It's per breathe and because of breath that everything can happen.
Somewhere, I'm not sure if I read or was told was that the Lord puts us here and only he knows when the time to leave will come. Only he knows when we die and stop breathing.
Apparantley, I was told that he doesn't set a time or date for each of us as such. But it is the number of breaths that we take that are pre determined by him. It is the number of breaths that then predetermine when we die. The breaths are numbered not the days.
We take every breath for granted. To do simran with every breath should be the ultimate goal for us all.
Its the BABAS that are the source of.."i heard somewhere..or read somewhere...
Myth number One long propogated by the Babas....concerns Sukhmani Sahib. It was propogated thta Sukhmani Sahib has EXACTLY 24000 letter/words...and that Matches 24000 breaths a normal perosn has in a Day/night. Logically thne it was propogated that One SINGLE reading of Sukhmani Sahib PURIFIED ones entire DAY/NIGHT store of breaths...and thats why we have HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of Sukhmani Sahib Societies, programs, readings being carried out worldwide...(...BUT NONE for ASA DEE VAAR which is BRUTALLY TRUTHFUL and Brutally FRANK about WHAT WE DO DAILY..and as its verily said..TRUTH HURTS..TRUTH BURNS like the Hottest peppers...and thus not a single Asa dee Vaar society to promote its readings other than that in the early morning when attendacesa are low..and the ragis do it in fast motion - its even allowed to do it HALF WAY just to save TIME...sometimes rushed through..etc etc..)..I Digress...apologies.. Anyway the MYTH about 24K survived .becasue no one actually thought to COUNT to verify...and when Modern day computers made that facility available to the common was found to be an Urban legend created and sustained by the babas...The Babas even made excuses that certain WORDS are REPEATED simply to make the NUMBERS..just pick up a Sukhmani Sahib Gutka by nanaksari Babas or Taksali one..the story will be there. Nanaksari version will have additional Tall tales that insult our GURU SAHIB JI as well.
2. Second that one .."really BURNS the candle at BOTH ends" sort of raid the Cookie Jar of Breaths when one engages in SEX" the More SEX one has..the Faster one BURNS up his/her Stored Value Breaths..and thus presumably DIES FASTER !! Thats why the babas recommend Bihangam..brahmchareeism....blah blah blah..and Male Virginity maintained means LONG LIFE....But just look around and see just how many BABAS really OUTLIVE people like Hugh heffner !! Hugh Heffner should have DIED DECADES AGO...but hes still alive and kicking at 80+...( One baba i aksed told me..Yeah IF he had practised Bihnagam/Brahmachareeism like we do..he would live to age MOSES lived..800 Years..I leave it to you to swallow that if you can...). So In short..SEX speeds u UP..and Yoga/simran/meditation in underground dungeons etc..puts u in HIBERNATION MODE. Now we all now HIBERNATION does exist in Nature, and it slows down the heart rate/beat etc and requires low food resources etc..BUT IT has a PURPOSE..a very special purpose and NOT every animal Hibernates..a HIBERNATING POLAR BEAR is NOT really a "polar Bear" or Great Brown bear !! Its a COMATIC MASS OF FLESH deep in a Cave...ONLY when it emerges into REAL LIFE out of its cave..and bellows at the Sun can you really appreciate the Sheer magnificance of the Great Brown bear of canada or a Polar Bear of the Antartic what are we..HOUSEHOLDER GURMUKHS bellowing at the SUN in all our Glory, full of life, families and all doing Kirt, wandding and chhaking..or soem HIBERNATING SKELETON deep in a Cave !! I think GURU NANAK JI decided our choice for US..Gurmukhs DONT HIBERNATE. period...WE LIVE LIFE to the FULLEST because thats the way we are DESIGNED.
3. GURU NANAK ji tells us that we are called AADmi. EK DAMMI....we are creatures of ONE BREATH ONLY. Consider this...we TAKE Breath...IF that one breath doesnt COME OUT..we are DEAD.
The One Breath we TAKE OUT....IF the NEXT ONE BREATH doenst COME IN..we are again DEAD. So our WHOLE LIFE is actually from ONE BREATH TO ANOTHER...THANK HIM..when we BREATHE OUT..for the Opportunity given us to BREATHE IN the next one..and so on..That is whats meant by "remembering HIM in each breath"... WAHE..when we Breathe IN..and GURU..when we breathe OUT....WAHE- GURU...WAHE - ..GURU...OH Wondrous GURU...oh Wondrous GURU..we are BEHOLDEN TO YOU is all that matters...but NOT by Staying IDLE..BUT WORKING AT HONEST LABOUR, waand chhaking sharing having a FULL LIFE. Its the grosses insult to Guru Teg bahdur Ji to say He shut himslef up in aunderground dungeon for DECADES...and didnt do any HOUSEHOLDER DUTIES to his wife mata Gujree Ji....GURMATT preaches no such behaviour..and no GURU would go against Gurmatt Principles set out by Guru nanak ji Himslef.