Jasleen ji, thank you for the info :-D
Sikh80 ji, thanks as well!
I think i have given enough info for original poster to see both sides of the arguement.
No, why would we be one in the same?Serab Ji,
I see the original Poster is-Singh351, and he posted it only yesterday :hmm::hmm:.
Are you and him the same? Looks like you got lost in mutiple ID situation, I see that happening many times.
Tuhada Das
"ਪਾਰਬ੍ਰਹਮੁ ਪੂਰਨ ਬ੍ਰਹਮੁ ਗੁਰੁ ਗੋਵਿੰਦੁ ਸਿਾਣੈ ਸੋਈ ।"
paarabrahamu pooran brahamu guru govindu siaanai soee|
The fact that the transcendental Brahm is the prefect Brahm and the Guru is God, is only identified by a gurmukh, the Guru-orientated one.
i thought it was the "Where is Bacon !!" ad !!
As far as I know, Sikhs are humans, humans happen to be omnivores! So you can eat anything you want!
Do you want help with your english or ... with the topic... :whisling:i fort no type of meat wz allowed in sikhi...so i dnt fink beef's allowed either..
pls help !!!
Do you want help with your english or ... with the topic... :whisling:
i fort no type of meat wz allowed in sikhi...so i dnt fink beef's allowed either..
pls help !!!
Well, that's a bit better!oh..noo..y u aftr me
ok..veerjii..i will not use slang anymore..if that makes u hapii !!
help me pls..
:{-wt bwt fake meat flavoured crisps ??
lool...i stopped eating them..and i completely prohibited myself from eatiing it..finkin that no meat is allowed in sikhi..
i just want to follow the rehat maryada..init !!
Same here, and I used to be vegetarian, now I eat meat sometimes.i want to be a gursikh..n take amrit soon as possible !!
:{-What's that? Meat is allowed to, I think, you could eat them. Enjoy! :{;o:
:{-What's that? Meat is allowed to, I think, you could eat them. Enjoy! :{;o: