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Continuous Repetition Of Waheguru


Jul 22, 2023
It is not the repetition of Name alone but also clear and clear mind and heart with love for entire humanity and leaving selflessness altogether and mindfulness towards Him that is essential. Nirbhau and Nirvair are the special characteristics which make one closer to God. More important one has to gain all the characteristics of God gradually. It is like merging one river merging into sea where there is no t race is left of river. Entire environment hen become godly.
Dec 21, 2022
AJAPA JAAP (continuos repetition of Naam/ Waheguru) is the spiritual condition of a person when the Simran (repitition of Waheguru) goes on an auto pilot mode in your Surat (mind) and in your Hirdey (heart) as explained below. It means that Simran becomes a round the clock thing inside you, Simran doesn’t stop at any moment, it carries on and such a condition comes with Gurkirpa (God/ the guru’s blessing) and after a lot of Bhagti Kamai(meditation) or can also be attained with the Kirpa (blessings) of a Puran Braham Gyani(ascended master). The experiences of bliss follow a path such as this:​
1. Jaap (repetition) with Tounge – Rasna – this happens in Dharam Khand
2. Jaap with the breathing – with Swaas – this happens in Gyan Khand and Saram Khand
3. Then Naam (waheguru) goes into your mind – Surat, in your thinking, then it becomes
Simran from Jaap – this is a very good stage – this happens in Saram Khand and
Karam Khand.
4. The next stage is when Simran goes into Hirdey – this one is even much higher stage
when Naam goes into Hirdey – this is where it goes on an automatic mode, this is
where the real bhagti(meditation) starts.
5. The next stage is when Simran travels to the Nabhi, when Nabhi
Kamal(lotus)blossoms – Karam Khand
6. The next Stage is when Simran goes into Kundlini – Mooladhaar Chakkar and spine –
Karam Khand
7. The next stage is when Simran travels through the spine to the brain, and back to Surat where it completes the cycle.
This is what the real Mala (rosary) of Naam (meditation) is. When this happens then the Gyan Netter and Dassam Duaar (10th Gate) open s and you form a permanent connection with Akal Purakh (God), you start to receive divine knowledge – “Braham Gyan”. This happens in Sach Khand. Enjoyment – Anand in Smadhi and Sun Smadhi is beyond description. That is why the enlightened souls go into v ery deep meditation some time for days together. You experience a lot of things during your Smadhi and Sun Smadhi, see a lot of things, meet a lot of Saints, Gurus, see Param Jyot, conversation with the Sants and Akal Purakh , it is beyond description wh at happens and through what you go when you go into deep meditation. This is the stage when all the doors – Bajjar Kapaat are opened and there is a continuous flow of Amrit, body is always full of Amrit.
8. The Simran in Smadhi and Sun Smadhi continues until NIRGUN AND SARGUN
becomes one, at this point Simran goes into rom-rom – every bit of your body does
Naam Simran, your Suksham Dehi becomes as pure as gold, your entire body is filled
with Naam Amrit all the time. You become Braham Leen, and reach Atal Awastha.
These stages are beyond description. Sat Chit Anand Ghar Hamare – Gurmukh Rom
Rom Har Dhyae – Sargun Nirgun Nirankaar Sun Smadhi Aap, Apan Kia Nanka Apay
Hi Fir Jaap and so on. One lives in Puran Parkash all the time and listens to Ilahi
Kirtan(heavenly Kirtan/singing)– Anhad Naad Dhunis (heavenly music) all the time. It
is just incredible experience. This is when one becomes Sat Ram Dass and is directed
by the Almighty to serve humanity in h umbleness. And this is what we all wish to
achieve being fortunate enough to move on the Bhagti Marg (spiritual path).
If you do Jaap with Rasna your Rasna will become pavitter - pious, by doing jaap in along breathing - swass your swass will become pious - pavitter, by doing Simran in mind-Surat-Chit- mind will become pious - pavitter (pure), and that is what you need t o do to make your mind pious - pavitter, that is how you will have control on your mind - MAN JEETE JAG JEET (win teh mind and you win the world) - MAN TU JYOT SAROOP HAI and you will be able to rise above Panj Doots - KAAM, KRODH, LOBH, MOH, AHANKAAR AN D ALSO ASA, TRISHNA, MANSHA, NINDYA, CHUGLI, BAKHILI, RAJ, JOBAN, DHAN, MAAL, ROOP, RAS, GANDH, THESE THUGS – MENTAL SICKNESSES, and when Simran goes in to Hirdey - and Simran will go to Hirdey by itself with Gurkirpa (guru’s blessings) only, and so in C hit, Hirdey will become pavitter - pious and a pious Hirdey will become Mahaparupkari and Dana Dina, NIRBHAO, NIRVAIR and so on, it will start to absorb all the vital qualities of Akal Purakh (god) and will become a Puran Sant Hirda, and will achieve JIV AN MUKTI.

(Source: AJAPA JAAP Khalsa Panth)
Kundalini surjhi SAT sangat parmananda guru mukha Macha
Prabh kirpa te kamal bigaas
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