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Basics Of Sikhi


Jul 14, 2012
Midwest, USA
Abrahamic faiths beleive heaven and hell to be permanent. Gurbani does not.

Am sorry i don't buy this heaven or hell. Gursikhs live by the hukam because its the right thing to do not to for heaven or fear of hell.

What bearded man?

Humor. Many people believe humans were created in the image of god. Hence a bearded man.

Parroting is doing naam simran with no focus on the divine.

Parroting is Parroting. Makes no difference to me. Repeating Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate you can not taste Chocolate in the same way repeating waheguru, waheguru,waheguru over and over and over. Does not result in any real useful knowledge. Its like a drug used, to get away from real problems rather than fixing them. Makes no difference to me but i can not bring my self to do this. I did read Bandgi Nama, did not convince me.

Yogis and others had their focus on the Tridev, and/or other devi devtas. Guru Sahib told them the power behind these beings.

Hindus/yogis do and did believe in one god. One Source.
Last edited:

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Yogis and others had their focus on the Tridev, and/or other devi devtas. Guru Sahib told them the power behind these beings.

it seems accepted in Hinduism that all devis and devtas come from one source.(wikipedia)

In Hinduism Brahman connotes the highest Universal Principle, the ultimate reality in the universe. In major schools of Hindu Philosophy it is the material, efficient, formal and final cause of all that exists. It is the pervasive, genderless, infinite, eternal truth and bliss which does not change, yet is the cause of all changes.Brahman as a metaphysical concept is the single binding unity behind the diversity in all that exists in the universe

Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
not true,the one source is as stated above, Shiva and Vishnu are merely manifestations of the eternal truth and bliss that is Brahman.

Brahma I think you mean as Brahman is priest class... Brahma is seen by hindus as being the one source creator and all the deities are aspects of that one source. And there are millions of them. The way I understand it is that they don't see the dieties as actual beings but just a way to visualize aspects of brahma. Like rain for example in a drought there is a diety of rain and if they can visualize that they hope to evoke that aspect of creator / creation and end the drought.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Brahma I think you mean as Brahman is priest class... Brahma is seen by hindus as being the one source creator and all the deities are aspects of that one source. And there are millions of them. The way I understand it is that they don't see the dieties as actual beings but just a way to visualize aspects of brahma. Like rain for example in a drought there is a diety of rain and if they can visualize that they hope to evoke that aspect of creator / creation and end the drought.

No, I am quite certain that the god the Hindus worship ultimately is Brahman, although it is given different names, Brahma is an Indian god with three heads, that is not the supreme. you may find the below interesting again from wikki.

Main article: Brahman
Not to be confused with Brahma – the Hindu god, Brahmin – the caste or varna, or Brahmana – a layer of text in the Vedas.
In Hinduism, Brahma (ब्रह्म Brahma) is the one supreme, universal Spirit that is the origin and support of the phenomenal universe.[5] Brahma is sometimes referred to as the Absolute or Godhead.[6] Brahma is conceived aspersonal ("with qualities"), impersonal ("without qualities") and/or supreme depending on the philosophical school.[citation needed]

The sages of the Upanishads teach that Brahman is the ultimate essence of material phenomena (including the original identity of the human self) that cannot be seen or heard but whose nature can be known through the development of self-knowledge (atma jnana).[7] According to Advaita, a liberated human being (jivanmukta) has realised Brahman as his or her own true self (see atman).

The Isha Upanishad says:

Auṃ – That supreme Brahman is infinite, and this conditioned Brahman is infinite. The infinite proceeds from infinite. If you subtract the infinite from the infinite, the infinite remains alone.

Nirguna Brahman[edit]
Main article: Nirguna Brahman
Nirguna Brahman
, the supreme reality without form, quality, attribute) signifies in Hindu philosophy the Brahma that pervades the Universe, considered without form (guna), as in the Advaita school or else as without materialform, as in Dvaita schools of philosophy.[citation needed]

According to Adi Shankara the nirguna brahman is non-different from the supreme personality, God, whatever qualities we attribute to the divine. By the power of Maya (illusion) the supreme lord (Ishwara) playfully createsmultiple worlds and deludes all beings, who are in essence non-different from him. This world is only relatively real and the real self is not affected by it. The lord appears time and again in this world to show the path of liberation: He seems to take birth but that is an illusion because he is birthless. His body is transcendental, unlike our bodies which are created and destroyed. One can worship him as one's own self or as (fully or partially) distinct from oneself. If one worships any deity one will reach the world of that deity (Hiranyagarbha) but, perhaps after millions of years, deity and devotee will reach para vasudeva or "beyond the divinity". The desireless soul can reach this state here and now: this is called Jivanmukta or "free while alive". This school essentially advocates God as being immortal and formless.[citation needed]

It would appear we both worship the same god, there is just more interesting facets and visualisation in HInduism.

