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Cannibis And Sikhism


May 26, 2011
Weed doesn't make you strong, it makes you a tree hugging hippie with the munchies.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Bhaang for pain relief - yeah I understand that. Not so sure about any other applications for other people except traditional Nihungs who can follow their traditions wholeheartedly no problems.

I know, but it gives willpower. Which is a key factor, like seeing a scared buff dude going to go fight a motivated skinny guy. lol

@Harry pure lies! You are making a joke out of my serious words.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
I know, but it gives willpower. Which is a key factor, like seeing a scared buff dude going to go fight a motivated skinny guy.

@Harry pure lies! You are making a joke out of my serious words.

I was not aware that cannabis gave you strength and willpower, I actually thought it made you lethargic and weak willed.

Bhenji, if you insist on making such definitive statements like 'it gives willpower' then I don't think you should be aggrieved when your definitive statements are exposed for being just an opinion. I have no problem with your opinions, you are entitled to them, they are what makes you, you.

However to glibly bandy them about as fact shows scant regard for the truth, and only damages your own credibility
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Jun 13, 2012
Nagpur, India
"Naam" Khumaari Nanka Chaddi Rahe Din-Raat ....

I don't think there's any need of any sort of alchohol for Sikhs. There's nothing more powerful than "Naam". When & how Nihangs started taking cannibies is smthg to debate on but I feel Guru Gobind Singh Ji would never ever allow Sikhs to consume any such substance.


Aug 22, 2010
Leicester, England
There's a lot of misconceptions surrounding Marijuana use. For one, I reckon the media and many religious figures simply add to the negative aura surrounding the herb. I get that it's an intoxicant and Guru Ji said we shouldn't be under any sort of intoxication as it leaves us in a state where we cannot meditate on the Guru's name, I get that. What baffles me is that without knowing what sort of effect the actual plant has on you, people instantaneously slander it purely because it's a 'drug', 'illegal' and can give you 'lung cancer'. Bull-crap lol. Check studies and research into it before coming to your own conclusion. Obviously it does have drawbacks, but see, marijuana is not addictive, not at all. To say it's for the weak minded is kinda judgemental. So Barack Obama, Richard Branson and Arnold Schwarzenegger are all weak minded? If Becoming President of one of the biggest nations in the world is weak minded, boy I wanna know what strong minded is. But still, I guess my point is that you shouldn't let misinterpretations in the media or whatever your sources are, guide your thoughts. That is all.

Safety and peace.


Dec 22, 2009
I know, but it gives willpower. Which is a key factor, like seeing a scared buff dude going to go fight a motivated skinny guy. lol

@Harry pure lies! You are making a joke out of my serious words.

Actually Im pretty Sure there's a Story about a Sikh named "Maskeenia" from Guru Arjun Dev Ji's Time. (I could Be Wrong.) But as the Story goes, well, as My Mum told it... He was a really poor, and Not the Buffest Person, But Guru Ji, wanting to test his Faith & devotion, sent a Messenger that a Certain Amount of Money was Needed for the Darbar. & Him, having Next to Nothing, found Only one Option to make the Money, and that was by entering a Wrestling Contest. & He WON. by the Pure Faith & Love of his Guru, & despite Not BEing the STrongest PErson, so it CAN HAppen Kamala Ji.
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May 29, 2012
We all have a protective shield around us known as our AURA.
This Aura is very fragile, which is why our Gurus preached follow
purity in Life.

Around us are many dimensions, in which exist many other beings.

When we take Drugs, Cannibas, alcohol and indulge in promiscious activites, this causes our Divine meridians/Chi energy pathways
to breakdown leading to breakdown of our Aura.

This allows these negative energies to enter us and attach to us to feed of our energies.

Its not good to indulge in these activities.
I have been studying these energies for the last 20 years. They exist, any one who pretends or imagines they
do not exist needs to think otherwise.


It goes deeper than this. Negative entities can come to us through thought and dreams aswell. When we are in pain(which can also come on when we think negative thoughts) - we live in a hellish state of mind, i.e we connect with hells realms- and can connect with entities who reside there.

