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Gurus Benefits Of Kirtan

Nov 29, 2006
No Drkhalsa... i m not saying dont sing.
everybody have right to talk about his/her father(GOD), but first see/meet father then say. without seeing??? lets try to understand what saints says about this thing..

but as sant naamdev ji in SGGS says
means saints sang the glory of god after seeing him, and we are singing without seeing him.
But saints not only sang.. but also wrote the way to reach/see the GOD.
If we are singing the lines written by our great saints Naamdev, bhai gurudas, bulleshah, kabir, guru nanak dev ji and our gurus.. then first thing for what we should go for.. is to understand those lines..
WHAT they want to convey us through that lines.. and if u read gurubani carefully.. u will come to know that our great scriptures is clearly telling that WE CAN SEE GOD.. n there is way that GOES INSIDE HUMAN BODY. and it also tells the way to see.

THats all
Respected Balbir ji

Thanks for wonderfull post as always and thanks for answering queries

Respected Sahilmakkar ji

I am trying to understand your post pls help.

Does this means that some Moorakh/Agiyani like me who havent met god /havent recieved Naam should just keep quite and speak nothing about God

Jatinder Singh


Mar 28, 2006

Respected Saadh Sangat Ji,

Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Nanak Dev Ji de Bachan in Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji- Panna #54

isrIrwgu mhlw 1 ]
Awpy gux Awpy kQY Awpy suix vIcwru ]
Awpy rqnu priK qUM Awpy molu Apwru ]
swcau mwnu mhqu qUM Awpy dyvxhwru ]1]
hir jIau qUM krqw krqwru ]
ijau BwvY iqau rwKu qUM hir nwmu imlY Awcwru ]1] rhwau ]
Awpy hIrw inrmlw Awpy rMgu mjIT ]
Awpy moqI aUjlo Awpy Bgq bsITu ]
gur kY sbid slwhxw Git Git fITu AfITu ]2]
Awpy swgru boihQw Awpy pwru Apwru ]
swcI vwt sujwxu qUM sbid lGwvxhwru ]
infirAw fru jwxIAY bwJu gurU gubwru ]3]
AsiQru krqw dyKIAY horu kyqI AwvY jwie ]
Awpy inrmlu eyku qUM hor bMDI DMDY pwie ]
guir rwKy sy aubry swcy isau ilv lwie ]4]
hir jIau sbid pCwxIAY swic rqy gur vwik ]
iqqu qin mYlu n lgeI sc Gir ijsu Eqwku ]
ndir kry scu pweIAY ibnu nwvY ikAw swku ]5]
ijnI scu pCwixAw sy suKIey jug cwir ]
haumY iqRsnw mwir kY scu riKAw aur Dwir ]
jg mih lwhw eyku nwmu pweIAY gur vIcwir ]6]
swcau vKru lwdIAY lwBu sdw scu rwis ]
swcI drgh bYseI Bgiq scI Ardwis ]
piq isau lyKw inbVY rwm nwmu prgwis ]7]
aUcw aUcau AwKIAY khau n dyiKAw jwie ]
jh dyKw qh eyku qUM siqguir dIAw idKwie ]
joiq inrMqir jwxIAY nwnk shij suBwie ]8]3]

And our SatGuru is- Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

forgive me please


Sep 16, 2004
Dear Sahil Makkar Ji

thanks again for your post

WE CAN SEE GOD.. n there is way that GOES INSIDE HUMAN BODY. and it also tells the way to see.
it would be helpful if you could shed more light on the quoted text above from your p=ost . if you like we can start new thread about it and then take in more detail from there

Jatinder Singh
Nov 29, 2006
GuruFateh ji Drkhalsa

Lets see what our sister(surinder behan) has put..
M taking just four lines from it..

gur kY sbid slwhxw Git Git fITu AfITu ]2]
Awpy swgru boihQw Awpy pwru Apwru ]
swcI vwt sujwxu qUM sbid lGwvxhwru ]
infirAw fru jwxIAY bwJu gurU gubwru ]3]

ਗੁਰ ਕੈ ਸਬਦਿ ਸਲਾਹਣਾ ਘਟਿ ਘਟਿ ਡੀਠੁ ਅਡੀਠੁ ॥੨॥
गुर कै सबदि सलाहणा घटि घटि डीठु अडीठु ॥२॥
gur kai sabad salaahnaa ghat ghat deeth adeeth. ||2||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, You are praised. In each and every heart, the Unseen is seen. ||2||

ਆਪੇ ਸਾਗਰੁ ਬੋਹਿਥਾ ਆਪੇ ਪਾਰੁ ਅਪਾਰੁ
आपे सागरु बोहिथा आपे पारु अपारु ॥
aapay saagar bohithaa aapay paar apaar.
You Yourself are the ocean and the boat. You Yourself are this shore, and the one beyond.

