Actually what Akasha Ji has posted is an "Individual's Artistic Impression" !! What I posted is how an Authentic Akal Takhat ADESH looks like. It has the AT Letter Head,.. a REF number...DATE...and Signature of the AT Jathedar with his full name and designation.
The difference between an ADESH and a HUKMNAMAH is that an ADESH is an ADVISORY/Recommended action to take while a HUKMNAMAH is more serious matter.
A HUKMNAMAH is also on the AT Letterhead...Dated..with REFERENCE Number..and SIGNED not by just ONE..but FIVE Jathedars of the Five Takhats with their anmes and designations duly placed.
Pre 1980's when the institutions of the SGPC and Takjhats were NOT that badly politicised...such Hukmanmahs and Adeshes were always duly posted on the AT Notice Boiard..published in the Monthly Gurdwara Gazette (Gazetted as in Constitutional matters of parliaments worldwide), filed in the AT and SGPC Secretariats files and copies sent worldwide. Post 1980...and especially post 1990's Hukmnamahs and Adeshes began to be issued at the drop of an eyelid of the political masters...Vested interests began to have them issued at will...many such were just one copy only or a few photocoies made and then thats the end of the matter..some were issued with NO DATE or reference Number..some with just one signature..One sacking the SGPC Presidnet Bibi jagir Kaur was issued form PUNE by the AT jathedar seated in a Taxi travelling on his way to the Pune RSS Offices..and SENT BY FAX !! Jagir Kaur was ostensibly sacked for authorisng the Study on the Purewal Nanaksahi calendar !! The said FAX Hukmnamah was signed by Poorn singh and four others UNKNOWN...In the End it was Pooran Singh who got the BOOT. MOST such Hukmnamahs are NOT FILED or even available except with those who had avested interest in getting them issued...example the one by Lamba Lobby against Prof Drashn Singh and another by another group against Prof Sarabjit Singh Dhunda..
Another example of a ADESH form Akal Takhat......Many can be seen at this website of the SGPC.. and one may notice absence of ref numbers and dates even on the authentic ones like the Pashaura Singh Hukmnamah... a THIRD type is called SANDESH..this is usually a Congratulatiry Message something simialr to the Popes Christmas Message or the Queen's New Year Message...the AT jathedar issues such form time to time...
The difference between an ADESH and a HUKMNAMAH is that an ADESH is an ADVISORY/Recommended action to take while a HUKMNAMAH is more serious matter.
A HUKMNAMAH is also on the AT Letterhead...Dated..with REFERENCE Number..and SIGNED not by just ONE..but FIVE Jathedars of the Five Takhats with their anmes and designations duly placed.
Pre 1980's when the institutions of the SGPC and Takjhats were NOT that badly politicised...such Hukmanmahs and Adeshes were always duly posted on the AT Notice Boiard..published in the Monthly Gurdwara Gazette (Gazetted as in Constitutional matters of parliaments worldwide), filed in the AT and SGPC Secretariats files and copies sent worldwide. Post 1980...and especially post 1990's Hukmnamahs and Adeshes began to be issued at the drop of an eyelid of the political masters...Vested interests began to have them issued at will...many such were just one copy only or a few photocoies made and then thats the end of the matter..some were issued with NO DATE or reference Number..some with just one signature..One sacking the SGPC Presidnet Bibi jagir Kaur was issued form PUNE by the AT jathedar seated in a Taxi travelling on his way to the Pune RSS Offices..and SENT BY FAX !! Jagir Kaur was ostensibly sacked for authorisng the Study on the Purewal Nanaksahi calendar !! The said FAX Hukmnamah was signed by Poorn singh and four others UNKNOWN...In the End it was Pooran Singh who got the BOOT. MOST such Hukmnamahs are NOT FILED or even available except with those who had avested interest in getting them issued...example the one by Lamba Lobby against Prof Drashn Singh and another by another group against Prof Sarabjit Singh Dhunda..
Another example of a ADESH form Akal Takhat......Many can be seen at this website of the SGPC.. and one may notice absence of ref numbers and dates even on the authentic ones like the Pashaura Singh Hukmnamah... a THIRD type is called SANDESH..this is usually a Congratulatiry Message something simialr to the Popes Christmas Message or the Queen's New Year Message...the AT jathedar issues such form time to time...