When we live in pleasure, we live in a heavenly state of mind and so connect with heavenly realms and can connect with entities that reside there.

The mere serious thought/intention of taking cannabis is enough for negative entities to run to us.

Basically, our thoughts/psychology as well as actions determine what kind of state of mind we'll live in and what kinds of energies we'll give off. Negative entities love hanging around in the shadow of one who gives off a dark energy(due to a messed up psychology)- depending on the entities psychology.

If negativity exists, it's just symbolic reflection of ones own inadequacies- and it's God teaching a fault still exists so work on it. The Guru's psychology was pure- it was Truth, hence the feeling people got when in their presence- (hearts melted)they lived the Truth frequency.

The Gurus did not teach that we should seek Protection. They Taught us Truth in the very first line, in the first page of Gurbani.

They taught that God is All(Nirboah and Nirvair) and to accept Him in All- to accept Hukam which is Truth/Him.

Hundreds of thousands of clever tricks, but not even one of them will go along with you in the end.

So how can you become truthful? And how can the veil of illusion be torn away?

O Nanak, it is written that you shall obey the Hukam of His Command, and walk in the Way of His Will. ||1||

That taught us to Practice/Apply the Truth and Only the Truth. From what should we seek protection from when He is All. He is the demon that attacks the mentally ill human in the night, He is the ghost that throws things around the elderly couples house.

The Only way to become psychologically sound is to Accept God as and in All- in the ghost, as the devil, as the hukam to be burned alive on a hotplate, in the hukam to be nailed alive to the Cross- to accept that No protection is needed, for He is All pervading. This is simply His Khel.

We strive to Accept hukam in all circumstances, diregarding the self as nothing, living at the feet of others, finding the death of the self by accepting Him as our keeper.

This is the psychology of Truth..

God bless you


May 26, 2011
I was not aware that cannabis gave you strength and willpower, I actually thought it made you lethargic and weak willed.

Bhenji, if you insist on making such definitive statements like 'it gives willpower' then I don't think you should be aggrieved when your definitive statements are exposed for being just an opinion. I have no problem with your opinions, you are entitled to them, they are what makes you, you.

However to glibly bandy them about as fact shows scant regard for the truth, and only damages your own credibility
It manipulates your mind, like when you are drunk you think you are invincible.


Aug 22, 2010
Leicester, England
Marijuana is not physically addictive, but it is highly mentally addictive.

Again that depends on the consumer, the same principle does not apply for most cannabis users.

It manipulates your mind, like when you are drunk you think you are invincible.

That's a misconception, there's a distinction between not feeling any pain and feeling invincible. This is generally a placebo effect, if you think you're going to be invincible whilst under the intoxication of a herb, then that's exactly what your mind will think when you're actually under the intoxication of it.


Aug 22, 2010
Leicester, England
For your kind info Obama regretted using Marijuana in his prime .... secondly be it addictive or not doesn't matter...wht matters is there's no equivalent to "Bani" .... "Naam Khumari Nanka Chardi Rahe Din-Raat"

Waheguru !

He did? Please quote any source you may have where he actually said this. And yeah it kind of does matter. If your perception of God was branded false and untrue, you telling me that you wouldn't stand up for it? You're entitled to your own opinion but I just don't want any judgements to be clouded purely cause of what anti-drug propaganda says.

Safety & peace.


Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
Gurbani bans intoxicants as you should always be in full command of your own mind. There is a lot of discussion here about how to be a better person, how to live on consonance to Naam, how to follow Gurbani in all our actions and how to keep our minds always focussed on Bani and Akaal Purakh. How can any of these be remotely possible if we are under the influence of anything that causes loss of control of the mind, including intoxicants? :whatzpointkudi:


