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Islam Circumcision

Jan 17, 2012
london uk
It's simple
The Muslim must adhere to in all matters of life
The most important thing the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith

Because they both approach and the Constitution to regulate life in this world, as well as prepare for life after death

And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly strayed into clear error

Naben ji

what is your opinion on life after death?
as you quote to prepare life after death

I have read many views in Islamic teachings about life after death


“The Sikh and Hindu belief in reincarnation is well known. But it is not known that the Koran refers as akafir (deviant) anyone who doesn't believe in the possibility of rebirth. Not many in India have perhaps come across the verses of the great mystic, Hazrat Jalal-ud-Deen Rumi, describing the process of evolution through reincarnation - from mineral and plant to animal and man and then to angelhood and beyond. Take the verses from the world famous Masnawi by Hazrat:

I died as mineral and became a plant,
I died as plant and rose to animal,
I died as animal and I was man.
Why should I fear?
When was I less by dying?
Yet once more I shall die as man,
To soar with angels blest;
But even from angelhood I must pass on ...

Another great mystic, Mansur al-Hallaj, famous for his formulation, Anal Haq (I am the truth: Aham Brahmo Asmi) wrote:

Like the herbage
I have sprung up many a time
On the banks of flowing rivers.
For a hundred thousand years
I have lived and worked
In every sort of body.
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Feb 18, 2012
Naben ji

what is your opinion on life after death?
as you quote to prepare life after death

I have read many views in Islamic teachings about life after death


“The Sikh and Hindu belief in reincarnation is well known. But it is not known that the Koran refers as akafir (deviant) anyone who doesn't believe in the possibility of rebirth. Not many in India have perhaps come across the verses of the great mystic, Hazrat Jalal-ud-Deen Rumi, describing the process of evolution through reincarnation - from mineral and plant to animal and man and then to angelhood and beyond. Take the verses from the world famous Masnawi by Hazrat:

I died as mineral and became a plant,
I died as plant and rose to animal,
I died as animal and I was man.
Why should I fear?
When was I less by dying?
Yet once more I shall die as man,
To soar with angels blest;
But even from angelhood I must pass on ...

Another great mystic, Mansur al-Hallaj, famous for his formulation, Anal Haq (I am the truth: Aham Brahmo Asmi) wrote:

Like the herbage
I have sprung up many a time
On the banks of flowing rivers.
For a hundred thousand years
I have lived and worked
In every sort of body.

This important question

Answer to the stages

1 - grave

3 - day of reckoning

2 - Heaven or Hell

God willing,

Will write detailed articles about it

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Are Fatwas always issued only on basis of helath/danger etc ?? Who dares to issue a Fatwa AGAINST what is fundamental teaching in the Koran/what The Holy Prophet practiced himself ?? Circumcision is COMPULSORY as a Valid pillar of belief iN Islam...how can a mUlsim even think of a fatwa against it ??

1. Fatwas against TOBACCO..DRUGS..PROSTITUTION etc would be thinkable...not against a fundamental teaching required of every muslim..


Feb 19, 2012
Are Fatwas always issued only on basis of helath/danger etc ?? Who dares to issue a Fatwa AGAINST what is fundamental teaching in the Koran/what The Holy Prophet practiced himself ?? Circumcision is COMPULSORY as a Valid pillar of belief iN Islam...how can a mUlsim even think of a fatwa against it ??

1. Fatwas against TOBACCO..DRUGS..PROSTITUTION etc would be thinkable...not against a fundamental teaching required of every muslim..

Well Fatwas can be given on the basis of various reasons etc . Sometimes , Islamic scholars give fatwa to clarify something (like the fatwa was given that female circumcision has nothing to do with Islam) ....

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004

Bhagat Ji AWSOME FACTS.......BUT.then again...Bottom line...

He is NOT joking..its mandatory in islam. so end of story. Even IF each fact in this Blog is scientifically proven beyond a doubt..it wouldn't change anything..RELIGION is LIKE THAT...it DULLS the Brain/senses/logic gets thrown out the window....

Havent you read some Sikhs trying so hard to prove long hair is scientific..dasam duar protection blah blah blah...when its simply a Mandatory requirement of the Khalsa Brotherhood....no logic/science/brains needed..JUST wear Long hair IF you want to be a KHALSA. period. Same THING with Circumcision.....no valid arguments needed..just blind obedience.


Feb 19, 2012

Well its a blog. Secondly , the "dangers" this article is talking about are ridiculous. How many circumcised male suffer from the dangers mentioned above? Exceptions are there in every case..why focus on them? Is male circumcision a 'general' danger for men like the higher types of female circumcision? NO! Also , many doctors/profs actually have written on how circumcision is BETTER for males than not getting circumcised. These anti-circumcision fanatics are childish,to be honest. Most of the "dangers" mentioned in this article are pure speculations and the author uses phrases like "might be , can lead to " etc etc ....

look at this line "There is a 1-3% complication rate during the newborn period alone (Schwartz 1990)."

