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Spiritual Daily Amrit Vela Blog - Difficulties, Joys, Methods Of This Practical Journey To Self Discovery


Feb 20, 2012
Been a while since i have posted on my Blog...

Spent a week working in Germany, and just couldn't get any quality sleep in the hotel, which disrupted my Amrit Vela on most days as well.

Back in the U.K now, yearning is as strong as ever and Simran has been electrifying
Feel up-beat and ready to take on any challenge

God Bless all, hope everyones Simran is going well and you're feeling a renewed connection to God Within.

God bless all


Mar 13, 2013
Remembarance can be anything with Creator in the scene i feel(though not all ,you can go on complaining with the creator in the mind ,ill take that situation out of mind)..but question is how and for what the creator should be remembered? one way is to go through japji sahib and daily nitnems and other way as mentioned earlier pondering about creations created all around by HIM(sorry for using HIM ,as in bani GOD is above adjectives used for male and female)...any other ways of remembering you guys do ?


Feb 20, 2012

Gurbani talks about remembrance...
I am sat here now, thinking of God...that can be termed remembrance..
I try to see god in all, forgive and server the god in people, and try to focus my consciousness on God using GurShabad like Waheguru, Mool Manter and any gurbani...this is also remembrance..

But for all these actions...
am i really 'AWAKENING' to the God within me?

am i remembering where i once was...?or from where i came?Or Who i really am

Sometimes i get asked a question...and i know the answer...but for whatever reason i can't remember it...but i have this feeling inside that i know the answer...

This is the feeling i get deep inside...that i am not just this body...that i am something infinitely more...but i can;t remember what...but i just know there is more to me and this existance...i can feel it...but it hurts sometimes that i can;t remember...

Gurbani says we have spent soooo long Focussing through the 9 Doors of the physical Body that we have lost ourselves to our true nature...and locked to the outside dualistic world...

Gurbani is giving me hints on how i can withdraw my attention from these 9 doors and find the secret tenth door from where i can begin my journey ofremembrance...bit by bit through grace of Guru being shown glimses of my true self...remembrance and awakening from this illusion that i am just this body.

I must do my seva for it breads compassion and humility and love for all of God (his creation)...i must forgive as much as i can, fight for what is right and the truth in the physical sense, live an honest life and share my earnings and reduce the effects of my filthy Ego.... but in the end for all its powerful and divine effects, my focus/attentions is still primarily through the 9 doors of the physical body.

I must spend some time, however little that is, also following Guru Ji's instructions to really deeply unlock my unconsious mind toremember my True Self and God... and for that i must do the following..

You were careless, and you have wasted your life; your home is being plundered by thieves.The five senses stand as guards at the gate, but now can they be trusted?When you are conscious in your consciousness, you shall be enlightened and illuminatedSeeing the nine openings of the body, the soul-bride is led astray; she does not obtain that incomparable thing.Says Kabeer, the nine openings of the body are being plundered; rise up to the Tenth Gate, and discover the true essence
Those who close off the nine gates, and restrain the wandering mind,
come to dwell in the Home of the Tenth Gate.
There, the Unstruck Melody of the Shabad vibrates day and night. Through the Guru's Teachings, the Shabad is heard
Without the Shabad, there is only darkness withinhttp://www.sikhitothemax.com/page.asp?ShabadID=344Taking all the above into my life...a portion of my life is dedicated to sitting in a quiet room, no sound to distract me....In a dark room, no external light to attract my attention...i sit and breath..and try to clear/ignore my wandering mind...
The sound of Waheguru moving through my mind keeps my focus on my destination....I want to know..i want to awaken...

I focus my attention to within me....now it is only me and God...reveal yourself to me...glance your grace on this soul...I have withdrawn all connection to the outside world....who am i...who am i...enlighten me...help me remember...this yearning to know...this yearning to be somewhere...what is it...i fall at your feet..there is nothing more i can do...

This is my prayer to God whilst sat at my desk and whilst i sit in deep meditation...and then i remain quiet and listen....


Feb 20, 2012
Long hours of Simranand battling with the mind

During the past few weeks some of my Amrit Vela Simran has been for under 1 hour... from my experience much of this time is needed to quieten the mind which keeps trying to grab my attention with wayward thoughts...i feel it is such an important battle to overcome the mind and its often negative influence and to recharge our inner Amrit.

Last night i managed to get almost 2 hours of Amrit Vela (without counting or looking at the clock..time just flew). I was more aware of the time during the first hour...but as soon as the thoughts took a back seat and the mind quietened, time just almost ceases to exist...the experience of deep Simran takes a different form...surrendering to inner guru is heightened, and all is then in His hands...

I'm finding it so important to make Daily Simran a complete priority, together with seva etc...