Dec 3, 2011
There's a lot of misconceptions surrounding Marijuana use. For one, I reckon the media and many religious figures simply add to the negative aura surrounding the herb. I get that it's an intoxicant and Guru Ji said we shouldn't be under any sort of intoxication as it leaves us in a state where we cannot meditate on the Guru's name, I get that. What baffles me is that without knowing what sort of effect the actual plant has on you, people instantaneously slander it purely because it's a 'drug', 'illegal' and can give you 'lung cancer'. Bull-crap lol. Check studies and research into it before coming to your own conclusion. Obviously it does have drawbacks, but see, marijuana is not addictive, not at all. To say it's for the weak minded is kinda judgemental. So Barack Obama, Richard Branson and Arnold Schwarzenegger are all weak minded? If Becoming President of one of the biggest nations in the world is weak minded, boy I wanna know what strong minded is. But still, I guess my point is that you shouldn't let misinterpretations in the media or whatever your sources are, guide your thoughts. That is all.

Safety and peace.

Harvirji, I am afraid you ARE misguided and wrong.
I have to agree with Harryji above that it is NOT physically addictive but
You see ADDICTION means DEPENDENCE,-You may get physically dependent to a drug such as heroin, ie.. the pains, stomach cramps ...etc....OR you may get PSYCHOLOGICALLY DEPENDENT as with marijuana. ie.. I must have, I need it to relax and wind down....etc.

You are clearly wrong when you say it is NOT addictive!!!!

Whilst on this matter, - ALCOHOL is actually both, depending on what your level of alcoholism is. At early stages it is psychological and then can become physical where the drinker experiences tremors,shakes..palpitations...etc...etc..

I don't know what the fuss is all about, - seems like a few are trying to convince and foolthemselves and others that alcohol and drugs are fine and OK whilst being a sikh!!

They are clearly NOT OK or acceptable if you want to be a true sikh, if you want to be half way or mixed up.. then that is up to you!!!

All these sikhs that drink give us a bad enough reputation... Did you know that majority of non- sikhs or whites , from what they see and experience truly believe that sikhs are heavy and good drinkers, a race of people like the irish that can handle their drink!!!!!


The few on this thread trying to convince are no different, and in my opinion have NO TRUE Regard for what sikhism is, it's all about me, me, me, me, me, I can, I can, I can.......

PLEASE STOP THIS and look at the magic, beauty and try to get the 'nasha' of bani, please...

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Dec 3, 2011
Again that depends on the consumer, the same principle does not apply for most cannabis users.

That's a misconception, there's a distinction between not feeling any pain and feeling invincible. This is generally a placebo effect, if you think you're going to be invincible whilst under the intoxication of a herb, then that's exactly what your mind will think when you're actually under the intoxication of it.

Again you are talking complete nonsense and rubbish.

The feeling of numbness is because it inhibits and screws up your true sensory perception. This is what anaesthetics given for medical procedures do.. This is what all those 'ketamine' users love to do.
Don't try and justify it when it clearly messes up your neurons and body physiology.
This is no way to go on the path of sikhi.

By the impression I get, it seems you are someone who enjoys the occasional joint!!!! I don't really care as long as you don't try and mix it in into being a 'good sikh'- it simply does not and will not work.


May 26, 2011
Again that depends on the consumer, the same principle does not apply for most cannabis users.

That's a misconception, there's a distinction between not feeling any pain and feeling invincible. This is generally a placebo effect, if you think you're going to be invincible whilst under the intoxication of a herb, then that's exactly what your mind will think when you're actually under the intoxication of it.

Still takes you out of your senses. Besides, bhaang was never seen as a drug back then. Even Bhagwan Krishna did it and he is a avatar. Sikhs do it to like nihaangs.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

As my mother used to be fond of saying, 'this hair did not get white on its own', although what little hair I have is quite grey as opposed to white, We have all lived, all my opinions, everything I am, including my respect for Bani, has been forged by how I have lived. I am not a great one for following or distributing the official line. Things have to be experienced, and for me, they have to be experienced right to the end.

