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Celebrating Sikh Smiley Art By Mai Harinder Kaur Ji

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Mai Ji,

I think it's great. Thank you!

I have made the 50 a bit more visible.

And I like to play, so I put your avatar in a chola and took off his shoes.


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Jan 9, 2012
ਦਾਦਰ ਤੂ ਕਬਹਿ ਨ ਜਾਨਸਿ ਰੇ ॥
dhaadhar thoo kabehi n jaanas rae ||
You frog, you will never understand.

ਭਖਸਿ ਸਿਬਾਲੁ ਬਸਸਿ ਨਿਰਮਲ ਜਲ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਨ ਲਖਸਿ ਰੇ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
bhakhas sibaal basas niramal jal anmrith n lakhas rae ||1|| rehaao ||
You eat the dirt, while you dwell in the immaculate waters. You know nothing of the ambrosial nectar there. ||1||Pause||

Guru Nanak Dev ji Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Ang 990


I've been called a frog before (far be it from me to correct Guru Nanak Ji, but our usual diet runs more to flies, not dirt), but I'm just trying to get into the swim of things here before I croak!
BTW Mai Ji, I shall also be celebrating my 60th birthday this year, although I'm more inclined to think along the lines of the elderly Italian man in "Catch 22", who opined that, "Old people aren't wiser, they're just more careful".

Does the new creation belong in "Smileys" or "Avatars".... ?:confusedmunda:

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
ਦਾਦਰ ਤੂ ਕਬਹਿ ਨ ਜਾਨਸਿ ਰੇ ॥
dhaadhar thoo kabehi n jaanas rae ||
You frog, you will never understand.

ਭਖਸਿ ਸਿਬਾਲੁ ਬਸਸਿ ਨਿਰਮਲ ਜਲ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਨ ਲਖਸਿ ਰੇ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
bhakhas sibaal basas niramal jal anmrith n lakhas rae ||1|| rehaao ||
You eat the dirt, while you dwell in the immaculate waters. You know nothing of the ambrosial nectar there. ||1||Pause||

Guru Nanak Dev ji Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Ang 990


I've been called a frog before (far be it from me to correct Guru Nanak Ji, but our usual diet runs more to flies, not dirt), but I'm just trying to get into the swim of things here before I croak!
BTW Mai Ji, I shall also be celebrating my 60th birthday this year, although I'm more inclined to think along the lines of the elderly Italian man in "Catch 22", who opined that, "Old people aren't wiser, they're just more careful".

Does the new creation belong in "Smileys" or "Avatars".... ?:confusedmunda:

Awakeand Singh ji,

We Sikh frogs are incredibly eccentric; we prefer dirt even to flies, not having the good sense to accept the ambrosial nectars. Do not croak. Ribbit, ribbit!

I have, as they say, been through the wars.

Careful just isn't me. I've been a fighting risk-taker since day 1. They told me I'd get careful and conservative when I got older. I guess I should have asked, "How much older?" I am determined to someday be a Wise Woman ala Jung.

You may do as you like with the news Smileys/Avatars. I make 'em; it's up to the Administrators whether to put them into the group Smileys.
Jan 9, 2012
Mai Ji,
Now, having seen Jung's concept (for which introduction I thank you) I must admit that it strikes me that his description of the "Wise Old Man" is a pretty great vision to strive for - while attempting to accept whatever Hukam Guru Ji will choose to send me, along the way. Judaism, by the way, describes 60 as the beginning of old age.

On further reflection I also suppose "careful" does sometimes describe me (although, "adroit" would be pushing the envelope!) in terms of weighing risks, the better to avoid impetuous behavior and thereby jeopardize those things I have gained and which I cherish. How this squares with non-attachment (which many seem to list as an integral component of Sikhi) is something with which I am still wrestling.

On the other hand, had there not been a significant amount of risk-taking in my nature I would never have become an Orthodox Jew - nor, decades down that road, would I have allowed my initial interest in Sikhi to blossom in any way. Fascinating, yes?
Jan 9, 2012
@ Administrators
Sat Sri Akal,

Can I get Mai Ji's newest custom creation as my avatar (alongside the present one - the better to conceptualize this admittedly schizoid existence)?

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Mai Ji,
Now, having seen Jung's concept (for which introduction I thank you) I must admit that it strikes me that his description of the "Wise Old Man" is a pretty great vision to strive for - while attempting to accept whatever Hukam Guru Ji will choose to send me, along the way. Judaism, by the way, describes 60 as the beginning of old age.

