ISDhillon said:Manbir Singh Ji
Dont tell me to growup I am am fully confident that this place does work thankyou very much:
"Many have been treated at Dhanaula with Electric Shocks.
Growup Sir, human mind has developed far ahead to get involved in such silly stuff."
My uncle was subjected to this electroshock treatment and he turned into a zombie andeventually committed suicide, medical treatment does not work I am a qualified counsellor I know I have also done a masters in pharmacy and I still believe in dera I would seriously advise that you get out of the this notion that medicine can serve all purposes, today more and more people are embracing spiritual healing because it works and western medicines only give relief of symptoms ie you become a zombie, but this dera changes the whole person and you again become alive and that too with gurus kirpa.
thanks but no thanks![]()
Dear IS Dhillon Ji
So, you are a qualified counselor and with masters digree !!
Then it’s a serious matter
I must tell you that I am a qualified Medical personal and working as a Medical specialist for many years. I have been treating such ‘Shakken Heads’ and fully aware of what this all stuff is. These are just diseased human beings. They need medical treatment.
I happen to frequently give Emergency treatments to my patients.
At this very moment The Emergency measure that I feel needs to be taken is : --
Now for benefit of IS Dhillon Ji ONLY
- As per my clinical judgment you have been inflicted with this disease which comes in various forms. To some extent this disease is Infectious (NOT in Medical sense). Those who happen to visit Deras frequently are very much prone to get this disease. Seeing and participating with these Shakken Heads does have delirious influence on people around. So Mr. Dhillon be careful.
- This disease also has GENETIC aspect. It does run in family (MEDICALLY PROVED). I am really worried for you because you have it in your family !!
- This disease has world wide prevalence and we do find mention of it in early historical literature. Its prevalence is since historical and pre historical times. BUT fortunately the incidence of this disease has reduced with progress in human thinking and with advancement of human thought process. Medical treatment of MINOR form of this disease prevents its progress to MAJOR form. Its seen that the incidence of this disease is very much less in EDUCATED population.
- STOP visiting such Deras , Tantriks Ojhas and the likes.
- Try to wash your brain of all the stuff you saw in this Dera and all the rituals performed there.
- Recite Jap ji Sahib daily Morning and Kirtan Sohila in the Evening
- Concentrate on Waheguru throughout the day. Waheguru Simran does help in this process.
- Take out all Negative thoughts from your brain.
CONCLUSION: Dear Mr. IS Dhillon, we cannot swim in TWO boats. This life is too short why waste takoing matha here and there. How can we follow so many Gurus ?
How can we decide who is right and who is wrong !! Let our Guru decide. And Guru has decided and ordered us to follow Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Lets do our bit and leave rest on HIM.
The choice is yours.
I heard someone saying
(Meaning of Vad Bhag
Vad = Cut Bhag = Destiny)