Just 1-3% complication rate and you call circumcision as 'unhealthy'?! o_O Also , author uses researches that occurred years ago !!!! Even the comment section of the article you posted debunks the article.

Please go through these articles that completely debunk this article of yours ....


Also see this latest article from 2011 ...(The author is qualified non-Muslim writing a 'secular' paper regarding circumcision )


There are arguments from both sides but last 5000 years of study shows NO sign of 'danger' of male circumcision. Muslim , Jewish and circumcised Christian men have lived and are living their lives normally.

Plus ....I can also post a survey which says "American girls find circumcised pen!s as 'more attractive '" ... ;) :grinningsingh:
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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
a Blog is a BLOG..ha ha..just like a knife is a knife...BUT mine is...a scimitar..and there are LOTS of things "American Girls" LOVE...will Islam love them back for that..???
Recently an American Singer was banned from having a concert in malaysia...i am sure she loves that baldy p too..BUT then again she loved to tattoo a certain holy word on her body too..and that didnt make the islamics happy...why are Americans Satan most of the time ??


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Plus ....I can also post a survey which says "American girls find circumcised pen!s as 'more attractive '" ... ;) :grinningsingh:
Auzer I did not know that Islam and Koran need the support of surveys done among infidels to prove so called Scientific facts so espoused. Appears pretty lame and kind of self serving.

What you think!


Aug 8, 2011
Removal of appendix and wisdom tooth can save one from potential trouble in life. almost 12% people in USA need to get them removed (12% for each of the problems) at some point in life.
But still no one opts for voluntary surgeries for these potential problems.
Removal of wisdom tooth in USA costs in billions of dollars each year. Even more so for appendix.
I simply cannot understand then why should one spend so much on circumcision for preventing problems that otherwise might not happen even if they were not circumcised.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Removal of appendix and wisdom tooth can save one from potential trouble in life. almost 12% people in USA need to get them removed (12% for each of the problems) at some point in life.
But still no one opts for voluntary surgeries for these potential problems.
Removal of wisdom tooth in USA costs in billions of dollars each year. Even more so for appendix.
I simply cannot understand then why should one spend so much on circumcision for preventing problems that otherwise might not happen even if they were not circumcised.
Searching veer ji the basic tenets of some of these practices are to remind who is in-charge.

Even at the moment of a passionate embrace, people will realize what little bit is missing (lol), and who is in-charge.

Peace be upon you :sippingcoffeemunda:.


Feb 19, 2012
a Blog is a BLOG..ha ha..just like a knife is a knife...BUT mine is...a scimitar..and there are LOTS of things "American Girls" LOVE...will Islam love them back for that..???
Recently an American Singer was banned from having a concert in malaysia...i am sure she loves that baldy p too..BUT then again she loved to tattoo a certain holy word on her body too..and that didnt make the islamics happy...why are Americans Satan most of the time ??

Posting blogs isn't a good idea. Blogs are not sources. Anyone can write anything in blogs. Most of the times , bloggers give 'half-truth' to their readers , which is more misleading than a complete lie. Did you see my links though? All are researches from 21st century while your "blogger" use researches from last century i.e 1990 ;) ...Anyways the main premise of the discussion is that male circumcision is NOT a general danger to men and in many cases , it is actually beneficial. Have you read the UN report on how circumcision caused great drop in HIV rates in Africa? mmm probably not because your "blogger" will not tell you this ;)

Auzer I did not know that Islam and Koran need the support of surveys done among infidels to prove so called Scientific facts so espoused. Appears pretty lame and kind of self serving.

What you think!

Well in my post , I didn't try to prove any scientific facts so I don't know where are you coming from? Also , it was an OBVIOUS sarcasm to end my post. I could care less what surveys says because girls don't even give a damn about circumcised or not circumcised . . . . I made TWO cartoons after that line to make a point but everybody missed it I guess lol ... I just said it in a light mood...nothing serious . . . . .


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Well in my post , I didn't try to prove any scientific facts so I don't know where are you coming from? Also , it was an OBVIOUS sarcasm to end my post. I could care less what surveys says because girls don't even give a damn about circumcised or not circumcised . . . . I made TWO cartoons after that line to make a point but everybody missed it I guess lol ... I just said it in a light mood...nothing serious . . . . .
Brother Auzer almost all posts after your post were attempts at sarcasm toolol. So two trains on different tracks missing each other. No worries.

Take care.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Brother Auzer almost all posts after your post were attempts at sarcasm toolol. So two trains on different tracks missing each other. No worries.

Take care.

just as an aside..read the thread on Osama bin Laden elsewhere on spn...obviously he was circumcised...but THAT alone dindt make all his WIVES HAPPY...in fact they were quarreling all the time and making his life MISERABLE..and one finally betrayed him to a horrible DEATH...and these were ARABS....so we can forget all that bull.**** about American Girls..esp since when did WHAT American Girls think that becomes the BEDROCK of Islam ?? IF Solidly Genetically 100% PURE ARAB women dont give a hoot about circumciison making them in seventh heaven...and go far to betray their husband to death..its pointless fantasizing about American girls...
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