Thank you for your replies. I am a learner and all help and guidance is always appreciated.
To my understanding, God created the universe in-order to experience himself. there is none other than god anywhere. Our Soul/Consciousness being Drops of the Whole sea of Consciousness (God Himself). He gave us our mind to be used as a tool so that we can function in this creation, only over the ages, we began to think that we are the tool (mind) and nothing else. We forgot that we are pure consciousness, that we are the drop from the ocean of pure love consciousness (god), so instead we have become the slaves of our mind and stuck in the rot of following our Ego, Desires, anger etc etc. Some of us through gods grace are able to hold down the 5 thieves more than others letting the soul do the talking (love, compassion, see god in all, no differnece in anyone etc) while others are so far into the 5 thieves that they are consumed. Kalyug as far as i understand is this age where the 5 thieves are dominating the world causing the poverty, the wars, the fighting, the high crime rates, the distrust of another person, the bounderies, the lines, the hate etc etc). Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji came into this Kalyug age to be the Lighthouse that guides us through the dark dangerous waters.
By Merger or to become like brahm gian i actually mean that we (through Simran/mediation/Seva etc) we are able to still the mind, tie up the 5 thieves, and let the Soul (us, our true selves) be the thing in charge and not our minds. This is what i read and feel when i read the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Guru ji is telling me, reminding me of who i really am, of who my real enemies are (Ego, Lust, Desire, Anger etc etc), and the technology behind overcoming them.
Its like a mother who has known her loving child since the child was born, knowing the child was kind, caring, loving, helped others...then all of a sudden the child starts taking drugs, starts hating people, figting, hurting others. the mother in sadness looks at the child and KNOWs that her child has lost touch of its True self, and the mother tries her hardest to explain, show, remind the child of their true selves, helps with healing the effects of the drugs, never gives up until one day with Grace the child remembers and the loving caring nature is once again there. This is what i feel Guru Ji is telling us, reminding us, and showing us what we need to do and who we really.
Once we have conquered the 5 thieves, the merger/realisation is that we are all part of god (literally), connected to the same wisdom and knowldge of the whole of his creation and beyond. Like the drop of water from the ocean cannot be the same as the ocean (the ocean being Vast and endless), but they are still both water/no difference.
Guruji is telling me evertime i listen and read that this is what i Really am and that i Need to wake up and remember.
I appologise if the above is not correct, but i only write how I am feeling from within at this moment in time.
God bless all.