Sorry brother for the offense. I have edited my post.
I was referring to the position of historical Judaism regarding Abrahamic faith.
And Muslims believe that Jews , Christians , and Muslims the same God! Have you ever seen a Muslim guy opening a thread or posting like "Oh Christian worship devil-god blah"? While I can show you many Christian preachers , authors , televangelists talking about moon-god myth etc ... So it's Christians who always bring up these childish presumptions.
The main point of disagreement b/w Muslims and Christians is diety of Christ...not the God we worship.
My dear brother Auzer kaurhug
Come here kaurhug
A beautifully-worded reply. I also take back what I said!
I agree with everything you say. Yes there are a lot of Christians, although I would exempt the Catholic Church from this (which at least in its official teachings even has Islam mentioned in the Catechism!), have very childish opinions of Islam. I have heard of the "moon-god" rubbish touted by some Evangelicals who have clearly made no attempt to actually understand Islam, or appreciate the "equal religious progress" of their Muslim brothers and sisters that Pope John Paul II spoke of. Such people though deserve our pity, since it is rather sad to have to resort to such depths to buck-up one's own religion.
Do you know that Muslims around the world read Suras from the Qur'an out of respect for Pope John Paul II when he passed away in 2005?
He demanded that this be put into the Catechism of the Catholic Church:
841 The Church's relationship with the Muslims. "The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day."<SUP>330</SUP>
Peace out in the name of the One God peacesignkaur
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