Re: Did Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindrawale ji ever get the respect he deserved as sikh ma
Bhai Sahib,
Would be interested to learn of the militants reaction to the notion suggested.
As they regard Sikhism as being under their umberella they should not have a problem with this.
most of them are illinformed about thier own faith so thier knowing about us something very remote.
Before das came to this point das did explain them things in thier own faith.Then das told that good things in them retained by us plus good lot of unpreceedented things to destroy unprcedednted evil unto mankind and strenghted the man kind.
It was surprising that even before das said these things many were interested to be Sikh and one even said that keeping uncut hair is actually thier own legacy.
But then there was a pause.where das should have sent them to be baptised.
In delhi Akalis were fighting.
Das could not belive missionaries for now as good lot of leftists have entered them ,with whom Hindu militants are fighting.
in DDT,Dhuma Ji fights with Baba Ram Singh Ji.
Life of AKJ is unfit for jungle living guirillas.
So das took one of them to one Budhadal Bunga.But there too we have drugs etc. not good for revloution.Das hopes that within year or tow with change in government at centre.Sikhs will have end of infighing in thier institution.And we will have new converts.Else also das will be getting permission of Baba Balbeer Singh ji to conduct the conversion by himself(with Panj Piaras living near Das).
Hindus has some points which das did clarfied.
1.Sikhs worship god Shiva
Das explined that our Shiva is one who is in all and odes not lives on the moutain.That should be your shiva as per your text.As per us the Nihung Shiva living on the mount Kaliash was first worshippe rof Sikh God Akal.
2. Jaats use to make one son as Sikh(they mistook it for Khatris).
Das explained that it was much later during Sikh rule that upper caste wanted to come near rulers that this thing happened else faith belongs to outcastes and tribals and they should be our leader.
3. we are made to defend hinduism.
hindu is nation specific thing and we are universal faith(Vedas have no wordl hindu for faith)We are made to defend weak and poor and empower them by making them have faiht in true God.We destroy the opprsor,if he/she does not surender to us.We have history to fight for Muslims also for thier just cause.
Even while we fight so called Islamic teror,Leftist ultra or west backed chirstian separtists.We do not have to have any sense of hatred towards any.
We will have to control those Hindu in our movement,who are racial(with superiorty complex of being from Aryan race)
meeting was held on 25/12/2007 at some location.
In future we should be ready to see the ralisation of Karani Nammah.
Only thing is to keep tab of idiots like one who run spokesman.Even if Sikhs do not keep tab on them,thier self distrcution phenomina is on.But yet we will have to have more true Sikh Missioary ,who are more interested to convert more human kind to faith then to condem the fellow Sikhs in public and let potential be dis enchanted.
Akal bless.