I would wager Sikhism just tried to cut out the middle men!, although it would appear impossible, it is human nature to personalise things, even god.


May 11, 2016
We totally disagree. For me narak is here and now. If we dont practice the truth its narak.
Reincarnation is here and now also being born and dying everday without the truth,
Gobind milan ke eh tery baria.
No chance everagain this is your chance now. It is here and now. No fear of hell or joy of heaven in a far off place it takes place everyday in our lives. No need to do tapaysa for hours on an end with closed eyes. Gurmat makes it simply. Listen to the truth. Speak the truth and live the truth.

Kalyug= the age of the psychology of hell on earth.

The majority of the worlds residents are currently living a hellish psychology.

Spirituality is almost dead.

Yes your psychology can takes you into the Pits of a hell realm or the heights of a heaven while you are still on earth.

In this khel are the 14 realms. Upon death, we are assigned to the realm that is most befitting to us according to karam or reincarnated. In both cases, it's our soul that travels, remember Gurbani tells us that this body is like a clay pot- it is temporal.


Aug 13, 2012
Then don't endlessly chant...
i don;t think i've ever heard basics of sikhi tell anyone to endlessly Chant anything...

If i told you to stop telling your family that you 'love' them....would you stop? why should you stop...
If you feel the love, then why wouldn't you tell them...and express it with words and actions?

In the same way, people speak Shabad...and meditate on Shabad because they feel the explosion of love inside them, and then their mouths utter "waheguru" or whatever...
they can also serve humanity with that same feeling and devotion and love...because Waheguru is in all.
Why not do both? server humanity...like you said "live the truth" .... the truth being, that everything is Waheguru and beyond...
Why not go within and meditate on Waheguru...and let Him pull you within, deep inside yourself where you become aware of Him... :)

We should be happy people are talking of Waheguru...and looking for Him, Seeking Him, rather than picking fault at every little thing...

Just my opinion...

God Bless
I'm sorry but it is very dangerous to speak of waheguru in the way he does. His motives may be noble but the expression is very problematic

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Sat Yuga Kali Yuga

Read the passage from Gurbani, Bhai Gurdas Jis and Guru Gobind Singh Jis writings on the Yugas :)

Sikhilove ji,

Guru Fateh.

We have several topics on Yugs here. Please go through them and share your thoughts with us.

Secondly, would you be kind enough to share your personal thoughts on the subject as you have delved into it a lot it seems, from your post.


PS: Please start a new thread so we can all learn from it via pitching in.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Although I did not agree with Basics of Sikhi's understanding of Sikhi and even had open discussions with him about the disagreements, this is not the time to talk about Yugs and other things.

Let this thread be only about our brother who is battling cancer.


Feb 20, 2012
Parroting is Parroting. Makes no difference to me. Repeating Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate you can not taste Chocolate in the same way repeating waheguru, waheguru,waheguru over and over and over. Does not result in any real useful knowledge. Its like a drug used, to get away from real problems rather than fixing them. Makes no difference to me but i can not bring my self to do this. I did read Bandgi Nama, did not convince me.

Hey, check this

i once visited Australia....what a beautiful place...the vastness of the dessert, the view of the night sky...millions of stars you just cannot see anywhere else...the amazing coastline...the great barrier reef...oh man...that was something to see...

Everytime i hear the word "Australia", the feelings, the emotion, the sights, smells and sounds...they start to manifest very clearly in my mind..." It's amazing what words can trigger within you...

IT's very strange....when i first started doing Simran...and i thought just like you....but i gave it a go with all my heart as i wanted to remember God...to Simer...to remember...

I don;t remember taking any drugs :) but the wonderful things that occurred...continue to occur.....within me...

believe it or not....if i say chocolate....its kinda strange...i do actually think about chocolate... :)
if i repeat 'sex'...i start to think about sex
if i repeat football, i'm wondering who will win tonight Liverpool or Everton :)

Words are strange aren;t they...they can trigger a lot of things within you...but you already know this don't you...as you use words every day to communicate...

Lets say or think some nice words for Jugraj...no matter the outcome...he is a brother with a lot of love for Waheguru...we are all one and the same...one light...

