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Basics Of Sikhi Jagraj Singh Diagnosed With Stage 4 Cancer

Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
Not sure how many here know of Jagraj Singh Ji and though many may not agree with all his interpretations of Gurbani, he has done a lot of parchar to spread the message of Sikhi around the world. In an announcement by BOS staff, we have been made aware that Jagraj Singh Ji is battling stage 4 cancer which has spread to his liver and is inoperable. Let's all do ardaas for him and his family during this tragic time.

From Everything's 13 Facebook Page:


ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਹ॥

It is with a heavy heart that we announce our CEO Jagraj Singh is currently battling cancer.

We share this news in order to explain Jagraj Singh’s recent absence from doing Katha/making videos. Jagraj Singh has been diagnosed with stage four advanced cancer which has spread to his liver and is inoperable. At this time we don’t know how much longer he has but it could be just a few months.

This news has come as a shock to us all and we’re sure the Sangat will have lots of questions and messages for Jagraj Singh. During this difficult time we request Sangat to respect the privacy of Jagraj Singh and his family. Please leave your comments on this post rather than private messages as he may not be able to answer. Your blessings and Ardaasan are gratefully welcome. Jagraj Singh has the following message for the Sangat;

“Only SatGuru Ji can give or take life away and they are never wrong, only perfect. In all the Seva that Guru Ji allowed me to do of his beautiful Panth, I’ve made many mistakes and I ask forgiveness from the Sangat. If the Guru’s message has touched you and you feel it’s the truth, I urge you to follow that truth and become a GurSikh as none of us knows how long we have left. Please do Ardaas that Guru Ji gives me a place in his Charan and keeps my family and the Panth in Chardi-Kala. May the Panth flourish, even if I am finished, this is pure joy for me.”

This Sunday, instead of our regular Katha, we will be holding a Chaupai Sahib Jaap and Kirtan programme at Sri Guru Singh Sabha Gurdwara Park Avenue in Southall from 6pm till 8pm. Please join us for Jaap, Kirtan and Ardaas.

Yours sincerely,

The Everythings 13 team

ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਹ॥


Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
It is sad indeed. I am surprised his cancer reached this critical stage and was not diagnosed earlier. The health system in the UK is overloaded, thanks to the Tories starting with the Lady King,late PM Margaret Thatcher who started cutting the funding.

When I used to live there in the 70's,my GP used to make house calls.

The similar thing, lack of proper diagnosis, happened to my late brother in his early 40's. It was discovered much later that he had leukemia which had not been detected and it formed into an inoperable tumour in his brain. The way he came to know about it was when a Sikh neurologist in New York asked him to have an MRI which the British health system ignored for many years.

I am sure Jagraj Singh is in peace with himself because as a Sikh he knows no one can fight against Hukum.

Lastly, I hope he gets the liver transplant. For that to happen, I would urge all South Asians all around the world to become organ donors. We have that stamped on our Driver's Licences here in the US.

This is not about saving life but giving it.

Guru Ang Sungh!
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Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
@Tejwant Singh Just as a side note, not many people know, that you can actually be a living donor for a liver transplant. As long as your liver is healthy they take the larger lobe and leave you the smaller one. That is because the recipient has the harder time getting function back. You can live with the smaller lobe just fine, but over time it actually grows back anyway! I was almost a living donor for liver for my dad (but sadly, he didn't make it long enough for that to happen). But as long as they have a compatible donor who is healthy and has a healthy liver, they can do a living donor transplant. No need to wait for a liver from a deceased patient. But in cases of metastasis, I don't know if they can do that. The issue is the primary cancer, and if it already spread through the lymphatic system and to the liver, then chances are it would reappear in the donor liver anyway.


Aug 13, 2012
It is deeply saddening to hear of jugraj singhs illness. I myself lost my mother to cancer last year. As a individual who was committed to sharing bani I am highly respectful of his motivation. Ironically I have been someone who has been highly vocal in my criticisms of basics of Sikhi and their approach to parchar.

illness and dukh is something that all share, exegetical differences become irrelevant.

Wishing him and his family gur prasad at this very difficult time.


Feb 20, 2012
His Videos always have me contemplating Gurbani, life...and now his life is making me recognize, time is short...
The message he posted has left me confident he has a deep connection with Waheguru. The ones left behind on earth wonder "why such a short life" "why someone so dedicated, going so soon" "why would God allow it to happen" ... for him, i think he knows...life has only begun..and will continue..

But i will still pray that his time is extended as whether you agree with him or not...he gets Sikhi to be thought of, to be contemplated, to be discussed and for many people, to start living it...