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Ardaas Changed

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May 28, 2009
Guru Piayario Jio,

Why the "doubt..duality" ?
The GURU can take care of Himslef..and will survive these attacks...Panth Ki Jeet always...

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa...Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh...

I like this forum...many times I can simar Waheguru while writing and reading..because in day to day life..many times I forget it...

Thanks Gyani ji... I don't have doubt..but consfused...I heard in a kahta..that Baanis of other than Guru Ji is incorporated in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji...after they got Muktee (living in this world)....thats why all shelok of Bhagat Kabir Ji...all Baani of Bhagat Namdev is not in SGGS Ji.....

Well thanks for clearing my confusion...

Chardi Kala.............

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
When a sikh was getting initiated there was a procedure to take Gurmantra. That was Charan pahul and then Gurmantra.

Guru gobind singh ji substituted that by kahnde bate di pahul. In that panj piaras give Gurmantra.

Bhai gurdas ji has written the fact about the procedure. There is no rocket science involved here.Otherwise give us refrence from sikh history disproving that.

Inder Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

You have proven again and again that distortion has become your speciality. It is sad to notice that you fail to comprehend the difference between the metaphor and the literal.

When asked about references, either you show your ire or you become mum. You disrespect and second guess our Gurus. You pretend to play Ik Ong Kaar. You have failed to respond most of the questions and to top it all you claim yourself to be one proud Jatt since the time of our Gurus and for you all bhapas belong to the lower caste which include all our Gurus.

Now be brave and give refrences from SGGS for your Gurmat degrading concept of Charan pahul which is Santmat not Gurmat. I wish you knew the difference.

Please do not come with a cop our excuse of Khandei Di Pahul not being in SGGS. Khandei di pahul created Khalsa panth which has nothing to do with Charan pahul. So your assertion and claim that Guru Gobind Singh ji subsituted Charan pahul withh Khande di pahul is not only baseless but also false.

You also mentioned that a person is only a Sikh after having been given Gurmanter. Please explain in detail of this ritual that you claim and respond to my question which I asked you before that a child born in Sikh household is not a Sikh according to you and why?

Tejwant Singh

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa...Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh...

I like this forum...many times I can simar Waheguru while writing and reading..because in day to day life..many times I forget it...

Thanks Gyani ji... I don't have doubt..but consfused...I heard in a kahta..that Baanis of other than Guru Ji is incorporated in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji...after they got Muktee (living in this world)....thats why all shelok of Bhagat Kabir Ji...all Baani of Bhagat Namdev is not in SGGS Ji.....

Well thanks for clearing my confusion...

Chardi Kala.............

Guru Piayario Jios,

Kathas are not always right. Most kathawachaks have simply makhee te makhee maarni ..learnt from their own sant ji/babaji/waddeh mahapurash Ji..who in turn learnt form his own..waddeh abba ji...and so on...IN FACT some chelas of such quote more of..Waddeh baba Ji kehndeh hundeh see..than quote from GURBANI...in a ONE HOUR Lecture/kirtan..WADDEH BABA JI..comes in at least 50 times while "CHHOTTEH BABA JI _ GURU NANAK JI..comes in once or twice !! Such SHEER DISRESPECT to GURBANI..astounds me...)

Read Professor Sahib Singh ji SGGS Darpan Introduction pages where he gives proof that GURU NANAK JI had the banis of Bhagats Nd Farid Ji BEFORE HIM...as Guru Ji also wrote shabads to complement...elaborate...explain...khol ke... those by the bhagats and Farid Ji. After seeing those proofs you will see that Guru Ji Himself personally collected the Banis that HE FOUND SUITABLE...and INCLUDED ONLY THOSE.

1. There is a whole lot of Kabir's Works OUTSIDE the SGGS....the Kabir Panthis have this Granth of Kabir Ji....there is also lots of other "banis" that GURU JI REJECTED.( By NOT SELECTING them for inclusion in the SGGS ). We just cannot adopt double standards...!!! ALL SIKHS MUST Abide by GURU JIS CHOICE in thsi matter.

2. THIS ACTION of GURU Nanak Ji, Guru Arjun Ji and Guru Gobind Singh ji FURTHER strengthens the SGGS as GURBANI of Khasam ki bani Dhur KI Bani. ALL "banis" LEFT OUTSIDE the SGGS..be they Kabir jis banis or any others are just that..OUTSIDE BANIS...NOT accorded the HONOUR of being Included in SGGS as GURBANI.PERIOD. We should stop second guessing the GURU JI SAHIB. Sikhs are doing this..Kabir panthis are doing it..the Ravidassis are doing it....ITS WRONG and SHOULD BE STOPPED. While we have nothing to say about kabir panthis ravidassis etc....we should take care of our own..and only regard SGGS as the SOLE GURU..having GURBANI.

Keep in Chardeekalla jios...


Apr 28, 2005
Wahe Guru Ji Ka khalsa Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh.

There is no point to pin picking of any things happened in the past according to the circumstances .Who did that .who is right? Who wrote what? religious fanatics are just like a deadly snakes or Dictators in their realm who impose every thing according to their own perceived imaginations.Nimrata is the key in Sikhism and great respect for the humanity. To play politics is a subject itself and respect your voting right and its use when time come to elect the leaders.Educations is needed for awareness to our brothers and sisters in the villages of their rights not what we are debating about our Gurus.Leave it alone and get involved to spread the great teaching of our Gurus and Bahagts. We are all come from one light and we are all are one.We respect all other faiths . We do not criticize any other who has different path to appreciate the Almighty. I have never seen any faith which has engraved in their Ardas to pray for all human being to be in good health and successful in their life.
"TERE BHANE SARBAT DA BHALLA" This is our Gurus teachings.Be proud to be Sikh(follower of truth)
Final saying stands until today and for ever:Guru "Granth Saheb Ji Manio Paragat Guran Ki Deh" Seekers may find Gurus realization in the "SHABDS"
According to me there is not a single writing to natch which is addressing every thing about oneness and be concentrate on good deeds and praise the creator regardless of one origin or cast.
Well known Bhagat's bani has been added in Gur Granth Saheb Ji to guide us more to be dedicated and praising the Almighty for his creations.
What other matters are a history full of events for Sikhs to go through during Mogul empire. At this junctures let us be united and educate ourselves to live civilized way in true democracy.
Stop being self centered and use religious plat form to be recognized as big SANT with thousands of followers instead of redirecting the people towrads only Guru Shri Guru Granth Saheb Ji , to follow by understanding the meanings of the SHABADS not by reciting like a parrot.

Bhul chuk Maf Karna.

May 28, 2009
Guru Piayario Jios,

Kathas are not always right. Most kathawachaks have simply makhee te makhee maarni ..learnt from their own sant ji/babaji/waddeh mahapurash Ji..who in turn learnt form his own..waddeh abba ji...and so on...IN FACT some chelas of such quote more of..Waddeh baba Ji kehndeh hundeh see..than quote from GURBANI...in a ONE HOUR Lecture/kirtan..WADDEH BABA JI..comes in at least 50 times while "CHHOTTEH BABA JI _ GURU NANAK JI..comes in once or twice !! Such SHEER DISRESPECT to GURBANI..astounds me...)

Read Professor Sahib Singh ji SGGS Darpan Introduction pages where he gives proof that GURU NANAK JI had the banis of Bhagats Nd Farid Ji BEFORE HIM...as Guru Ji also wrote shabads to complement...elaborate...explain...khol ke... those by the bhagats and Farid Ji. After seeing those proofs you will see that Guru Ji Himself personally collected the Banis that HE FOUND SUITABLE...and INCLUDED ONLY THOSE.

1. There is a whole lot of Kabir's Works OUTSIDE the SGGS....the Kabir Panthis have this Granth of Kabir Ji....there is also lots of other "banis" that GURU JI REJECTED.( By NOT SELECTING them for inclusion in the SGGS ). We just cannot adopt double standards...!!! ALL SIKHS MUST Abide by GURU JIS CHOICE in thsi matter.

Keep in Chardeekalla jios...

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa..Waheguru Ji Ji Fateh...

I apologize to Sangat for creating confusion.

Gyani Ji ..you are right. By writing "after they got Muktee (living in this world)" I doesn't mean that Sheikh Farid Ji, Bhagat Kabir Ji were in this world alive "Sharerik Roop Se"....But I mean to say after they reached certain stage...of Mukteee(Jeete Jee Mukt Hona)...I specially wrote "(living in this world)" to convey that even we can get Muktee while existing and living with this human body...we need not have to die to get muktee...like what is conveyed in Hinduism....

