- Jun 1, 2004
- 3,007
- 83
- 46
Dear thecoopes & Caramel Chocolate,
Based on your observations, you can now see a "Guide to Gurumukhi/Punjabi Words" just above the navgiation above towards the right hand side. I have granted you and dear Caramel Chocholate (also John) the editing rights to enter the awkward words which you are unable to comprehend being in non-english language. Let us develop a newcomers guide to meaning of words in Punjabi into English language...
You can edit, add new words in the list by going to that link and towards the bottom you will see -->
Z................................................. .........................
Page Visitors: 0, Last Visitor was Guest at N/A. [Edit This Page]
Page Created at Today - 10:47 PM, Last Modified : Today - 10:52 PM.
Click the Edit This Page option and there you can add or edit and put new terms etc.
Best Regards
Based on your observations, you can now see a "Guide to Gurumukhi/Punjabi Words" just above the navgiation above towards the right hand side. I have granted you and dear Caramel Chocholate (also John) the editing rights to enter the awkward words which you are unable to comprehend being in non-english language. Let us develop a newcomers guide to meaning of words in Punjabi into English language...
You can edit, add new words in the list by going to that link and towards the bottom you will see -->
Z................................................. .........................
Page Visitors: 0, Last Visitor was Guest at N/A. [Edit This Page]
Page Created at Today - 10:47 PM, Last Modified : Today - 10:52 PM.
Click the Edit This Page option and there you can add or edit and put new terms etc.
Best Regards