God bless


Feb 20, 2012
This Week

Some free time this week (finally
A strong feeling inside to go to the Gurdwara (near my work office)...where about year and half ago i pretty much poured my heart out to Guru Ji and i found myself for the first time sat in deep Simran with eyes closed...not a care in the world for what was going on around me....

just me and Guru Ji.

For the first time i felt a deep strong connection and I realized that no matter if the world around me falls to pieces, i have the most precious jewel right here within me and it will always be there helping and supporting me, and will never abandon me.

So this week every evening after work i will visit that very same Gurdwara and sit alongside my Guru and meditate on his Naam...

God Bless everyone.


Dec 3, 2011
Ever get the feeling or experience that you are closer to that door, but don't know whether to open it or not, or walk through ?
Lately, i've encountered quite a few of the mystical aspects of simran but i feel that i'm just stuck there or is it because the Lord is making me confront my Ego head on ?


Feb 20, 2012
Hi Lucky Ji,

I know how you feel Ji. Someone once said to me that Patience is a divine quality that we need to establish and we only overcome this through our experience and feelings of frustration. Even slight fear of the unknown. God is within our very being, he knows all the things we need to battle against.

I get frustrated sometimes because at one point i was often overwhelmed with the mystical aspect...things seemed to be moving so fast...but then desires crept in for the experiences...if i didnt have the same experience, i wondered why...what i was doing wrong...attachement to them.

i soon realised that no matter where we are on this path, the 5 thieves still exist in some form, and we are battling them at every step. no doubt there was a little fear sometimes, and maybe this is why God slows things down...until we are ready for moving forward.

But i also believe and feel that many changes and things are happening within us, even if sometimes we feel stuck in a certain place, and then i feel our patiance and faith and trust come into it....to surrender and accept that in the end we (Ego) cannot make anything happen...it is His Grace that opens it all up for us.

But it is His grace that gets us doing our simran, our Seva, gets us thinking about it, contemplating it...all Grace in different forms...

For me, sometimes i Ego says "you are becoming calm, humble..Anger is dissapearing", then a life event happens and booom, anger, frustration brews up inside me...these are little signs along the path and a kick in our Ego...that we may be becoming complacent and there is much to do and overcome with the power of Waheguru within us...more simran, maybe longer hours, more seva etc.

Recently i have been having images of a sexual nature flash into my mind during simran, and in dreams after Simran...maybe this is filtering out of my subconscious...i just have to keep my faith that Gods light is cleaning me up from my bad habits and thoughts...during which time we must prevent out Ego from coming in and causing frustration.

My ardaas and mental thinking during Simran recently is to just surrender it all to Waheguru, to say i am happy with just your prescense...to know that you're there, and that you'll always be there... i dont want any amazing experiences and that i'm happy as you keep me".

This kind of personal ardaas seems to be helping me keep frustration, fear of moving forward into the seemingly unknown, and is keeping me more humble , content and at gods feet.

Going through the door? i think when the time is right, your inner shabad will pull\guide you throught it (whatever this door is)...jst like the sound of something dropping on the floor in a silent room that suddenly pulls your attention towards it..

sabadh guroosurath dhhun chaelaa|| 993
The Shabad is the Guru, upon whom I lovingly focus my consciousness; I am the chaylaa, the disciple.

sachaisabadh thaarreechith laaeae|| 1044
He links his consciousness to the deep meditative state of the True Shabad.

man raesabadh tharahuchith laae || 19
O mind, swim across, by focusing your consciousness on the Shabad.

Hope this helps Lucky Ji...God Bless on your journey ahead


Mar 13, 2013
Days since i have been able to wake up as early as i started a time back and its now affecting me somehow as it has not allowed me to have a time with myself ,though sometimes in evenings i have tried sitting in a calm place to relax my mind.
Not Been at peace with myself ,mind is running around with un necessary thoughts either of past or of future ,waking up late nights i have not been able to have sound sleep.

Today ill sleep early and wake up few hours early than i usually do to give time to myself and plan well for the day ahead.


Feb 20, 2012
Hi Arshdeep ji,

you will notice the difference when you don't utilize this time for yourself. i missed Amrit vela last night for the first time in a couple of weeks, and i feel not right today...but hopefully i can spend some time in the evening later after work.

I really believe and feel that the Amrit\Energy we accumulate during this early hour we can use throughout the day during difficult moments...it keeps us strong and away from depression and general fatigue both physical and mental....it keeps us going

God Bless


Feb 20, 2012
Visit to the Gurdwara 26/08/2013

Yesterday Baba Ranjit Singh Ji visited the gurdwara near my work...a huge Sangat got together and the experience was amazing...

Sitting with so many people, eyes closed, amazing shabad being sung, waheguru being chanted so loud...

