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Can Sikhs Go Out With People That Are Not Of Their Race Or Religion?


Jan 24, 2010
Going out as friends NO problems...
Pre maritial physical relationships is not encouraged in ANY religion for good reason....infections..you mess around you'll get 2 things a bad name and a bad rash..!!
May 14, 2008
I have my reservations about what is commonly accepted by all religious communities about premarital relations. I dont see it as horrible as many religions make it out to be. Thats just me though.
May 14, 2008
From a logical standpoint I dont get the whole sex issue in religion. People say you are to marry a woman because you love her not because you want to engage in physicial intimacy. However, this would seem to indicate that physical intimacy is not important so therefore if its not important then why make a big deal about it. If it is important to a relationship dont you want to know who you are most sexually compatible with? Different people have different sex drives. I know this goes against religious orthodoxy but I think sex is the last step to see whether two people are compatible. Personally, I dont have sex nor do I date. I try to control my sexual urges plus I am extremely busy but even though I am not having sexual relations but I dont see anything wrong with people who do. Its hard to explain I just know that when i used to kiss different girls some of them I felt absolutely no connection with others immediately felt some kind of magentic spark.

I hope I didnt offend anyone


Jan 24, 2010
All religions were set up for the purpose of controlling people.Religion is a variation of man man laws.Both are made from knowledge.

RELIGION:If you dont follow a religion you will burn in hell or come back as an ant and get eaten by another animal.

MAN MADE LAWS:If you commit a crime you will go to jail or be executed.

Religion states it's wrong to sleep around due to moral reasons.
Manmade laws states sleeping around will give you disease.

Take your pick...but dont sleep around.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
some people just cant do things on their own..they must bring in GOD..and say..GOD said..dont do this..do that !!!
I saw a sikh man..obviously an amrtidharee..pious..character..saying and ardass..taking a Hukmnamanh....repeat same thing...repeat...repeat....8 times...FINALLY...AHHHH..GURU JI ...spoke to him in a Hukmnamah..that SAID EXACTLY WHAT HE WANTED TO HEAR !!! Now he could say with Confidence...I didnt want this..BUT GURU JI ne HUKM kita na...Guur Ji ordered me to..so here I am !!!


May 17, 2005
London, UK
From a logical standpoint I dont get the whole sex issue in religion. People say you are to marry a woman because you love her not because you want to engage in physicial intimacy. However, this would seem to indicate that physical intimacy is not important so therefore if its not important then why make a big deal about it. If it is important to a relationship dont you want to know who you are most sexually compatible with? Different people have different sex drives. I know this goes against religious orthodoxy but I think sex is the last step to see whether two people are compatible. Personally, I dont have sex nor do I date. I try to control my sexual urges plus I am extremely busy but even though I am not having sexual relations but I dont see anything wrong with people who do. Its hard to explain I just know that when i used to kiss different girls some of them I felt absolutely no connection with others immediately felt some kind of magentic spark.

I hope I didnt offend anyone

Sure I get this, the try before you but mentality.

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Hi Guys, This is just my view, and I am even more convinced of it after reading someone else’s posts here on relationships.

I think motivation is the biggest factor. Is the motivation for the relationship some personal desire. Lust, Greed, Anger (revenge) etc Basically Kaam, Krodh, Moh. Lobh and Hankaar.

I think if a relationship is based around self will and manipulation it is basically a selfish one for self gratification. I think that person can never truly Love the other person. To love is to be so selfless, that you put that other person before yourself. Some people confuse Love with wanting to covet the other person, like a material object (Moh). Some just want to gratify their lust (Kaam). Others are greedy (lobh), and will want a relationship to prevent others from having relationships with that person. Others are motivated by jealousy and anger (Krodh), or some false sense of rebelliousness (maybe against society or parents). Others maybe by Hankaar (Egotism), thinking that a relationship is like a status thing for them, to fulfil their own bloated self image.

Motivation is the key and is the message of Sikh. Is it a relationship based on self will, or one based on God’s will?


Feb 25, 2010
Sikhism respects all religions and there beliefs. Remember Sikhism Speaks to people of no religion and Sikhism is not a religion it is a way of life. Sikhism has no rituals and there is no way to convert into Sikhism. A Sikh must follow the Guru teachings and cleanse the soul from the five thieves. Once the Sikh follows Sri Guru Granth Sahib then he/she can take amrit(holy water), which purifies the Sikh by the Gurus blessing and he/she becomes a part of the Khalsa panth. A true Sikh will not marry outside of Sikhism. This is because once the person is true to the Guru, there is no other than the Sri Guru Granth Sahib he/she has fallen in love with Sri Guru Granth Sahib. A husband or wife is a person you share the journey of life with and to do this in the best way the two should connect on a intelluctual level.


Nov 7, 2010
Thank you for your input everyone now i can fully understand...

Live and feel what you do WITHOUT guilt.

You dont need posters on this board telling you what to do. Just look at him and if you feel like a princess, then he is worth it.

It's more of a cultural thing the Punjabi social rules. Be yourself and compromise sometimes. You will be fine.

See my avtar..its my son...and WORTH it my dear,

Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero – "Seize the Day, trusting as little as possible in the future"


Oct 5, 2022
I'm glad that I've stumbled upon this because I've asked this question to myself because I DO like men from this culture and now seeing that they don't date in their culture settles that curiosity for me. I'm deeply saddened, but I respect their laws and religion highly as a woman and fellow human... I do find Sikhs men quite lovely, Just have to say that!
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