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Baba Vadhbhag Singh Ji

Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
ISDhillon said:
Manbir Singh Ji

Dont tell me to growup I am am fully confident that this place does work thankyou very much:

"Many have been treated at Dhanaula with Electric Shocks.
Growup Sir, human mind has developed far ahead to get involved in such silly stuff."

My uncle was subjected to this electroshock treatment and he turned into a zombie andeventually committed suicide, medical treatment does not work I am a qualified counsellor I know I have also done a masters in pharmacy and I still believe in dera I would seriously advise that you get out of the this notion that medicine can serve all purposes, today more and more people are embracing spiritual healing because it works and western medicines only give relief of symptoms ie you become a zombie, but this dera changes the whole person and you again become alive and that too with gurus kirpa.

thanks but no thanks:)


Dear IS Dhillon Ji

So, you are a qualified counselor and with masters digree !!

Then it’s a serious matter

I must tell you that I am a qualified Medical personal and working as a Medical specialist for many years. I have been treating such ‘Shakken Heads’ and fully aware of what this all stuff is. These are just diseased human beings. They need medical treatment.

I happen to frequently give Emergency treatments to my patients.

At this very moment The Emergency measure that I feel needs to be taken is : --


Now for benefit of IS Dhillon Ji ONLY
  • As per my clinical judgment you have been inflicted with this disease which comes in various forms. To some extent this disease is Infectious (NOT in Medical sense). Those who happen to visit Deras frequently are very much prone to get this disease. Seeing and participating with these Shakken Heads does have delirious influence on people around. So Mr. Dhillon be careful.
  • This disease also has GENETIC aspect. It does run in family (MEDICALLY PROVED). I am really worried for you because you have it in your family !!
  • This disease has world wide prevalence and we do find mention of it in early historical literature. Its prevalence is since historical and pre historical times. BUT fortunately the incidence of this disease has reduced with progress in human thinking and with advancement of human thought process. Medical treatment of MINOR form of this disease prevents its progress to MAJOR form. Its seen that the incidence of this disease is very much less in EDUCATED population.
TREATMENT: Patients with Minor forms of this disease (Mr. Dhillon yours is still a Monor Form) tend to fare better. I would suggest following measures for you:-
  • STOP visiting such Deras , Tantriks Ojhas and the likes.
  • Try to wash your brain of all the stuff you saw in this Dera and all the rituals performed there.
  • Recite Jap ji Sahib daily Morning and Kirtan Sohila in the Evening
  • Concentrate on Waheguru throughout the day. Waheguru Simran does help in this process.
  • Take out all Negative thoughts from your brain.
COMPLICATIONS: if this disease are also known. Incidence of Suicide is very high in those with Major Form of this disease. Those with Family history of this disease should be very careful, they tend to get relapses of acute attacks of this disease, especially if they keep visiting Deras and Tantriks. Another major complication of this disease is that IT SPREADS WITH THOUGHT PROCESS. Diseased people tend to spread it to others. SO AVOID THIS TYPE OF SANGAT. Follow Sadh Sangat as mentioned in Gurbani.

CONCLUSION: Dear Mr. IS Dhillon, we cannot swim in TWO boats. This life is too short why waste takoing matha here and there. How can we follow so many Gurus ?
How can we decide who is right and who is wrong !! Let our Guru decide. And Guru has decided and ordered us to follow Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Lets do our bit and leave rest on HIM.

The choice is yours.

I heard someone saying
(Meaning of Vad Bhag
Vad = Cut Bhag = Destiny)


Dec 13, 2005
" I have been treating such ‘Shakken Heads’ and fully aware of what this all stuff is. "
where is your proof?

"These are just diseased human beings. They need medical treatment. "

yes millions have been treated at dera sahib.

"my clinical judgment you have been inflicted with this disease which comes in various forms"

you sound like a giani he to read things wwrong i have never said i was inflicted with anything i do hope you are more focussed with your patients

"This disease has world wide prevalence and we do find mention of it in early historical literature."


"STOP visiting such Deras , Tantriks Ojhas and the likes."

i agree i will only visit sachkhan places like baba vadhbhag singh Ji

"Dear Mr. IS Dhillon, we cannot swim in TWO boats. "

this is true only follow gursikhs like Baba Vadhbhag Singh Ji. So really we have more in common than you think come lets shake our heads together:D

As for the giani have a look at the bottom where the milk went sour with your propaganda on tapoban you did get proven wrong didnt you time to eat some humble pie:shutup:

Anymore opinions people or does anyone actually have an education? am i speaking to inbred pindoos:}:)

Sep 11, 2005
ISDhillon said:
Devine Sanative Ji

I dont understand your message are you saying that this sort of thing happens only in societies where people have it bad, cos my mum lives in england and she has everything she ever wanted, I suggest you take a long hard look at what yoy are saying because your argument is incredibly flimsy, If you had lived through what i saw then you would slap yourself across the face for thinking such a thing, no offence though:)

Giani strikes again aahhhhh i am soooo scared :eek: get a life you sad old man:u): i have read what youve wrote about me on other websites you are malicious bitter and most probably like devine sanitive suggests sexually frustrated.:{;o:


I just plucked the string , and the whole world started Shaking with tremors of Ritcher scale 10000.......

I would suggest you before you counsell someone in future , first let be yourself counselled and be clear of Gyan , Dhyan , Byan and Syan...
Sep 11, 2005
manbir said:
Dear IS Dhillon Ji

So, you are a qualified counselor and with masters digree !!

Then it’s a serious matter

I must tell you that I am a qualified Medical personal and working as a Medical specialist for many years. I have been treating such ‘Shakken Heads’ and fully aware of what this all stuff is. These are just diseased human beings. They need medical treatment.

I happen to frequently give Emergency treatments to my patients.

At this very moment The Emergency measure that I feel needs to be taken is : --


Now for benefit of IS Dhillon Ji ONLY
  • As per my clinical judgment you have been inflicted with this disease which comes in various forms. To some extent this disease is Infectious (NOT in Medical sense). Those who happen to visit Deras frequently are very much prone to get this disease. Seeing and participating with these Shakken Heads does have delirious influence on people around. So Mr. Dhillon be careful.
  • This disease also has GENETIC aspect. It does run in family (MEDICALLY PROVED). I am really worried for you because you have it in your family !!
  • This disease has world wide prevalence and we do find mention of it in early historical literature. Its prevalence is since historical and pre historical times. BUT fortunately the incidence of this disease has reduced with progress in human thinking and with advancement of human thought process. Medical treatment of MINOR form of this disease prevents its progress to MAJOR form. Its seen that the incidence of this disease is very much less in EDUCATED population.
TREATMENT: Patients with Minor forms of this disease (Mr. Dhillon yours is still a Monor Form) tend to fare better. I would suggest following measures for you:-
  • STOP visiting such Deras , Tantriks Ojhas and the likes.
  • Try to wash your brain of all the stuff you saw in this Dera and all the rituals performed there.
  • Recite Jap ji Sahib daily Morning and Kirtan Sohila in the Evening
  • Concentrate on Waheguru throughout the day. Waheguru Simran does help in this process.
  • Take out all Negative thoughts from your brain.
COMPLICATIONS: if this disease are also known. Incidence of Suicide is very high in those with Major Form of this disease. Those with Family history of this disease should be very careful, they tend to get relapses of acute attacks of this disease, especially if they keep visiting Deras and Tantriks. Another major complication of this disease is that IT SPREADS WITH THOUGHT PROCESS. Diseased people tend to spread it to others. SO AVOID THIS TYPE OF SANGAT. Follow Sadh Sangat as mentioned in Gurbani.

CONCLUSION: Dear Mr. IS Dhillon, we cannot swim in TWO boats. This life is too short why waste takoing matha here and there. How can we follow so many Gurus ?
How can we decide who is right and who is wrong !! Let our Guru decide. And Guru has decided and ordered us to follow Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Lets do our bit and leave rest on HIM.

The choice is yours.

I heard someone saying
(Meaning of Vad Bhag
Vad = Cut Bhag = Destiny)

You are right , It spreads with thought process , as the subconscious minds of two people communicate invisibly with progapagtion of thoughts , so such thought especially negative ones spread like Virus .


Dec 13, 2005
"I just plucked the string , and the whole world started Shaking with tremors of Ritcher scale 10000......."

yeah keep dreamin when you go there and see for yourself then come back and debate wiv me i will be more than happy until then raab da naa lai!

"I would suggest you before you counsell someone in future , first let be yourself counselled and be clear of Gyan , Dhyan , Byan and Syan"

No thanks I am 100% with all my religious convictions if you wanna discuss something then you need to make a presentable case but you havnt so i dont need to take any advice from you or the giani you both have same opinion "tera ser vich bem hai" - and frankly i dont give a flyin *** wot you think, counsel that!!!:whisling:

Jul 30, 2004

Dear Bro IS Dhillon Ji,

Das gave you a suggestion that why do not you learn the subjects or methids being used by Dera Baba Wadbhag Singh Ji.