ਸਾਚੀ ਵਾਟ ਸੁਜਾਣੁ ਤੂੰ ਸਬਦਿ ਲਘਾਵਣਹਾਰੁ
साची वाट सुजाणु तूं सबदि लघावणहारु ॥
saachee vaat sujaan tooN sabad laghaavanhaar.
O All-knowing Lord, You are the True Way. The Shabad is the Navigator to ferry us across.

ਨਿਡਰਿਆ ਡਰੁ ਜਾਣੀਐ ਬਾਝੁ ਗੁਰੂ ਗੁਬਾਰੁ ॥੩॥
निडरिआ डरु जाणीऐ बाझु गुरू गुबारु ॥३॥
nidri-aa dar jaanee-ai baajh guroo bubaar. ||3||
One who does not fear God shall live in fear; without the Guru, there is only pitch darkness. ||3||

I will put other quotes today only..
but first understand it and tell me what u got from this.

Dear Sahil Makkar Ji

thanks again for your post

it would be helpful if you could shed more light on the quoted text above from your p=ost . if you like we can start new thread about it and then take in more detail from there

Jatinder Singh
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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Respected all

Adding another layer of interpretation to this discussion :) But there is a very interesting text on this topic by S. Raghbir Singh "Bir" (nickname) written many years ago entitled "Bandginama". Nam simram and gurbani viewed together with many references from the gurus and the Guru. Raghbir was a careful scholar but the book is written with simplicity. The url is

http://www.amritbani.com/documents/Bandgi Nama.pdf

Raghbir is inspiring and after a few chapters he made the practice of deep Nam Simram sound within reach.

Happy Vasakhi all
Jul 10, 2006
Respected all

Adding another layer of interpretation to this discussion :) But there is a very interesting text on this topic by S. Raghbir Singh "Bir" (nickname) written many years ago entitled "Bandginama". Nam simram and gurbani viewed together with many references from the gurus and the Guru. Raghbir was a careful scholar but the book is written with simplicity. The url is

http://www.amritbani.com/documents/Bandgi Nama.pdf

Raghbir is inspiring and after a few chapters he made the practice of deep Nam Simram sound within reach.

Happy Vasakhi all

Yes, that book is good. I was looking up "vichar" in the ebooks on my pc and found this passage. Vichar should be applied to Gurbani when one is looking up the meaning of the Kirtan being sung.

"The seeker, after an earnest study of the Guru Granth, would be startled
to find that the Guru's pleasure lies not in being idolized or worshipped.

The Guru wants us to mould ourselves on his pattern, and to make ourselves his inheritors and successors. We should understand the Guru and live according to his teachings:

Sikhism lies in pondering the Guru's teachings.

sikhi sikhia gur vichar

The Guru loves and adores the disciple who understands his teachings, and
lives in accordance with them. The true Guru loves to bestow all his precious belongings to the true disciple. His greatest delight consists in giving away the innermost spiritual secrets, all the divine knowledge that he possesses, with his heartiest blessing. The Guru himself is above imperfections and want and is fully conversant with all spiritual secrets and is in fact in atonement with God and he is keen to mould his Sikh in his image.

The Khalsa is my own image,
I reside in the Khalsa.
khalsa mero rup hai khas
khalse mahe hamkaro nivas
Guru Gobind Singb.

The devotee of God is like unto God;
You will find no difference between the two.
Hari ka sevak so hari jeha
bhed na janoh manas deha
Guru Arjan."


Sep 16, 2004
Dear Sahil makker ji

Thanks again for your post

what i understood from the above quotes is

Unseen God is praised with shabad .

God itself is the ocean /this side /other side and also the means to cross it Boat ( Shabad)

God himself navigates in form of shabad and in form of guru disp=ell the darkness

This is what I understood out of it

Now u can carry on further


Jatinder singh


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Oh my, Kaur ji!

Now you have really started something! "Vichar" could be a completely new thread. A quick surf on the Internet and I find that "vichar" at one time meant the history or origins of a verse that help us to understand it. Then it came to mean a theory that one must apply in order to understand. Lately it means a process of inquiry leading us to the place where we understand. And one internet site proclaimed, "first practice, then understanding (or vichar)".

You must help me with this one. Or, perhaps it isn't that complicated.

Last edited by a moderator:
Jul 10, 2006
Oh my, Kaur ji!

Now you have really started something! "Vichar" could be a completely new thread. A quick surf on the Internet and I find that "vichar" at one time meant the history or origins of a verse that help us to understand it. Then it came to mean a theory that one must apply in order to understand. Lately it means a process of inquiry leading us to the place where we understand. And one internet site proclaimed, "first practice, then understanding (or vichar).

You must help me with this one. Or, perhaps it isn't that complicated.


Guru Gobind Singh ji also said "[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Parcha shabad ka"
[/FONT]Puja Akal Purakh ki - Parcha Shabad ka - Didar Khalsey ka ]

source:Parcha Shabad Ka

Parcha Shabad Ka (Understanding Gurbani)

Sikhism believes in reading, and reciting Gurbani by understanding it properly. The Sikhs are required to practice the Gurbani in their practical life. Bani enshrined in Sri Guru Granth Sahib is Dhur-Ki-Bani (Revelation of God's Word ). Bani is Shabad Guru.

Guru Arjan Dev says,
“Gurbani is Word of God and it emnated from Him.”
“From the Primal one, has emnated the Gurbani and it has effaced all the anxiety.”
Dur kI bwxI AweI ]
iqin sglI icMq imtweI ]


Guru Arjan Dev Ji says,
“In the platter are placed three things, truth, contentment and meditation.”
Qwl ivic iqMin vsqU peIE squ sMqoKu vIcwro ]

Sikhs are required to regularly read and understand the Gurbani written within the Guru Granth Sahib. Gurbani teaches God's virtues and how they can be revealed to us.
The daily recitation of hymns reminds us repeatedly of the pitfalls of egotism, anger, lust, attachment, and greed. The hymns encourage readers to develop good character by constantly reminding that these virtues bring peace.
Sikhs accept the word of the Guru as their guide. They regard the Guru Granth Sahib as their living Guru because from Gurbani, they obtain the spiritual guidance they need."

But we must also read gurbani with absolute sharda (faith) not just to fulfil some wish (material etc) and the love has to be there too.

Guru Gobind Singh ji :
"Saach kahon sun leh sabhai jin prem kiyo thin hee prabh paio"
All should listen to this truth that only those who love God can realize Him

A shabad "
This Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Raag Maaroo on Pannaa 1030

mwrU mhlw 1 ]
maaroo mehalaa 1 ||
Maaroo, First Mehla:

Gir rhu ry mn mugD ieAwny ]
ghar rahu rae man mugadhh eiaanae ||
Remain in your own home, O my foolish and ignorant mind.

rwmu jphu AMqrgiq iDAwny ]
raam japahu a(n)tharagath dhhiaanae ||
Meditate on the Lord - concentrate deep within your being and meditate on Him.

lwlc Coif rchu AprMpir ieau pwvhu mukiq duAwrw hy ]1]
laalach shhodd rachahu apara(n)par eio paavahu mukath dhuaaraa hae ||1||
Renounce your greed, and merge with the infinite Lord. In this way, you shall find the door of liberation. ||1||

ijsu ibsirAY jmu johix lwgY ]
jis bisariai jam johan laagai ||
If you forget Him, the Messenger of Death will catch sight of you.

siB suK jwih duKw Puin AwgY ]
sabh sukh jaahi dhukhaa fun aagai ||
All peace will be gone, and you will suffer in pain in the world hereafter.

rwm nwmu jip gurmuiK jIAVy eyhu prm qqu vIcwrw hy ]2]
raam naam jap guramukh jeearrae eaehu param thath veechaaraa hae ||2||
Chant the Name of the Lord as Gurmukh, O my soul; this is the supreme essence of contemplation. ||2||

hir hir nwmu jphu rsu mITw ]
har har naam japahu ras meet(h)aa ||
Chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, the sweetest essence.

gurmuiK hir rsu AMqir fITw ]
guramukh har ras a(n)thar ddeet(h)aa ||
As Gurmukh, see the essence of the Lord deep within.

