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Islam Creation In Islam

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Apr 28, 2005
Thanks for your comments for my boost in conveying my the simple truth . One should mend himself than mending the whole world.Our prophet left us with vast spiritual wisdom to follow We are centuries old and must have one thing in common to love and respect each others with empathy.Only empathy can solve all our problem in the world and families,world at large including natures .
We are all human being and need each other's to live.
But century old nature of a human being has not changed yet to rule others financially or by force. The real preaching has taken a shape of prayers than helping underprivileged people.
Here some organized religions has trillion of dollars in their coffers but will not rush to help those disaster stricken masses with money but only by prayers.
Those dying people must have made thousands of prayers to God before dying any way.
But left alive some lucky people who has no where to go without money and shelters.These big leaders in religion will just go away after the prayers by thousand rather than collecting at least one dollars to help the survived family.
If you open your eyes before picking up any criticism about the GURUs or nit picking on the past ,please think twice because there are lots of shocking things are being done on behalf of religion today and stand up and criticize them if you can..



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
jaspi ji

The Thanks button just disappeared again. So I will say it here. Thanks, I appreciate your message.


Apr 28, 2005
Thanks for you humble gesture .
Please keep it up to pursue the truth but nothing but truth.The human being has been creating a web of more problems, degrading all the best left for us to learn from the past by getting attention from their own peers to this extent ,even nature is starting to send us messages of warnings.
Selfishness is on the rise , Spiritual wisdom is being led to create a self styles creations for own MANTA. They aretrying to make other understand the philosphy of truth without understanding themselves.
Empathy is one solution to all problems in every relations which is # 1 drawback for any politicians to apply on the peoples.

Urgent awareness is needed for the over 85% people in villages of thier voting rights so this continue process of electing the same leaders who failed to honor thier commitments in the past can be stopped.




Jan 3, 2008
Interesting, I'm appalled to see the increment of mockery based in this particular thread. One talks on a perspective of comparison but the thread goes as far as to create blatant spasms regarding creation in an Islamic perspective. It would be quite nice to see a fruitful discussion involving our Sikh brothers and Muslim brothers instead of submitting to back-and-forth propaganda that the media loves to use in order to divide and scramble religion on either side.


Jan 22, 2005
Interesting, I'm appalled to see the increment of mockery based in this particular thread. One talks on a perspective of comparison but the thread goes as far as to create blatant spasms regarding creation in an Islamic perspective. It would be quite nice to see a fruitful discussion involving our Sikh brothers and Muslim brothers instead of submitting to back-and-forth propaganda that the media loves to use in order to divide and scramble religion on either side.
Mr. Hussain
Would love to see where the contents have offended you or has been mis represented. Would love to learn from you.

Mohinder Singh Sahni


Feb 16, 2009
Surrey, BC, Canada
' creation in an Islamic perspective'.....What islamic perspective ?.Quran is a plagerised version of the Jewish scriptures and the old testament.Quran promotes hatred towards the people of the Book(Christians and Jews) and the pagans(Hindus,Sikhs,Buddhists etc) and calls for forced conversions, enslavement(Jaziya tax under Shariah) and the final solution i.e.killing of the infidel.Islam is anything buta religion of peace. It is a fascist ideology in garb of a religion.Its aim is world domination.What has Islam brought to mankind? Fourteen hundred years of strife,slavery,death,and destruction.The internet is slowly exposing the true face of Islam.
Sorry for deviating from the thread.
Jan 29, 2010
A lady had her hand cut off, a Ms Aulakh if I'm not mistaken, also I watched a programme on BBC 2 or 4 with Sonia Deol or Daeol and she faces death threats about a documentary, you learn something new everyday :wink:
Jan 14, 2010
The number of people converting to another religion is ISLAM. This is a FACT. There r 5 times as many going into ISLAM than any other religion. Christianity is second. Even non-Muslims are telling us that. If that was wrong why would they say that? If u don’t want to accept that then that’s up to u. Ostrich again.

Exactly, so why is it pursuing atomic bombs? Huh?

Yes but did they know that only a tiny portion of that liquid was required? That is the point that is being made which u r not recognizing. The web page link is too long. Can u pick out the point u r making.

You consistently go at a tangent and avoid the discussion.

Students usually tackle the subjects head while u r avoiding them. U can’t succeed in your exams in that way. Ur professors will c thru that like I’m doin’.

The other link u gave was to do with eclipses. I didn’t discuss that! If there is something there that u want 2 point out, plz repost.

Plz tells us.

So far u have said it all vague and proves nothing yet u now use the word plagiarize? There seems to be a contradiction here. Is it not a huge coincidence to pick and get ALL the sciences right in the Qur’an.