Have a good day techsingh...


May 11, 2016
Hey, check this

i once visited Australia....what a beautiful place...the vastness of the dessert, the view of the night sky...millions of stars you just cannot see anywhere else...the amazing coastline...the great barrier reef...oh man...that was something to see...

Everytime i hear the word "Australia", the feelings, the emotion, the sights, smells and sounds...they start to manifest very clearly in my mind..." It's amazing what words can trigger within you...

IT's very strange....when i first started doing Simran...and i thought just like you....but i gave it a go with all my heart as i wanted to remember God...to Simer...to remember...

I don;t remember taking any drugs :) but the wonderful things that occurred...continue to occur.....within me...

believe it or not....if i say chocolate....its kinda strange...i do actually think about chocolate... :)
if i repeat 'sex'...i start to think about sex
if i repeat football, i'm wondering who will win tonight Liverpool or Everton :)

Words are strange aren;t they...they can trigger a lot of things within you...but you already know this don't you...as you use words every day to communicate...

Lets say or think some nice words for Jugraj...no matter the outcome...he is a brother with a lot of love for Waheguru...we are all one and the same...one light...

Have a good day techsingh...

Simran is awesome, the Nasha is uncomparable, Naam is all, and yet is Nothing.


(previously Lion_Prince_Jatinder)
Jun 29, 2004
west london
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]
tÅro tuPaVgo bawo rÁm jaVgo Damak DÁr aNÅÁr kamaVd koraRÁ.
Arrow, Pistols, Large Rifles, those that fire (1), edged (2), pointed (3), nooseb (4) , staff (5).
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]pMjSsqrprvwx[/FONT]]
paVj shasatar paravÁNa.
Are the chief weapons.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]suxonMdlwlXihswj][/FONT]
suNo naVd lÁl yahi sÁj .
Listen Nand Lal to this creation.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]pRgtkrUMApxwrwj[/FONT]]
pragaq karçaV apaNÁ rÁja.
I will make manifest my rule.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]cwrvrniekvrnkrwaUN][/FONT]
chÁr varan eik varan karÁç.
I will make the four castes one.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]vwihgurUisMGkonwmjpwaUN][/FONT]
vÁhigurç siaVG ko nÁm japÁç.
I will make the Singhs repeat Vahiguru.

[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]cVyqurMgauuFwvYbwj][/FONT]
chaRe turaVg uuWÁvÄ bÁja
Who will ride horses and fly Falcons.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]qurkdyKkYjwvgyBwj][/FONT]
turak deK kÄ jÁvage BÁja.
The Turaks on seeing them will run away.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]svwlwKsyeyyklVwaUN][/FONT]
savÁ lÁK se eek laRÁç.
I will make one fight 125,000.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]cVYHisMGiqsumukqkrwaUN[/FONT]]
chaRÄ siG tisu mukat karÁç.
Those that are Shahid I will give them liberation.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]JUlnnyjyhsqIswjy[/FONT]]
Jçlan neje hasatÅ sÁje.
The spears will wave and the elephants will be adorned.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]duAwrduAwrpurnObqbwjy][/FONT]
duÁr duÁr pur nÖbat bÁje.
On every door the battle drums will play.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]svwlwKjbDuKYplIqw][/FONT]
savÁ lÁK jab DuKÄ palÅtÁ.
When 125, 000 barrels will fire.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]qbYKwlswaudyAsqlOjIqw[/FONT]]
tabÄ KÁlasÁ ude asat lÖ jÅtÁ.
Then the Khalsa will win from where the sun rises to sets.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]rwjkrygwKwlswAwkIrhYnkoie][/FONT]
rÁj karegÁ KÁlasÁ ÁkÅ rahÄ na koei.
The Khalsa will rule and no rebels will remain.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]KuAwrhoiesBimlihMgybcysrnjohoie][/FONT]
KuÁr hoei saB milahiaVge bace saran jo hoei.
The faithless will all join, those that take shelter will be saved.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]auTgeIsPwmlyCkIkrkUVwpwswr][/FONT]
uQ gÅ saPÁ maleC kÅ kar kçRÁ pÁsÁra.
Cleared and up went the impure filth that was spread.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]fMkwbwjyPiqhkwinhklMkAvqwr][/FONT]
waVkÁ bÁje Patih kÁ nihakalaVk avatÁr.
The battle drums are sounding with victory of the Nihakalank Avatar!
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]qnKwhnwmwBweInMdlwl19[/FONT]
19 The above verse by Bhai Nand Lal was read in Darbar Sahib but it was stopped by the British. Just like the Arati-Arata, Rahiras Sahib, and Chaupai Sahib were cut down in length. The Dasam Granth Sahib was stabbed with a spear and thrown out of the window of Sri Akal Takht under the reign of the SGPC, the stooges of the British Raj of that time.
Tankhahanamah Bhai Nand Lal