Aihinis rwm rhhu rMig rwqy eyhu jpu qpu sMjmu swrw hy ]3]
ahinis raam rehahu ra(n)g raathae eaehu jap thap sa(n)jam saaraa hae ||3||
Day and night, remain imbued with the Lord's Love. This is the essence of all chanting, deep meditation and self-discipline. ||3||

rwm nwmu gur bcnI bolhu ]
raam naam gur bachanee bolahu ||
Speak the Guru's Word, and the Name of the Lord.

sMq sBw mih iehu rsu tolhu ]
sa(n)th sabhaa mehi eihu ras ttolahu ||
In the Society of the Saints, search for this essence.

gurmiq Koij lhhu Gru Apnw bhuiV n grB mJwrw hy ]4]
guramath khoj lehahu ghar apanaa bahurr n garabh majhaaraa hae ||4||
Follow the Guru's Teachings - seek and find the home of your own self, and you shall never be consigned to the womb of reincarnation again. ||4||

scu qIriQ nwvhu hir gux gwvhu ]
sach theerathh naavahu har gun gaavahu ||
Bathe at the sacred shrine of Truth, and sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

qqu vIcwrhu hir ilv lwvhu ]
thath veechaarahu har liv laavahu ||
Reflect upon the essence of reality, and lovingly focus your consciousness on the Lord.

AMq kwil jmu joih n swkY hir bolhu rwmu ipAwrw hy ]5]
a(n)th kaal jam johi n saakai har bolahu raam piaaraa hae ||5||
At the very last moment, the Messenger of Death will not be able to touch you, if you chant the Name of the Beloved Lord. ||5||

siqguru purKu dwqw vf dwxw ]
sathigur purakh dhaathaa vadd dhaanaa ||
The True Guru, the Primal Being, the Great Giver, is all-knowing.

ijsu AMqir swcu su sbid smwxw ]
jis a(n)thar saach s sabadh samaanaa ||
Whoever has Truth within himself, merges in the Word of the Shabad.

ijs kau siqguru myil imlwey iqsu cUkw jm BY Bwrw hy ]6]
jis ko sathigur mael milaaeae this chookaa jam bhai bhaaraa hae ||6||
One whom the True Guru unites in Union, is rid of the overpowering fear of death. ||6||

pMc qqu imil kwieAw kInI ]
pa(n)ch thath mil kaaeiaa keenee ||
The body is formed from the union of the five elements.

iqs mih rwm rqnu lY cInI ]
this mehi raam rathan lai cheenee ||
Know that the Lord's jewel is within it.

Awqm rwmu rwmu hY Awqm hir pweIAY sbid vIcwrw hy ]7]
aatham raam raam hai aatham har paaeeai sabadh veechaaraa hae ||7||
The soul is the Lord, and the Lord is the soul; contemplating the Shabad, the Lord is found. ||7||

sq sMqoiK rhhu jn BweI ]
sath sa(n)thokh rehahu jan bhaaee ||
Abide in truth and contentment, O humble Siblings of Destiny.

iKmw ghhu siqgur srxweI ]
khimaa gehahu sathigur saranaaee ||
Hold tight to compassion and the Sanctuary of the True Guru.

Awqmu cIin prwqmu cInhu gur sMgiq iehu insqwrw hy ]8]
aatham cheen paraatham cheenahu gur sa(n)gath eihu nisathaaraa hae ||8||
Know your soul, and know the Supreme Soul; associating with the Guru, you shall be emancipated. ||8||

swkq kUV kpt mih tykw ]
saakath koorr kapatt mehi ttaekaa ||
The faithless cynics are stuck in falsehood and deceit.

Aihinis inMdw krih Anykw ]
ahinis ni(n)dhaa karehi anaekaa ||
Day and night, they slander many others.

ibnu ismrn Awvih Puin jwvih gRB jonI nrk mJwrw hy ]9]
bin simaran aavehi fun jaavehi grabh jonee narak majhaaraa hae ||9||
Without meditative remembrance, they come and then go, and are cast into the hellish womb of reincarnation. ||9||

swkq jm kI kwix n cUkY ]
saakath jam kee kaan n chookai ||
The faithless cynic is not rid of his fear of death.

jm kw fMfu n kbhU mUkY ]
jam kaa dda(n)dd n kabehoo mookai ||
The Messenger of Death's club is never taken away.

bwkI Drm rwie kI lIjY isir APirE Bwru APwrw hy ]10]
baakee dhharam raae kee leejai sir afariou bhaar afaaraa hae ||10||
He has to answer to the Righteous Judge of Dharma for the account of his actions; the egotistical being carries the unbearable load. ||10||

ibnu gur swkqu khhu ko qirAw ]
bin gur saakath kehahu ko thariaa ||
Tell me: without the Guru, what faithless cynic has been saved?