There after you can use the same supernaatural powers to prove you point to Gyani Sahib,Manbir Singh Ji and our noughty Devine Senative JI.

Show them your miracles but these Sikhs may even then do not agree to you.

Yet gain some power and show us some miralce.Then next thing

Did sprits or Hava of Baba Vadbhag Singh Ji or Veer Nahar Singh Ji(Veer is a type of para normal creature) are invokes then das can say from Bani of Tenth Master that invoking by offering ie worshipping Dead is Kurh Kriya(filthy act) but that is relative term as Akal does all.

By will of Akal pig eats flith and gives us pork.So if this thing helps hindus or turbaned Hindus it is OK.

Das is interested that have you lerant something supernatural from there or not?

If not then learn aboout it and tell us something and let us gain some more things.

You made some staments,Now expermanets upon you yorselves have to be done to prove them so that let them be theory.

Das is also interested that before Baba Vadhbhag Singh Ji who use to control ghosts?

Das anyway respects Baba Ji and all other posters on this site.Akal is same in all.But das can relaise that relife you might have felt after vsisitng Dera and your replies are proof of the same.

But did you go to Rara Sahib or Mehta Chowk with your mothers problem and if you went then what did Sants say about it?


Dec 13, 2005
Satsriakal Vijaydeep Singh Ji,;)

" why do not you learn the subjects or methids being used by Dera Baba Wadbhag Singh Ji."

it was gods hukum that babaji would learn this for us and now we dont have to learn we have a source of help to go to if something like this happens to our nearest and dearest and also possessed people need help primarily and cannot be dilly dallying around with learning stuff.

"There after you can use the same supernaatural powers to prove you point to Gyani Sahib,Manbir Singh Ji and our noughty Devine Senative JI."

I dont have to proove anything that which exists is a reality and those that deny a reality need to defend their beliefs so i put it to you proove to me that the dera is anti-gurmat otherwise you are asking me to proove something which is already in front of all eyes to see. Does that make sense? i hope so.

"Show them your miracles but these Sikhs may even then do not agree to you."

i dont need to show anything to anyone i have no power but i have experienced the power the truth is subjective.

"Did sprits or Hava of Baba Vadbhag Singh Ji or Veer Nahar Singh Ji(Veer is a type of para normal creature) are invokes"

no nothing is invoked raab de naal sarmaya that babaji and naar singh havaa will stay there and do gods work noone invokes babaji it is gods hukum that he performs the task and it is also sanctioned by our gurus thats why they come from anandpur sahib and put panja at dera on hollah mohallah.

"So if this thing helps hindus or turbaned Hindus it is OK."

it has nothing to do with hinduism you need to think outside of the box your fear of being assimilated into hinduism is hampering your objective judgement.

"Das is interested that have you lerant something supernatural from there or not?"

yes naam kamai make supernatural natural and that it is ok to seek help from naam abhiyassee like babaji.

"Das is also interested that before Baba Vadhbhag Singh Ji who use to control ghosts?"

mostly muslim occultists thats why we have babaji to counteract possession.

"But did you go to Rara Sahib or Mehta Chowk with your mothers problem and if you went then what did Sants say about it?"

no but we did go for yatra their but it was my mothers karma to go to babaji this is gods hukum that people in the world who are possessed can have relief their, mehta chowk and rara sahib have other purpose dont fool yourself that they are ghostbusters that would be the greatest beadbi.


Jul 30, 2004

Can God make you like Baba Ji?

Again you missed the point of Das before Baba Ji is Muslims were taking care of ghost then who was doing Ghost busting before Say Prphet Mohamud(PBUH)?

Lastly are Sants unabble to do Ghost Busting or did you not enquered about this from them?

And if they do ghiost bursting then why is this beadbi?Our Baba Ji also do the same then it is neither the Beadbi?

Did you talk to any sewadar there about learning some method?

Das just wants to point you towrads the method of Kamai baba Ji did and hope that Sevadars in Dera are aware of that.
Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
Dear friends

In this world Fools come in different colours. They also come in different shapes and sizes.
When many fools get collected and form a Chandal Chaukri of Fools the result is - Deras of the type we see as Dera Vad Bahg Singh

The fools of the type we see in IS Dhillon is nothing new to this world. This world has seen inneumerable of then. They are beyond REPAIR. Lets not waste time on them. When Guru Nanak could not cure them what are we worth !!
Sep 11, 2005
Dear Friends

Very Shortly I will Post the Movie which my friend shot at Jammu , where a witch lady trying to remove some bhoot , but we have captured some realities , Which will show you that , Every Ghost Buster knows that there is no Ghost but , Artificially creates something , which makes you believe that Ghost Exists.


