I would like to bring up an interesting point and see what your views were on the subject. As you know, recently there have been a lot of summonings by the Jatherdar's of our panth. I think that they have no right to judge the likes of Darshan Singh Ragi or Kala Aghana when they themselves are thugs. They visit dera's such as this Baba's. He was caught in a motel with a woman other than his wife. Swore on the Guru Granth Sahib and lied. He is now involved in Human Smuggling. And just as recent as Nov 8th, JathedarGiani Gurbachan Singh (Akal Takhat) and Jathedar Iqbal Singh (Sri Patna Sahib) were at his dera. How can they justify this and then go and say they have the knowledge to decide if others are committing anti-sikh activities. I know the family at whose house these Jathedars stayed at and they told me that they heard they heard them talking on the phone and saying that they only come to the U.S. to get Lafaafe (bags full of money). I mean how can someone who associates readily with anti-sikhs such as chicago Baba, be allowed to judge Ragi and Dilgeer. Not they aren't wrong, but a criminal has no right to judge a criminal.