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Can The Sound Waheguru Replace Raam?

Jul 10, 2006
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all and Naam_jap Jee!

I am listening. The sound of Raam being transmitted through the Sat Guru. While some, ignorant are busy replacing it.

Balbir Singh

************** Waheguroo ji Ka Khalsa Waheguroo ji Ki fateh *******

You may think that you are listening. But have you ever said to yourself that you might not be?.

"Ignorant" (you put it) or not, but I for one will still keep on using the divine name WAHEGUROO.

cqurweI isAwxpw ikqY kwim n AweIAY ]
chathuraaee siaanapaa kithai kaam n aaeeai ||
Cunning and cleverness are of no use.

quTw swihbu jo dyvY soeI suKu pweIAY ]3]
thut(h)aa saahib jo dhaevai soee sukh paaeeai ||3||
That which the Lord Master gives, by the Pleasure of His Will - that is pleasing to me. ||3||

Raag Aasaa on Pannaa 396}

At the end of the day, do what you feel comfortable with. Use RAAM if you feel comfortable saying it.


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all and Kaur-1 Jee!

Quote "You may think that you are listening. But have you ever said to yourself that you might not be?."
Strange, have you never heard Gurdev singing Raam and suggesting all to do the same? It is surprising. People go on repeating 'Waheguru' following pseudo preachers discarding all Gurshabads direct from the Gurus.

Quote "'Ignorant' (you put it) or not, but I for one will still keep on using the divine name WAHEGUROO."
Everybody has the choice of doing what the Guru suggests, or their cult Baabaas. Please go on with whatever one prefers but not at the cost of rejecting the Gurshabad Raam.

Thanks for the wonderful reference from Gurdev
quTw swihbu jo dyvY soeI suKu pweIAY ]3]
"tuthaa saahib jo dayvai so-ee sukh paa-ee-ai." SGGS Ang 396-16
Happy Master whatever gives. We receive that joy.

Happy Master has given the Gurshabad Raam. Strange people are seeking joy in the word 'Waheguru' from business Baabaas of a religious Bazaar.

Balbir Singh
Jul 10, 2006
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all and Kaur-1 Jee!

Quote "You may think that you are listening. But have you ever said to yourself that you might not be?."
Strange, have you never heard Gurdev singing Raam and suggesting all to do the same? It is surprising. People go on repeating 'Waheguru' following pseudo preachers discarding all Gurshabads direct from the Gurus.

Quote "'Ignorant' (you put it) or not, but I for one will still keep on using the divine name WAHEGUROO."
Everybody has the choice of doing what the Guru suggests, or their cult Baabaas. Please go on with whatever one prefers but not at the cost of rejecting the Gurshabad Raam.

Thanks for the wonderful reference from Gurdev
quTw swihbu jo dyvY soeI suKu pweIAY ]3]
"tuthaa saahib jo dayvai so-ee sukh paa-ee-ai." SGGS Ang 396-16
Happy Master whatever gives. We receive that joy.

Happy Master has given the Gurshabad Raam. Strange people are seeking joy in the word 'Waheguru' from business Baabaas of a religious Bazaar.

Balbir Singh

Like I said if you want to say Raam..Raam then its up you. I prefer to use the "Waheguroo Satnam" Gurmantar. This means Wonderful Wondorus God , The True name The Eternal Name The Truth.Why dont you try it out. It might have some good effect on you.

I rather like Bhai Gurdas ji's explaination of the origins of waheguroo gurmantar.

As to your last comment, I have not come across any "business Baabaas of a religious bazaar" selling the joys of waheguroo. What a warped and odd comment of yours I must say.! Weird..:crazy:

As the original post is re: "Raam", have you actually HEARD any kirtanees substituting the word raam for waheguroo in a shabad kirtan? NO..

cqurweI isAwxpw ikqY kwim n AweIAY ]
chathuraaee siaanapaa kithai kaam n aaeeai ||
Cunning and cleverness are of no use.



Jul 15, 2004
At the end of the day, do what you feel comfortable with. Use Raam if you feel comfortable saying it. The purpose is for remembrance.


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all!

Quote from Kaur-1 Jee "Like I said if you want to say Raam..Raam then its up you. I prefer to use the "Waheguroo Satnam" Gurmantar."
It has never worked with anybody. It will also never work in the future. Ego may try any word.

