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Hinduism Are Hindus Sacred Temple Fake?

Inderjeet Kaur

Oct 13, 2011
Seattle, Washington, USA
JESUS once drove such RASC.ALS OUT of His fathers Temple..perhaps the time ahs come for SIKHS to gatehr strength and drive out the Rasc.als from out of the GURU's Dwaar and clear the GATE / Pathway....to the Shabad Guru Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. OCCUPY THE GURDWARA !!! ( related Thread on SPN..posted yesterday by Findingmyway Ji...)

Jesus was a lot tougher than he's usually given credit for. After all,one of his titles was the Great Lion of Judah.


swarn bains

Apr 8, 2012
Not only Hindu temples but temples, churches gurdwaras and mosques or any other place of worship is fake. Putting a few bricks in a empty land and put a scripture or a putting an idol becomes a place of worship. It becomes a place of congregating. Not so. Place of worship is in the mind. Idol worship is not wrong but the way it has been advertised and practiced has made mockery of idol worship.


Nov 5, 2010
Not only Hindu temples but temples, churches gurdwaras and mosques or any other place of worship is fake. Putting a few bricks in a empty land and put a scripture or a putting an idol becomes a place of worship. It becomes a place of congregating. Not so. Place of worship is in the mind. Idol worship is not wrong but the way it has been advertised and practiced has made mockery of idol worship.

Sat Sri Akaal,
Religious places are like schools, there to provide eternal. E impact on internal system of humans.
So if school that doesn't provide the service intent is labelled fake.

So do religious place.

Water as object is same. But translative it's many Jal Pani Ne'er etc.

Human heart mind lever etc organs have same functions but run by a different mind program.

Every one likes his program be Hindu Sikh Muslim Jew etc

But without understanding how this scrib was written. All is fake and appears fake.

Minds are taught language with so much repitition starting from nursery till one us adult and one becomes Hindu Punjabi English but not humans to understand how this is written in our heads and who has written.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

Fake is SIKH Learner who follow rituals without recognizing spirit of GURUs BANI

Fake is body and mind which doesn't recognize GURU inside every body and search in mansion

So faking is irrespective caste creed religion faith

Fake is human body without a human soul

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Aug 29, 2013
Sikhism accepts Brahm (god) is in idols also , in stone also . Its called sargun brahm (brahm with attributes) , the formless is also god , called nirgun brahm (brahm without attributes).

I think most people forget the purpose of idol worship in the first place !

A striking difference between hindu worship and sikh worship is sikhs don't worship idols , or do they ?!! well , many sikhs today unfortunately today only see SGGS as "idol-like" and only worth worshipping, but not worth "reading, analysing and learning from" !

You see, idol worship originated because of "dhyaan sadhana" . The way to moksha or liberation by some yogis is focusing all your mind on one thing as you chant the mantra given by your guru

Sikhism said "Don't focus on idol, focus on the mantra sound itself" .

As gurbani says "dhun main dhyaan , dhyaan main jaaneya" (I focused on the sound and there I found !)

Since sikhism emphasizes focusing on the sound, there were no need of idols. Otherwise, Sikhs agree with the hindu view of "Sargun-Nirgun Brahm" meaning "God is with forms and without forms". All you see is god with attributes , but without attributes is higher form of god!
As rishis said "Nirgun brahm is higher"

Also Rishi Yajnavalkya forbid humans from worshipping demi gods (or devtas )
He said in Bridhadaranyaka Upanishad (embedded in yajur veda)

"Now, if a man worships another deity, thinking: "He is one and I am another," he does not know. He is like an animal to the gods. As many animals serve a man, so does each man serve the gods. Even if one animal is taken away, it causes anguish to the owner; how much more so when many are taken away! Therefore it is not pleasing to the gods that men should know this."
from chapter 4, verse 10 of Brihadaranyaka upanishad

So there is not much conflict between vedanta or sikhism , however today hindus don't follow vedanta, they play loud raunchy songs even during their religious processions, for eg: Ganesh visarjan. Its a fact, isn't it ?


Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

Human form after getting the tool of communication,

Observer has given name for every observation and realisation.

All realisation can not be revealed, humans being close to animals.

All reveals were related to animal forms and IKON's in firm of idols for education.

Education was lost event but IKON's worship still exist.

During Mohamed this practice was condemned and literature practice was professed for getting knowledge.

One was against the practice but not religion but the politics and knowledge holders were against providing knowledge to further population as it reduces there comforts and cost of service and Mohd was condemned and deserted from land.

So there was a revolt through Mohd.