The energy was immense...so powerful...feel so re-charged

God Bless the Sangat...Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru


Feb 20, 2012
Amrit Vela morning of 28/08/2013 - the onslaught of tiredness and sleep!!!

Managed to get up for Amrit Vela as per usual, felt fresh, and then woosh woosh, tiredness and sleep just crept in...dosing off uncrontrolably during Meditaion/Simran, mind was scattered all over the place...slipping into dream like state for brief moments...

In the end i gave in and fell asleep on the couch

Hopefully the same won't happen tonight...an early night is on the cards!


Feb 20, 2012
One Who Calls Himself A Sikh of The Guru, The True Guru :

One who calls himself a Sikh of the Guru, the True Guru, shall rise in the early morning hours and meditate on the Lord's Name.
Upon arising early in the morning, he is to cleanse himself in the pool of nectar.

Beautiful Shabad Ji,

The early morning hours where the atmosphere feels so charged with positive healing energy


Feb 20, 2012
the weekend is here!

and with it an opportunity to spend some time with the extended family...a small matter of a Liverpool Vs Manchester United football match

... and an opportunity for some longer hours of Simran during Amrit Vela...

Gone seem the days when boredom would manifest after just 5-10 mins of Amrit Vela and doubts would surface.
Now in it's place there seems to be genuine excitement, happiness and a renewed focus....long may it continue with Guru Ji's grace.

A happy weekend to anyone that visits the Blog. God Bless


Dec 3, 2011
Lucky ji,

How are you getting on?
I'm good thanks and I have been meditating whenever I can. I sometimes miss amrit vela, but I am getting in a habit of meditating whenever I can! So whenever I get up in the night and can't go back to sleep, or even in the day if I begin to feel the urge when I have some free time slots.- I tend to meditate and do waheguru simran.
I probably told you before that I don't really like to read about experiences of chakras and all that because I would rather experience whatever comes along the journey, mainly because I think if you get pre-psyched up, then it inflates your ego into the 'I want' or 'I want to experience...' mindset.

However , I have experienced a few things that have made me want to check and learn more. One of the most significant has been the Sweet taste in my mouth !
Have you had this or do you get this ?

I always thought that in gurbani the sweet taste of nectar or amrit was just a metaphor but I am seriously getting convinced that it is literal and for real !
When I have tried to read further into this, I have only been more convinced that it is the same divine nectar that many other meditators speak about. BUT, I have also read a little material about it being some chemical hormones from the pineal gland.
It's difficult to explain but it does leave me feeling energized and confident in trying to handle myself and my mind.


Feb 20, 2012
HI Lucky Ji,

I always get the impression from you that you have a very genuine thirst for moving on this path...its so refreshing to read your posts.

I've read many things in the past about this taste but to date it's not something I've experienced myself...but i'm pretty sure its your personal sign that you're making progress

The ego part of it is always a danger, and I've learn't to 'go with the flow' and surrender to Gods will rather than try to will things myself or desire certain experiences. In the past I have almost got attached to certain experiences and often wanted them..but thankfully this mindset has changed.

I don't think it is a bad thing to research about certain experiences...sometimes we need to read something or know something intellectually so that our mind stops asking so many questions and we're then able to sit in peace during mediation...

Concerning your past thoughts on 'moving through the door' I think when that time comes it will spring up on you and you will be pulled through (if not already).


Feb 20, 2012
chaadhanaachaadhan aaa(n)gan prabh jeeo a(n)thar chaadhanaa||1||
Moonlight, moonlight - in the courtyard of the mind, let the moonlight of God shine down. ||1||

Waheguru Simran:The Journey 
Close your eyes and feel your soul connect to the divine light of pure love and let this light spread through every part of your body filling you with warmth and peace.

Waheguru simran beautifully sung by Manika Kaur


Feb 20, 2012
Importance of Ardaas

being honest...sometimes i get up for amrit vela, feeling tired...unsetlled..and my ardaas is like a mechanical process...the words come out..but mind is elsewhere..

then there are days (like last nights Amrit Vela) where the intensity of the longing for God is so strong that Ardaas feels like it is pouring from the heart, and although Simran started off with my mind wondering in many directions...this very deep feeling Ardaas kept my connection with Waheguru very strong...feeling of time was lost...simran goes very deep and the bliss provided remedy for the thirst inside.

More and more i am realising the power of ardaas when it pours out from deep in the heart...when there are no wants, no expectations, no desires for anything oher than to regain that connection with God/Guru.

God bless all


Feb 20, 2012
Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru

No amount of sleep re-energizes me in the same way as a few hours of sleep and Amrit Vela Simran. Can't explain it.

When i first started Amrit Vela, i couldnt function at work...was way too tired...but this started to change when Amrit Vela became regular, and Simran started to go very deep within.

Wondrous is this energy!

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