Quote "As the original post is re: "Raam", have you actually HEARD any kirtanees substituting the word raam for waheguroo in a shabad kirtan? NO.."
Thank God. The day Keertaniaas will replace Raam. Sikhi will go totally. I want to know why chatur Preachers and si-aanay Kathaakaars are replacing Raam with 'Waheguru'.

Gurdev has rightly said.
cqurweI isAwxpw ikqY kwim n AweIAY ]
"chaturaa-ee si-aanpaa kitai kaam na aa-ee-ai." SGGS Ang 396-16
Cunningness, cleverness nowhere has helped.


Quote from Naam_jap Jee "In the same way, Our Guru ji will not tell us to sing his praises, waheguru."
The Praises flow naturally after they realize the result of true Naam Simran. One receives the True Naam through the Satguru.
Shabads received from the Baabaas lead us to where most people are today.

Quote "Guru Nanak Sahib ji also said to mardana "Chant Vahiguroo and follow me on the water" But Mardana did not listen and instantly he drowned. Mardana cried for help, and Guru Nanak Sahib ji said "Mardana Chant Vahiguroo", and as soon mardana did, he instantly started walking on the water."
No Guru has ever written any story about miracles from the previous Gurus. This is surely a production of business Baabaas.

Quote "At the end of the day, do what you feel comfortable with. Use RAAM if you feel comfortable saying it. The purpose is for remembrance."
The world will be different when everybody can do Simran without The Sat Guru.

Quote "As to your other comment, I also have not come across any "business Baabaas of a religious bazaar" selling the joys of waheguroo."
Often they are uploading lectures on Internet.

Balbir Singh


Jul 15, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all and Naam_jap Jee!

The clarification is given "Waheguru is the Gurmantra, from the Vaaran of Bhai Gurdas ji, the scribe of Guru Arjan Dev ji."
May I ask why the shift?

For example, A proud king will ask everyone to sing his praises, because he is filled with pride of his kingdom.

But our Guru has not said to sing his praises, waheguru.
but his gursikhs has realized this. Bhai Gurdas ji was given the title "Bhai". This is a very high title, meaning an equal Brother of the Guru.

I am listening. The sound of Raam being transmitted through the Sat Guru. While some, ignorant are busy replacing it.

Raam and Vahiguroo are both names and praises of God.
Allah which means "is the only God"
Hari - which means illumined, absolute
Raam which means all pervading

Now I think you understand that no name can be replaced with another. They are all names to sing his praises. but Waheguru has given us another name , that is Satinaam, This is the True Name, what this means is the "name of God" is forever existing, is eternal, is forever true. That's why you see so much emphasis on reciting Satinaam Vahiguroo together.

Vahiguroo is the rememberance of the Lord as the Guru, who comes to merge us back in the all pervading oneness that is ownself. No difference in you and me. It is a praise of the wondrous Guru. Now it is very difficult to meditate on the formless Lord, thats why whenever you say Vahiguroo, think of Vahiguroo as form of the Guru, and this is simran, when with every recitation you remember.

The Guru does not have a body. Never had any body, The body of our Guru, the physical body is not the absolute form of the Guru, The absolute form is the gurbani. If you read Sidh Ghost, you will see that Guru Nanak Dev ji has said, when he was asked "who is your Guru? "

He said the shabad is the Guru, and consciousness is the disciple. Now when you read japji Sahib, you come across the line. Sunai , meaning listening, the consciousness within you is the real disciple, and when you listen to the Shabad of the Jap ji Sahib,when you contemplate it, when you merge it in your consciousness, this is sunai, that shabad is the Guru. eternal Guru

Now if you understand, before Guru Nanak Dev ji came to spread the glory of the true one, the shabad was the Guru, and after Guru Gobind Singh ji left the world, the shabad is the Guru.