On further reflection I also suppose "careful" does sometimes describe me (although, "adroit" would be pushing the envelope!) in terms of weighing risks, the better to avoid impetuous behavior and thereby jeopardize those things I have gained and which I cherish. How this squares with non-attachment (which many seem to list as an integral component of Sikhi) is something with which I am still wrestling.

On the other hand, had there not been a significant amount of risk-taking in my nature I would never have become an Orthodox Jew - nor, decades down that road, would I have allowed my initial interest in Sikhi to blossom in any way. Fascinating, yes?

Fascinating, indeed! I have known very few Orthodox Jews personally; the ones I have known are certainly unafraid of sticking out in a crowd, very much like a visible Sikh. It is a risk - and, I think, a good one.

Non attachment is very hard for me. I am still attached to my husband and son who were killed more than 27 years ago. I imagine this is somewhat like some Holocaust survivors. I know I should let go, but there is a certain comfort in holding on tight. And I know this attachment is holding me back from further growth.

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
@ Administrators
Sat Sri Akal,

Can I get Mai Ji's newest custom creation as my avatar (alongside the present one - the better to conceptualize this admittedly schizoid existence)?

It seems our esteemed administrators are busy on other projects. I personally hold the copyright on the Sikh smileys and it's fine with them if you use them. In fact, they are under a Creative Commons license that allows anyone to do anything they like with them - except claim the copyright. I have even thought about releasing them top the Public Domain. If you really want to get Administration's attention, I suggest a Private Message to Aman Singh ji.

They are one of my fun projects and I enjoy sharing them. Once in a while a fuddy-duddy Sikh comes along who finds them offensive, but most people seem to enjoy them.


May 6, 2011
Croydon, London, England
Mai Harinder Kaur Ji,

I honestly love the smiley's you create, i only wish we could be able to use them on MSN and other social network site/ chat site. I would like to ask if i can recommend a smiley idea, if its not too much trouble, the idea i've had is a singh and kaur doing mc hammer, hammer time dance. That would funny but cool, so i'm suggesting, no pressure. peacesign
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ka Fateh.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Mai Harinder Kaur Ji,

I honestly love the smiley's you create, i only wish we could be able to use them on MSN and other social network site/ chat site. I would like to ask if i can recommend a smiley idea, if its not too much trouble, the idea i've had is a singh and kaur doing mc hammer, hammer time dance. That would funny but cool, so i'm suggesting, no pressure. peacesign
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ka Fateh.

How about Gangnam style?

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
he said middle aged, not old.............lol

I know several Singhs in their 20s with grey in their beards and one in his 50s with no grey at all (in the beard, I couldn't say about his scalp hair, having never seen it).

This smiley :angryyoungsingh: has been named Angry YOUNG Singh, although not by me. I just make 'em; I don't name 'em. The problem of a middle-aged, angry Singh remains. I would make one, but I need to know how to tell an angry young Singh from an angry middle-aged Singh.

And now, I slip quietly back into retirement until the next summons.

BTW, your avatar is very Zen.
Last edited:

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
I know several Singhs in their 20s with grey in their beards and one in his 50s with no grey at all (in the beard, I couldn't say about his scalp hair, having never seen it).

This smiley :angryyoungsingh: has been named Angry YOUNG Singh, although not by me. I just make 'em; I don't name 'em. The problem of a middle-aged, angry Singh remains. I would make one, but I need to know how to tell an angry young Singh from an angry middle-aged Singh.

And now, I slip quietly back into retirement until the next summons.

BTW, your avatar is very Zen.

I was always told I would amount to nothing! at the time I did not realise what a compliment it could be

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
I was always told I would amount to nothing! at the time I did not realise what a compliment it could be

A couple days ago, a friend of mine wrote a FB status in utter exasperation:

"I'm good at nothing!" whereupon I proclaimed:meditatingkaur: her a Great Enlightened Being (GEB).

I believe she is still bewildered. And, of course, bewilderment is an exalted state worthy of a GEB,
and she just doesn't get it. BTW,she is a Christian and the only non-Sikh I know who fully grasps this whole chardi kala thing.

Sikhi dovetails very well with Zen, which is an attitude, not a religion.


Brother Onam

Jul 11, 2012
Oh, sorry; didn't mean to pull you from retirement and life of ease. But thank you.
As for turban, I like green, but sometimes that's just to make waves. (Some Sikhs have told me all colours are fine, while others have said green should be avoided because it looks Islamic):mundafacepalm: