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Islam Creation In Islam

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Nov 8, 2007
AS i said earlier its a case of interpretatation.You are interpretting earth as relative to us while he is interpretting as celestial body.so why should i beleive muslims in this interpretation.They will surely interpret it in way that is more scientific

intrepreations comes from observation, logic or facts!


Apr 3, 2005
AS i said earlier its a case of interpretatation.You are interpretting earth as relative to us while he is interpretting as celestial body.so why should i beleive muslims in this interpretation.They will surely interpret it in way that is more scientific

intrepreations comes from observation, logic or facts!

Go and convince this to Nightmare of muslims
ALI SINA Faith Freedom International :: Index

bye bye


Nov 8, 2007
I am saying that - However, It is the fact that Greek historians mentioned it BEFORE the Quran was given to Muhhamad.

Second, even IF Quran is 100% scientfically correct, any being on the demi god and god relams all have such "siddhi" - at least int eh view of Sikhi.

Allah might be able to explain science and have all these facts - but Islam is not a method of science. it is a religion - so maybe we can discuss it's religious views further some day.

With love,
Surinderjit Singh

Friend, just to let you know that greeks did know some science, but they also had a lot, i mean a lot of theories and mistakes, example they thought that the sun was static, but the quran clearly says that it is in an orbit, why isn't the mistakes copied? many more better answers than this!

Scientists On The Qur'an


Apr 3, 2005
You are right i just discovered science in quran here is it

Hilla marriage must be scientific.

Mut’a marriage must be scientific.

Hijab must be scientific.

Having four wives at any time and plenty of concubines (possessions of the right hand) must be scientific.

Cacophony of azan (loud prayer call, a chief source of noise pollution in Islamic world) must be scientific

Tayammum (ablution with dirt and stones) must be scientific

Slavery must be scientific

Death for apostasy must be scientific.

Islamic genocide (like Bangladesh) must be scientific.

Cutting off hands and feet for petty theft must be scientific.

Using stones to relieve oneself must be scientific.

Drinking the Camel’s urine must be scientific.

Beating the wives to make them obedient must be scientific

Killing infidels must be scientific.

All the actions of the Talibans must be scientific.

And so on.

If the Qur’an is scientific then why not Kama Sutra (Sanskrit treatise to love making) scientific too? Why not the Bhagabat Geeta, Monu’s Sanghita, the Vedas and the Mahabharata scientific? If the Hindus could generate billions of petro-dollar they can surely employ many western professors to do just that. When I was in high school, I had a devout Hindu teacher. He always used to say that Hinduism is the basis of all science. How? He used to give examples of the mention of Vimana (air craft), Garuda (probably flying saucer or space ship), Trishul Chakra (probably rotary space station), Agni Baan (ballistic missiles), etc., to prove that the Hindus knew how to make those things, which are very common in to-days world. 'Do not these examples prove that Hinduism is more scientific than any other religion?' he used to say. We just used to nod our head in agreement. That was just to please him and to ensure a good mark in his subject. Dr. Bucille is there to please the Arabs, the Islamists and to make money; tons of it. He also employs another tactic. He declares that his own faith (Catholic Christianity) is not as scientific as Islam is. What a great news for our new Mullahs! There can be no news sweeter than this, no news happier than this, no news more pleasant than this. Nonetheless, he actually fools the Islamists by throwing dust in their eyes. Never does he covert to Islam. But Mullahs are too docile and cretinous not to see his stratagem. How sad!


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
i think quran is very scientific...

so why do Arabs come to study science in US universities?


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007

Al- Qamar - Splitting of the moon. Can you prove it that the splitting of the moon actually occured and then joined back ? It is not in harmony with the Big Bang Theory!!!
Aug 18, 2005
Fremont, California
creation means to make from nothing. Everything outside of God is nothing. God uses His entire essence which is the place of all existence. Nothing is solid, we only see it that way. God alone is complete. His creation is also complete, as He said after each creation, "It is good". The completeness that we see is our ignorance and misunderstanding of nature. Creation is good, but our minds are limited as at times full of 5 vices. This is human nature, but learning Guru Granth Sahib meanings will stimulate the mind to reflect on reality, the entrance to sach kand. Wahad Allah, Adonai Echad, Ek Oankar. On reality with infinite details joined as a complete unity. We distinguish between color, size, shape, and texture. But in truth, all is but the so called vibrations of ek Noor te sab jag upjeya. So who is good and who is bad? Koen bhale koen mandey?