Feb 9, 2017
Spiritual Warzone
https://www.{url not allowed}/pages/arti-arta
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]
tÅro tuPaVgo bawo rÁm jaVgo Damak DÁr aNÅÁr kamaVd koraRÁ.
Arrow, Pistols, Large Rifles, those that fire (1), edged (2), pointed (3), nooseb (4) , staff (5).
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]pMjSsqrprvwx[/FONT]]
paVj shasatar paravÁNa.
Are the chief weapons.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]suxonMdlwlXihswj][/FONT]
suNo naVd lÁl yahi sÁj .
Listen Nand Lal to this creation.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]pRgtkrUMApxwrwj[/FONT]]
pragaq karçaV apaNÁ rÁja.
I will make manifest my rule.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]cwrvrniekvrnkrwaUN][/FONT]
chÁr varan eik varan karÁç.
I will make the four castes one.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]vwihgurUisMGkonwmjpwaUN][/FONT]
vÁhigurç siaVG ko nÁm japÁç.
I will make the Singhs repeat Vahiguru.

[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]cVyqurMgauuFwvYbwj][/FONT]
chaRe turaVg uuWÁvÄ bÁja
Who will ride horses and fly Falcons.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]qurkdyKkYjwvgyBwj][/FONT]
turak deK kÄ jÁvage BÁja.
The Turaks on seeing them will run away.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]svwlwKsyeyyklVwaUN][/FONT]
savÁ lÁK se eek laRÁç.
I will make one fight 125,000.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]cVYHisMGiqsumukqkrwaUN[/FONT]]
chaRÄ siG tisu mukat karÁç.
Those that are Shahid I will give them liberation.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]JUlnnyjyhsqIswjy[/FONT]]
Jçlan neje hasatÅ sÁje.
The spears will wave and the elephants will be adorned.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]duAwrduAwrpurnObqbwjy][/FONT]
duÁr duÁr pur nÖbat bÁje.
On every door the battle drums will play.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]svwlwKjbDuKYplIqw][/FONT]
savÁ lÁK jab DuKÄ palÅtÁ.
When 125, 000 barrels will fire.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]qbYKwlswaudyAsqlOjIqw[/FONT]]
tabÄ KÁlasÁ ude asat lÖ jÅtÁ.
Then the Khalsa will win from where the sun rises to sets.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]rwjkrygwKwlswAwkIrhYnkoie][/FONT]
rÁj karegÁ KÁlasÁ ÁkÅ rahÄ na koei.
The Khalsa will rule and no rebels will remain.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]KuAwrhoiesBimlihMgybcysrnjohoie][/FONT]
KuÁr hoei saB milahiaVge bace saran jo hoei.
The faithless will all join, those that take shelter will be saved.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]auTgeIsPwmlyCkIkrkUVwpwswr][/FONT]
uQ gÅ saPÁ maleC kÅ kar kçRÁ pÁsÁra.
Cleared and up went the impure filth that was spread.
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]fMkwbwjyPiqhkwinhklMkAvqwr][/FONT]
waVkÁ bÁje Patih kÁ nihakalaVk avatÁr.
The battle drums are sounding with victory of the Nihakalank Avatar!
[FONT=ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਅਖ਼ਰ]qnKwhnwmwBweInMdlwl19[/FONT]
19 The above verse by Bhai Nand Lal was read in Darbar Sahib but it was stopped by the British. Just like the Arati-Arata, Rahiras Sahib, and Chaupai Sahib were cut down in length. The Dasam Granth Sahib was stabbed with a spear and thrown out of the window of Sri Akal Takht under the reign of the SGPC, the stooges of the British Raj of that time.
Tankhahanamah Bhai Nand Lal

I had a theory the SGPC were the ones that destroyed Sikhism by taking mainly taking God and other parts out of the faith. A lot of things pointed to this theory of mine, like the cutting of words from new Gurbanis compared to the ones before SGPC, especially the main way a Sikh escapes and has victory from this life. Now Sikhs do not have that knowledge, and it is evident in todays Sikh culture of how it is dying.

May I ask what led you to believe also that SGPC were responsible?
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