So then why not praise the Lord in the form of the Guru , who has given us so much, Vahiguroo.
Last edited:


Jul 15, 2004
Quote from Kaur-1 Jee "Like I said if you want to say Raam..Raam then its up you. I prefer to use the "Waheguroo Satnam" Gurmantar."
It has never worked with anybody. It will also never work in the future. Ego may try any word.
Balbir Singh ji, when i remember Vahiguroo and do simran, and do meditation, i get lot of joy and bliss, and the problem with this is that it is so much, that I also want my fellow brothers to enjoy this, In a way I feel guilty to have it all alone and not think of others. so thats why Im saying, praise the Guru, Vahiguroo

"As the original post is re: "Raam", have you actually HEARD any kirtanees substituting the word raam for waheguroo in a shabad kirtan? NO.."
Thank God. The day Keertaniaas will replace Raam. Sikhi will go totally. I want to know why chatur Preachers and si-aanay Kathaakaars are replacing Raam with 'Waheguru'.
please read previous post why it cannot be replaced..

from Naam_jap Jee "In the same way, Our Guru ji will not tell us to sing his praises, waheguru."
The Praises flow naturally after they realize the result of true Naam Simran. One receives the True Naam through the Satguru.
Shabads received from the Baabaas lead us to where most people are today.

Yes I totally agree, the praises automatically start flowing, when you realize the great one is sitting inside you, without even your knowledge and controlling everything.

I know there are some fake babas, those are not to be followed, they ask you to bow in front of them, obviously, just as they are true Gursikhs , there are false gursikhs.

"Guru Nanak Sahib ji also said to mardana "Chant Vahiguroo and follow me on the water" But Mardana did not listen and instantly he drowned. Mardana cried for help, and Guru Nanak Sahib ji said "Mardana Chant Vahiguroo", and as soon mardana did, he instantly started walking on the water."
No Guru has ever written any story about miracles from the previous Gurus. This is surely a production of business Baabaas.
What will those business Baabaas gain by making this story ? Can you tell me? What will they gain if they tell you to say Vahiguroo , is Vahiguroo their name, will they get the praise, if you say Vahiguroo ?

Quote "At the end of the day, do what you feel comfortable with. Use RAAM if you feel comfortable saying it. The purpose is for remembrance."
The world will be different when everybody can do Simran without The Sat Guru.

Without the grace of the Satguru, you will not find release.

"As to your other comment, I also have not come across any "business Baabaas of a religious bazaar" selling the joys of waheguroo."
Often they are uploading lectures on Internet.

I know there are some fake babas, those are not to be followed, they ask you to bow in front of them, obviously, just as they are true Gursikhs , there are false gursikhs.


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
Dear all and Naam_jap Jee!

God speaks through the Guru. The true Sikh follows. They become Gursikh.
What has happened that Sikhs have started following Bhai Gurdas Jee and others? In my observation, Bhai Gurdas Jee's writings are not according to the Guru's message.

Praise and Worship of God are great. These are the results of true Simran receiving Gurshabad as true Prasaad.
Strange, sick Baabaas are teaching how to practice the word Waheguru, the praise of God. Since then, this habit is deep-rooted among many as bribery and buttering to melt God unconsciously.

One goes on drinking anything because he does not want to die thirsty.
Who will prefer anything else after receiving true Amrit of the Naam?

Balbir Singh
Jan 6, 2007
Whether you use "Waheguru" or "Ram" it does not matter. What matters is how you pronounce them. Incorrect pronouciation will lead you no where. And if people benefit form it then it is by chance only. This is why people get disheartened. There is an absolute "science" in the way to recite naam.

When you pronounce the letters correctly and in a particular sequence. The vibration from these sounds begin to tune up your mind. With practice you will find some twitching between the eyes and on top of your nose. Your mind wil automatically begin to clear.

Those that are engaged in the pursuit of meditation should be able to acknowledge the results. But not be able to specifically tell you how it happened.
Aug 6, 2006
SSA to all brothers
its disheartening to read that the discussion on this topic has reached to the state of harsh answers as of Sri Agyanisingh ji but surely agyanisingh ji is not to be blamed.
Whats in a name ? lets see what is the message from gurbani : koi boley ram ram koi alahey, koi sewey gussayian koi khuday.
it does not matters by what name u remember him but how much you remember him really matters.
I strongly beleive that Balbir Singh ji wanted to ask it from some other point of view which he could not express or we could not get. but anyhow no discussion should reach to harsh answers. thats what i want to request all the valued writers
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