All process in nature has initiation and development. It is for the wise to decide

Whether they one to owe a first invented car or a latest perfectly developed model of car.

Same applies to practice of religion.

Waheguru ji ka khalsa
Waheguru ji ki Fateh.


Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

Fake is subjective learning without objective realisation.

Sikhism accepts Brahm (god) is in idols also , in stone also . Its called sargun brahm (brahm with attributes) , the formless is also god , called nirgun brahm (brahm without attributes).

Nirgun: No way relates to idol worship,

It is the root energy which forms the basis of creation has no attributes, and consolidation of energy to form give attribute to energy.

One follows created objects and beings without understanding the higher source, from which it appeared.

It is give in so simplified version, but the manipulation in subject, leads to disconnection.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
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Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

Do these conditions still exists,
some having research level education of alpha beta
some not even know the alphabet.

We can carry the situation and keep on following the old systems
as those having no education, as they also have to work and neutralise there mind through ritual,
they don't have the literal and objective concept of bowing down mind to earth to neutralise.

Rather than providing moral and formal education.

This was past in human era and be present and future.

But the individuals who work for the cause will have better present and future.

So the idol worship is the best form in those times and for some in present times and shall be continued till one holds ignorance of animals.

One can provide animal training do do particular task, they perform well, but one can not question why you are performing this task, as this is not natural.

This has become trained state of mind, we have to perform for bread and butter without reason or questioning.

So it is better to speak to IDOL and throw our negativity to dead object, rather than speaking through our own mind and resolving it through meditation. As our community is so low to express concerns to higher in alphabets.

And we can be governed through dead humans on the top through democracy.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
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(previously Lion_Prince_Jatinder)
Jun 29, 2004
west london
The idols only represent Sarguna roop. As sikhs we respect both Nirguna and Sarguna roop. However we do pooja of Nirguna roop.

There are some who over-emphasise sarguna by doing pooja of the idols. Although I personally don't think there is anything wrong with pictures or idols for symbolic reasons only.

There are also those who are extreme in Nirguna roop, again not the right balance for a sikh.


Nov 5, 2010

I wanted to know on the denial of the Idol worship, does this means all the Idols in the ancient sacred temples should not be worshiped? as some of these are more than thousands or years old.
And the Sanatan text says that few of these temples are created by Lord Ram (the temple in Rameshwaram), Lord Krishna (temple in Dwarka and Jagannath) and soon

And how are Gurudwaras different from Temple?

My great apologies if I have hurt someone, forgive me for my lack of knowledge.


Sat Sri Akaal,
IDOL worship belongs to relation study the facts revealed are difficult to be transmitted to others mind. Revealed can be related.

For Eg In present times if somebody has done dissection of human brain
the model can be created and can be show to educated medical science students.

But if we put the mind stroke to an ERA when very few people were aware and other were close to nature and animals.

To teach science to them Ikons in form of IDOLS were created to relate study for non scientific community. But education was provided with IDOLS to create eternal awareness amongst humans, but commercialisation of education has deprived the aim, IDOLS were used to misguide and exploit masses. Even today hindus though respect religion but follow false ways of worship.

Not only Hindus, even sikhs are following the lost spiritual (SPIRIT LINGUAL)

95% of turbaned beard sikh have not read GURU's BANI, 50% dont know punjabi.

In Hindu philosphy there were 2 main principles of followance for religion.

ADVAIT Principle : Which is for educated persons who understands language literature science etc., and were suppose to understand cause of human body and mind through education to lead life in peace and educate others for the cause. The community reading understanding and following principles were termed as DEVTAS

DVAIT principle: Uneducated people who cannot understand religious text wer supposed to follow DEVTAS and look for peace of minnd.

Same ways are happening in almost all religion, uneducated/educated people who do not read and comprehend practice religion themselves blindly follow bhai's, granthi's, fold hand to book in a blind love for GURU.

Few who understand are arrogant to extreme, though it is written that human intelligence with arrogance is a highest form of mental disease which society is suffering, only through SEVA and SIMRAN human EGO can be reduced.

But one fails to understand that EGO ARROGANCE is disease of HUMAN MIND.

RAM and RAVAN bot are portrayed as HUMAN INTELLIGENCE
but RAVAN imtelligence is combined with Negativity have lost human instinct and has lost all relation due to arrogance and EGO.

Same is happening with broken families, society and culture.

One proud personality met with humble personality, proud personality boasting of his religiion, humble personality humbly told that mind and training belongs to nature, human can not spell a word, withou training which started from primary, every one has mind and can be given training, now its choice to have proud humans or humble humans.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010

I wanted to know on the denial of the Idol worship, does this means all the Idols in the ancient sacred temples should not be worshiped? as some of these are more than thousands or years old.
And the Sanatan text says that few of these temples are created by Lord Ram (the temple in Rameshwaram), Lord Krishna (temple in Dwarka and Jagannath) and soon

And how are Gurudwaras different from Temple?

My great apologies if I have hurt someone, forgive me for my lack of knowledge.


Temples or the places of worship were originally meant to be the place of congregations where people could get together, discuss and change ideas and experiences and spread their faith through exposure. Later to symbolize their religion they started placing idols which later turned out to be the idol worship and gradually took over the discussions and thought sharing and advanced on the path of performance of rituals. These ritual practices took over finally making Hindu religion embedded in rituals. The thought process or the world revealed to various scholars or meditating siants called yogis however was compiled into the form of shabd such as Vedas, Upnishadas, Smritis, Gita and Ramayan which were considered as the scriptures of guidance. With the time these too were used as rituals. Temples thus became the hub of ritual practices rather than of spiritual and religious guidance. Even Sikhism is gradually following the same course. The luminaries of Sikhism must think of stopping this regressive process and develop on continuously with shabad Guru are the true Guru by reading understanding and following the shabad rather than getting into the ritual practices being followed in Gurdwaras which were originally dharamsals where the people gathered for exposure to Guru's word.


Nov 5, 2010

I wanted to know on the denial of the Idol worship, does this means all the Idols in the ancient sacred temples should not be worshiped? as some of these are more than thousands or years old.
And the Sanatan text says that few of these temples are created by Lord Ram (the temple in Rameshwaram), Lord Krishna (temple in Dwarka and Jagannath) and soon

And how are Gurudwaras different from Temple?

My great apologies if I have hurt someone, forgive me for my lack of knowledge.


"IDOL" worship rather than putting the question on forum,
one must put the question on self,
and there will be a definetly answer to querry,
to understand the self reason for a action and resolve.
Educated and uneducated will have a different resolve to self asked question.
How IDOL worship leads to improvement of HUMAN can a educated person express the inner feeling.
Society wants to evolve, transform or pray for self created genetic behaviour animal instincts.
This will erode inner genetic filth, to understand the latest SPIRITUAL system.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa,
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.


Nov 5, 2010
Temples or the places of worship were originally meant to be the place of congregations where people could get together, discuss and change ideas and experiences and spread their faith through exposure. Later to symbolize their religion they started placing idols which later turned out to be the idol worship and gradually took over the discussions and thought sharing and advanced on the path of performance of rituals. These ritual practices took over finally making Hindu religion embedded in rituals. The thought process or the world revealed to various scholars or meditating siants called yogis however was compiled into the form of shabd such as Vedas, Upnishadas, Smritis, Gita and Ramayan which were considered as the scriptures of guidance. With the time these too were used as rituals. Temples thus became the hub of ritual practices rather than of spiritual and religious guidance. Even Sikhism is gradually following the same course. The luminaries of Sikhism must think of stopping this regressive process and develop on continuously with shabad Guru are the true Guru by reading understanding and following the shabad rather than getting into the ritual practices being followed in Gurdwaras which were originally dharamsals where the people gathered for exposure to Guru's word.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa,
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.


Nov 5, 2010
Temples or the places of worship were originally meant to be the place of congregations where people could get together, discuss and change ideas and experiences and spread their faith through exposure.

We need to inner inspect the TOPIC i.e. applied temples are places of congregation but not for
1. only get together
2. Discussion
3. Change Ideas How many temples we visited have done this.

"MANDIR" means "Manna Andir" to watch inner mind which is the way of HUMAN Awareness to self realise own "MIND"

"HARMANDIR" " ALL HUMAN MINDS connected to same "ENERGY" source and fed by "NATURE"

Bhul Chuk Maaf

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
Temples or the places of worship were originally meant to be the place of congregations where people could get together, discuss and change ideas and experiences and spread their faith through exposure.

We need to inner inspect the TOPIC i.e. applied temples are places of congregation but not for
1. only get together
2. Discussion
3. Change Ideas How many temples we visited have done this.

"MANDIR" means "Manna Andir" to watch inner mind which is the way of HUMAN Awareness to self realise own "MIND"

"HARMANDIR" " ALL HUMAN MINDS connected to same "ENERGY" source and fed by "NATURE"

Bhul Chuk Maaf

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Congregations here relate to 'sangat'. Shabad is better discussed in sangat: the meeting of holy persons. mandir or dharmsals were the places of discussions or discourses in sangats. Important of sangat is Sikhism is well known and is not dwelt upon.
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