Sorry for confusion....my mistake...I should have explained it....

Second, I :aagree: with you on such katha vaachak's....

Sangat maafi bakshe...

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa...Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh........
May 28, 2009
Wahe Guru Ji Ka khalsa Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh.

"TERE BHANE SARBAT DA BHALLA" This is our Gurus teachings.Be proud to be Sikh(follower of truth)

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa..Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh...

Adding, till the time we doesn't say this in Ardaas...our Ardaas is not complete... we have been blessed with Guru Ji's teachings, where Sikhs always call for "Sarbat Da Bhala"

Chardi Kala....
Feb 7, 2008
Now be brave and give refrences from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji for your Gurmat degrading concept of Charan pahul which is Santmat not Gurmat. I wish you knew the differenc

As stated earlier you will not find such refrences in SGGS ji as message of SGGS ji to spirit. You will find the refrence in sikh history. try to understand.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
As stated earlier you will not find such refrences in SGGS ji as message of SGGS ji to spirit. You will find the refrence in sikh history. try to understand.

Inder Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

Thanks for admitting that for you history has more value than SGGS, our only GURU. It is a shame to notice that you fail to realise that history is written by men and has been also distorted by men but you embrace it more that anything else, especially our only GURU SGGS, which can not be distorted and it is Dhur ki Baani and yet you call yourself an Amritdhari. Perhaps that is why you did not even know REHAT is mentioned in SGGS.

Inder Singh ji,

Slowly you are admitting things and exposing your trueself which shows your hatred for Sikhi. That is why you get angry and abusive towards those who talk about Sikhi prescribed to us in SGGS -our ONLY GURU.

Tejwant Singh
Feb 7, 2008
hanks for admitting that for you history has more value than Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, our only GURU. It is a shame to notice that you fail to realise that history is written by men and has been also distorted by men but you embrace it more that anything else, especially our only GURU Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, which can not be distorted and it is Dhur ki Baani and yet you call yourself an Amritdhari. Perhaps that is why you did not even know REHAT is mentioned in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

You can only call names. History and tarditions is an important part of an organized religion. Khalsa rehat is found in SGGS ji. If you have found one post the relevant shabad here.
Inder Singh ji,

Slowly you are admitting things and exposing your trueself which shows your hatred for Sikhi. That is why you get angry and abusive towards those who talk about Sikhi prescribed to us in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji -our ONLY GURU

I am not angry but it is you resort to personal atatcks. You should know that Gurmantra is an important event in sikhism.

Bhai gurdas ji writes
[FONT=Arial,Verdana, Helvetica]Gur Deekhya Lai Sikh, Sikh Sadaayaa (Var 3, Pauri 11)
One is called a Sikh only after he has been blessed with 'deekhya.

You are here to mislead young people by your warped arguments that anti gurmat. Shame on you by carrying out the role of a fifth columinst.
Feb 7, 2008
hanks for admitting that for you history has more value than Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, our only GURU. It is a shame to notice that you fail to realise that history is written by men and has been also distorted by men but you embrace it more that anything else, especially our only GURU Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, which can not be distorted and it is Dhur ki Baani and yet you call yourself an Amritdhari. Perhaps that is why you did not even know REHAT is mentioned in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
You can only call names. History and traditions are an important part of an organized religion. Khalsa rehat is not found in SGGS ji. If you have found one post the relevant shabad here.Do njot beat about bush.
Inder Singh ji,

Slowly you are admitting things and exposing your trueself which shows your hatred for Sikhi. That is why you get angry and abusive towards those who talk about Sikhi prescribed to us in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji -our ONLY GURU

I am not angry but it is you resort to personal atatcks. You should know that Gurmantra is an important event in sikhism.

Bhai gurdas ji writes
[FONT=Arial,Verdana, Helvetica]Gur Deekhya Lai Sikh, Sikh Sadaayaa (Var 3, Pauri 11)
One is called a Sikh only after he has been blessed with 'deekhya.

You are here to mislead young people by your warped arguments that are anti gurmat. Shame on you for carrying out the role of a fifth columinst.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Inder Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

Your anger and ire and hatred towards Sikhi and Sikhs is self evident. That is why you post the same post twice and have done that quite often.:)

Take it easy.:inca:

You write:

You can only call names. History and traditions are an important part of an organized religion. Khalsa rehat is not found in SGGS ji. If you have found one post the relevant shabad here.Do njot beat about bush.