Dec 13, 2005
"Can God make you like Baba Ji?"


"who was doing Ghost busting before Say Prphet Mohamud(PBUH)?"

dont know if you know why dont you share but this if what you are trying to say is that somehow ghosts were treatable prior to the coming of babaji then i must ask you whats the purpose of sikhi cos who was giving humanity salvation prior to that, my theory is that salvation and ghostbusting is more easier today.

"Sants unabble to do Ghost Busting or did you not enquered about this from them?"

they are but they did not have the hukum from god to do this whereas babaji did like sant can never be guru sant can never be ghost buster.

"Did you talk to any sewadar there about learning some method?"

i know people who are on the inside and they have given me a very clear account of what happens but this is of no concern to me we got ram their and thats all that matters so you can be skeptic all you like no one is telling you to believe but if youre rude then i will be telling you that you are a bad person.

"Das just wants to point you towrads the method of Kamai baba Ji "

i am well aware and thanks for youre concern much appreciated!

Manbir Singh Ji you are full of shit i tell you this cos youre calling me a fool. Thanks.:{;o:

Devinesanitive Ji I cant wait to see the video it will have to have some link to babaji though if it is to be taken as credible as babaji is in a league of his own and therefore their can be no comparison. Thanks:whisling:

It looks like that occultism is more popular with pretend sikhs than the true kamai of babji, cos noone wants to hear the truth but they get off on ghost stories GROW UP!!!:u):

Sep 11, 2005
Oh Dear Crazy Friend,

Don't get so rash and harsh , otherwise your BP will Go high , and ultimately our one of the Dr Members have to treat you free of Cost .:D
Jul 30, 2004

Dear Bro IS Dhillon Ji,

Why das is making you to go in for learning methods or to go to Sants is that Sants have been also doing Ghost Busting which you may not be knowing.

Unlike in Dera you mentioned there in sants attempts are made to salvage the ghost itslef so that it leaves the victom so first a sort of talk is done ie what is the problem of ghost,Belive it that ghost is often in more agony then victom.

As mother of Das had some depressions and people said that it was by some wrong influence but she recovered from medication due to mercy of Akal.Das can feel the the agony of you also.Anyway Das did took his mother to one Ajeet Darbar(Again followers of Baba Ji) as his hindu maternal uncle told them to go there and mother could not be sent alone.

Das did like Path of Gurbani being done there.But his mother was OK by mercy of Akal as the things which they gave to her were lost in way.And Das's mother said that God only will cure her and she was OK.May be blessing of Akal could come via dera as you say.

Why did das asked question about Muslims.Well these guys have no concept of Ghost but yet they treat.

Das read one Sau Sakhi that one sikhin was alsp speaking wrong as if possesed and Tenth Master treated her.

Her husband was told to Read Gurbani.

He was told that such situation has come as she actualy went to a Muslim occultiests.

Das just wants to say that Guru did not use own power but relied upon Bani.

Guru Granth Sahib states Oh Nanak! Why rember who is born and dies.
Only One needs to be rembered who is abosorbed in water and earth(everywhere).

Ugradanti Bani(which is removed from present version of Dasham Granth)

People say Sukh Singh wrote it inn the name of Guru but that has been belived by manay that Guru wrote it.

It states,To the power(Energy in time frame or Rate of ahcnge of energy so it is Shakti while Akal is energy or Amitouj).

Let the worship of those who are born and die destroyed.

We need to rember that we do not have to rember bodies or spirits of Guru or even say book worship of Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Our God is Akal and we need to live happy in will of Akal.

Das was trying to bring in saints like Baba Isher Singh Ji who did interact with ghost.

or say late Mahant Ji of das's Ashram also had knowledge on it.

What das is trying to prove it that power of Akal works there in dera and Sevdar use the same and name is wrongly givne to Baba Ji or Veer Nahar Singh JI.

Das was not telling you to doubt or enquire from Sevdars there but Das wanted you to leran the Vidya(art/scine) fromm them and you can have your own dera in UK and can help all people there and this could be good for preaching also.

Give a seriuous thought on it and try if sevadars can teach yuo some such thing.Das only wants you to gain some inner knowledge and use it to uplift mankind as you are a couseler also.Das is at your side and himself interested to know more and help das by learning all these things yourself.


