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As A Sikh Do You Ever Ask When Hurting Or Feeling Low, God/Creator, Why Me?

How you cope spiritually and in your mind to negative feelings?

  • I believe it is Karma from many lives before that I am paying for.

    Votes: 7 15.9%
  • I believe I am just reaping what I sow in this life.

    Votes: 4 9.1%
  • Up/down is being human and creator is neither partial nor vengeful.

    Votes: 14 31.8%
  • I am thankful for what I have versus be sorry for what is not perfect.

    Votes: 10 22.7%
  • Other.

    Votes: 9 20.5%

  • Total voters


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Luckysingh ji one comment,
Lets say that the 'soul' goes through these experiences in different lives as reincarnations to develop by learning through these experiences.
Once it has developed and learnt, then it can be out the cycle and at 'the happily ever after' stage, as Bhagat ji said.

BUT, how can one know what stage their 'soul' is at in this development ???
Well, all I know is that I'm not at the 'happily ever after' as yet.
Don't assume sequential re-incarnation or linear thinking is how the creator thinks, plans and acts. You probably heard people talk about at least in mannerisms and physically someone being like a far removed great grand uncle/aunt, etc., instead of their father and mother. Life is wonderful but it does not follow a straight line and one way movement.

Sat Sri Akal.


Dec 3, 2011
I'm not assuming in this sense at all.
With note to the concept briefly explained by Bhagat ji, I'm just adding to this.
Taking into account that there is creator, soul and the illusion we experience or 'play'.
Development of this soul takes many lifetimes to say simply.
Where am I on this stage ?, is the question.


Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

Interesting facts, there is tradition to register the genetic record and events of birth and death,
Pandits (few aware people of those times) use to get the things registered for all the beings, than the next generations, are facilitated with accumulated karmas of there ancestors,
it was central record keeping, all generations used to register, and was adhered be masses, by creating fears, and is still followed by masses.

and as any thing may be knowledge can not exist as only positive, it has both aspects positive and negative, except nothing.

but some of them misused for moey and material collections, which has lead to downfall, and more people were educated about these facts, to stop inter human exploitation.

Basic knowledge was delivered free of cost by supreme saints dhan dhan Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji to masses,

Formal education is just for earning livelyhood,

but to lead life with balanced emotions, religious education, which connects us to roots of life is of utmost importance.

One disconnected from basic awarenes, can never be happy and satisfied.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Inderjeet Kaur

Oct 13, 2011
Seattle, Washington, USA
ji, I always though of Sikhism as the one religion where simplicity rules, although I love your posts, as they make me think, but the thoughts are so ambiguous to be of any assistance at times, :sippingcoffeemunda:
I think the simplicity of Sikhi has much in common with the simplicity of Zen. A bit hard to explain, but I'm foolish enough to give it a go.

At first, Sikhi is very simple and straightforward, a sort of refinement of the bhakti path of loving devotion. Love Gurus Sahiban and their teachings. Love the Eternal, Akal Purakh. Love and care for all people as your sisters and brothers. Love and care for the Creation. Love, love, love, love.

Then you study Shri Guru Granth Sahib ji, from the deceptively simple Shabads of Bhagat Kabir ji to the obviously deep and meaningful Shabads of Guru Nanak Dev ji. There is no way of getting around the complexity of thought and meaning in all these shabads. In fact, with study, even the seemingly simple shabads have depths of meaning you could drown in, if you're not careful. This is a very difficult study, wrought with complexities and pitfalls...

I am told that if you persist, eventually you will see everything as a unified whole, simple and elegant beyond mere words. I am not there yet, although I have had glimpses. Perhaps some of our more spiritually advanced members can elaborate on this.

Or perhaps I have it all wrong! :noticekudi: One thing I am sure of, Sikhi cannot be reduced to a set of rules and remain Sikhi.

"Oh, Juanita, I call your name."

Just to stay at least marginally on topic, my favourite answer to "Why me?" is "No particular reason."

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Harry ji take note,
You obviously have a few more lifetimes to go through before your soul acknowledges it's purpose, reincarnation and the life of play.
Bhagat ji's understanding puts him a few lifetimes ahead:interestedmunda:

Maybe once the soul realizes exactly what it is and accepts the play as play, so to say, then it can depart from the bodily reincarnations and live happily ever after.....!!

Lets say that the 'soul' goes through these experiences in different lives as reincarnations to develop by learning through these experiences.
Once it has developed and learnt, then it can be out the cycle and at 'the happily ever after' stage, as Bhagat ji said.

BUT, how can one know what stage their 'soul' is at in this development ???
Well, all I know is that I'm not at the 'happily ever after' as yet.

or maybe some of us are going to be very very very disappointed........ lol


Apr 24, 2006
Bhagat ji's understanding puts him a few lifetimes ahead
Yes!! I win! :singhbhangra:
haha among students understanding is all that matters and is seen as a good thing, which it is but it is 'no understanding' that puts one ahead. I do have understanding and thus I have already been beaten by many. Many from whom we never hear because they had no understanding.

A (true) student is one without understanding, he has not already made up his mind. And at no time does he ever make up his mind. Because he knows as soon as he makes up his mind, he is no more a student. As soon as he thinks he understands he is done for.

Vouthon ji,
Mortality gives meaning to life.
I believe that the whole concept of human rights founded upon the dignity of the unique human person fits better within life as viewed as one and finite rather than many. Each person is an Image of God and unique; once that person dies, we have lost a unique Person not a mere body inhabitated by a soul that will go onto another body.
I see the world this way but it does not oppose reincarnation the way you think it does.

I believe that each human being existed from all eternity as an idea in the Mind of God. We are made in his Image, and he is our prototype. The idea longs to re-unite with the Prototype.
The concept of reincarnation starts from this belief. Imagine a basketball (as a human being) and imagine the ground underneath it (as God), essentially what we are talking about is, taking that basketball and dropping it from a certain height. It bounces several times. Each time it hits the ground and rises you notice the basketball looks different, it's still a basket ball but it's got a different design on it, etc. But in the end it hits and ground and stays there. That on the micro scale is our lives, on the macro scale it maybe called reincarnation. The word for reincarnation is actually Sansar, which means "the world".

Anyway I just wanted to say that for me reincarnation does not impede on this world-view like you suggest. When we look at 100, 1 seems small. When we look at human history, the life of one man seems insignificant. Can you look at both the history and that man's life with clarity?

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Yes!! I win!

I was unaware Luckyji had become Creator lol

A (true) student is one without understanding, he has not already made up his mind. And at no time does he ever make up his mind. Because he knows as soon as he makes up his mind, he is no more a student.

There are words for this,namely being indecisive, hesitant, faltering, undecided, indeterminate, wavering, vacillating, none of them are particularly laudable, certainly not any words I would use to describe great Sikhs of old.

Anyway I just wanted to say ....

Ok, I know you won, but this is SPN, not the bloody Golden Globes lol
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ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
The concept of reincarnation starts from this belief. Imagine a basketball (as a human being) and imagine the ground underneath it (as God), essentially what we are talking about is, taking that basketball and dropping it from a certain height. It bounces several times. Each time it hits the ground and rises you notice the basketball looks different, it's still a basket ball but it's got a different design on it, etc. But in the end it hits and ground and stays there. That on the micro scale is our lives, on the macro scale it maybe called reincarnation. The word for reincarnation is actually Sansar, which means "the world".
Veer Bhagat Singh ji every time the basketball hits the court, the court changes too. So how can there be a continuation if there is continuous change with infinite number of interactions and bodies involved at the micro and macro level? Hence to claim or project re-incarnation as continuity or continuous is bogus.

Sat Sri Akal.
Feb 23, 2012
United Kingdom
In terms of the original topic of this thread, I love this quote from Meister Eckhart:

"...This I know, that the only way to live is like the rose which lives without a 'why'...Man must live without why...Why do you love God? - I don't know, because of God. - Why do you love truth? - Because of truth. - Why do you love justice? - Because of justice. - Why do you love the good? - Because of the good. - Why do you live? - Forsooth! I don't know! But I am happy to live...You might ask life itself over a period of a thousand years the following question: "Why are you alive?" And still the only response you would receive would be: 'I live so that I may live'. Why does this happen? Because life rises from its own foundation and rises out of itself. Therefore, life lives without a reason - life lives for itself...Whatever I know to be God's will - the longer, the better, and the greater the pain, the greater the joy. For to do God's will is heaven, so the longer the will lasts, the longer the heaven, and the greater the pain from God's will, the greater the blessedness...The soul is in God and God in the soul. If anyone put water in a barrel, the barrel would surround the water, but the water would not be in the barrel, nor would the barrel be in the water: but the soul is so wholly one with God that the one cannot be understood without the other. We can understand heat without the fire, and the shine without the sun: but God cannot understand Himself without the soul nor the soul without God - so completely are they one...Some people run in front of God, some beside God, some follow behind God. Those who run in front of God are they who follow their own will and do not care about God's will: that is altogether bad. The others, who run beside God, say, 'Lord, I want only what you want'. But if they are sick, they wish for God to want them well: that may pass. The third are those who follow behind God: wherever he wants to go they willingly follow Him, and they are perfect...These people follow God wherever he leads them, in sickness or in health, in good fortune or in bad...Thus God is in the soul, and the soul is in God..."

- Meister Eckhart (c. 1260-1327) (Sermon Seventy One), Catholic mystic and Dominican priest
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