Inder ji,

Time to seek the truth and learn about Sikhi once again. Please tell me in details what is the difference between Khalsa Rehat and Rehat mentioned in the SGGS. Please use Gurbani from SGGS to elaborate your point.

One more Sikhi lesson for your educational benefit. The concept of Khalsa was started by Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism and Khalsa Panth was created by Guru Gobind Singh.

In other words, The cake of Khalsa was baked by our 9 Gurus whereas Guru Gobind Singh put the icing on the cake- yummy.

I am not angry but it is you resort to personal atatcks. You should know that Gurmantra is an important event in sikhism.

Well, denial is one more trait that you seem to be proud of. Your posts are the proof. I have nothing to say about that. I have only responded to your attacks and shown your true colors. The fact remains you are ANTI SIKHI because you are against the teachings of SGGS, yet you call yourself an Amritdhari Sikh. It is very easy to wear a knee long kacheera and decorate oneself with other Kakaars, but the truth comes out when a person plays Ik Ong Kaar and has no respect for SGGS which you have done repeatedly in this forum.

I have asked you many times before and let me ask you again, Explain Gurmantra based on SGGS. I hope you do that this time.

Bhai gurdas ji writes
[FONT=Arial,Verdana, Helvetica]Gur Deekhya Lai Sikh, Sikh Sadaayaa (Var 3, Pauri 11) [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Verdana, Helvetica]One is called a Sikh only after he has been blessed with 'deekhya. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Verdana, Helvetica]You are here to mislead young people by your warped arguments that are anti gurmat. Shame on you for carrying out the role of a fifth columinst.[/FONT]

Is the above in SGGS- our ONLY GURU? NO. You see you reveal your anti Sikh sentiments quite gallantly and shamelessly.

Thanks for proving my point again given in my previous post that you embrace History which has been distorted many times and reject the teachings of SGGS- our ONLY GURU, which can NEVER be distorted.

So now one wonders who is misleading here, the one who embraces SGGS uncondtionally, which is myself or one who has no regards for SGGS and embraces distorted history, which is YOU!

Tejwant Singh
May 28, 2009
When a sikh was getting initiated there was a procedure to take Gurmantra. That was Charan pahul and then Gurmantra.

Guru gobind singh ji substituted that by kahnde bate di pahul. In that panj piaras give Gurmantra.

Bhai gurdas ji has written the fact about the procedure. There is no rocket science involved here.Otherwise give us refrence from sikh history disproving that.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa..Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh........

I just want to support with an example...we dig a Tubewell ..or you can say we dwell or dig to get water out of land...we dig to a extent we find a water...then what....had any body seen what we do afterwards....we call some body to get some water....why..because unless and until we put some water from outside...the water in the land will not come up....its happens many times when machine doesn't pump water from land...we put some water from top...to extract the water...........same way...Amrit is Inside... We put the Khanda Baata Pahul (Amrti) from outside....then we run the machine of Baani....to get that amrit out...in our lifestyle........well I heard this , well I guess, in Gyani Sant Singh Ji Maskeen's or may be Gyani Thakur Singh Ji's Katha...........

This will might help to some extent what is Khalsa made of ..in respect of Panj Pyare...In respect of 5 Baaniyaan...... Its a katha how Guru Ji Created Khalsa..What is the significance of Panj Pyare...by name...by their place..what is the significance of 5 baaniyaan ..what they signify...I strongly suggest this....please listen it once.....

Online : Copy paste this url in browser (First there is keertan..and from 60th minute is Katha about Khalsa by Gyani Dharamveer Singh Ji...

download: zSHARE - What is Khalsa..._.mp3

Veer Inder Singh ji, these people aren't trustworthy.They are be=mukh from Guru. For these people Guru sahab has written,"Moorkhe naal na lujiye Kar gallan eho bujiye."
They think that they are the only wise person on planet earth. all those people like Bhai Veer Singh ji and other members of the society who presented the rules of Sikh rahat maryada were not intelligent because these extra intelligent persons were not born then, This is their sorrow and regrett.
So you just have patience and cool yourself. They won't agree with you . You may keep trying a 100 more times.
I again say,"Panchon ki baat sir-maathe par Parnala wahin bahega." Don't argue with close associates of Kala afganiye anymore please and give a full stop to this thread now.
Last edited:
Feb 7, 2008
Time to seek the truth and learn about Sikhi once again. Please tell me in details what is the difference between Khalsa Rehat and Rehat mentioned in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Please use Gurbani from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji to elaborate your point.