Dec 13, 2005
Look Vijaydeep the giani has finally lossed his mind i am thinking some kussar is involved:}{}{}: he cant take it that i did not have to post anything yet still the hardcore tapobanees decided to reject his missives:
"sss jio,

then in that case GURU NANAK JI was WRONG ?? He slated everything that HE saw was wrong ?? In your opinion...GURU JI should have just LEFT the Hindus to go on making pilgrimages..and the whatever everyone was doing..let them be....this fake dera is just 100 years old..what the Hindus were doing had been GOING ON for THOUSAND YEARS.... BUT GURU ji DID NOT take your advice..and just SHUT UP..and do HIS OWN NAAM JAPP...He went out to every place..he walked all over..he wrote 1429 AAngs of GURBANI...he sajjed the KHALSA..he FOUGHT WARS...

NO NO NO..such advise as you give..TO BURY OUR HEADS in the SAND and pretend all is OK..is a definite NO NO NO. This is NOt the KHALSA GURMATT WAY. IF it is PROVE it from a GURBANI TUK ( where Guru Ji says" LET THEM BE...DONT DISTURB SLEEPING DOGS..)

IF it was the Singh Sabha lehr wouldnt have done anything for the GURDWARAS.... the mahants were doing pretty well....just as Massa Ranghhar was in Harmandir sahib..WHY couldnt we let sleeping dogs lie that time ?? WHY go in and chase them out ??

Jarnail Singh"

hahahahahahahaha shame on the fake giani who has soooo much krodh that anyone who writes against him ridicules his ego lol:eek:


Parnam singh

Aug 12, 2006
ISDhillon said:
Giani Ji I have read all of these on tapoban and was not allowed to respond but you can look at all my responses on the following sites :



And many on the sikh history site, the tliving treasure site but no one responded their, the above stuff that you wrote was only written in rage by yourself cos you have no gyan really you might aswell have given yourself the name Baba Daljeet Singh Chicagowale for all the knowledge I am taking away from your post it is the only rubbish on this site please feel free to back up your claims with evidence, I look forward to it.

ISDhillon:whisling: :u): :}{}{}: :rofl: :down: :{;o: :wah: :shock:

sat shri akal,

i have read some articles on the web site about baba vad bhag singh ji and i agree with a lot of thing u hav made here, alot of people do not understand thing they cannot. After years of problems and search i would very much like to go and see baba's dera, so if possible can u give details of where it is and how to find it
thank u


Dec 13, 2005
sat shri akal,

i have read some articles on the web site about baba vad bhag singh ji and i agree with a lot of thing u hav made here, alot of people do not understand thing they cannot. After years of problems and search i would very much like to go and see baba's dera, so if possible can u give details of where it is and how to find it
thank u

Satsriakal Parnam Singh Ji,

I have not been for a while simply because i am not suffering from anything but i can tell you the best time to go is during hollah, there is a place in himachal pradesh called mehree and thats where the dera is most drivers know the way, its cos my fmily back home liv near mahlpur so its close from there, it is coincidentally also the same route as bawa balak nath place in the mountain its just slightly different. I am not from india i am from uk but am currently living in america so do not know specific directions and i dont believe you can mapquest the dera either.

Jul 10, 2006
Quotation from "In search of the true Guru" on 6th june 1984 - genocide and invasion of Sri Harmindar Sahib. Bhai Rama Singh ji was in deep sorrow...

"... only the true Khalsa is qualified to rule, but todays Khalsa is not the true Khalsa.

Only the Guru of the Khalsa can give what is needed.

What can you beg from those who are beggars themselves?

The Khalsa is so feebly spiritually that they have forgotten from whom to ask favours.

Khalsa is the ruler of millions of galaxies.

It is whithin the Will of Guru Ji to turn dust to gold in a second.

However; the Panth does not have faith in the Word of Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji:

"Whatever I ask for from my Lord and Master, he gives that to me. Whatever the Lord's slave Nanak utters with his mouth, proves to be true, and hereafter. ||2||" (SGGSp. 681)


"GURU MANYO GRANTH" or be a LOSS SHEEP Hmmm? Oh dear what a difficult question?

El D

Sep 6, 2006
Manbir Bai, more shocking than the electric shock treatment is the fact that you dim witted people actually use electric shock therapy. something we in the enlightened west find barbaric and dark aged.
Actually more shocking then that is the fact that you people even pay for those kinds of treatments. Its the doctors who really need the therapy.
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