Cannabis is mentally highly addictive, it starts as the odd yearning, but soon, you notice everything is so much better after a joint, a bath, sex, food, walking in the sun. It attaches itself to everything in your life that is fun, and obstinately demands to be taken to enhance the fun. But then, everything is ok while things are in order, because as soon as you get a tough time, a bad spell, then it becomes a crutch, and once it becomes a crutch, you could get stuck with it for quite a long time. I have met plenty of successful people who gave up cannabis, I have yet to meet one successful person who still takes cannabis. They just have lots of constantly good ideas that they do nothing about! There is also the problem of production, 20 years ago cannabis was nothing like the strength of today, these days they pump it full of chemicals to enhance the effect and the speed of growth, because its all about money, who knows what your funding when you buy it. 20 years ago, you could have a joint, or two, and be ok for work the next day, today, who knows what your smoking, or have long the effects will last for.

Lastly, next year the police will have roadside drug testing kits, traces of cannabis in your blood is going to label you a drug user, and the charge of driving whilst under the influence of drugs, bearing in mind cannabis can stay in the blood stream for upto 60 days, you will be taking a huge risk if you drive and even smoke 1 joint every 2 months,

In moderation, cannabis can be a highly pleasurable experience, but I have yet to meet a person that does not end up 'chasing the dragon', and anyway, the pleasure and high dwarf into insignificance when compared with the state of Naam, the state of connection, of being in consonance,

Laud lots of things, don't laud drugs, its not glamorous, its not hip, it is the absolute opposite of connection and consonance, it follows its own path, rather than enhancing yours.


Jun 9, 2012
it is not allowed anywhere but it is restricted somewhere.
The best thing is to avoid it and the second best is that addiction is bad but occasionally and limited use is only way,else every is aware about the results
Oct 21, 2009
Harry ji,

Have gone through your post and have enjoyed it.

Just wondering how addiction actually operates through our physiology. Can you throw some light on this aspect.? Some spinal cord connection or from where nerve center begin and may be neuron or neuro-transmitters..etc..etc. I have only vague idea. I do not know if it is the right thread to initiate discussion. You may kindly take your own time or send me a link for small write up except for US sites on Mental Health.
You may kindly ignore this if it is redundant and out of context.

Moderators are free to delete the post if it is out of place.
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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Harry ji,

Have gone through your post and have enjoyed it.

Just wondering how addiction actually operates through our physiology. Can you throw some light on this aspect.? Some spinal cord connection or from where nerve center begin and may be neuron or neuro-transmitters..etc..etc. I have only vague idea. I do not know if it is the right thread to initiate discussion. You may kindly take your own time or send me a link for small write up except for US sites on Mental Health.
ou may kindly ignore this if it is redundant and out of context.

Moderators are free to delete the post if it is out of place.


I do not think this is reduntant, I think the greatest danger of cannibis is the addictive nature of the drug.I do not think the health aspects or the damage to the brain rates as high as the addictive. Long term and short term memory are hugely affected, sometimes permanently, short term memory can also be affected as can short term memory. Another facet is the effect on short term memory as well.

I have no explanation of what causes addiction, I can only state my own experiences, I always thought everyone was like me, but I know I have an extremely addictive nature. So for me to embrace Sikhism, I have had to conquer several addictions, they whet my appetite for the state of Naam.

It is my desire to be completely addicted and a slave to Creator, to follow Hukam is the sweetest path there is, and taking the paths I have, the beauty of this one is without equal.

Now I am curious, I have no desire to do many things that were for a long time a way of life for me, to those reading that had the disciplne to stay on the good path, is it a battle? have you only put yourself in a state of aversion rather than understanding? I sense this a lot in Islam, I still cannot understand why heaven is described in terms that reflect earthly pleasures, almost as if aversion is rewarded by the very action one is averse to on earth. Why is the concept of addiction not present in heaven? In Sikhism should one be averse to actions that cause addictions, absolutely, how can one do that through understanding alone if the action is never experienced, and all you have to guide you is propoganda and the memories of old hippies.

I am not advocating trying everything, I genuinely wish someone wiser than myself, which puts most in that catagory, can describe the ease of the path that I did not take, so that others find it helpful, one at least being our thread starter
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