SPN jis!
Yes, Satyaban ji, you are, of course, correct. Not
all Christians are 'Evangelical', many are quite learned (and many of those 'questors' seem to be looking for me - though not always with such a pleasant outcome! At least for
me, a very
dogmatically Loving Kind type, that is!); in fact, I just enjoyed Francis Collins (The new Federal Level 'NIH' {Nat. Inst. of Health} Director) book about his gradual transformation from being a "'Scientific Atheist' to 'Believer in Christ'", even though I, like many non-Christian/ex-Christian American Citizens, fear the pervacent creep of 'Pro-Evangelical Christian Anti-Intellectualism' into our schools and political system (we won some fights, during 'W's' Blind Daze); so, it turns out, does he.
On the same vein, Unscientific America has also been a Good Read - and I suspect that there are many Sikh Intellectual Migrants out there who'd enjoy reading it; especially if you want to know how to better 'get through' to these people.
When in Rome, do as Patrician Collins does.
Many of us know we have to fight for our rights - or they'll be trampled on "for our own Salvation" you see (Psssst! That's 'Dogma-Speak' - and it means that they've told themselves that they can - and
should - do anything they want to do to you, if you're
still amongst the "
un-saved" and they
think that it'll "Save You"!!!); just as many of us 'caucasian' types have gotten caught up in the Civil Rights war in general - as we think that, it too, represents supporting a Good Cause; in fact, many of us think that it's an even more important - even 'gooder' - cause. than that of committing barbaric acts of ethnic genocide 'In The Name of God', etc., etc., etc..
I should point out that I have a Good Friend in Pastor Steve - who is a Mennonite; I don't think he's visited SPN yet, but I'll try to get him to - I'm trying to convince him that he should be encouraging his flock to consider 'Soul-u-lar Re-Cycling' - a.k.a.: Reincarnation, of course! - instead of a 'single Judgement Day'.
He actually foind some Bible passages that agree with my assertion that the 'soul' (Clear Light; Atman; Qi) does not go through just
one 'judgement'before
'going to the heaven most supreme'; but, rather,
many incarnations - justlike
most of us Dharma Practitioners see things.
Special for: Naranyajot ji
I live in downtown Portland, Or.. If I go to the Zoo/Washington Park Train Station, there's a long plastic tube containing a 300 Meter 'Core' of the material directly above you head.
Many of the alternating bands; specifically: the 'Lunar Surface-looking' ones, that formed the solid gray-black basaltic bands, in-between the 'Verdant Paradise-looking' ones; are labeled "Boring Lavas", and they're associated with 'Mt. Tabor' (where I Picnic, and - thank goodness for Portland - have before 'appeased' the Volcano Gods, by Celebrating The Solistice there with some of my Wiccan Pals!), Powel Butte (where I used to Mountain Bike), and Rocky Butte (which jutts up next to the I-205 Freeway, in East Portland).

And, yes, I am worried about that large pocket of Magma they found connecting Mt. Rannier, Mt. St. Helens, and Mt. Jefferson - as I could once see all of them from my window.
Worse yet, though - especially in
Pennsylvania - is
The Yellowstone Supervolcano!
N-yah, n-yah; n-yah, n-yah!!! Plooootz!:crazy:
Space, The Final-cum-
Current Frontier, will start looking pretty good then, eh?
Would you eat GM Rice grown in a tunnel beneath the Moons Surface, if Yellowstone - which is 50,000+ years
overdue for a 'major eruption' - blew?
That would affect everyone, everywhere. It could KILL almost everyone on the Planet.
I DO NOT 'Pray for Deliverance, by The Lord' though; I Pray for GUIDANCE and STRENGTH and that I be FAITHFUL to God ("....by any other name, would still be as Loving and Kind.") and my True Self!

I love Obama for putting on the line as well, with his, "America is not a Christian Nation......" speach; I hope that it sinks in to those who've caused me - and my familly - some very personal harm, over the last twelve years.
Like I said; if they think that they're 'Saving You' - they'll try anything!!!:8-