What evidence do u have that Salman al-Farsi wrote the Qur’an? Muhammad (peace be upon him) was poor and humble most of his life. Any wealth he had he gave to help the poor. There were many nights when he had hardly anything to eat and his family. His first wife was rich.

I do have the answers, but will not be sidetracked by u and your games e.g. u said nothing about the collapsing universe. Hmmm I wonder why. Has the TRUTH struck home and u r simply in denial? Huh?

dear brother

I am not sure that islam is fastest growing religion or not ,but if it is so then what u want to say??? you know now days crime, rape etc r also growing fastly then according to you they r also good???:happy:.

listen brother you r muslim we respect you, but dont show ur dis respect towards other religion thats my advice to all of yo

I was reading your thread right from the begning and if i have to conclude
I will conclude in the below given sentence.

If GOD created only Islam then where from other religion came??? tell me about this
Jan 14, 2010
Namastay, Susriacal, Salam, Sholam, Whassup

LOL Gurinder.

Sorry my friend im not laughing at you but this situation is very absurd. I mean are YOU seriously telling Muslims to respect the religion of others? Im quite aware of the some what blood filled history that Muslims and Sikhs have in the Indian Sub continent. Im also aware that one side blames the other for starting the bad blood (no pun intended) between you two groups and Im sure by the the time you read this either yourself or one of your Sikhi bredren will run their little finger over the keyboard to tell me how it was them bad old muzlimz that started this which will lead to a response from one of the arm chair jihaddist we have lingering here and will push this thread into a completely different direction. So before you (or anyone else) waste your time I dont care. I dont care about your history. And i dont give a flying toss who started it.

But you people should care because whatever happened 300 or so year ago under whatever Mughal emperor and which ever 'rebelious' leader (Guru) caused the ethnic cleansing we saw during the partiton of your beloved hinudstan where the main perpetrators (for killing, rapes, Massacres and general destruction of property) were non other then the God believing and 'religion respecting' Sikhs and Muslims. And the funny thing is that these events even effect you people today. I mean all you have to is take a cyber stroll through this forum and see how religion respecting Sikhs are towards Muslims. The general impression I get is you would rather kill your daughters then see them run off with a some '****'. Not is the very notion only attacked but the very person who dared introduce the idea as if reading the very words are satuarting your souls. Thats real respectful my friend. And all you have to do is click back a few pages to see how your brethren are being so respectful on this very thread. Go ahead knock yourself out mate.

I dont want you to get me wrong Gurinder, This is not an attack on you. I just couldnt help but point out the irony in your post to the Muslim community. My advice: people that live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones :)

My solution: A David Cameron inspired:

'Hug a Muslim Day' for Sikhs outside the Gurdawara on Sunday.

'Hug a sikh Day' for the Muslim outside the Mosque on friday Afternoon.

Sponsered by Dzokhar- bringing Waheguru and Allah closer together.


aftering reading your thread it seems that the idea of religion whihc u r spreading by relating your islam with science is not working good for u people just go and try something innovative to attracts people into islam, now days everyone know the truth of islam that why people who converted to islam r coming back:welcome:
Jan 14, 2010
azizrasul sahib.
And what does your Qu'ran say about where the sun sets everyday..... in a muddy pond. Sikh brothers and sisters do check out www.jihadwatch.org , to find out what ISLAM really stands for. It's not a religion .It's more of a cult. I also strongly suggest that you must read 'The Truth About Muhammad ' founder of the world's most intolerant religion. Robert Spencer is the author. You will find out what Muslims donot want to talk about and much more.

nalwa ji

I agree with you islam is not a religion according to me its a myth where they tells stories like God created Adam then he throw him out of heaven bcoz he eat that apple. some one ask them if God is all mighty and everything happens with his will then how come adam eat that apple with out the will of GOd???

there r more stories like these in islam whihc have no base<<:happy:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
nalwa ji

I agree with you islam is not a religion according to me its a myth where they tells stories like God created Adam then he throw him out of heaven bcoz he eat that apple. some one ask them if God is all mighty and everything happens with his will then how come adam eat that apple with out the will of GOd???

there r more stories like these in islam whihc have no base<<:happy:
A really interesting point. I have never read that before and it is something to think about.
Apr 10, 2010
SSA friends

Healthy discussions are good. but we don't need to argue on each other's religion. every religion teaches same thing and that is "Be a good human being" Islam says it in other way, sikhism says it in some other way and similarly other religions says it in some other way. Its like, paths are different but destination is same.


Apr 24, 2006
Manas ki Jaat ji,
Not all religions teach the same thing.
Every religion has its own set of truths, and these include several different types of creation stories. All of which usually contradict with the truths and stories of other reliions. That's why people from one religion often think that other religions are myth/false.
Apr 10, 2010
Dear bhagat singh ji,
I said that every religion teaches same thing, means that every religion teaches us to become good human beings. Does this thing matter that there way of teaching is different or there stories are different? I agree that different religion have different types of creation stories but my friend stories are never realities but they points toward the truth. People who think that their religion is real and others are myth can never be considered as religious people because religious people never argue.


Apr 28, 2005
S.S,Akal Ji.

Your comments are 100% correct from every facet of of different beliefs except our belief pray for all humanity under one banner "AKAL PURKH".


If one has to reach to New Delhi ,one will be better of if the roots to reach New Delhi is defined straight forward than going through all ritual or by passing many stages though all has one thing in mind to reach to New Delhi which is one destination"GOD".

Here ,Sikh faith preaches to be in touch with Creator directly through prayers, regardless of cast,color,origin,gender to self realizations of God.

But some time when we try to convey the message some short short sighted people people take a meaning as a criticism to any faith.

We have one of the most transparent faith where there is not even on word is enshrined of criticism of any other faith except some false rituals and oneness of all humanity created by One Creator..


SSA friends

Healthy discussions are good. but we don't need to argue on each other's religion. every religion teaches same thing and that is "Be a good human being" Islam says it in other way, sikhism says it in some other way and similarly other religions says it in some other way. Its like, paths are different but destination is same.
Oct 10, 2009

The entire humanity is considered unbelievers in Islam unless and untill they submit their
will to Allah or converted to Islam. Sikh scripture describes creation of universe in much
better detail as compared to Quran. Islam and Christianity are famous for converting
people of to their religion whatever means possible it is responsibility of every Muslim
to give Dawah which one articles for Muslims to enter paradise. Quran or bible cannot
be compared to Sikh scripture in all the aspects regarding many issues. The people who
propagate we all know is empty vessels nothing else.

Not the Pundits, even if it be in the text of a Puran;Nor the Qazi does who interprets the Quran.Nor Yogi knows the date, season, month, but the One Who Created the Universe, Knoweth alone. (Jap M. 1)

"There was darkness for countless years. There was neither earth nor sky; there was only His Will. There was neither day nor night, neither sun nor moon. He (God) was in deep meditation. There was nothing except Himself." (SGGS p1035)

"Night and day, and the stars in the sky shall vanish. The sun and the moon shall vanish. The mountains, the earth, the water and the air shall pass away. Only the Word of the Holy Saint shall endure." (SGGS p1204)







Apr 28, 2005

Gurveen Ji.

There is no other Holy Granth or Bible,Quran ,Budhism in the world which speak about the universal respect for all human respect regardless of any religions. Only Sikhism speaks for all humanity as one came from one light.

Even our place of worship Golden Temple have doors opened in each directions for all who seek the truth in their lives.


You can easily sum up every thing after reading Jap Ji Sahib Ji and adopt it to your daily life the only GPS for every day or in search for the truth.:wah:



Nov 12, 2009
Why is everyone so hostile towards Islam here? The OP didn't warrant such responses.

Hinduism is the oldest religion. Islam has influenced hinduism on nothing. what he has written, can be read in The old testament, its nothing new, your religion did not see this, u were influenced by judaism

In Islam we view the all the prophets from Musa (pbuh) to Isa (pbuh) to Muhammad (pbuh) as Muslim and Muhammad (pbuh) as the seal and as the end of a chain. Saying we are influenced by Judaism is not insulting at all. The 'Jewish' prophets are just as legitmate as Isa (pbuh) or Muhammad (pbuh). Of course we were "influenced by Judaism."

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Why is everyone so hostile towards Islam here? The OP didn't warrant such responses.

In Islam we view the all the prophets from Musa (pbuh) to Isa (pbuh) to Muhammad (pbuh) as Muslim and Muhammad (pbuh) as the seal and as the end of a chain. Saying we are influenced by Judaism is not insulting at all. The 'Jewish' prophets are just as legitmate as Isa (pbuh) or Muhammad (pbuh). Of course we were "influenced by Judaism."

Blackbart ji,

Guru Fateh.

First of all, no one is hostile to Islam but Islam itself. One can witness that from the daily suicide bombings where Muslims kill each other and this fact can not be hidden nor denied.

But that is not the point of my post. It is more to educate myself and other readers of what you said.

I have a few questions for you.

1. What does the word Prophet mean and how is the term defined in an objective manner?

2.What does the Prophet do so that he can be called as such?

3. What do you mean by the following which is in bold?

In Islam we view the all the prophets from Musa (pbuh) to Isa (pbuh) to Muhammad (pbuh) as Muslim and Muhammad (pbuh) as the seal and as the end of a chain.

4. Who started this chain and who decided that Muhammad as the seal and the end of chain?

5. I know PBUH means "Peace be upon him". Why this sexist and classist statement? Why not " Peace be upon all humanity" what we call in Sikhi: Sarbat dah Bhala?

Thanks for your indulgence.

Tejwant Singh
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