There was a rehat followed during nine gurus time for example a seeker wishing to become a Guru's sikh had to be initiated by Guru sahib.That is where charan pahul comes in the picture.

This rehat was substituted by guru Gobidn singh ji taking pahul from panj piaras.

The fact remains you are ANTI SIKHI because you are against the teachings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, yet you call yourself an Amritdhari Sikh. It is very easy to wear a knee long kacheera and decorate oneself with other Kakaars, but the truth comes out when a person plays Ik Ong Kaar and has no respect for Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji which you have done repeatedly in this forum.

It is you who is teaching anti sikh guidelines to young sikhs here. Guru dikhia was the most important step to become a sikh where Charan pahul was adminitered to a seeker and Gurmanatra was given. You are propagating against it.

Read Guru granth sahib carefully before acknowledging yourself a scholar of SGGS ji. The importance of Gurmantra is stressed in that.

[FONT=Arial,Verdana, Helvetica]Gurmantar-Heenus Jo Praani Dhrigant Janam Bharashtneh. Kookreh Sookreh Gardheh Kaakeh Sarpaneh Tul Khaieh (pg. 1356-1357)
One who is without the Gurmantra, is the most accursed, and contaminated is his life. He is like a dog, a swine, an ***, a crow a snake, and a blockhead.

I have asked you many times before and let me ask you again, Explain Gurmantra based on Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. I hope you do that this time.

Read above. Can you tell me what is gurmantra? Gurmantra has not undergone any change. Only sakats are not willing to agree that there is a gurmantra.You claim on certain other sites that you are
an Amritdhari sikh. Did not Panj piaras gave you Gurmantra? Why do not you tell us that.

Thanks for proving my point again given in my previous post that you embrace History which has been distorted many times and reject the teachings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji- our ONLY GURU, which can NEVER be distorted.

So for you Bhai Gurads vaars have no meaning. Can you tell us who scribed Guru Granth sahib?

So now one wonders who is misleading here, the one who embraces Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji uncondtionally, which is myself or one who has no regards for Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and embraces distorted history, which is YOU!

For sakats Guru granth sahib says
[FONT=Arial,Verdana, Helvetica]Nigurey Ko Gat Kaaee Naahee Avgann Muthhey, Chotaan Khahee. (pg 361)
For him who is without the Guru, there is no liberation. Deluded by evil propensities, he suffers.

Let us not discuss personalities here. People like you and me come and go. it is message of sikhism that is important.
Feb 7, 2008
I again say,"Panchon ki baat sir-maathe par Parnala wahin bahega." Don't argue with close associates of Kala afganiye anymore please and give a full stop to this thread now.

These people are full of duplicacy, resort to twisting and lies. These people have no respect for Guru granth sahib also.They are old communists in new clothings.

My point is if we do not confront them who else will. Sikh rehat maryada was evolved after a lot of thought wherein scholars of panth discussed and finalized for over 15 years. These people do not accept that.

In fact their whole thrust is attack on Guru Gobind singh sahib. See this man how he speaks about Amrit?

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
There was a rehat followed during nine gurus time for example a seeker wishing to become a Guru's sikh had to be initiated by Guru sahib.That is where charan pahul comes in the picture.

This rehat was substituted by guru Gobidn singh ji taking pahul from panj piaras.

It is you who is teaching anti sikh guidelines to young sikhs here. Guru dikhia was the most important step to become a sikh where Charan pahul was adminitered to a seeker and Gurmanatra was given. You are propagating against it.

Read Guru granth sahib carefully before acknowledging yourself a scholar of SGGS ji. The importance of Gurmantra is stressed in that.