haumY krqw Bvjil pirAw ]
houmai karathaa bhavajal pariaa ||
Acting egotistically, he falls into the terrifying world-ocean.

ibnu gur pwru n pwvY koeI hir jpIAY pwir auqwrw hy ]11]
bin gur paar n paavai koee har japeeai paar outhaaraa hae ||11||
Without the Guru, no one is saved; meditating on the Lord, they are carried across to the other side. ||11||

gur kI dwiq n mytY koeI ]
gur kee dhaath n maettai koee ||
No one can erase the Guru's blessings.

ijsu bKsy iqsu qwry soeI ]
jis bakhasae this thaarae soee ||
The Lord carries across those whom He forgives.

jnm mrx duKu nyiV n AwvY min so pRBu Apr Apwrw hy ]12]
janam maran dhukh naerr n aavai man so prabh apar apaaraa hae ||12||
The pains of birth and death do not even approach those whose minds are filled with God, the infinite and endless. ||12||

gur qy BUly Awvhu jwvhu ]
gur thae bhoolae aavahu jaavahu ||
Those who forget the Guru come and go in reincarnation.

jnim mrhu Puin pwp kmwvhu ]
janam marahu fun paap kamaavahu ||
They are born, only to die again, and continue committing sins.

swkq mUV Acyq n cyqih duKu lwgY qw rwmu pukwrw hy ]13]
saakath moorr achaeth n chaethehi dhukh laagai thaa raam pukaaraa hae ||13||
The unconscious, foolish, faithless cynic does not remember the Lord; but when he is stricken with pain, then he cries out for the Lord. ||13||

suKu duKu purb jnm ky kIey ]
sukh dhukh purab janam kae keeeae ||
Pleasure and pain are the consequences of the actions of past lives.

so jwxY ijin dwqY dIey ]
so jaanai jin dhaathai dheeeae ||
The Giver, who blesses us with these - He alone knows.

iks kau dosu dyih qU pRwxI shu Apxw kIAw krwrw hy ]14]
kis ko dhos dhaehi thoo praanee sahu apanaa keeaa karaaraa hae ||14||
So who can you blame, O mortal being? The hardships you suffer are from your own actions. ||14||

haumY mmqw krdw AwieAw ]
houmai mamathaa karadhaa aaeiaa ||
Practicing egotism and possessiveness, you have come into the world.

Awsw mnsw bMiD clwieAw ]
aasaa manasaa ba(n)dhh chalaaeiaa ||
Hope and desire bind you and lead you on.

myrI myrI krq ikAw ly cwly ibKu lwdy Cwr ibkwrw hy ]15]
maeree maeree karath kiaa lae chaalae bikh laadhae shhaar bikaaraa hae ||15||
Indulging in egotism and self-conceit, what will you be able to carry with you, except the load of ashes from poison and corruption? ||15||

hir kI Bgiq krhu jn BweI ]
har kee bhagath karahu jan bhaaee ||
Worship the Lord in devotion, O humble Siblings of Destiny.

AkQu kQhu mnu mnih smweI ]
akathh kathhahu man manehi samaaee ||
Speak the Unspoken Speech, and the mind will merge back into the Mind.

auiT clqw Twik rKhu Gir ApunY duKu kwty kwtxhwrw hy ]16]
out(h) chalathaa t(h)aak rakhahu ghar apunai dhukh kaattae kaattanehaaraa hae ||16||
Restrain your restless mind within its own home, and the Lord, the Destroyer, shall destroy your pain. ||16||

hir gur pUry kI Et prwqI ]
har gur poorae kee outt paraathee ||
I seek the support of the Perfect Guru, the Lord.

gurmuiK hir ilv gurmuiK jwqI ]
guramukh har liv guramukh jaathee ||
The Gurmukh loves the Lord; the Gurmukh realizes the Lord.

nwnk rwm nwim miq aUqm hir bKsy pwir auqwrw hy ]17]4]10]
naanak raam naam math ootham har bakhasae paar outhaaraa hae ||17||4||10||
O Nanak, through the Lord's Name, the intellect is exalted; granting His forgiveness, the Lord carries him across to the other side. ||17||4||10||"

Sorce: SikhiToTheMAX - Enabling Gurmat Knowledge

You can use SikhiToTheMAX - Enabling Gurmat Knowledge

to search on the word vIcwr


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Kaur ji

You must have spent hours compiling this reply. But it is so rich with information. Thank you because the sources taken together make for a course of study and now I can do an in-depth exploration of vIcwr.

