants you to reply and by that Das would like your help on some other Sikh forum.


Apr 24, 2006
Re: Anti Sikh site.

sikhism is a hollow drum so it beats the loudest or sumthing like that ... {censored} is this?
IT sounds good and bad.
I don't think sikhism beats loudest or rather it doesnt make a noise till sumone beats it.
Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
Re: Anti Sikh site.

Ah the “Wisdom of Islam” this surely is an oxy{censored}!

However the danger is not their blind Borg collective thinking, but their sad belief that the whole world must think as them and bend the knee to Islam.

All of us who love our freedom to worship and believe as our souls decree will need to stand up and be counted as brothers in freedom or we shall be swept away by this abomination. :down:


Mar 12, 2006
London Uk
Re: Anti Sikh site.

The time to fight over islam and sikhism etc...why are we trying to repeat the past ...its like we are bored and got nothing else to do...we are not bloody power rangers...just be yourself in life..and listen to your heart...Guru Nanak Dev jI and the other GURUS, had a mission, to make a religion for justice... Now think about it, people are only becoming sikh just for the fun of it..sikhs should follow sikhism the right way, dont do it because its fun for you,its about having pure concious...and all this thing about, not allowed to marry to anyone else, sorry to say this, excuse me, but its all bullshit, how are we ever going to learn in life if we stick to to many philosophies. There was a time for religion, now we are spiritual, sikhism is evreything we need to know about god and truth, dont you think this world is getting better now, and there is no need for scriptures, i mean at that time it was actuall yhard to get food etc, and there was poverty but also more spiritual moments. This world is getting spiritual, it doesnt matter what religion you are now, as long as you love urself and provide love..as that is the actual mission of life, to become one, by blending into the light of god while walking in harmony as pure!

And aboutislam, they think they are power rangers, imean who needs religion now..when we know the truth! Islam is just..they are bored got nothing else to do, and i dont think they even have jobs those people who are islam, i mean they jsut bored and want to believ in something...they get too excited, but i think all religions are doing the same, i mean sikhism is the actual right knowledge of god, since everything is god...but there aint no nede for religion, everything is one, life is god exploring godself, god is not there...god is here..everything has been given by god, god is trying to become us, so stop trying to be god!
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Sep 21, 2006
Sat Sri Akaal Veero. Im new here. I would like all of you to see this particular page ...............
Islam Miracles

I've been talking to all these idiots here & trust me , they are as dumb as u can imagine. Just have a look & join me in just telling them the real meaning of a Complete religion which our gurus gave us. These people have been abusing our gurus & hence i had to raise the sword.

Gur fateh ,
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