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
creation means to make from nothing. Everything outside of God is nothing. God uses His entire essence which is the place of all existence. Nothing is solid, we only see it that way. God alone is complete. His creation is also complete, as He said after each creation, "It is good". The completeness that we see is our ignorance and misunderstanding of nature. Creation is good, but our minds are limited as at times full of 5 vices. This is human nature, but learning Guru Granth Sahib meanings will stimulate the mind to reflect on reality, the entrance to sach kand. Wahad Allah, Adonai Echad, Ek Oankar. On reality with infinite details joined as a complete unity. We distinguish between color, size, shape, and texture. But in truth, all is but the so called vibrations of ek Noor te sab jag upjeya. So who is good and who is bad? Koen bhale koen mandey?

I agree, well expressed.


Dec 6, 2007
I would like to know the effect of the website Faith Freedom International on people of tghis forum.If you have not read this site please do it immediately.
Islam is the enemy of humanity. Let’s fight it.
http://www.faithfreedom.org/Articles/SKM/contradictions.htm - contradictions
http://www.faithfreedom.org/Articles/sina/ayesha.htm - Ayesha
http://www.faithfreedom.org/Articles/sina/sex_in_paradise.htm - paradise
http://www.faithfreedom.org/Articles/sina/why_i_am_not_muslim.htm -why i am not a muslim
http://www.faithfreedom.org/challenge/looter.htm - looting
http://www.faithfreedom.org/challenge.htm - Challenge
http://www.faithfreedom.org/Gallery/9.htm - pictures
http://www.news.faithfreedom.org/index.php?name=Sections&req=viewarticle&artid=3 – mankind
Don’t blame all Muslims, some Muslims are not terrorist.
There is no god called ALLAH and Muhammad is a pedophile.

The owner of this site says that he will finish islam soon.Do you belive it is possible.?
Sat Sri Akal


Nov 8, 2007
I would like to know the effect of the website Faith Freedom International on people of tghis forum.If you have not read this site please do it immediately.
Islam is the enemy of humanity. Let’s fight it.
http://www.faithfreedom.org/Articles/SKM/contradictions.htm - contradictions
http://www.faithfreedom.org/Articles/sina/ayesha.htm - Ayesha
http://www.faithfreedom.org/Articles/sina/sex_in_paradise.htm - paradise
http://www.faithfreedom.org/Articles/sina/why_i_am_not_muslim.htm -why i am not a muslim
http://www.faithfreedom.org/challenge/looter.htm - looting
http://www.faithfreedom.org/challenge.htm - Challenge
http://www.faithfreedom.org/Gallery/9.htm - pictures
http://www.news.faithfreedom.org/index.php?name=Sections&req=viewarticle&artid=3 – mankind
Don’t blame all Muslims, some Muslims are not terrorist.
There is no god called ALLAH and Muhammad is a pedophile.

The owner of this site says that he will finish islam soon.Do you belive it is possible.?
Sat Sri Akal

Propaganda, propaganda, propaganda

YouTube - Newsnight exposes Policy Exchange Anti-Muslim propaganda 1
Jul 30, 2004
We are spreading the truth! Use your reason!
Is is reasonable to belive dead eaten by worms coming back to life after last day of judglement.

Brother Faith is beyond reason.What is reason of an Angel coming wioth holy verse in a cave why not in open?

only reason.Allahs will.
Nov 16, 2007
We are spreading the truth! Use your reason!
Islam and reason? hahaha. All your reasoning is based upon interpretation of arabic quran. Mohamad's writings are in a langugae, in which every sentence has many meanings. This is a bonanza for you *****. Keep on changing the interpretations every few years to keep up with world and science.
Sep 29, 2006
Salaamu Aleykum Everyone,

This is my first post.

I emanate from Pakistan but live in the UK. I'm currently an IT consultant but was originally an Electronic Engineer.

I wanted to begin my life here with the Islamic view of how the universe was created by extracting passages from my book called 'Islam - Pure and Simple' which I'm happy to send upon request.

The Creation of the Universe

An extremely long time ago, the only thing that existed was God[1] (the Creator). There was no universe. God begins the creation of the universe from a single particle, which is split apart. The scientific[2] world, refer to this as the “Big Bang Theory”[3], where an energy source created a particle called the primary nebula or primeval atom. The tiny particle has also been referred to as the cosmic egg.

The following verse is the only Qur’anic verse, which refers to the moment of creation of the universe. It is interesting that God talks about the root ingredients at the moment of creation and also that of water as a root ingredient of the creation of all living creatures. This is indeed a verse dealing with God’s ability and power to create.

“Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth (meaning the universe) were joined together (ratq) in one piece, then We (meaning God, the Creator) rent them asunder (fataqa) and We got every living thing out of water. Will they then not believe?”
Qur’an - Surah al-Anbiyaa (The Prophets) 21:30 See also 24:45.

[1] Moses (peace be upon him) in Hebrew called Him Eloha, Jesus (peace be upon him) in Aramaic called Him Allaha and Muhammad (peace be upon him) in Arabic called Him Allah. The name Allah is a contraction of the Arabic words ‘Al’ and ‘lah’ meaning The God. The same applies to the names Eloha and Allaha.

[2] Refer to the discoveries of people such as Alexander A. Friedmann (1888 -1925), Monsignor George Henri Lemaitre (1894 -1966), Edwin Powell Hubble (1889 -1953), George A. Gamow (1904 - 1968), Arno A. Penzias (1933 -), Robert Wilson (1936 -), Robert H. Dicke (1916 - 1997), Phillip James E. Peebles (1935 -), etc.

[3] Coined by Fred Hoyle (1915 – 2001) who was not a supporter of the Big Bang theory and called it as a casual remark in 1950.

Many times i have seen muslims discussing that Quran is the only scientific religion in the world, and with this tendency they invite people from others religions to accept Islam. I have some queries can any scientific muslim brother or sister put some light on my following questions

1.Did Quran ever had mention what was the matter with which whole universe was made and during this whole process what kind of gases evolved.
Nov 16, 2007
Yes, Islam is religion of science, madrassas are labs for new scientific discoveries and all islamic nations like Pakistan are model nations for future eurabia.
Why this gentleman left a pure islamic nation like Pakistan for a career in Britain? Millions of people are reciting quran there like parrots in madrassas, how many of them had become great scientists?

Everybody should atleast appreciate these islamic scietific scholars for one thing that these people are very innovative in finding ways to get new followers.
Jan 15, 2008
Kansas & Haiti
I am new here so forgive me if what I have to say is too harsh, but I really need to say this.

Why is it that every last forum I have ever been to, be it a Christian forum, an Atheist forum, a Philosophy forum, a Hindu forum, and now Sikh forum have ALL had at least a handful of Muslims trying to proselytize the believers of whatever religion the forum was there to support. Some of them mascarade as believers of the host religion in order to sneak in plugs for Islam, and others just come right out and start the deception. However they do it they are ALWAYS there -- everywhere you go. And almost everyone sees right through them but they just keep on keeping on.

I almost converted to Islam last year and at the last moment God had compassion on me and started opening my eyes to the tricks and deceptions and cover-ups that I had almost bought into. After that experience it makes it really easy to spot them. And I am one who has studied the religion -- I am not making ignorant claims.

I'm so sorry if I sound too harsh and I apologize to the gentle humans in this forum. But it is really frustrating to be looking for a peaceful place in which to search for the truth and be faced with this same trickery I have just escaped from.

Why? Why do they do this? In hopes of finding people who are vulnerable to lure them away from their beliefs?

I know Muslims believe that the rest of the world is going to Hell, but please... can't you just leave people to discuss their religions in peace? Why do you always have to be trying to trick people over to your side?
Sep 29, 2006
guru fateh friend

let me tell u frankly i have not seen any muslim who respect any other religion,that is the negative point in my view. i dont know why each and every muslim wants that people from all other religion should convert into Islam. I think it is not religion that matters it is the deeds that matters most. just want to know one thing frm all muslim brothers if u believe in God then why dont u believe in human being which belongs to other religions also. as per your islam god has created all humans then it doesnot matter frm which religion they belong the thing that matters is all humans are created by same God ( ALLAH,GOD,WAHEGURU). dont you think its not proper to hate any human becoz he or she is not muslim by doing this you are not respecting God's creation thus not respecting your own religion.
Lastly if you think muslims are best then God should have send new born babes labelling muslims only.

I am new here so forgive me if what I have to say is too harsh, but I really need to say this.

Why is it that every last forum I have ever been to, be it a Christian forum, an Atheist forum, a Philosophy forum, a Hindu forum, and now Sikh forum have ALL had at least a handful of Muslims trying to proselytize the believers of whatever religion the forum was there to support. Some of them mascarade as believers of the host religion in order to sneak in plugs for Islam, and others just come right out and start the deception. However they do it they are ALWAYS there -- everywhere you go. And almost everyone sees right through them but they just keep on keeping on.

I almost converted to Islam last year and at the last moment God had compassion on me and started opening my eyes to the tricks and deceptions and cover-ups that I had almost bought into. After that experience it makes it really easy to spot them. And I am one who has studied the religion -- I am not making ignorant claims.

I'm so sorry if I sound too harsh and I apologize to the gentle humans in this forum. But it is really frustrating to be looking for a peaceful place in which to search for the truth and be faced with this same trickery I have just escaped from.

Why? Why do they do this? In hopes of finding people who are vulnerable to lure them away from their beliefs?

I know Muslims believe that the rest of the world is going to Hell, but please... can't you just leave people to discuss their religions in peace? Why do you always have to be trying to trick people over to your side?
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