[FONT=Arial,Verdana, Helvetica]Gurmantar-Heenus Jo Praani Dhrigant Janam Bharashtneh. Kookreh Sookreh Gardheh Kaakeh Sarpaneh Tul Khaieh (pg. 1356-1357) [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Verdana, Helvetica]One who is without the Gurmantra, is the most accursed, and contaminated is his life. He is like a dog, a swine, an ***, a crow a snake, and a blockhead. [/FONT]

Read above. Can you tell me what is gurmantra? Gurmantra has not undergone any change. Only sakats are not willing to agree that there is a gurmantra.You claim on certain other sites that you are
an Amritdhari sikh. Did not Panj piaras gave you Gurmantra? Why do not you tell us that.

So for you Bhai Gurads vaars have no meaning. Can you tell us who scribed Guru Granth sahib?

For sakats Guru granth sahib says
[FONT=Arial,Verdana, Helvetica]Nigurey Ko Gat Kaaee Naahee Avgann Muthhey, Chotaan Khahee. (pg 361) [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Verdana, Helvetica]For him who is without the Guru, there is no liberation. Deluded by evil propensities, he suffers. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Verdana, Helvetica]Let us not discuss personalities here. People like you and me come and go. it is message of sikhism that is important.[/FONT]

Inder Ji,

Guru Fateh.

Thanks for avoiding to respond once again. Typical. Too bad you disregard SGGS, not elaborate what asked, just copy and paste from SGGS which you reject without explaining what you have copied and pasted from it.

Thanks for showing your anti Gurmat stance, which was expected.

Let us not discuss personalities here. People like you and me come and go. it is message of sikhism that is important.

Here again you have shown your falsehood, as usual. You have done nothing but discuss personalties. Your babble something else and practice something totally opposite. It is funny to say the least.The proof is in your last post in which you commented on hatred spewed by Ajmer Singh Randhawa. As they say," Birds of a feather, flock together".

Tejwant Singh

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Veer Inder Singh ji, these people aren't trustworthy.They are be=mukh from Guru. For these people Guru sahab has written,"Moorkhe naal na lujiye Kar gallan eho bujiye."
They think that they are the only wise person on planet earth. all those people like Bhai Veer Singh ji and other members of the society who presented the rules of Sikh rahat maryada were not intelligent because these extra intelligent persons were not born then, This is their sorrow and regrett.
So you just have patience and cool yourself. They won't agree with you . You may keep trying a 100 more times.
I again say,"Panchon ki baat sir-maathe par Parnala wahin bahega." Don't argue with close associates of Kala afganiye anymore please and give a full stop to this thread now.

Ajmer Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

Please read the whole thread and my posts before you jump to conclusions. And by quoting Gurbani to insult others is not what Gurbani's objective. Our Gurus did not write Gurbani for the purpose you and Inder Singh are using. To the contrary. I thought you knew that.

Discuss the issues based on Gurmat, given to us in SGGS our ONLY GURU and please do not misuse Gurbani in this fashion which is a true ninda to our Guru Sahibs. It shows we are flaunting our own ignorance laced with arrogance when we use Gurbani they way you and Inder Singh have.

I would request the same thing that I have asked Inder Singh ji, shed the hatred towards others only because they disagree with you. Sikhi is about breeding goodness within and SGGS, our ONLY GURU gives us the tools to do that. Only by following SGGS we can eliminate hatred within and hence become true Sikhs.

Disagreements are important part of Sikhi, hence a learning process. Let us not run away from it and become abusive. It shows more about the anger of a person and a cop out because a person/s ceases to logically follow SGGS, our ONLY GURU but becomes the victim/s of Me-ism whereas Gurbani tells us all about ONE-ism.


Tejwant Singh


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
It is very important to return to the thread topic. A few forum members have expressed confusion as to what this thread is about. More than one moderator also questioned the direction of the thread. Last warning. The topic is Ardaas Changed in a Finland sangat. Thank you

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Discussion of Ardass, sggs, sikh rehat has changed to name calling, threats, thugs, communists, hatred, anger, FRUSTRATION at failure to get the point across...and YES Men have also flocked together to pat each others backs...and now on to hate videos that never proved anything except that some "SIKHS" will even go to the extent of misuse Waheguru Gurmantar to DISRUPT SGGS sanctioned Darbar/Programme...and RIOT in front of SGGS.. Who is a real thug and not is so clear...
IMHO...Time is right to close this thread. Its purpose of explaining Sikh rehat, SUPREMACY OF SGGS at all costs has been served.:thumbup::thumbup:
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