Your commiting a fallacy.
Not at all because
In theory, if a person who is biologically immortal locks himself in a room and is provided with all basic neccessities (food, water, shelter). He will live forever.
that's never going to happen!!
Your commiting a fallacy.
In theory, if a person who is biologically immortal locks himself in a room and is provided with all basic neccessities (food, water, shelter). He will live forever.
With that said, I see that you have been a member here for many years, and I guess I am just very curious to know why? Not knowing you at all, it seems to me sort of for vitamins and other health supplements in the section of the store that has mostly bread and cereals, but clearly I simply don't have enough data to I am asking, and I hope it is not unduly intrusive of me to ask. Thank you!
that's never going to happen!!
Well one day, 20 years from now, well only have until forever to find out![]()
Hah!! The last 20+ years of research has not been able to figure out a way to stop or even slow down ageing in photoreceptors (when they age they die causing Age-related Macular Degeneration- an irreversible blinding condition), and you think in the next 20 years the they'll stop all the cells in the whole body from ageing and dying :rofl!!:
I'm crying as I'm laughing so hard :rofl!!:
You just wait until we're all cyborgs 20 years from now, missy. :blinkingkudi:
I would say, "Then we'll see who gets the last laugh," but as we'll all be immortal machines, I imagine that the laughter will just go on...and on...and on... :rofl!!:
(If you're curious you can read more about the Law of Accelerating Returns here and here -- fascinating stuff. You may want to take a few days to read that last one though -- my head started to hurt after the first few paragraphs... IMO, Kurzweil is this century's DaVinci... I'm smarter than the average bear, but even so a lot of his stuff just goes *whoosh* right over my head... :worship: )
Sorry to hear about your mum motherlylove
Medicine is a bunch of tough decisions as rarely are things clear cut unfortunately![]()
Don't now much about AI as it is beyond my area of experience. Having said that I have seen articles that say it is unlikely in the near future as computing a conscience, emotion, instincts etc, basically all the things that make us human is close to impossible with current methods. We can't even define those things in any real, biological or mathematical sense, let alone replicate them!!
DNA research is perhaps one of the greatest examples of scientists working at the rate of accelerating returns and living up to predictions. They had set fourth a goal to code the entire human genome within 7 years. After the first year, they had managed to code for 1 percent of that genome. And many detracters like (like findingmyway) scoffed at the possibility of coding the other 99 percent in 6 years. Yet by year two, they had further coded 2 more percent (total of 3 percent), by year 3 it was 4 percent more (total of 7 percent), by year 4 is was 8 percent more (total of 15 percent). By year 5, 16 percent more (total of 31 percent). By year 6 it was 32 percent more (total of 63 percent) and by year 7 they had accomplished they're goal.From one who has been recently playing with DNA in the lab, trust me the body is far too complicated for such things to occur in such a short timeframe. Theory often doesn't match up with practical experience as we don't yet fully understand the human body so often experience effects never predicted with new therapies or technologies! Things just don't go the way predicted
I know rightYou have not been completely straight with us have you? :55:You claim to be an Atheist, but clearly your profile pic identifies you as a follower of FSM (may peace be upon his noodly appendage). Come clean -- it's okay as all faiths are welcome here! :blinkingkudi:![]()
I must admit, sometimes even I think ray kurzweil can be alil crazy. I wouldnt consider myself a futurist, however, ray does have a pretty good track record when it comes to these things.On a more serious note, have you read Kurzweil's The Age of Spiritual Machines? If so, I'd be interested to know what you think about that, and the potential for Moore's Law to hold steady as advances continue to be made in processing speed with things like diamonds, etc.
Beyond that, I've often wondered if God could be a manifestation of our collective unconscious (as Jung put it), where the whole is much, much greater than the sum of our parts...and maybe we will discover "God" when we hit the Singularity
Does that exist as a possibility in the realm of your atheism?
Theres a thread I made here earlier this year (or last year) entitled "2+2=5" where i kinda deal with this issue in a conversation I had with a muslim peer.One thing I've always puzzled over is the choice of atheism over agnosticism, when logic tells us that it's impossible to prove a negative (i.e. that there is no God). How does it look/feel from your perspective, for you personally?
DNA research is perhaps one of the greatest examples of scientists working at the rate of accelerating returns and living up to predictions. They had set fourth a goal to code the entire human genome within 7 years. After the first year, they had managed to code for 1 percent of that genome. And many detracters like (like findingmyway) scoffed at the possibility of coding the other 99 percent in 6 years.
As I said above, learning more raises more questions rather than filling concrete gaps in knowledge as we realise things are more complicated than anticipated with genetics so the increase in genetic knowledge is not actually taking us any closer to biological immortality by any stretch of the imagination.Genetic research, along with research in artificial intelligence (my area of expertise in university) exhibits a clear cut exponential growth pattern. We will see radical changes in the very near future. The last 100 years has seen more change then in the entirity of human existance. It only makes sense then, to see more change in the next 20-50 years then in the last 100.
Are you implying that people who believe in God are not interested in humanity?! I actually take offence at that notion as that is completely incorrect. What did your parents do to you to make you so anti-God? You've been asked before too but shied away from the question. I'm genuinely interested to try and understand where you are coming from?I also like what Izaac Asimov had to say about the term "atheist." He said "I prefer the term humanist, because as opposed to describing what i dont believe in—it describes what i do believe in"
Glad to see you admit that! LOGICALLY therefore atheists are an illogical lot claiming knowledge that you've admitted is impossible :blinkingkudi:The question becomes "well how can you demonstrate the non-existance of a god-like entity in general?"
And in short—you cant. So your kinda right. Logically, you cannot prove a negative.
Glad to see you admit that! LOGICALLY therefore atheists are an illogical lot claiming knowledge that you've admitted is impossible
I actually take offence at that notion as that is completely incorrect. What did your parents do to you to make you so anti-God? You've been asked before too but shied away from the question. I'm genuinely interested to try and understand where you are coming from?
Glad to see you admit that! LOGICALLY therefore atheists are an illogical lot claiming knowledge that you've admitted is impossible