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Bhagats Did The Mandir ROTATE For Bhagat Namdev Ji?

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Tejwnat Ji,
I ma very happy to know what happened.
Thats exactly how each of us is expected to behave - unfortunatley most of us have decided to keep our eyes closed and let the "religious ones" have a field day..and what a FIELD DAY they have been having - fleecing our hard earned money, spreading utter falsehood, and not giving anyone a moment to "think" by saying loudly the Sleeping Mantra..Boloh satnam Waheguru !! Haan Ji Zor naal sareh bolo..Satnaam Waheguru....and the sangats follow...and NOW the Internet savvy/educated ones too are being waylaid..via these wrong translations being shown in Gurdwaras all over the world. If EACH SIKH going to Gurdwara is determined not to be MISLED..then we ahve the right formula...and SGGS will triumph and we cna all go back with some GYAN.
Congrats .

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Pyari Sadh Sangat,

Guru Fateh.

Yes, each of us have to play our parts in a pro active manner to help the lay Sikhs to understand the true message of Gurbani so they can find more interest in it and make it their way of life rather than just parroting Nitnem daily and going to the Gurdwara on Sundays to enjoy the langar.

Last Sunday was the first time after many years I went to this Gurdwara. I used to do the English interpretation of the Hukumnaama there before the era of the wide screens and "Sikhi to the Max" literal translation posted on them. Then the new committee suddenly decided that because of the literal translation already given, they did not need my seva. Two Sundays ago, the brand new committee took over after five years and then they called me to do this seva again.

I used the literal translation to my advantage, showing the Sangat how the true message was distorted. Now the committee wants to have interfaith meetings with other religions and wants me to take part in it. I am also planning to take a Shabad sung by Bhai Sahib or the Sangat and give its true meaning while comparing it with the literal translation the following week.

I would urge all the seekers who visit this forum to participate is some manner like this in their local Gurdwaras so that we can help people become true Sikhs, seekers, learners, students.

Thanks and regards

Tejwant Singh
Aug 28, 2010

THIS is one of the excellent SEWA one can get assigined by the grace of GURU.I may take the opporunity to mention a quote from SGGS

There is a great responsiblity for this service and I am sure with guidance of GURU you can certainly do this.
With best Wishes



May 19, 2006
So it is all about Love, faith and bhagti without any preconditions. I think all religions say so... may be in a different way.
The message gets lost due to lack of focus... or additions done by so called priests.
Sikh religion is relatively new and such additions which divert the mind from real thing is coming here too.
We need to send the message across to younger generation. Each Gurudwara must have projector or other means to put the meaning of shabad across the audience... otherwise we may loose it in a generation or two and then so called Religious heads will bring in their versionof religion in.


Nov 20, 2010
So it is all about Love, faith and bhagti without any
We need to send the message across to younger generation. Each Gurudwara must have projector or other means to put the meaning of shabad across the audience...
My personal view is not to worry about the state of the religious community but to focus on spiritual self cultivation. This does not imply that efforts should not be made for the development or sustainence of the community. The efforts need to be done in a detached manner, without attaching or investing egoic-self in it. The effort should be done because:
# It because it needs to be done
# Resources are available for it to be done
In my personal view it is wrong to do an effort thinking we can change the world or we can *save* our people from degeneration. This kind of thinking provide nourishment to ego. By doing this we start doing the very thing which we must not do i.e. sustain the haumai.
The correct way is to make an effortless effort. This means doing an effort with an attitude that we are just acting as the tools/instruments for the divine. And if the divine needs a work done, it will get it done one way or the other.
In my personal life I know of people who are quite oblivious that all the religious efforts they are doing are actually taking them away from real spiritual development. Any effort religious or otherwise needs to be checked if its being done from egoic point or humility.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
passingby ji

Yes, you have struck a chord with me on this one
In my personal view it is wrong to do an effort thinking we can change the world or we can *save* our people from degeneration. This kind of thinking provide nourishment to ego. By doing this we start doing the very thing which we must not do i.e. sustain the haumai.
What you describe goes by many names: Messiah complex, savior complex, to name two. And it is indeed all about haumei. Yet at the same time, the tools for "gian," do we not have to share what little we have with children, with those who want to learn?


May 19, 2006
Yes, I agree but the focus of my point was to do something and not about the intent.
There is no gain if any effort attached or detached does not make any difference or does not reach the audience.
My 2 lines were for doing something for next gen in a way that they can understand and they look forward to going to Gurudwara themselves.
I agree that it also affect the doer as to how he/she does it but it is more importatnt to make sure it does it achieves something good.


Nov 20, 2010
I personally have issues with my own ego. It starts enjoying itself at the slightest instance. When someone praises me, the ego starts enjoying and basking in glory, when someone is nasty to me, it is wounded and starts grieving. I am aware of this and therefore I think we should always remain aware. My self concept is so bad that an internal dialogue kicks off at the slightest pretext. I know its all based on my ideas of self which I created during my growing up.
Yes clearly without a doubt we need to preserve all that is good for ourselves as well as the new generations. There is no doubt about it. All I mean is while doing that let not the ego feed off the situation. I think the issue of haumai is the core issue of Gurbani way of living. Guru Nanak poses it as the Principal point when He asks the question:
Ques- "Kiv Sachiara Hoyiai, Kiv Koorhe Tutteh Paal?"
Ans- "Hukam Rajaai Chalna, Nanak, Likhya Naal"
And in the next Pauri after explaining the concept of Hukam He further remarks that one who realizes the Hukam leaves off hie Haumai altogether:
"Nanak Hukamai Je Bujhai, Ta Haumai Kahai Na Koe"

Therefore to realise the working of the ever perfect Hukam and to live in this realisation and to leave off the egoic self the basic Sikhi. Everything we do, and anything we do, we need to check whether our haumai is receiving out of it. Ego is very tricky and it can even sustain itself through humility. While acting out of humility from outside, I sometimes get this feeling from inside,"Look at me, how humble I am".

For me Hukam is not a set of codes that is to be followed. It is not the 'right path'. It is everything, everything, the whole existence, the good , the bad and the ugly. Giani Sant Singh Maskeen says in his Japji Sahib Katha that it is possible to act in violation of Hukam and this is what results in Dukkha. I do not agree. I think our every act is under Hukam whether good or bad. A voilent act done by my enemy is under the Hukam, my pain and anger is under the Hukam, my resolve to fight my enemy is under the Hukam and the result of my fight is also under the Hukam. What my enemy did was by Hukam, what I did was by Hukam, what out as result was also under the Hukam.
The question then arises, should we go on doing anything we feel like and is there no need change?
According to my understanding, we first have to differentiate between the relative and the absolute. In the absolute sense everything is done under and by the Hukam of Akaal Purakh. But at the relative plane it is done by the individual beings driven by individual Egos. The karma and its fruits are created at the relative plane not the absolute plane.

So, where does this leave us? If everything is Hukam then don't we need to do anything? Yes we do. We need to *realize* that we are not the ultimate doers, because till we do that we can never escape from karma and its fruits and Dukkha of life. Thats what Guru Nanak is saying! He is asking us to realise that everything is Hukam! Realising the doing of Hukam shall cut off the nourishment lifeline of our Ego. And this will remove the foremost obstacle to the Divinity. Realisation that ultimate doer is Akaal Purakh will help us reach the state of Nehkaam, desireless state.
In Sukhmani Sahib it is clearly written
ਮਨੁ ਬੇਚੈ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਕੈ ਪਾਸਿ ॥
मनु बेचै सतिगुर कै पासि ॥
Man becẖai saṯgur kai pās.
One who sells his mind to the True Guru -

ਤਿਸੁ ਸੇਵਕ ਕੇ ਕਾਰਜ ਰਾਸਿ ॥
तिसु सेवक के कारज रासि ॥
Ŧis sevak ke kāraj rās.
that humble servant's affairs are resolved.

ਸੇਵਾ ਕਰਤ ਹੋਇ ਨਿਹਕਾਮੀ ॥
सेवा करत होइ निहकामी ॥
Sevā karaṯ ho▫e nihkāmī.
One who performs selfless service, without thought of reward,

ਤਿਸ ਕਉ ਹੋਤ ਪਰਾਪਤਿ ਸੁਆਮੀ ॥
तिस कउ होत परापति सुआमी ॥
Ŧis ka▫o hoṯ parāpaṯ su▫āmī.
shall attain his Lord and Master.
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 286)

This teaching applies to every act to be done by us, the worldly or the spiritual. Do the work, the Guru says, but do not wish for any reward, any result, any desire-fulfillment.

I think I have digressed a lot in this post. That again is my ego! :)

satvir kaur

Apr 16, 2009
because i visited that temple in hingoli(maharashtra),and that was 5500 years old temple made by pandvas.its amazing place to visit,and praise the waheguru.
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