More good teaching.

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Jul 10, 2006
Kaur ji

You must have spent hours compiling this reply. But it is so rich with information. Thank you because the sources taken together make for a course of study and now I can do an in-depth exploration of vIcwr.

More good teaching.

Oh no.. did not take that long. I am learning too so this is a good exercise.

I forgot to add the link to "Guru Arjan Dev Ji says,
“In the platter are placed three things, truth, contentment and meditation.”
Qwl ivic iqMin vsqU peIE squ sMqoKu vIcwro ]

here the word meditation is not used. This shabad is part of the evening Rehras prayer.

"This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Mundhaavanee Fifth Mehl on Pannaa 1429

muMdwvxI mhlw 5 ]
mu(n)dhaavanee mehalaa 5 ||
Ambrosia, Fifth Mehla:

Qwl ivic iqMin vsqU peIE squ sMqoKu vIcwro ]
thhaal vich thi(n)n vasathoo peeou sath sa(n)thokh veechaaro ||
Upon this Plate, three things have been placed: Truth, Contentment and Contemplation.

AMimRq nwmu Twkur kw pieE ijs kw sBsu ADwro ]
a(n)mrith naam t(h)aakur kaa paeiou jis kaa sabhas adhhaaro ||
The Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam, the Name of our Lord and Master, has been placed upon it as well; it is the Support of all.

jy ko KwvY jy ko BuMcY iqs kw hoie auDwro ]
jae ko khaavai jae ko bhu(n)chai this kaa hoe oudhhaaro ||
One who eats it and enjoys it shall be saved.

eyh vsqu qjI nh jweI inq inq rKu auir Dwro ]
eaeh vasath thajee neh jaaee nith nith rakh our dhhaaro ||
This thing can never be forsaken; keep this always and forever in your mind.

qm sMswru crn lig qrIAY sBu nwnk bRhm pswro ]1]
tham sa(n)saar charan lag thareeai sabh naanak breham pasaaro ||1||
The dark world-ocean is crossed over, by grasping the Feet of the Lord; O Nanak, it is all the extension of God. ||1||

The other shabad is:

Source:SikhiToTheMAX - Enabling Gurmat Knowledge

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Sorath on Pannaa 627

soriT mhlw 5 ]
sorat(h) mehalaa 5 ||
Sorat'h, Fifth Mehla:

prmysir idqw bMnw ]
paramaesar dhithaa ba(n)naa ||
The Transcendent Lord has given me His support.

duK rog kw fyrw BMnw ]
dhukh rog kaa ddaeraa bha(n)naa ||
The house of pain and disease has been demolished.

And krih nr nwrI ]
anadh karehi nar naaree ||
The men and women celebrate.

hir hir pRiB ikrpw DwrI ]1]
har har prabh kirapaa dhhaaree ||1||
The Lord God, Har, Har, has extended His Mercy. ||1||

sMqhu suKu hoAw sB QweI ]
sa(n)thahu sukh hoaa sabh thhaaee ||
O Saints, there is peace everywhere.

pwrbRhmu pUrn prmysru riv rihAw sBnI jweI ] rhwau ]
paarabreham pooran paramaesar rav rehiaa sabhanee jaaee || rehaao ||
The Supreme Lord God, the Perfect Transcendent Lord, is pervading everywhere. ||Pause||

Dur kI bwxI AweI ]
dhhur kee baanee aaee ||
The Bani of His Word emanated from the Primal Lord.

iqin sglI icMq imtweI ]
thin sagalee chi(n)th mittaaee ||
It eradicates all anxiety.

dieAwl purK imhrvwnw ]
dhaeiaal purakh miharavaanaa ||
The Lord is merciful, kind and compassionate.

hir nwnk swcu vKwnw ]2]13]77]
har naanak saach vakhaanaa ||2||13||77||
Nanak chants the Naam, the Name of the True Lord. ||2||13||77||

I love this shabad keertan - its in the mp3 player but you can download and listen to it from here. http://www.ikirtan.com/Bhai_Gurmail...gi/Dhur Kee Bani Iee - Bhai Gurmail Singh.mp3

source:SikhiToTheMAX - Enabling Gurmat Knowledge
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